#!/usr/bin/env python # ================================================================================================== # This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This # project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a max-width of 100 characters per line. # # Author(s): # Cedric Nugteren # # This file contains the 'Routine' class, used in the generator script to generate the CLBlast API # interface and implementation. # # ================================================================================================== # System modules from itertools import chain # Translates an option name to a CLBlast data-type def OptionToCLBlast(x): return { 'layout': "Layout", 'a_transpose': "Transpose", 'b_transpose': "Transpose", 'ab_transpose': "Transpose", 'side': "Side", 'triangle': "Triangle", 'diagonal': "Diagonal", }[x] # As above, but for clBLAS data-types def OptionToWrapperCL(x): return { 'layout': "clblasOrder", 'a_transpose': "clblasTranspose", 'b_transpose': "clblasTranspose", 'ab_transpose': "clblasTranspose", 'side': "clblasSide", 'triangle': "clblasUplo", 'diagonal': "clblasDiag", }[x] # As above, but for CBLAS data-types def OptionToWrapperC(x): return { 'layout': "CBLAS_ORDER", 'a_transpose': "CBLAS_TRANSPOSE", 'b_transpose': "CBLAS_TRANSPOSE", 'ab_transpose': "CBLAS_TRANSPOSE", 'side': "CBLAS_SIDE", 'triangle': "CBLAS_UPLO", 'diagonal': "CBLAS_DIAG", }[x] # Translates an option name to a documentation string def OptionToDoc(x): return { 'layout': "Data-layout of the matrices, either `Layout::kRowMajor` (101) for row-major layout or `Layout::kColMajor` (102) for column-major data-layout.", 'a_transpose': "Transposing the input matrix A, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.", 'b_transpose': "Transposing the input matrix B, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.", 'ab_transpose': "Transposing the packed input matrix AP, either `Transpose::kNo` (111), `Transpose::kYes` (112), or `Transpose::kConjugate` (113) for a complex-conjugate transpose.", 'side': "The horizontal position of the triangular matrix, either `Side::kLeft` (141) or `Side::kRight` (142).", 'triangle': "The vertical position of the triangular matrix, either `Triangle::kUpper` (121) or `Triangle::kLower` (122).", 'diagonal': "The property of the diagonal matrix, either `Diagonal::kNonUnit` (131) for a non-unit values on the diagonal or `Diagonal::kUnit` (132) for a unit values on the diagonal.", }[x] # ================================================================================================== # Class holding routine-specific information (e.g. name, which arguments, which precisions) class Routine(): def __init__(self, implemented, has_tests, level, name, template, flavours, sizes, options, inputs, outputs, scalars, scratch, description, details, requirements): self.implemented = implemented self.has_tests = has_tests self.level = level self.name = name self.template = template self.flavours = flavours self.sizes = sizes self.options = options self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs self.scalars = scalars self.scratch = scratch # Scratch buffer (e.g. for xDOT) self.description = description self.details = details self.requirements = requirements # List of scalar buffers def ScalarBuffersFirst(self): return ["dot","nrm2","asum","sum","imax","imin"] def ScalarBuffersSecond(self): return ["sa","sb","sc","ss","sd1","sd2","sx1","sy1","sparam"] # List of scalars other than alpha and beta def OtherScalars(self): return ["cos","sin"] # List of buffers with unsigned int type def IndexBuffers(self): return ["imax","imin"] # List of buffers without 'inc' or 'ld' def BuffersWithoutLdInc(self): return self.ScalarBuffersFirst() + self.ScalarBuffersSecond() + ["ap"] # Retrieves the number of characters in the routine's name def Length(self): return len(self.name) # Retrieves the postfix for a buffer def Postfix(self, name): return "inc" if (name in ["x","y"]) else "ld" # Determines whether or not this routine has scalar arguments (alpha/beta) def NoScalars(self): return self.scalars == [] # Returns the upper-case names of these routines (all flavours) def ShortNames(self): return "/".join([f.name+self.name.upper() for f in self.flavours]) # As above, but excludes some def ShortNamesTested(self): names = [f.name+self.name.upper() for f in self.flavours] if "H"+self.name.upper() in names: names.remove("H"+self.name.upper()) return "/".join(names) # Determines which buffers go first (between alpha and beta) and which ones go after def BuffersFirst(self): if self.level == "2b": return ["x","y"] return ["ap","a","b","x"] def BuffersSecond(self): if self.level == "2b": return ["ap","a","b","c"] return ["y","c"] # Distinguish between vectors and matrices def BuffersVector(self): return ["x","y"] def BuffersMatrix(self): return ["a","b","c","ap"] # ============================================================================================== # Retrieves a variable name for a specific input/output vector/matrix (e.g. 