diff options
4 files changed, 2619 insertions, 52 deletions
index cbe67951..51f529d3 100644
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Development version (next release)
- Changed the enum parameters to match the raw values of the cblas standard
- Fixed the cache of previously compiled binaries and added a function to fill or clear it
- Various minor fixes and enhancements
+- Added a preliminary version of the API documentation
- Added additional sample programs
- Added tuned parameters for various devices (see README)
- Added level-1 routines:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c9b9a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,2434 @@
+CLBlast: API reference
+xSWAP: Swap two vectors
+Interchanges the contents of vectors x and y.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Swap(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSswap(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDswap(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCswap(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZswap(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SWAP:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the output x vector.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSCAL: Vector scaling
+Multiplies all elements of vector x by a scalar constant alpha.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Scal(const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSscal(const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDscal(const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCscal(const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZscal(const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SCAL:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the output x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xCOPY: Vector copy
+Copies the contents of vector x into vector y.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Copy(const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastScopy(const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDcopy(const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCcopy(const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZcopy(const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to COPY:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xAXPY: Vector-times-constant plus vector
+Performs the operation y = alpha * x + y, in which x and y are vectors and alpha is a scalar constant.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Axpy(const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSaxpy(const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDaxpy(const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCaxpy(const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZaxpy(const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to AXPY:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xDOT: Dot product of two vectors
+Multiplies the vectors x and y element-wise and accumulates the results. The sum is stored in the dot buffer.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Dot(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSdot(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDdot(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to DOT:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem dot_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output dot vector.
+* `const size_t dot_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output dot vector.
+* `cl_mem dot_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output dot vector.
+* `const size_t dot_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output dot vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xDOTU: Dot product of two complex vectors
+See the regular xDOT routine.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Dotu(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCdotu(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZdotu(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to DOTU:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem dot_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output dot vector.
+* `const size_t dot_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output dot vector.
+* `cl_mem dot_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output dot vector.
+* `const size_t dot_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output dot vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xDOTC: Dot product of two complex vectors, one conjugated
+See the regular xDOT routine.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Dotc(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCdotc(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZdotc(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to DOTC:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem dot_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output dot vector.
+* `const size_t dot_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output dot vector.
+* `cl_mem dot_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output dot vector.
+* `const size_t dot_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output dot vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xNRM2: Euclidian norm of a vector
+Accumulates the square of each element in the x vector and takes the square root. The resulting L2 norm is stored in the nrm2 buffer.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Nrm2(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem nrm2_buffer, const size_t nrm2_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSnrm2(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem nrm2_buffer, const size_t nrm2_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDnrm2(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem nrm2_buffer, const size_t nrm2_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastScnrm2(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem nrm2_buffer, const size_t nrm2_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDznrm2(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem nrm2_buffer, const size_t nrm2_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to NRM2:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem nrm2_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output nrm2 vector.
+* `const size_t nrm2_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output nrm2 vector.
+* `cl_mem nrm2_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output nrm2 vector.
+* `const size_t nrm2_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output nrm2 vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xASUM: Absolute sum of values in a vector
+Accumulates the absolute value of each element in the x vector. The results are stored in the asum buffer.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Asum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem asum_buffer, const size_t asum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSasum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem asum_buffer, const size_t asum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDasum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem asum_buffer, const size_t asum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastScasum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem asum_buffer, const size_t asum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDzasum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem asum_buffer, const size_t asum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to ASUM:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem asum_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output asum vector.
+* `const size_t asum_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output asum vector.
+* `cl_mem asum_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output asum vector.
+* `const size_t asum_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output asum vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSUM: Sum of values in a vector (non-BLAS function)
+Accumulates the values of each element in the x vector. The results are stored in the sum buffer. This routine is the non-absolute version of the xASUM BLAS routine.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Sum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem sum_buffer, const size_t sum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem sum_buffer, const size_t sum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem sum_buffer, const size_t sum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastScsum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem sum_buffer, const size_t sum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDzsum(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem sum_buffer, const size_t sum_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SUM:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem sum_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output sum vector.
+* `const size_t sum_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output sum vector.
