path: root/external/clBLAS/src/library/blas/gens/clTemplates/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'external/clBLAS/src/library/blas/gens/clTemplates/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/external/clBLAS/src/library/blas/gens/clTemplates/ b/external/clBLAS/src/library/blas/gens/clTemplates/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00060876..00000000
--- a/external/clBLAS/src/library/blas/gens/clTemplates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- * Copyright 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ************************************************************************/
-// Column-Major Case
-static const char *ger_C_kernel = "
- #ifdef cl_khr_fp64
- #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
- #else
- #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable
- #endif
-#define BH %BH_DEF
-#define BW %BW_DEF
-__kernel void %PREFIXger_C_kernel( __global %TYPE const* restrict _X, __global %TYPE const* restrict _Y, __global %TYPE* _A,
- uint M, uint N, uint offx, int incx, uint offy, int incy, uint offa, uint lda,
- %TYPE alpha, int doConj )
- __global %TYPE* A;
- __global %TYPE const* restrict X;
- __global %TYPE const* restrict Y;
- A = _A + offa;
- X = _X + offx;
- Y = _Y + offy;
- if ( incx < 0 ) // Goto end of vector
- {
- X = X + ( M - 1) * abs(incx);
- }
- if ( incy < 0 ) // Goto end of vector
- {
- Y = Y + ( N - 1) * abs(incy);
- }
- // create local memory
- __local %TYPE localX[ BH * %V ];
- __local %TYPE localY[ BW ];
- uint lID = get_local_id( 0 );
- uint gID = get_group_id( 0 );
- uint tIDy = lID & ( BH-1 ); //get y coordinate of a thread in 1D workgroup
- uint tIDx = lID / BH; //get x coordinate of a thread in !D workgroup
- uint nBlocksX = (( N + BW - 1) / BW );
- uint nBlocksY = (( M + BH * %V - 1 ) / ( BH * %V ));
- uint gIDy = gID % nBlocksY; //get y coordinate of a workgroup in 1D grid
- uint gIDx = gID / nBlocksY; // get x coordinate of a workgroup in a 1D grid
- uint row = (( BH * gIDy)+ tIDy) * %V;
- uint col = (( BW * gIDx)+ tIDx);
- if( (gIDx != (nBlocksX-1)) && (gIDy != (nBlocksY-1)) ) // Completely vector blocks
- {
- //populate local memory
- for( int i = lID; i< ( BH * %V); i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDy * BH * %V);
- localX[ i ] = *(X + (idx * incx));
- }
- for( int i = lID; i< BW; i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDx * BW);
- localY[ i ] = *(Y + (idx * incy));
- }
- %TYPE%V prevA, temp;
- %TYPE yReg = localY[ tIDx ];
- %TYPE%V xReg = *(__local %TYPE%V*)(&localX[ tIDy * %V]);
- prevA = %VLOAD( 0, ( A + col*lda + row ) );
- %CONJUGATE(doConj, yReg);
- %VMUL( temp, xReg, alpha );
- %VMAD( prevA, temp, yReg);
- %VSTORE( prevA, 0 , ( A + col*lda + row ) );
- }
- else // Border blocks in both X & Y direction
- {
- //populate local memory
- for( int i = lID; i< ( BH * %V); i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDy * BH * %V);
- if ( idx < M )
- {
- localX[ i ] = *(X + (idx * incx));
- }
- }
- for( int i = lID; i< BW; i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDx * BW);
- if ( idx < N)
- {
- localY[ i ] = *(Y + (idx * incy));
- }
- }
- uint gTIDx = (gIDx * BW) + tIDx;
- if ( gTIDx < N) // if whithin last column
- {
- if( (row + %V - 1) < M ) // if the next V rows are still within M, then do vector math
- {
- %TYPE%V prevA, temp;
- %TYPE yReg = localY[ tIDx ];
- %TYPE%V xReg = *(__local %TYPE%V*)(&localX[ tIDy * %V]);
- prevA = %VLOAD( 0, ( A + col*lda + row ) );