'x') def Buffer(self, name): if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): a = [name+"_buffer"] b = [name+"_offset"] c = [name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] if (name not in self.BuffersWithoutLdInc()) else [] return [", ".join(a+b+c)] return [] # As above but with data-types def BufferDef(self, name): prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else "" if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): a = [prefix+"cl_mem "+name+"_buffer"] b = ["const size_t "+name+"_offset"] c = ["const size_t "+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] if (name not in self.BuffersWithoutLdInc()) else [] return [", ".join(a+b+c)] return [] # As above but as vectors def BufferDefVector(self, name, flavour): prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else "" if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): a = [prefix+"std::vector<"+flavour.buffertype+">& "+name+"_buffer"] b = ["const size_t "+name+"_offset"] c = ["const size_t "+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] if (name not in self.BuffersWithoutLdInc()) else [] return [", ".join(a+b+c)] return [] # As above but with Claduc buffers def BufferCladuc(self, name): if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): buffertype = "unsigned int" if (name in self.IndexBuffers()) else self.template.buffertype a = ["Buffer<"+buffertype+">("+name+"_buffer)"] b = [name+"_offset"] c = [name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] if (name not in self.BuffersWithoutLdInc()) else [] return [", ".join(a+b+c)] return [] # As above but with a static cast for clBLAS wrapper def BufferWrapperCL(self, name): if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): a = [name+"_buffer"] b = [name+"_offset"] c = [] if (name in ["x","y"]): c = ["static_cast("+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)+")"] elif (name in ["a","b","c"]): c = [name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] return [", ".join(a+b+c)] return [] # As above but with a static cast for CBLAS wrapper def BufferWrapperC(self, name, flavour): prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else "" if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): if name == "sy1": a = [name+"_buffer["+name+"_offset]"] elif flavour.precision_name in ["C","Z"]: a = ["reinterpret_cast<"+prefix+flavour.buffertype[:-1]+"*>(&"+name+"_buffer["+name+"_offset])"] else: a = ["&"+name+"_buffer["+name+"_offset]"] c = [] if (name in ["x","y"]): c = ["static_cast("+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)+")"] elif (name in ["a","b","c"]): c = [name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)] return [", ".join(a+c)] return [] # As above, but only data-types def BufferType(self, name): prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else "" if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): a = [prefix+"cl_mem"] b = ["const size_t"] c = ["const size_t"] if (name not in self.BuffersWithoutLdInc()) else [] return [", ".join(a+b+c)] return [] # Retrieves the documentation of the buffers def BufferDoc(self, name): prefix = "const " if (name in self.inputs) else "" inout = "input" if (name in self.inputs) else "output" if (name in self.inputs) or (name in self.outputs): math_name = name.upper()+" matrix" if (name in self.BuffersMatrix()) else name+" vector" incld_description = "Leading dimension " if (name in self.BuffersMatrix()) else "Stride/increment " a = ["`"+prefix+"cl_mem "+name+"_buffer`: OpenCL buffer to store the "+inout+" "+math_name+"."] b = ["`const size_t "+name+"_offset`: The offset in elements from the start of the "+inout+" "+math_name+"."] c = ["`const size_t "+name+"_"+self.Postfix(name)+"`: "+incld_description+"of the "+inout+" "+math_name+"."] if (name not in self.BuffersWithoutLdInc()) else [] return a+b+c return [] # ============================================================================================== # Retrieves the name of a scalar (alpha/beta) def Scalar(self, name): if (name in self.scalars): return [name] return [] # Retrieves the use of a scalar (alpha/beta) def ScalarUse(self, name, flavour): if name in self.scalars: if name == "alpha": return [flavour.UseAlpha()] elif name == "beta": return [flavour.UseBeta()] return [name] return [] # Retrieves the use of a scalar (alpha/beta) def ScalarUseWrapper(self, name, flavour): if name in self.scalars: if name == "alpha": return [flavour.UseAlphaCL()] elif name == "beta": return [flavour.UseBetaCL()] return [name] return [] # Retrieves the use of a scalar for CBLAS (alpha/beta) def ScalarUseWrapperC(self, name, flavour): if name in self.scalars: if flavour.IsComplex(name): return [name+"_array.data()"] return [name] return [] # Retrieves the definition of a scalar (alpha/beta) def ScalarDef(self, name, flavour): if name in self.scalars: if name == "alpha": return ["const "+flavour.alpha_cl+" "+name] return ["const "+flavour.beta_cl+" "+name] return [] # As above, but without 'cl_' prefix def ScalarDefPlain(self, name, flavour): if name in self.scalars: if name == "alpha": return ["const "+flavour.alpha_cpp+" "+name] return ["const "+flavour.beta_cpp+" "+name] return [] # Retrieves the type of a scalar (alpha/beta) def ScalarType(self, name, flavour): if name