+* `cl_mem sum_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output sum vector.
+* `const size_t sum_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output sum vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xAMAX: Index of absolute maximum value in a vector
+Finds the index of the maximum of the absolute values in the x vector. The resulting integer index is stored in the imax buffer.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Amax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiSamax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiDamax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiCamax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiZamax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to AMAX:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem imax_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output imax vector.
+* `const size_t imax_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output imax vector.
+* `cl_mem imax_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output imax vector.
+* `const size_t imax_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output imax vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xMAX: Index of maximum value in a vector (non-BLAS function)
+Finds the index of the maximum of the values in the x vector. The resulting integer index is stored in the imax buffer. This routine is the non-absolute version of the IxAMAX BLAS routine.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Max(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiSmax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiDmax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiCmax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiZmax(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to MAX:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem imax_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output imax vector.
+* `const size_t imax_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output imax vector.
+* `cl_mem imax_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output imax vector.
+* `const size_t imax_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output imax vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xMIN: Index of minimum value in a vector (non-BLAS function)
+Finds the index of the minimum of the values in the x vector. The resulting integer index is stored in the imin buffer. This routine is the non-absolute minimum version of the IxAMAX BLAS routine.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Min(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imin_buffer, const size_t imin_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiSmin(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imin_buffer, const size_t imin_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiDmin(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imin_buffer, const size_t imin_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiCmin(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imin_buffer, const size_t imin_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastiZmin(const size_t n,
+ cl_mem imin_buffer, const size_t imin_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to MIN:
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `cl_mem imin_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output imin vector.
+* `const size_t imin_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output imin vector.
+* `cl_mem imin_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output imin vector.
+* `const size_t imin_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output imin vector.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xGEMV: General matrix-vector multiplication
+Performs the operation y = alpha * A * x + beta * y, in which x is an input vector, y is an input and output vector, A is an input matrix, and alpha and beta are scalars. The matrix A can optionally be transposed before performing the operation.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Gemv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSgemv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDgemv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCgemv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZgemv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to GEMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xGBMV: General banded matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is banded instead.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Gbmv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t kl, const size_t ku,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSgbmv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t kl, const size_t ku,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDgbmv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t kl, const size_t ku,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCgbmv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t kl, const size_t ku,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZgbmv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t kl, const size_t ku,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to GBMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t kl`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t ku`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHEMV: Hermitian matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is an Hermitian matrix instead.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Hemv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastChemv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZhemv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HEMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHBMV: Hermitian banded matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is an Hermitian banded matrix instead.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Hbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastChbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZhbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HBMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHPMV: Hermitian packed matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is an Hermitian packed matrix instead and represented as AP.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Hpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastChpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZhpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HPMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem ap_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input AP matrix.
+* `const size_t ap_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input AP matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSYMV: Symmetric matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is symmetric instead.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Symv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsymv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsymv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SYMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSBMV: Symmetric banded matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is symmetric and banded instead.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Sbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SBMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSPMV: Symmetric packed matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is a symmetric packed matrix instead and represented as AP.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Spmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSspmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDspmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SPMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem ap_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input AP matrix.
+* `const size_t ap_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input AP matrix.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the output y vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xTRMV: Triangular matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is triangular instead.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Trmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastStrmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDtrmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCtrmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZtrmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to TRMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const Diagonal`: The property of the diagonal matrix, either `Diagonal::kNonUnit` (131) for a non-unit values on the diagonal or `Diagonal::kUnit` (132) for a unit values on the diagonal.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the output x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xTBMV: Triangular banded matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is triangular and banded instead.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Tbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastStbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDtbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCtbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZtbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to TBMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const Diagonal`: The property of the diagonal matrix, either `Diagonal::kNonUnit` (131) for a non-unit values on the diagonal or `Diagonal::kUnit` (132) for a unit values on the diagonal.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the output x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xTPMV: Triangular packed matrix-vector multiplication
+Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is a triangular packed matrix instead and repreented as AP.
