path: root/scripts/generator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/generator/')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/generator/ b/scripts/generator/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2c50e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ==================================================================================================
+# This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
+# project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a max-width of 100 characters per line.
+# Author(s):
+# Cedric Nugteren <>
+# This file contains the 'Routine' class, used in the generator script to generate the CLBlast API
+# interface and implementation.
+# ==================================================================================================
+# Translates an option name to a CLBlast data-type
+def OptionToCLBlast(x):
+ return {
+ 'layout': "Layout",
+ 'a_transpose': "Transpose",
+ 'b_transpose': "Transpose",
+ 'ab_transpose': "Transpose",
+ 'side': "Side",
+ 'triangle': "Triangle",
+ 'diagonal': "Diagonal",
+ }[x]
+# As above, but for clBLAS data-types
+def OptionToWrapper(x):
+ return {
+ 'layout': "clblasOrder",
+ 'a_transpose': "clblasTranspose",
+ 'b_transpose': "clblasTranspose",
+ 'ab_transpose': "clblasTranspose",
+ 'side': "clblasSide",
+ 'triangle': "clblasUplo",
+ 'diagonal': "clblasDiag",
+ }[x]
+# ==================================================================================================
+# Class holding routine-specific information (e.g. name, which arguments, which precisions)
+class Routine():
+ def __init__(self, implemented, level, name, template, flavours, sizes, options,
+ inputs, outputs, scalars, scratch, description):
+ self.implemented = implemented
+ self.level = level
+ = name
+ self.template = template
+ self.flavours = flavours
+ self.sizes = sizes
+ self.options = options
+ self.inputs = inputs
+ self.outputs = outputs
+ self.scalars = scalars
+ self.scratch = scratch # Scratch buffer (e.g. for xDOT)
+ self.description = description
+ # Retrieves the number of characters in the routine's name
+ def Length(self):
+ return len(
+ # Retrieves the postfix for a buffer
+ def Postfix(self, name):
+ return "inc" if (name in ["x","y"]) else "ld"
+ # Determines whether or not this routine has scalar arguments (alpha/beta)
+ def NoScalars(self):
+ return self.scalars == []
+ # Returns the upper-case names of these routines (all flavours)
+ def ShortNames(self):
+ return "/".join([ for f in self.flavours])
+ # ==============================================================================================
+ # Retrieves a variable name for a specific input/output vector/matrix (e.g. 'x')
+ def Buffer(self, name):
+ if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs):
+ a = [name+"_buffer"]
+ b = [name+"_offset"]
+ c = [name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] if (name not in ["dot"]) else []
+ return [", ".join(a+b+c)]
+ return []
+ # As above but with data-types
+ def BufferDef(self, name):
+ prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else ""
+ if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs):
+ a = [prefix+"cl_mem "+name+"_buffer"]
+ b = ["const size_t "+name+"_offset"]
+ c = ["const size_t "+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] if (name not in ["dot"]) else []
+ return [", ".join(a+b+c)]
+ return []
+ # As above but with Claduc buffers
+ def BufferCladuc(self, name):
+ if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs):
+ a = ["Buffer<"+self.template.buffertype+">("+name+"_buffer)"]
+ b = [name+"_offset"]
+ c = [name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] if (name not in ["dot"]) else []
+ return [", ".join(a+b+c)]
+ return []
+ # As above but with a static cast for clBLAS wrapper
+ def BufferWrapper(self, name):
+ if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs):
+ a = [name+"_buffer"]
+ b = [name+"_offset"]
+ c = []
+ if (name in ["x","y"]):
+ c = ["static_cast<int>("+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)+")"]
+ elif (name in ["a","b","c"]):
+ c = [name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)]
+ return [", ".join(a+b+c)]
+ return []
+ # As above, but only data-types
+ def BufferType(self, name):
+ prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else ""
+ if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs):
+ a = [prefix+"cl_mem"]
+ b = ["const size_t"]
+ c = ["const size_t"] if (name not in ["dot"]) else []
+ return [", ".join(a+b+c)]
+ return []
+ # ==============================================================================================
+ # Retrieves the name of a scalar (alpha/beta)
+ def Scalar(self, name):
+ if (name in self.scalars):
+ return [name]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the use of a scalar (alpha/beta)
+ def ScalarUse(self, name, flavour):
+ if ((name == "alpha") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return [flavour.UseAlpha()]
+ elif ((name == "beta") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return [flavour.UseBeta()]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the use of a scalar (alpha/beta)
+ def ScalarUseWrapper(self, name, flavour):
+ if ((name == "alpha") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return [flavour.UseAlphaCL()]
+ elif ((name == "beta") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return [flavour.UseBetaCL()]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the definition of a scalar (alpha/beta)
+ def ScalarDef(self, name, flavour):
+ if ((name == "alpha") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return ["const "+flavour.alpha_cl+" "+name]
+ elif ((name == "beta") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return ["const "+flavour.beta_cl+" "+name]
+ return []
+ # As above, but without 'cl_' prefix
+ def ScalarDefPlain(self, name, flavour):
+ if ((name == "alpha") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return ["const "+flavour.alpha_cpp+" "+name]
+ elif ((name == "beta") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return ["const "+flavour.beta_cpp+" "+name]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the type of a scalar (alpha/beta)
+ def ScalarType(self, name, flavour):
+ if ((name == "alpha") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return ["const "+flavour.alpha_cpp]
+ elif ((name == "beta") and (name in self.scalars)):
+ return ["const "+flavour.beta_cpp]
+ return []
+ # ==============================================================================================
+ # Retrieves a list of comma-separated sizes (m, n, k)
+ def Sizes(self):
+ if self.sizes:
+ return [", ".join([s for s in self.sizes])]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the definition of the sizes (m,n,k)
+ def SizesDef(self):
+ if self.sizes:
+ return [", ".join(["const size_t "+s for s in self.sizes])]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the types of the sizes (m,n,k)
+ def SizesType(self):
+ if self.sizes:
+ return [", ".join(["const size_t" for s in self.sizes])]
+ return []
+ # ==============================================================================================
+ # Retrieves a list of options
+ def Options(self):
+ if self.options:
+ return [", ".join(self.options)]
+ return []
+ # As above, but now casted to CLBlast data-types
+ def OptionsCast(self, indent):
+ if self.options:
+ options = ["static_cast<clblast::"+OptionToCLBlast(o)+">("+o+")" for o in self.options]
+ return [(",\n"+indent).join(options)]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the definitions of the options (layout, transpose, side, etc.)
