#include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #ifdef SNDIO #include #endif #include #include #include double smoothDef[5] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; enum input_method default_methods[] = { INPUT_FIFO, INPUT_PORTAUDIO, INPUT_ALSA, INPUT_PULSE, }; char *outputMethod, *channels; const char *input_method_names[] = { "fifo", "portaudio", "alsa", "pulse", "sndio", "shmem", }; const bool has_input_method[] = { true, /** Always have at least FIFO and shmem input. */ HAS_PORTAUDIO, HAS_ALSA, HAS_PULSE, HAS_SNDIO, true, }; enum input_method input_method_by_name(const char *str) { for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_MAX; i++) { if (!strcmp(str, input_method_names[i])) { return (enum input_method)i; } } return INPUT_MAX; } void write_errorf(void *err, const char *fmt, ...) { struct error_s *error = (struct error_s *)err; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); error->length += vsnprintf((char *)error->message + error->length, MAX_ERROR_LEN - error->length, fmt, args); va_end(args); } int validate_color(char *checkColor, int om, void *err) { struct error_s *error = (struct error_s *)err; int validColor = 0; if (checkColor[0] == '#' && strlen(checkColor) == 7) { // If the output mode is not ncurses, tell the user to use a named colour instead of hex // colours. if (om != OUTPUT_NCURSES) { write_errorf( error, "Only 'ncurses' output method supports HTML colors. Please change " "the colours or the output method.\nAs of version 0.7.0 ncurses is no longer" " the default output method\n"); return 0; } // 0 to 9 and a to f for (int i = 1; checkColor[i]; ++i) { if (!isdigit(checkColor[i])) { if (tolower(checkColor[i]) >= 'a' && tolower(checkColor[i]) <= 'f') { validColor = 1; } else { validColor = 0; break; } } else { validColor = 1; } } } else { if ((strcmp(checkColor, "black") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "red") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "green") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "yellow") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "blue") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "magenta") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "cyan") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "white") == 0) || (strcmp(checkColor, "default") == 0)) validColor = 1; } return validColor; } bool validate_colors(void *params, void *err) { struct config_params *p = (struct config_params *)params; struct error_s *error = (struct error_s *)err; // validate: color if (!validate_color(p->color, p->om, error)) { write_errorf(error, "The value for 'foreground' is invalid. It can be either one of the 7 " "named colors or a HTML color of the form '#xxxxxx'.\n"); return false; } // validate: background color if (!validate_color(p->bcolor, p->om, error)) { write_errorf(error, "The value for 'background' is invalid. It can be either one of the 7 " "named colors or a HTML color of the form '#xxxxxx'.\n"); return false; } if (p->gradient) { for (int i = 0; i < p->gradient_count; i++) { if (!validate_color(p->gradient_colors[i], p->om, error)) { write_errorf( error, "Gradient color %d is invalid. It must be HTML color of the form '#xxxxxx'.\n", i + 1); return false; } } } // In case color is not html format set bgcol and col to predefinedint values p->col = -1; if (strcmp(p->color, "black") == 0) p->col = 0; if (strcmp(p->color, "red") == 0) p->col = 1; if (strcmp(p->color, "green") == 0) p->col = 2; if (strcmp(p->color, "yellow") == 0) p->col = 3; if (strcmp(p->color, "blue") == 0) p->col = 4; if (strcmp(p->color, "magenta") == 0) p->col = 5; if (strcmp(p->color, "cyan") == 0) p->col = 6; if (strcmp(p->color, "white") == 0) p->col = 7; // default if invalid // validate: background color if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "black") == 0) p->bgcol = 0; if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "red") == 0) p->bgcol = 1; if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "green") == 0) p->bgcol = 2; if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "yellow") == 0) p->bgcol = 3; if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "blue") == 0) p->bgcol = 4; if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "magenta") == 0) p->bgcol = 5; if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "cyan") == 0) p->bgcol = 6; if (strcmp(p->bcolor, "white") == 0) p->bgcol = 7; // default if invalid return true; } bool validate_config(struct config_params *p, struct error_s *error) { // validate: output method p->om = OUTPUT_NOT_SUPORTED; if (strcmp(outputMethod, "ncurses") == 0) { p->om = OUTPUT_NCURSES; p->bgcol = -1; #ifndef NCURSES write_errorf(error, "cava was built without ncurses support, install ncursesw dev files " "and run make clean && ./configure && make again\n"); return false; #endif } if (strcmp(outputMethod, "noncurses") == 0) { p->om = OUTPUT_NONCURSES; p->bgcol = 0; } if (strcmp(outputMethod, "raw") == 0) { // raw: p->om = OUTPUT_RAW; p->bar_spacing = 0; p->bar_width = 1; // checking data format p->is_bin = -1; if (strcmp(p->data_format, "binary") == 0) { p->is_bin = 1; // checking bit format: if (p->bit_format != 8 && p->bit_format != 16) { write_errorf( error, "bit format %d is not supported, supported data formats are: '8' and '16'\n", p->bit_format); return false; } } else if (strcmp(p->data_format, "ascii") == 0) { p->is_bin = 0; if (p->ascii_range < 1) { write_errorf(error, "ascii max value must be a positive integer\n"); return false; } } else { write_errorf(error, "data format %s is not supported, supported data formats are: 'binary' " "and 'ascii'\n", p->data_format); return false; } } if (p->om == OUTPUT_NOT_SUPORTED) { #ifndef NCURSES write_errorf( error, "output method %s is not supported, supported methods are: 'noncurses' and 'raw'\n", outputMethod); return false; #endif #ifdef NCURSES write_errorf(error, "output method %s is not supported, supported methods are: 'ncurses', " "'noncurses' and 'raw'\n", outputMethod); return false; #endif } // validate: output channels p->stereo = -1; if (strcmp(channels, "mono") == 0) { p->stereo = 0; if (strcmp(p->mono_option, "average") != 0 && strcmp(p->mono_option, "left") != 0 && strcmp(p->mono_option, "right") != 0) { write_errorf(error, "mono option %s is not supported, supported options are: 'average', " "'left' or 'right'\n", p->mono_option); return false; } } if (strcmp(channels, "stereo") == 0) p->stereo = 1; if (p->stereo == -1) { write_errorf( error, "output channels %s is not supported, supported channelss are: 'mono' and 'stereo'\n", channels); return false; } // validate: bars p->autobars = 1; if (p->fixedbars > 0) p->autobars = 0; if (p->fixedbars > 256) p->fixedbars = 256; if (p->bar_width > 256) p->bar_width = 256; if (p->bar_width < 1) p->bar_width = 1; // validate: framerate if (p->framerate < 0) { write_errorf(error, "framerate can't be negative!\n"); return false; } if (!validate_colors(p, error)) { return false; } // validate: gravity p->gravity = p->gravity / 100; if (p->gravity < 0) { p->gravity = 0; } // validate: integral p->integral = p->integral / 100; if (p->integral < 0) { p->integral = 0; } else if (p->integral > 1) { p->integral = 1; } // validate: cutoff if (p->lower_cut_off == 0) p->lower_cut_off++; if (p->lower_cut_off > p->upper_cut_off) { write_errorf(error, "lower cutoff frequency can't be higher than higher cutoff frequency\n"); return false; } // setting sens p->sens = p->sens / 100; // validate FFT buffer if (p->FFTbufferSize >= 8 && p->FFTbufferSize <= 16) { p->FFTbufferSize = pow(2, p->FFTbufferSize); } else { write_errorf(error, "FFT buffer is set in the exponent of 2 and must be between 8 - 16\n"); return false; } return true; } bool load_colors(struct config_params *p, dictionary *ini, void *err) { struct error_s *error = (struct error_s *)err; free(p->color); free(p->bcolor); p->color = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:foreground", "default")); p->bcolor = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:background", "default")); p->gradient = iniparser_getint(ini, "color:gradient", 0); if (p->gradient) { for (int i = 0; i < p->gradient_count; ++i) { free(p->gradient_colors[i]); } p->gradient_count = iniparser_getint(ini, "color:gradient_count", 8); if (p->gradient_count < 2) { write_errorf(error, "\nAtleast two colors must be given as gradient!\n"); return false; } if (p->gradient_count > 8) { write_errorf(error, "\nMaximum 8 colors can be specified as gradient!\n"); return false; } p->gradient_colors = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * p->gradient_count * 9); p->gradient_colors[0] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_1", "#59cc33")); p->gradient_colors[1] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_2", "#80cc33")); p->gradient_colors[2] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_3", "#a6cc33")); p->gradient_colors[3] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_4", "#cccc33")); p->gradient_colors[4] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_5", "#cca633")); p->gradient_colors[5] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_6", "#cc8033")); p->gradient_colors[6] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_7", "#cc5933")); p->gradient_colors[7] = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "color:gradient_color_8", "#cc3333")); } return true; } bool load_config(char configPath[PATH_MAX], struct config_params *p, bool colorsOnly, struct error_s *error) { FILE *fp; // config: creating path to default config file if (configPath[0] == '\0') { char *configFile = "config"; char *configHome = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (configHome != NULL) { sprintf(configPath, "%s/%s/", configHome, PACKAGE); } else { configHome = getenv("HOME"); if (configHome != NULL) { sprintf(configPath, "%s/%s/", configHome, ".config"); mkdir(configPath, 0777); sprintf(configPath, "%s/%s/%s/", configHome, ".config", PACKAGE); } else { write_errorf(error, "No HOME found (ERR_HOMELESS), exiting..."); return false; } } // config: create directory mkdir(configPath, 0777); // config: adding default filename file strcat(configPath, configFile); fp = fopen(configPath, "ab+"); if (fp) { fclose(fp); } else { write_errorf(error, "Unable to access config '%s', exiting...