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Tpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastStpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDtpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCtpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZtpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to TPMV:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const Diagonal`: The property of the diagonal matrix, either `Diagonal::kNonUnit` (131) for a non-unit values on the diagonal or `Diagonal::kUnit` (132) for a unit values on the diagonal.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const cl_mem ap_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input AP matrix.
+* `const size_t ap_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input AP matrix.
+* `cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the output x vector.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xGER: General rank-1 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Ger(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSger(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDger(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to GER:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the output A matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xGERU: General rank-1 complex matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Geru(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCgeru(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZgeru(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to GERU:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the output A matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xGERC: General rank-1 complex conjugated matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Gerc(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCgerc(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZgerc(const Layout layout,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to GERC:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the output A matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHER: Hermitian rank-1 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Her(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCher(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZher(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HER:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the output A matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHPR: Hermitian packed rank-1 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Hpr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastChpr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZhpr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HPR:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_mem ap_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output AP matrix.
+* `const size_t ap_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output AP matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHER2: Hermitian rank-2 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Her2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCher2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZher2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HER2:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the output A matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHPR2: Hermitian packed rank-2 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Hpr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastChpr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZhpr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HPR2:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_mem ap_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output AP matrix.
+* `const size_t ap_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output AP matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSYR: Symmetric rank-1 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Syr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsyr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsyr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SYR:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the output A matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSPR: Symmetric packed rank-1 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Spr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSspr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDspr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SPR:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `cl_mem ap_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output AP matrix.
+* `const size_t ap_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output AP matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSYR2: Symmetric rank-2 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Syr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsyr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsyr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SYR2:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the output A matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSPR2: Symmetric packed rank-2 matrix update
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Spr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSspr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDspr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
+ const cl_mem y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
+ cl_mem ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SPR2:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem x_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input x vector.
+* `const size_t x_inc`: Stride/increment of the input x vector.
+* `const cl_mem y_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input y vector.
+* `const size_t y_inc`: Stride/increment of the input y vector.
+* `cl_mem ap_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output AP matrix.
+* `const size_t ap_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output AP matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xGEMM: General matrix-matrix multiplication
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Gemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to GEMM:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix B, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem b_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_ld`: Leading dimension of the input B matrix.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem c_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_ld`: Leading dimension of the output C matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSYMM: Symmetric matrix-matrix multiplication
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Symm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsymm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsymm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCsymm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZsymm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SYMM:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Side`: The horizontal position of the triangular matrix, either `Side::kLeft` (141) or `Side::kRight` (142).
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem b_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_ld`: Leading dimension of the input B matrix.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem c_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_ld`: Leading dimension of the output C matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHEMM: Hermitian matrix-matrix multiplication
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Hemm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastChemm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZhemm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HEMM:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Side`: The horizontal position of the triangular matrix, either `Side::kLeft` (141) or `Side::kRight` (142).
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem b_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_ld`: Leading dimension of the input B matrix.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem c_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_ld`: Leading dimension of the output C matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSYRK: Rank-K update of a symmetric matrix
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Syrk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsyrk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsyrk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCsyrk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZsyrk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SYRK:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem c_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_ld`: Leading dimension of the output C matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHERK: Rank-K update of a hermitian matrix
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Herk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCherk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZherk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HERK:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem c_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_ld`: Leading dimension of the output C matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xSYR2K: Rank-2K update of a symmetric matrix
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Syr2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const T beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastSsyr2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDsyr2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCsyr2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_float2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZsyr2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const cl_double2 beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to SYR2K:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the packed input matrix AP, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem b_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_ld`: Leading dimension of the input B matrix.
+* `const T beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem c_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_ld`: Leading dimension of the output C matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xHER2K: Rank-2K update of a hermitian matrix
+C++ API:
+template <typename T, typename U>
+StatusCode Her2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const U beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCher2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const float beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZher2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
+ const size_t n, const size_t k,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ const double beta,
+ cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to HER2K:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the packed input matrix AP, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t k`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `const cl_mem b_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_ld`: Leading dimension of the input B matrix.
+* `const U beta`: Input scalar constant.
+* `cl_mem c_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output C matrix.
