// ================================================================================================= // This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This // project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max- // width of 100 characters per line. // // Author(s): // Cedric Nugteren // // This file contains kernels to invert squared diagonal blocks of a matrix. These kernels are based // on the TRSM implementation in the CUDA version of Magma version 2.2.0 and the poster "Triangular // Linear System Solver for GPU with CUDA and OpenCL" by Peng Du, Stanimire Tomov, Piotr Luszczek, // and Jack Dongarra. // // ================================================================================================= // // Let A be an block_size*block_size lower triangular matrix, and B its inverse. // Then the block decomposition // // [ A11 0 ] * [ B11 0 ] = [ I 0 ] // [ A21 A22 ] [ B21 B22 ] [ 0 I ] // // yields // // A11*B11 = I ==> B11 = A11^{-1}, // A22*B22 = I ==> B22 = A22^{-1}, // A21*B11 + A22*B21 = 0 ==> B21 = -A22^{-1}*A21*B11 = -B22*A21*B11. // // The InvertDiagonalBlock kernel inverts A11 and A22. // The TripleMatMul routines multiply: // part 1: B21 = A21 * B11, // part 2: B21 = -B22 * B21. // // At this level, inner block is current_size=16, with one 4 x 4 work-group per inner block. Each // submatrix Aij and Bij is current_size x current_size. The submatrix dimension is multiplied by 2 // at each level, so the next level is current_size*2 = 32. A 'page' is the next bigger block, // here current_size*2=32, // [ B11 0 ] // which contains [ B21 B22 ]. // Outer blocks are block_size x block_size. // // A21 may have < current_size rows, but is guaranteed to have current_size cols since A22 is on // the right. This makes a single check easy to do. // // B is stored in workspace that is a full multiple of block_size x block_size; no checks needed. // // We split this into part1 & part2 to synchronize all blocks and make sure // that writes to B12 are observed by all blocks. // // ================================================================================================= // Enables loading of this file using the C++ pre-processor's #include (C++11 standard raw string // literal). Comment-out this line for syntax-highlighting when developing. R"( // ================================================================================================= #if defined(ROUTINE_INVERT) #define LOCALX 17 // 16 + 1 to avoid bank conflicts #define LOCALY 16 // ================================================================================================= // Inverts a diagonal block of INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE by INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE elements in a larger matrix __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE, 1, 1))) void InvertDiagonalBlock(int n, __global const real* restrict src, const int src_offset, const int src_ld, __global real* restrict dest, const int outer_block_size, const int unit_diagonal, const int is_upper) { const int thread_index = get_local_id(0); const int block_index = get_group_id(0); // Sets the offset for this particular block in the source and destination matrices const int src_block_offset = block_index * (INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE + src_ld * INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE) + src_offset; const int num_inner_blocks = outer_block_size / INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE; const int dest_block_offset = (block_index / num_inner_blocks) * outer_block_size * outer_block_size + // go to the (block_index / num_inner_blocks) outer outer_block_size*outer_block_size block, (block_index % num_inner_blocks) * (outer_block_size*INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE + INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE); // then to the (block_index % num_inner_blocks) inner INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE*INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE block inside that // Local memory to store the inverted block of INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE by INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE __local real lm[INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE][INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE]; // Loads the source lower triangle into local memory. Any values in the upper triangle or // outside of the matrix are set to zero #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE; ++j) { const bool condition = (is_upper) ? (thread_index <= j && block_index*INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE + j < n) : (thread_index >= j && block_index*INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE + thread_index < n); if (condition) { lm[thread_index][j] = src[j*src_ld + thread_index + src_block_offset]; } else { SetToZero(lm[thread_index][j]); } } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // Inverts the diagonal real inverted_diagonal; SetToOne(inverted_diagonal); if (unit_diagonal == 0) { const real diagonal_value = lm[thread_index][thread_index]; if (!IsZero(diagonal_value)) { // Only for non-singular values and values inside the matrix real constant_one; SetToOne(constant_one); DivideFull(inverted_diagonal, constant_one, diagonal_value); } } lm[thread_index][thread_index] = inverted_diagonal; barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // Upper-triangular if (is_upper) { // Computes the elements 0:j-1 of the j-th column for (int j = 1; j < INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE; ++j) { real sum; if (thread_index < j) { SetToZero(sum); #pragma unroll for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) { MultiplyAdd(sum, lm[thread_index][k], lm[k][j]); } } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); if (thread_index < j) { real diagonal_value = lm[j][j]; Negate(diagonal_value); Multiply(lm[thread_index][j], diagonal_value, sum); } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } } // Lower triangular else { // Computes the elements j+1:INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE-1 of the j-th column for (int j = INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE - 2; j >= 0; --j) { real sum; if (thread_index > j) { SetToZero(sum); #pragma unroll for (int k = j + 1; k < INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE; ++k) { MultiplyAdd(sum, lm[thread_index][k], lm[k][j]); } } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); if (thread_index > j) { real diagonal_value = lm[j][j]; Negate(diagonal_value); Multiply(lm[thread_index][j], diagonal_value, sum); } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } } // Writes the result to global memory #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE; ++j) { dest[j*outer_block_size + thread_index + dest_block_offset] = lm[thread_index][j]; } } // ================================================================================================= // Triple matrix-multiplication kernel: C = A * B INLINE_FUNC void TripleMatMul(const int size, const bool upper, const int part, LOCAL_PTR real* blm, int n, __global const real* agm, __global const real* bgm, __global real* cgm, const int lda, const int ldb, const int ldc, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { // Emulates a 3D grid: NX * (NY * num_pages) const int by = get_group_id(1) / num_pages; const int page = get_group_id(1) % num_pages; const int lidx = get_local_id(0); const int lidy = get_local_id(1); const int ibx = get_group_id(0) * (get_local_size(0)*get_local_size(1)); const int iby = by*16; const int id = lidx + lidy*get_local_size(0); const int row = page*current_size*2 + current_size + ibx + id; int col = page*current_size*2 + current_size; // Sets the offsets for this specific thread agm += ibx + id; bgm += lidx + (iby + lidy)*ldb; cgm += ibx + id + iby*ldc; // Initializes the result registers real cpm[16]; #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { SetToZero(cpm[j]); } // Computes NT x 16 block of C, each thread computes one 1 x 16 row for (int k = 0; k < current_size; k += 16) { // Loads a 16 x 16 block of B into local memory using NX x 4 threads #pragma unroll for( int i=0; i < 16; i += (size/4) ) { // += get_local_size(0) #pragma unroll for( int j=0; j < 16; j += 4 ) { // += get_local_size(1) blm[(lidx + i) * LOCALX + (lidy + j)] = bgm[k + i + j*ldb]; } } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // Upper triangular if (upper) { // Performs 16 x 16 multiply-add operations #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (part == 2 || col++ < n) { #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { MultiplyAdd(cpm[j], agm[(i + k) * lda], blm[i * LOCALX + j]); } } } } // Lower triangular else { if (row < n) { // Performs 16 x 16 multiply-add operations #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { MultiplyAdd(cpm[j], agm[(i + k) * lda], blm[i * LOCALX + j]); } } } } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } // Stores NT x 16 results: each thread writes one 16 x 1 row #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (part == 2) { Negate(cpm[i]); } cgm[0] = cpm[i]; cgm += ldc; } } // ================================================================================================= // Triple matrix-multiplication kernel part 1: B12 = A12 * B22 (upper) or B21 = A21 * B11 (lower) INLINE_FUNC void TripleMatMulPart1(const int size, const bool upper, LOCAL_PTR real* blm, int n, __global const real* src, const int a_offset, const int lda, __global real* dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { // Emulates a 3D grid: NX * (NY * num_pages) const int page = get_group_id(1) % num_pages; // Computes the destination block offset: // - go to the (page / pages_per_block) outer block_size * block_size block // - then the (page % pages_per_block) inner (current_size*2) * (current_size*2) page inside that const int pages_per_block = block_size / (current_size*2); dest += (page / pages_per_block) * block_size * block_size + (page % pages_per_block) * (current_size*2*block_size + current_size*2); // Using the GEMM notation: C = A*B __global const real* agm; __global const real* bgm; __global real* cgm; if (upper) { // upper triangular: B12 = A12 * B22 agm = src + a_offset + page*current_size*2*lda + page*current_size*2 + current_size*lda; // A12 bgm = dest + current_size*block_size + current_size; // B22 cgm = dest + current_size*block_size; // B12 } else { // lower triangular: B21 = A21 * B11 agm = src + a_offset + page*current_size*2*lda + page*current_size*2 + current_size; // A21 bgm = dest; // B11 cgm = dest + current_size; // B21 } // Runs the generic C = A * B matrix multiplication const int ldb = block_size; const int ldc = block_size; TripleMatMul(size, upper, 1, blm, n, agm, bgm, cgm, lda, ldb, ldc, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // Triple matrix-multiplication kernel part 1: B12 = -B11 * B12 (upper) or B21 = -B22 * B21 (lower) INLINE_FUNC void TripleMatMulPart2(const int size, const bool upper, LOCAL_PTR real* blm, const int n, __global real* dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { // Emulates a 3D grid: NX * (NY * num_pages) const int page = get_group_id(1) % num_pages; // Computes the destination block offset: // - go to the (page / pages_per_block) outer block_size * block_size block // - then the (page % pages_per_block) inner (current_size*2) * (current_size*2) page inside that const int pages_per_block = block_size / (current_size*2); dest += (page / pages_per_block) * block_size * block_size + (page % pages_per_block) * (current_size*2*block_size + current_size*2); // Using the GEMM notation: C = A*B __global const real* agm; __global const real* bgm; __global real* cgm; if (upper) { // upper triangular: B12 = -B11 * B12 agm = dest; // B11 cgm = dest + current_size*block_size; // B12 bgm = cgm; // B12, okay to overwrite } else { // lower triangular: B21 = -B22 * B21 agm = dest + current_size*block_size + current_size; // B22 cgm = dest + current_size; // B21 bgm = cgm; // B21, okay to overwrite } // Runs the generic C = A * B matrix multiplication const int lda = block_size; const int ldb = block_size; const int ldc = block_size; TripleMatMul(size, upper, 2, blm, n, agm, bgm, cgm, lda, ldb, ldc, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // ================================================================================================= // B21 = A21 * B11 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(4, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul16Part1Lower(int n, __global const real* restrict src, const int a_offset, const int lda, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart1(16, false, lm, n, src, a_offset, lda, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B21 = -B22 * B21 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(4, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul16Part2Lower(int n, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart2(16, false, lm, n, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B21 = A21 * B11 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(8, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul32Part1Lower(int n, __global const real* restrict src, const int a_offset, const int lda, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart1(32, false, lm, n, src, a_offset, lda, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B21 = -B22 * B21 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(8, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul32Part2Lower(int n, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart2(32, false, lm, n, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B21 = A21 * B11 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(16, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul64Part1Lower(int n, __global const real* restrict src, const int a_offset, const int lda, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart1(64, false, lm, n, src, a_offset, lda, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B21 = -B22 * B21 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(16, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul64Part2Lower(int n, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart2(64, false, lm, n, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // ================================================================================================= // B12 = A12 * B22 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(4, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul16Part1Upper(int n, __global const real* restrict src, const int a_offset, const int lda, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart1(16, true, lm, n, src, a_offset, lda, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B12 = -B11 * B12 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(4, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul16Part2Upper(int n, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart2(16, true, lm, n, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B12 = A12 * B22 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(8, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul32Part1Upper(int n, __global const real* restrict src, const int a_offset, const int lda, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart1(32, true, lm, n, src, a_offset, lda, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B12 = -B11 * B12 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(8, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul32Part2Upper(int n, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart2(32, true, lm, n, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B12 = A12 * B22 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(16, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul64Part1Upper(int n, __global const real* restrict src, const int a_offset, const int lda, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart1(64, true, lm, n, src, a_offset, lda, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } // B12 = -B11 * B12 __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(16, 4, 1))) void TripleMatMul64Part2Upper(int n, __global real* restrict dest, int current_size, int num_pages, const int block_size) { __local real lm[LOCALY * LOCALX]; TripleMatMulPart2(64, true, lm, n, dest, current_size, num_pages, block_size); } #endif // ================================================================================================= // End of the C++11 raw string literal )" // =================================================================================================