\n", configPath); return false; } } else { // opening specified file fp = fopen(configPath, "rb+"); if (fp) { fclose(fp); } else { write_errorf(error, "Unable to open file '%s', exiting...\n", configPath); return false; } } // config: parse ini dictionary *ini; ini = iniparser_load(configPath); if (colorsOnly) { if (!load_colors(p, ini, error)) { return false; } return validate_colors(p, error); } #ifdef NCURSES outputMethod = (char *)iniparser_getstring(ini, "output:method", "noncurses"); #endif #ifndef NCURSES outputMethod = (char *)iniparser_getstring(ini, "output:method", "noncurses"); #endif p->monstercat = 1.5 * iniparser_getdouble(ini, "smoothing:monstercat", 0); p->waves = iniparser_getint(ini, "smoothing:waves", 0); p->integral = iniparser_getdouble(ini, "smoothing:integral", 77); p->gravity = iniparser_getdouble(ini, "smoothing:gravity", 100); p->ignore = iniparser_getdouble(ini, "smoothing:ignore", 0); if (!load_colors(p, ini, error)) { return false; } p->fixedbars = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:bars", 0); p->bar_width = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:bar_width", 2); p->bar_spacing = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:bar_spacing", 1); p->framerate = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:framerate", 60); p->sens = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:sensitivity", 100); p->autosens = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:autosens", 1); p->overshoot = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:overshoot", 20); p->lower_cut_off = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:lower_cutoff_freq", 50); p->upper_cut_off = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:higher_cutoff_freq", 10000); p->FFTbufferSize = iniparser_getint(ini, "general:FFTbufferSize", 12); // config: output free(channels); free(p->mono_option); free(p->raw_target); free(p->data_format); channels = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "output:channels", "stereo")); p->mono_option = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "output:mono_option", "average")); p->raw_target = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "output:raw_target", "/dev/stdout")); p->data_format = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "output:data_format", "binary")); p->bar_delim = (char)iniparser_getint(ini, "output:bar_delimiter", 59); p->frame_delim = (char)iniparser_getint(ini, "output:frame_delimiter", 10); p->ascii_range = iniparser_getint(ini, "output:ascii_max_range", 1000); p->bit_format = iniparser_getint(ini, "output:bit_format", 16); // read & validate: eq p->userEQ_keys = iniparser_getsecnkeys(ini, "eq"); if (p->userEQ_keys > 0) { p->userEQ_enabled = 1; p->userEQ = calloc(p->userEQ_keys + 1, sizeof(p->userEQ)); #ifndef LEGACYINIPARSER const char *keys[p->userEQ_keys]; iniparser_getseckeys(ini, "eq", keys); #endif #ifdef LEGACYINIPARSER char **keys = iniparser_getseckeys(ini, "eq"); #endif for (int sk = 0; sk < p->userEQ_keys; sk++) { p->userEQ[sk] = iniparser_getdouble(ini, keys[sk], 1); } } else { p->userEQ_enabled = 0; } free(p->audio_source); char *input_method_name; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(default_methods); i++) { enum input_method method = default_methods[i]; if (has_input_method[method]) { input_method_name = (char *)iniparser_getstring(ini, "input:method", input_method_names[method]); } } p->im = input_method_by_name(input_method_name); switch (p->im) { #ifdef ALSA case INPUT_ALSA: p->audio_source = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "input:source", "hw:Loopback,1")); break; #endif case INPUT_FIFO: p->audio_source = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "input:source", "/tmp/mpd.fifo")); p->fifoSample = iniparser_getint(ini, "input:sample_rate", 44100); p->fifoSampleBits = iniparser_getint(ini, "input:sample_bits", 16); break; #ifdef PULSE case INPUT_PULSE: p->audio_source = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "input:source", "auto")); break; #endif #ifdef SNDIO case INPUT_SNDIO: p->audio_source = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "input:source", SIO_DEVANY)); break; #endif case INPUT_SHMEM: p->audio_source = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "input:source", "/squeezelite-00:00:00:00:00:00")); break; #ifdef PORTAUDIO case INPUT_PORTAUDIO: p->audio_source = strdup(iniparser_getstring(ini, "input:source", "auto")); break; #endif case INPUT_MAX: { char supported_methods[255] = ""; for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_MAX; i++) { if (has_input_method[i]) { strcat(supported_methods, "'"); strcat(supported_methods, input_method_names[i]); strcat(supported_methods, "' "); } } write_errorf(error, "input method '%s' is not supported, supported methods are: %s\n", input_method_name, supported_methods); return false; } default: write_errorf(error, "cava was built without '%s' input support\n", input_method_names[p->im]); return false; } bool result = validate_config(p, error); iniparser_freedict(ini); return result; }