+* `const size_t c_ld`: Leading dimension of the output C matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
+xTRMM: Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication
+C++ API:
+template <typename T>
+StatusCode Trmm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const T alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastStrmm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const float alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastDtrmm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const double alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastCtrmm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_float2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+StatusCode CLBlastZtrmm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
+ const size_t m, const size_t n,
+ const cl_double2 alpha,
+ const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
+ cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
+ cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)
+Arguments to TRMM:
+* `const Layout`: Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.
+* `const Side`: The horizontal position of the triangular matrix, either `Side::kLeft` (141) or `Side::kRight` (142).
+* `const Triangle`: The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).
+* `const Transpose`: Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.
+* `const Diagonal`: The property of the diagonal matrix, either `Diagonal::kNonUnit` (131) for a non-unit values on the diagonal or `Diagonal::kUnit` (132) for a unit values on the diagonal.
+* `const size_t m`: Integer size argument.
+* `const size_t n`: Integer size argument.
+* `const T alpha`: Input scalar constant.
+* `const cl_mem a_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the input A matrix.
+* `const size_t a_ld`: Leading dimension of the input A matrix.
+* `cl_mem b_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the output B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the output B matrix.
+* `const size_t b_ld`: Leading dimension of the output B matrix.
+* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.
+* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.
diff --git a/scripts/generator/ b/scripts/generator/
index 75c0a093..47972714 100644
--- a/scripts/generator/
+++ b/scripts/generator/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# It also generates the main functions for the correctness and performance tests as found in
# test/correctness/routines/levelX/
# test/performance/routines/levelX/
+# It also produces the API documentation found in doc/
# ==================================================================================================
@@ -59,62 +60,62 @@ TU = DataType("TU", "typename T, typename U", "T,U", ["T", "U", "T", "U"], "T")
# Populates a list of routines
routines = [
[ # Level 1: vector-vector
- Routine(False, True, "1", "rotg", T, [S,D], [], [], [], ["sa","sb","sc","ss"], [], "", "Generate givens plane rotation"),
- Routine(False, True, "1", "rotmg", T, [S,D], [], [], ["sy1"], ["sd1","sd2","sx1","sparam"], [], "", "Generate modified givens plane rotation"),
- Routine(False, True, "1", "rot", T, [S,D], ["n"], [], [], ["x","y"], ["cos","sin"], "", "Apply givens plane rotation"),
- Routine(False, True, "1", "rotm", T, [S,D], ["n"], [], [], ["x","y","sparam"], [], "", "Apply modified givens plane rotation"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "swap", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], [], ["x","y"], [], "", "Swap two vectors"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "scal", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], [], ["x"], ["alpha"], "", "Vector scaling"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "copy", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x"], ["y"], [], "", "Vector copy"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "axpy", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x"], ["y"], ["alpha"], "", "Vector-times-constant plus vector"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "dot", T, [S,D], ["n"], [], ["x","y"], ["dot"], [], "n", "Dot product of two vectors"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "dotu", T, [C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x","y"], ["dot"], [], "n", "Dot product of two complex vectors"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "dotc", T, [C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x","y"], ["dot"], [], "n", "Dot product of two complex vectors, one conjugated"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "nrm2", T, [S,D,Sc,Dz],["n"], [], ["x"], ["nrm2"], [], "2*n", "Euclidian norm of a vector"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "asum", T, [S,D,Sc,Dz],["n"], [], ["x"], ["asum"], [], "n", "Absolute sum of values in a vector"),
- Routine(True, False, "1", "sum", T, [S,D,Sc,Dz],["n"], [], ["x"], ["sum"], [], "n", "Sum of values in a vector (non-BLAS function)"),
- Routine(True, True, "1", "amax", T, [iS,iD,iC,iZ],["n"], [], ["x"], ["imax"], [], "2*n", "Index of absolute maximum value in a vector"),
- Routine(True, False, "1", "max", T, [iS,iD,iC,iZ],["n"], [], ["x"], ["imax"], [], "2*n", "Index of maximum value in a vector (non-BLAS function)"),
- Routine(True, False, "1", "min", T, [iS,iD,iC,iZ],["n"], [], ["x"], ["imin"], [], "2*n", "Index of minimum value in a vector (non-BLAS function)"),
+ Routine(False, True, "1", "rotg", T, [S,D], [], [], [], ["sa","sb","sc","ss"], [], "", "Generate givens plane rotation", "", []),
+ Routine(False, True, "1", "rotmg", T, [S,D], [], [], ["sy1"], ["sd1","sd2","sx1","sparam"], [], "", "Generate modified givens plane rotation", "", []),
+ Routine(False, True, "1", "rot", T, [S,D], ["n"], [], [], ["x","y"], ["cos","sin"], "", "Apply givens plane rotation", "", []),