in self.scalars: if name == "alpha": return ["const "+flavour.alpha_cpp] return ["const "+flavour.beta_cpp] return [] # Retrieves the documentation of a scalar def ScalarDoc(self, name): if name in self.scalars: if name == "alpha": return ["`const "+self.template.alpha_cpp+" "+name+"`: Input scalar constant."] return ["`const "+self.template.beta_cpp+" "+name+"`: Input scalar constant."] return [] # ============================================================================================== # Retrieves a list of comma-separated sizes (m, n, k) def Sizes(self): if self.sizes: return [", ".join([s for s in self.sizes])] return [] # Retrieves the definition of the sizes (m,n,k) def SizesDef(self): if self.sizes: return [", ".join(["const size_t "+s for s in self.sizes])] return [] # Retrieves the types of the sizes (m,n,k) def SizesType(self): if self.sizes: return [", ".join(["const size_t" for s in self.sizes])] return [] # Retrieves the documentation of the sizes def SizesDoc(self): if self.sizes: definitions = ["`const size_t "+s+"`: Integer size argument." for s in self.sizes] return definitions return [] # ============================================================================================== # Retrieves a list of options def Options(self): if self.options: return [", ".join(self.options)] return [] # As above, but now casted to CLBlast data-types def OptionsCast(self, indent): if self.options: options = ["static_cast("+o+")" for o in self.options] return [(",\n"+indent).join(options)] return [] # Retrieves the definitions of the options (layout, transpose, side, etc.) def OptionsDef(self): if self.options: definitions = ["const "+OptionToCLBlast(o)+" "+o for o in self.options] return [", ".join(definitions)] return [] # As above, but now using clBLAS data-types def OptionsDefWrapperCL(self): if self.options: definitions = ["const "+OptionToWrapperCL(o)+" "+o for o in self.options] return [", ".join(definitions)] return [] # As above, but now using CBLAS data-types def OptionsDefWrapperC(self): if self.options: definitions = ["const "+OptionToWrapperC(o)+" "+o for o in self.options] return [", ".join(definitions)] return [] # Retrieves the types of the options (layout, transpose, side, etc.) def OptionsType(self): if self.options: definitions = ["const "+OptionToCLBlast(o) for o in self.options] return [", ".join(definitions)] return [] # Retrieves the documentation of the options def OptionsDoc(self): if self.options: definitions = ["`const "+OptionToCLBlast(o)+"`: "+OptionToDoc(o) for o in self.options] return definitions return [] # ============================================================================================== # Retrieves a combination of all the argument names, with Claduc casts def ArgumentsCladuc(self, flavour, indent): return (self.Options() + self.Sizes() + list(chain(*[self.BufferCladuc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.Scalar("alpha") + list(chain(*[self.BufferCladuc(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.Scalar("beta") + list(chain(*[self.BufferCladuc(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferCladuc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.Scalar(s) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # Retrieves a combination of all the argument names, with CLBlast casts def ArgumentsCast(self, flavour, indent): return (self.OptionsCast(indent) + self.Sizes() + list(chain(*[self.Buffer(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarUse("alpha", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.Buffer(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarUse("beta", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.Buffer(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.Buffer(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarUse(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # As above, but for the clBLAS wrapper def ArgumentsWrapperCL(self, flavour): return (self.Options() + self.Sizes() + list(chain(*[self.BufferWrapperCL(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarUseWrapper("alpha", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferWrapperCL(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarUseWrapper("beta", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferWrapperCL(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferWrapperCL(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarUseWrapper(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # As above, but for the CBLAS wrapper def ArgumentsWrapperC(self, flavour): return (self.Options() + self.Sizes() + self.ScalarUseWrapperC("alpha", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferWrapperC(b, flavour) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarUseWrapperC("beta", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferWrapperC(b, flavour) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferWrapperC(b, flavour) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarUseWrapperC(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # Retrieves a combination of all the argument definitions def ArgumentsDef(self, flavour): return (self.OptionsDef() + self.SizesDef() + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDef("alpha", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDef("beta", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarDef(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # As above, but clBLAS wrapper plain datatypes def ArgumentsDefWrapperCL(self, flavour): return (self.OptionsDefWrapperCL() + self.SizesDef() + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDefPlain("alpha", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDefPlain("beta", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDef(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarDefPlain(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # As above, but CBLAS wrapper plain datatypes def ArgumentsDefWrapperC(self, flavour): return (self.OptionsDefWrapperC() + self.SizesDef() + list(chain(*[self.BufferDefVector(b, flavour) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDefPlain("alpha", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDefVector(b, flavour) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDefPlain("beta", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDefVector(b, flavour) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDefVector(b, flavour) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarDefPlain(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # Retrieves a combination of all the argument types def ArgumentsType(self, flavour): return (self.OptionsType() + self.SizesType() + list(chain(*[self.BufferType(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarType("alpha", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferType(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarType("beta", flavour) + list(chain(*[self.BufferType(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferType(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarType(s, flavour) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # Retrieves a combination of all the argument types def ArgumentsDoc(self): return (self.OptionsDoc() + self.SizesDoc() + list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDoc("alpha") + list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.BuffersFirst()])) + self.ScalarDoc("beta") + list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.BuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.BufferDoc(b) for b in self.ScalarBuffersSecond()])) + list(chain(*[self.ScalarDoc(s) for s in self.OtherScalars()]))) # ============================================================================================== # Retrieves a list of routine requirements for documentation def RequirementsDoc(self): return [] # ============================================================================================== # Retrieves the C++ templated definition for a routine def RoutineHeaderCPP(self, spaces, default_event): indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length()) result = "template <"+self.template.name+">\n" result += "StatusCode "+self.name.capitalize()+"(" result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsDef(self.template)]) result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event"+default_event+")" return result # As above, but now without variable names def RoutineHeaderTypeCPP(self, spaces): indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length()) result = "template <"+self.template.name+">\n" result += "StatusCode "+self.name.capitalize()+"(" result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsType(self.template)]) result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_command_queue*, cl_event*)" return result # As above, but now for C def RoutineHeaderC(self, flavour, spaces, extra_qualifier): indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length()) result = "StatusCode"+extra_qualifier+" CLBlast"+flavour.name+self.name+"(" result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsDef(flavour)]) result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event)" return result # As above, but now for the clBLAS wrapper def RoutineHeaderWrapperCL(self, flavour, def_only, spaces): template = "<"+flavour.template+">" if self.NoScalars() and not def_only else "" indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length() + len(template)) result = "" if self.NoScalars(): result += "template <" if def_only: result += flavour.name result += ">\n" result += "clblasStatus clblasX"+self.name+template+"(" result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsDefWrapperCL(flavour)]) result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_uint num_queues, cl_command_queue *queues" result += ",\n"+indent+"cl_uint num_wait_events, const cl_event *wait_events, cl_event *events)" return result # As above, but now for the CBLAS wrapper def RoutineHeaderWrapperC(self, flavour, def_only, spaces): indent = " "*(spaces + self.Length()) result = "void cblasX"+self.name+"(" result += (",\n"+indent).join([a for a in self.ArgumentsDefWrapperC(flavour)])+")" return result # ==================================================================================================