// ================================================================================================= // This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This // project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max- // width of 100 characters per line. // // Author(s): // Cedric Nugteren // // This file contains the common kernels shared among different BLAS functions. This file contains // kernels to copy and pad matrices in various ways, including: // 1) copying into a larger matrix by adding padding // 2) copying into a smaller matrix by optionally removing padding. This is the general version // without restrictions, see the 'copy.opencl' file for a faster but more restricted copy kernel. // // ================================================================================================= // Enables loading of this file using the C++ pre-processor's #include (C++11 standard raw string // literal). Comment-out this line for syntax-highlighting when developing. R"( // ================================================================================================= // Copies a matrix from source to destination. The output is padded with zero values in case the // destination matrix dimensions are larger than the source matrix dimensions. Additionally, the ld // value and offset can be different. INLINE_FUNC void _CopyPadMatrix(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const int src_offset, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const int dest_offset, __global real* dest, const real alpha, const int do_conjugate) { // Loops over the work per thread in both dimensions #pragma unroll for (int _w_one = 0; _w_one < PAD_WPTX; _w_one += 1) { const int id_one = (get_group_id(0)*PAD_WPTX + _w_one) * PAD_DIMX + get_local_id(0); #pragma unroll for (int _w_two = 0; _w_two < PAD_WPTY; _w_two += 1) { const int id_two = (get_group_id(1)*PAD_WPTY + _w_two) * PAD_DIMY + get_local_id(1); if (id_two < dest_two && id_one < dest_one) { // Loads data if the thread IDs are within bounds of the source matrix. Otherwise, set the // value to be written to zero. real value; SetToZero(value); if (id_two < src_two && id_one < src_one) { value = src[id_two*src_ld + id_one + src_offset]; } // Stores the value in the destination matrix if (do_conjugate == 1) { COMPLEX_CONJUGATE(value); } Multiply(dest[id_two*dest_ld + id_one + dest_offset], alpha, value); } } } } // Interface to the above function #if RELAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE == 1 __kernel #else __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(PAD_DIMX, PAD_DIMY, 1))) #endif void CopyPadMatrix(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const int src_offset, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const int dest_offset, __global real* dest, const real_arg arg_alpha, const int do_conjugate) { const real alpha = GetRealArg(arg_alpha); _CopyPadMatrix(src_one, src_two, src_ld, src_offset, src, dest_one, dest_two, dest_ld, dest_offset, dest, alpha, do_conjugate); } // ================================================================================================= // Same as above, but now un-pads a matrix. This kernel reads data from a padded source matrix, but // writes only the actual data back to the destination matrix. Again, the ld value and offset can // be different. INLINE_FUNC void _CopyMatrix(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const int src_offset, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const int dest_offset, __global real* dest, const real alpha, const int upper, const int lower, const int diagonal_imag_zero) { // Loops over the work per thread in both dimensions #pragma unroll for (int _w_one = 0; _w_one < PAD_WPTX; _w_one += 1) { const int id_one = (get_group_id(0)*PAD_WPTX + _w_one) * PAD_DIMX + get_local_id(0); #pragma unroll for (int _w_two = 0; _w_two < PAD_WPTY; _w_two += 1) { const int id_two = (get_group_id(1)*PAD_WPTY + _w_two) * PAD_DIMY + get_local_id(1); // Masking in case of triangular matrices: updates only the upper or lower part bool condition = true; #if defined(ROUTINE_SYRK) || defined(ROUTINE_HERK) || defined(ROUTINE_SYR2K) || defined(ROUTINE_HER2K) if (upper == 1) { condition = (id_two >= id_one); } else if (lower == 1) { condition = (id_two <= id_one); } #endif if (condition) { // Copies the value into the destination matrix. This is always within bounds of the source // matrix, as we know that the destination matrix is smaller or equal to the source. if (id_two < dest_two && id_one < dest_one) { real value = src[id_two*src_ld + id_one + src_offset]; if (diagonal_imag_zero == 1 && id_one == id_two) { ImagToZero(value); } Multiply(dest[id_two*dest_ld + id_one + dest_offset], alpha, value); } } } } } // Interface to the above function #if RELAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE == 1 __kernel #else __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(PAD_DIMX, PAD_DIMY, 1))) #endif void CopyMatrix(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const int src_offset, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const int dest_offset, __global real* dest, const real_arg arg_alpha, const int upper, const int lower, const int diagonal_imag_zero) { const real alpha = GetRealArg(arg_alpha); _CopyMatrix(src_one, src_two, src_ld, src_offset, src, dest_one, dest_two, dest_ld, dest_offset, dest, alpha, upper, lower, diagonal_imag_zero); } // ================================================================================================= #if defined(ROUTINE_GEMMBATCHED) // Batched version of the above #if RELAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE == 1 __kernel #else __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(PAD_DIMX, PAD_DIMY, 1))) #endif void CopyPadMatrixBatched(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const __constant int* src_offsets, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const __constant int* dest_offsets, __global real* dest, const int do_conjugate) { const int batch = get_group_id(2); const int src_offset = src_offsets[batch]; const int dest_offset = dest_offsets[batch]; real alpha; SetToOne(alpha); _CopyPadMatrix(src_one, src_two, src_ld, src_offset, src, dest_one, dest_two, dest_ld, dest_offset, dest, alpha, do_conjugate); } // Batched version of the above #if RELAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE == 1 __kernel #else __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(PAD_DIMX, PAD_DIMY, 1))) #endif void CopyMatrixBatched(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const __constant int* src_offsets, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const __constant int* dest_offsets, __global real* dest) { const int batch = get_group_id(2); const int src_offset = src_offsets[batch]; const int dest_offset = dest_offsets[batch]; real alpha; SetToOne(alpha); _CopyMatrix(src_one, src_two, src_ld, src_offset, src, dest_one, dest_two, dest_ld, dest_offset, dest, alpha, 0, 0, 0); } #endif // ================================================================================================= #if defined(ROUTINE_GEMMSTRIDEDBATCHED) // Strided-batched version of the above #if RELAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE == 1 __kernel #else __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(PAD_DIMX, PAD_DIMY, 1))) #endif void CopyPadMatrixStridedBatched(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const int src_offset, const int src_stride, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const int dest_offset, const int dest_stride, __global real* dest, const int do_conjugate) { const int batch = get_group_id(2); const int src_offset_batch = src_offset + src_stride * batch; const int dest_offset_batch = dest_offset + dest_stride * batch; real alpha; SetToOne(alpha); _CopyPadMatrix(src_one, src_two, src_ld, src_offset_batch, src, dest_one, dest_two, dest_ld, dest_offset_batch, dest, alpha, do_conjugate); } // Strided-batched version of the above #if RELAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE == 1 __kernel #else __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(PAD_DIMX, PAD_DIMY, 1))) #endif void CopyMatrixStridedBatched(const int src_one, const int src_two, const int src_ld, const int src_offset, const int src_stride, __global const real* restrict src, const int dest_one, const int dest_two, const int dest_ld, const int dest_offset, const int dest_stride, __global real* dest) { const int batch = get_group_id(2); const int src_offset_batch = src_offset + src_stride * batch; const int dest_offset_batch = dest_offset + dest_stride * batch; real alpha; SetToOne(alpha); _CopyMatrix(src_one, src_two, src_ld, src_offset_batch, src, dest_one, dest_two, dest_ld, dest_offset_batch, dest, alpha, 0, 0, 0); } #endif // ================================================================================================= // End of the C++11 raw string literal )" // =================================================================================================