+ Routine(False, True, "1", "rotm", T, [S,D], ["n"], [], [], ["x","y","sparam"], [], "", "Apply modified givens plane rotation", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "swap", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], [], ["x","y"], [], "", "Swap two vectors", "Interchanges the contents of vectors x and y.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "scal", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], [], ["x"], ["alpha"], "", "Vector scaling", "Multiplies all elements of vector x by a scalar constant alpha.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "copy", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x"], ["y"], [], "", "Vector copy", "Copies the contents of vector x into vector y.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "axpy", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x"], ["y"], ["alpha"], "", "Vector-times-constant plus vector", "Performs the operation y = alpha * x + y, in which x and y are vectors and alpha is a scalar constant.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "dot", T, [S,D], ["n"], [], ["x","y"], ["dot"], [], "n", "Dot product of two vectors", "Multiplies the vectors x and y element-wise and accumulates the results. The sum is stored in the dot buffer.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "dotu", T, [C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x","y"], ["dot"], [], "n", "Dot product of two complex vectors", "See the regular xDOT routine.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "dotc", T, [C,Z], ["n"], [], ["x","y"], ["dot"], [], "n", "Dot product of two complex vectors, one conjugated", "See the regular xDOT routine.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "nrm2", T, [S,D,Sc,Dz],["n"], [], ["x"], ["nrm2"], [], "2*n", "Euclidian norm of a vector", "Accumulates the square of each element in the x vector and takes the square root. The resulting L2 norm is stored in the nrm2 buffer.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "asum", T, [S,D,Sc,Dz],["n"], [], ["x"], ["asum"], [], "n", "Absolute sum of values in a vector", "Accumulates the absolute value of each element in the x vector. The results are stored in the asum buffer.", []),
+ Routine(True, False, "1", "sum", T, [S,D,Sc,Dz],["n"], [], ["x"], ["sum"], [], "n", "Sum of values in a vector (non-BLAS function)", "Accumulates the values of each element in the x vector. The results are stored in the sum buffer. This routine is the non-absolute version of the xASUM BLAS routine.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "1", "amax", T, [iS,iD,iC,iZ],["n"], [], ["x"], ["imax"], [], "2*n", "Index of absolute maximum value in a vector", "Finds the index of the maximum of the absolute values in the x vector. The resulting integer index is stored in the imax buffer.", []),
+ Routine(True, False, "1", "max", T, [iS,iD,iC,iZ],["n"], [], ["x"], ["imax"], [], "2*n", "Index of maximum value in a vector (non-BLAS function)", "Finds the index of the maximum of the values in the x vector. The resulting integer index is stored in the imax buffer. This routine is the non-absolute version of the IxAMAX BLAS routine.", []),
+ Routine(True, False, "1", "min", T, [iS,iD,iC,iZ],["n"], [], ["x"], ["imin"], [], "2*n", "Index of minimum value in a vector (non-BLAS function)", "Finds the index of the minimum of the values in the x vector. The resulting integer index is stored in the imin buffer. This routine is the non-absolute minimum version of the IxAMAX BLAS routine.", []),
[ # Level 2: matrix-vector
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "gemv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","a_transpose"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "General matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "gbmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n","kl","ku"], ["layout","a_transpose"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "General banded matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "hemv", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "hbmv", T, [C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian banded matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "hpmv", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["ap","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian packed matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "symv", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "sbmv", T, [S,D], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric banded matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "spmv", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["ap","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric packed matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "trmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "n", "Triangular matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "tbmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "n", "Triangular banded matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "2a", "tpmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["ap"], ["x"], [], "n", "Triangular packed matrix-vector multiplication"),
- Routine(False, True, "2a", "trsv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "", "Solves a triangular system of equations"),
- Routine(False, True, "2a", "tbsv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "", "Solves a banded triangular system of equations"),