+ def OptionsDef(self):
+ if self.options:
+ definitions = ["const "+OptionToCLBlast(o)+" "+o for o in self.options]
+ return [", ".join(definitions)]
+ return []
+ # As above, but now using clBLAS data-types
+ def OptionsDefWrapper(self):
+ if self.options:
+ definitions = ["const "+OptionToWrapper(o)+" "+o for o in self.options]
+ return [", ".join(definitions)]
+ return []
+ # Retrieves the types of the options (layout, transpose, side, etc.)
+ def OptionsType(self):
+ if self.options:
+ definitions = ["const "+OptionToCLBlast(o) for o in self.options]
+ return [", ".join(definitions)]
+ return []
+ # ==============================================================================================
+ # Retrieves a combination of all the argument names, with Claduc casts
+ def ArgumentsCladuc(self, flavour, indent):
+ return (self.Options() + self.Sizes() + self.BufferCladuc("dot") +
+ self.Scalar("alpha") +
+ self.BufferCladuc("a") + self.BufferCladuc("b") + self.BufferCladuc("x") +
+ self.Scalar("beta") + self.BufferCladuc("y") + self.BufferCladuc("c"))
+ # Retrieves a combination of all the argument names, with CLBlast casts
+ def ArgumentsCast(self, flavour, indent):
+ return (self.OptionsCast(indent) + self.Sizes() + self.Buffer("dot") +
+ self.ScalarUse("alpha", flavour) +
+ self.Buffer("a") + self.Buffer("b") + self.Buffer("x") +
+ self.ScalarUse("beta", flavour) + self.Buffer("y") + self.Buffer("c"))
+ # As above, but for the clBLAS wrapper
+ def ArgumentsWrapper(self, flavour):
+ return (self.Options() + self.Sizes() + self.BufferWrapper("dot") +
+ self.ScalarUseWrapper("alpha", flavour) +
+ self.BufferWrapper("a") + self.BufferWrapper("b") + self.BufferWrapper("x") +
+ self.ScalarUseWrapper("beta", flavour) + self.BufferWrapper("y") + self.BufferWrapper("c"))
+ # Retrieves a combination of all the argument definitions
+ def ArgumentsDef(self, flavour):
+ return (self.OptionsDef() + self.SizesDef() + self.BufferDef("dot") +
+ self.ScalarDef("alpha", flavour) +
+ self.BufferDef("a") + self.BufferDef("b") + self.BufferDef("x") +
+ self.ScalarDef("beta", flavour) + self.BufferDef("y") + self.BufferDef("c"))
+ # As above, but clBLAS wrapper plain datatypes
+ def ArgumentsDefWrapper(self, flavour):
+ return (self.OptionsDefWrapper() + self.SizesDef() + self.BufferDef("dot") +
+ self.ScalarDefPlain("alpha", flavour) +
+ self.BufferDef("a") + self.BufferDef("b") + self.BufferDef("x") +
+ self.ScalarDefPlain("beta", flavour) + self.BufferDef("y") + self.BufferDef("c"))
+ # Retrieves a combination of all the argument types
+ def ArgumentsType(self, flavour):
+ return (self.OptionsType() + self.SizesType() + self.BufferType("dot") +
+ self.ScalarType("alpha", flavour) +
+ self.BufferType("a") + self.BufferType("b") + self.BufferType("x") +
+ self.ScalarType("beta", flavour) + self.BufferType("y") + self.BufferType("c"))
+ # ==============================================================================================
+ # Retrieves the C++ templated definition for a routine
+ def RoutineHeaderCPP(self, spaces):
+ indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length())
+ result = "template <"">\n"
+ result += "StatusCode ""("
+ result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsDef(self.template)])
+ result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)"
+ return result
+ # As above, but now without variable names
+ def RoutineHeaderTypeCPP(self, spaces):
+ indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length())
+ result = "template <"">\n"
+ result += "StatusCode ""("
+ result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsType(self.template)])
+ result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)"
+ return result
+ # As above, but now for C
+ def RoutineHeaderC(self, flavour, spaces):
+ indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length())
+ result = "StatusCode CLBlast""("
+ result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsDef(flavour)])
+ result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)"
+ return result
+ # As above, but now for the clBLAS wrapper
+ def RoutineHeaderWrapper(self, flavour, def_only, spaces):
+ template = "<"+flavour.template+">" if self.NoScalars() and not def_only else ""
+ indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length() + len(template))
+ result = ""
+ if self.NoScalars():
+ result += "template <"
+ if def_only:
+ result +=
+ result += ">\n"
+ result += "clblasStatus clblasX""("
+ result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsDefWrapper(flavour)])
+ result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_uint num_queues, cl_command_queue *queues"
+ result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_uint num_wait_events, const cl_event *wait_events, cl_event *events)"
+ return result
+# ==================================================================================================