- %CONJUGATE(doConj, yReg);
- %VMUL( temp, xReg, alpha );
- %VMAD( prevA, temp, yReg);
- %VSTORE( prevA, 0 , ( A + col*lda + row ) );
- }
- else if( row < M ) //else do scalar multiplication
- {
- %TYPE xRegS, yReg, prevA, temp;
- for( int i=row; i<M; i++ )
- {
- yReg = localY[ tIDx ];
- xRegS = localX[ (tIDy * %V) + (i-row) ];
- prevA = A[ col*lda + i];
- %CONJUGATE(doConj, yReg);
- %MUL( temp, xRegS, alpha );
- %MAD( prevA, temp, yReg );
- A[ col*lda + i ] = prevA;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-//Row major kernel
-static const char *ger_R_kernel = "
- #ifdef cl_khr_fp64
- #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
- #else
- #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable
- #endif
-#define BH %BH_DEF
-#define BW %BW_DEF
-__kernel void %PREFIXger_R_kernel( __global %TYPE const* restrict _X, __global %TYPE const* restrict _Y, __global %TYPE* _A,
- uint M, uint N, uint offx, int incx, uint offy, int incy, uint offa, uint lda,
- %TYPE alpha, int doConj )
- __global %TYPE* A;
- __global %TYPE const* restrict X;
- __global %TYPE const* restrict Y;
- A = _A + offa;
- X = _X + offx;
- Y = _Y + offy;
- if ( incx < 0 ) // Goto end of vector
- {
- X = X + ( M - 1) * abs(incx);
- }
- if ( incy < 0 ) // Goto end of vector
- {
- Y = Y + ( N - 1) * abs(incy);
- }
- __local %TYPE localX[ BH ];
- __local %TYPE localY[ BW * %V ];
- uint lID = get_local_id( 0 );
- uint gID = get_group_id( 0 );
- uint tIDy = lID / BW;
- uint tIDx = lID & ( BW - 1);
- uint nBlocksY = (( M + BH - 1) / BH );
- uint nBlocksX = (( N + BW * %V - 1 ) / ( BW * %V ));
- uint gIDy = gID / nBlocksX;
- uint gIDx = gID % nBlocksX;
- uint row = (( BH * gIDy)+ tIDy);
- uint col = (( BW * gIDx)+ tIDx) * %V;
- if( (gIDy != (nBlocksY-1)) && (gIDx != (nBlocksX-1)) ) // Perfectly vector blocks
- {
- //populate local memory
- for( int i = lID; i< ( BW * %V); i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDx * BW * %V);
- localY[ i ] = *(Y + (idx * incy));
- }
- for( int i = lID; i< BH; i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDy * BH);
- localX[ i ] = *(X + (idx * incx));
- }
- %TYPE%V prevA, temp;
- %TYPE xReg = localX[ tIDy ];
- %TYPE%V yRegS = *(__local %TYPE%V*)(&localY[ tIDx * %V]);
- prevA = %VLOAD( 0, ( A + row*lda + col ) );
- %CONJUGATE(doConj, yRegS);
- %VMUL( temp, yRegS, alpha );
- %VMAD( prevA, temp, xReg );
- %VSTORE( prevA, 0 , ( A + row*lda + col ) );
- }
- else
- {
- //populate local memory
- for( int i = lID; i< ( BW * %V); i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDx * BW * %V);
- if ( idx < N)
- {
- localY[ i ] = *(Y + (idx * incy));
- }
- }
- for( int i = lID; i< BH; i+= get_local_size(0) )
- {
- int idx = i + ( gIDy * BH);
- if ( idx < M)
- {
- localX[ i ] = *(X + (idx * incx));
- }
- }
- uint gTIDy = gIDy * BH + tIDy;
- if ( gTIDy < M)
- {
- if( (col + %V - 1) < N )
- {
- %TYPE%V prevA, temp;
- %TYPE xReg = localX[ tIDy ];
- %TYPE%V yRegS = *(__local %TYPE%V*)(&localY[ tIDx * %V]);
- prevA = %VLOAD( 0, ( A + row*lda + col ) );
- %CONJUGATE(doConj, yRegS);
- %VMUL( temp, yRegS, alpha );
- %VMAD( prevA, temp, xReg );
- %VSTORE( prevA, 0 , ( A + row*lda + col ) );
- }
- else if( col < N )
- {
- %TYPE xReg, yRegS, prevA, temp;
- for( int i=col; i<N; i++ )
- {
- yRegS = localY[ (tIDx * %V) + (i-col) ];
- xReg = localX[ tIDy ];
- prevA = A[ row*lda + i];
- %CONJUGATE(doConj, yRegS);
- %MUL( temp, yRegS, alpha );
- %MAD( prevA, temp, xReg );
- A[ row*lda + i ] = prevA;
- }
- }
- }
- }