- Routine(False, True, "2a", "tpsv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["ap"], ["x"], [], "", "Solves a packed triangular system of equations"),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "gemv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","a_transpose"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "General matrix-vector multiplication", "Performs the operation y = alpha * A * x + beta * y, in which x is an input vector, y is an input and output vector, A is an input matrix, and alpha and beta are scalars. The matrix A can optionally be transposed before performing the operation.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "gbmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n","kl","ku"], ["layout","a_transpose"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "General banded matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is banded instead.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "hemv", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is an Hermitian matrix instead.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "hbmv", T, [C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian banded matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is an Hermitian banded matrix instead.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "hpmv", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["ap","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian packed matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is an Hermitian packed matrix instead and represented as AP.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "symv", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is symmetric instead.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "sbmv", T, [S,D], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle"], ["a","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric banded matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is symmetric and banded instead.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "spmv", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["ap","x"], ["y"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric packed matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is a symmetric packed matrix instead and represented as AP.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "trmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "n", "Triangular matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is triangular instead.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "tbmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "n", "Triangular banded matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is triangular and banded instead.", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2a", "tpmv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["ap"], ["x"], [], "n", "Triangular packed matrix-vector multiplication", "Same operation as xGEMV, but matrix A is a triangular packed matrix instead and repreented as AP.", []),
+ Routine(False, True, "2a", "trsv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "", "Solves a triangular system of equations", "", []),
+ Routine(False, True, "2a", "tbsv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["x"], [], "", "Solves a banded triangular system of equations", "", []),
+ Routine(False, True, "2a", "tpsv", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["ap"], ["x"], [], "", "Solves a packed triangular system of equations", "", []),
# Level 2: matrix update
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "ger", T, [S,D], ["m","n"], ["layout"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "General rank-1 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "geru", T, [C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "General rank-1 complex matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "gerc", T, [C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "General rank-1 complex conjugated matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "her", Tc, [Css,Zdd], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian rank-1 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "hpr", Tc, [Css,Zdd], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian packed rank-1 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "her2", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian rank-2 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "hpr2", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian packed rank-2 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "syr", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric rank-1 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "spr", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric packed rank-1 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "syr2", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric rank-2 matrix update"),
- Routine(True, True, "2b", "spr2", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric packed rank-2 matrix update"),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "ger", T, [S,D], ["m","n"], ["layout"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "General rank-1 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "geru", T, [C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "General rank-1 complex matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "gerc", T, [C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "General rank-1 complex conjugated matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "her", Tc, [Css,Zdd], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian rank-1 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "hpr", Tc, [Css,Zdd], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian packed rank-1 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "her2", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian rank-2 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "hpr2", T, [C,Z], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Hermitian packed rank-2 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "syr", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric rank-1 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "spr", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric packed rank-1 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "syr2", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["a"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric rank-2 matrix update", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "2b", "spr2", T, [S,D], ["n"], ["layout","triangle"], ["x","y"], ["ap"], ["alpha"], "", "Symmetric packed rank-2 matrix update", "", []),
[ # Level 3: matrix-matrix
- Routine(True, True, "3", "gemm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n","k"], ["layout","a_transpose","b_transpose"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "General matrix-matrix multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "3", "symm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric matrix-matrix multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "3", "hemm", T, [C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian matrix-matrix multiplication"),
- Routine(True, True, "3", "syrk", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose"], ["a"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-K update of a symmetric matrix"),
- Routine(True, True, "3", "herk", Tc, [Css,Zdd], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose"], ["a"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-K update of a hermitian matrix"),
- Routine(True, True, "3", "syr2k", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","ab_transpose"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-2K update of a symmetric matrix"),
- Routine(True, True, "3", "her2k", TU, [Ccs,Zzd], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","ab_transpose"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-2K update of a hermitian matrix"),
- Routine(True, True, "3", "trmm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["b"], ["alpha"], "", "Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication"),
- Routine(False, True, "3", "trsm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["b"], ["alpha"], "", "Solves a triangular system of equations"),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "gemm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n","k"], ["layout","a_transpose","b_transpose"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "General matrix-matrix multiplication", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "symm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Symmetric matrix-matrix multiplication", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "hemm", T, [C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Hermitian matrix-matrix multiplication", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "syrk", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose"], ["a"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-K update of a symmetric matrix", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "herk", Tc, [Css,Zdd], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","a_transpose"], ["a"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-K update of a hermitian matrix", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "syr2k", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","ab_transpose"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-2K update of a symmetric matrix", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "her2k", TU, [Ccs,Zzd], ["n","k"], ["layout","triangle","ab_transpose"], ["a","b"], ["c"], ["alpha","beta"], "", "Rank-2K update of a hermitian matrix", "", []),
+ Routine(True, True, "3", "trmm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["b"], ["alpha"], "", "Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication", "", []),
+ Routine(False, True, "3", "trsm", T, [S,D,C,Z], ["m","n"], ["layout","side","triangle","a_transpose","diagonal"], ["a"], ["b"], ["alpha"], "", "Solves a triangular system of equations", "", []),
# ==================================================================================================
@@ -401,3 +402,61 @@ for level in [1,2,3]:
# ==================================================================================================
+# Outputs the API documentation
+filename = path_clblast+"/doc/"
+with open(filename, "w") as f:
+ # Outputs the header
+ f.write("CLBlast: API reference\n")
+ f.write("================\n")
+ f.write("\n\n")
+ # Loops over the routines
+ for level in [1,2,3]:
+ for routine in routines[level-1]:
+ if routine.implemented:
+ # Routine header
+ f.write("x"": "+routine.description+"\n")
+ f.write("-------------\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.write(routine.details+"\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ # Routine API
+ f.write("C++ API:\n")
+ f.write("```\n")
+ f.write(routine.RoutineHeaderCPP(12, "")+"\n")
+ f.write("```\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.write("C API:\n")
+ f.write("```\n")
+ for flavour in routine.flavours:
+ f.write(routine.RoutineHeaderC(flavour, 20, "")+"\n")
+ f.write("```\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ # Routine arguments
+ f.write("Arguments to "":\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ for argument in routine.ArgumentsDoc():
+ f.write("* "+argument+"\n")
+ f.write("* `cl_command_queue* queue`: Pointer to an OpenCL command queue associated with a context and device to execute the routine on.\n")
+ f.write("* `cl_event* event`: Pointer to an OpenCL event to be able to wait for completion of the routine's OpenCL kernel(s). This is an optional argument.\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ # Routine requirements
+ if len(routine.RequirementsDoc()) > 0:
+ f.write("Requirements for "":\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ for requirement in routine.RequirementsDoc():
+ f.write("* "+requirement+"\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ # Routine footer
+ f.write("\n\n")
+# ==================================================================================================
diff --git a/scripts/generator/ b/scripts/generator/
index 95681da6..e5059c61 100644
--- a/scripts/generator/
+++ b/scripts/generator/
@@ -51,12 +51,24 @@ def OptionToWrapperC(x):
'diagonal': "CBLAS_DIAG",
+# Translates an option name to a documentation string
+def OptionToDoc(x):
+ return {
+ 'layout': "Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.",
+ 'a_transpose': "Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.",
+ 'b_transpose': "Transposing the input matrix B, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.",
+ 'ab_transpose': "Transposing the packed input matrix AP, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.",
+ 'side': "The horizontal position of the triangular matrix, either `Side::kLeft` (141) or `Side::kRight` (142).",
+ 'triangle': "The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).",
+ 'diagonal': "The property of the diagonal matrix, either `Diagonal::kNonUnit` (131) for a non-unit values on the diagonal or `Diagonal::kUnit` (132) for a unit values on the diagonal.",
+ }[x]
# ==================================================================================================
# Class holding routine-specific information (e.g. name, which arguments, which precisions)
class Routine():
def __init__(self, implemented, has_tests, level, name, template, flavours, sizes, options,
- inputs, outputs, scalars, scratch, description):
+ inputs, outputs, scalars, scratch, description, details, requirements):
self.implemented = implemented
self.has_tests = has_tests
self.level = level
@@ -70,6 +82,8 @@ class Routine():
self.scalars = scalars
self.scratch = scratch # Scratch buffer (e.g. for xDOT)
self.description = description
+ self.details = details
+ self.requirements = requirements
# List of scalar buffers
def ScalarBuffersFirst(self):
@@ -115,6 +129,12 @@ class Routine():
return ["ap","a","b","c"]
return ["y","c"]
+ # Distinguish between vectors and matrices
+ def BuffersVector(self):
+ return ["x","y"]
+ def BuffersMatrix(self):
+ return ["a","b","c","ap"]
# ==============================================================================================
# Retrieves a variable name for a specific input/output vector/matrix (e.g. 'x')
@@ -197,6 +217,19 @@ class Routine():
return [", ".join(a+b+c)]
return []
+ # Retrieves the documentation of the buffers
+ def BufferDoc(self, name):
+ prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else ""
+ inout = "input" if (name in self.inputs) else "output"
+ if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs):
+ math_name = name.upper()+" matrix" if (name in self.BuffersMatrix()) else name+" vector"
+ incld_description = "Leading dimension " if (name in self.BuffersMatrix()) else "Stride/increment "
+ a = ["`"+prefix+"cl_mem "+name+"_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the "+inout+" "+math_name+"."]
+ b = ["`const size_t "+name+"_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the "+inout+" "+math_name+"."]
+ c = ["`const size_t "+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)+"`: "+incld_description+"of the "+inout+" "+math_name+"."] if (name not in self.BuffersWithoutLdInc()) else []
+ return a+b+c
+ return []
# ==============================================================================================
# Retrieves the name of a scalar (alpha/beta)
@@ -257,6 +290,14 @@ class Routine():
return ["const "+flavour.beta_cpp]
return []
+ # Retrieves the documentation of a scalar
+ def ScalarDoc(self, name):
+ if name in self.scalars:
+ if name == "alpha":
+ return ["`const "+self.template.alpha_cpp+" "+name+"`: Input scalar constant."]
+ return ["`const "+self.template.beta_cpp+" "+name+"`: Input scalar constant."]
+ return []
# ==============================================================================================
# Retrieves a list of comma-separated sizes (m, n, k)
@@ -277,6 +318,13 @@ class Routine():
return [", ".join(["const size_t" for s in self.sizes])]
return []
+ # Retrieves the documentation of the sizes
+ def SizesDoc(self):
+ if self.sizes:
+ definitions = ["`const size_t "+s+"`: Integer size argument." for s in self.sizes]
+ return definitions
+ return []
# ==============================================================================================
# Retrieves a list of options
@@ -320,6 +368,13 @@ class Routine():
return [", ".join(definitions)]
return []
+ # Retrieves the documentation of the options
+ def OptionsDoc(self):
+ if self.options:
+ definitions = ["`const "+OptionToCLBlast(o)+"`: "+OptionToDoc(o) for o in self.options]
+ return definitions
+ return []
# ==============================================================================================
# Retrieves a combination of all the argument names, with Claduc casts
@@ -408,6 +463,24 @@ class Routine():
list(chain(*[self.BufferType(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) +
list(chain(*[self.BufferType(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) +
list(chain(*[self.ScalarType(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()])))
+ # Retrieves a combination of all the argument types
+ def ArgumentsDoc(self):
+ return (self.OptionsDoc() + self.SizesDoc() +
+ list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) +
+ list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) +
+ self.ScalarDoc("alpha") +
+ list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) +
+ self.ScalarDoc("beta") +
+ list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) +
+ list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) +
+ list(chain(*[self.ScalarDoc(s) for s in self.OtherScalars()])))
+ # ==============================================================================================
+ # Retrieves a list of routine requirements for documentation
+ def RequirementsDoc(self):
+ return []
# ==============================================================================================