// ================================================================================================= // This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This // project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max- // width of 100 characters per line. // // Author(s): // Cedric Nugteren // // This is a generic GEMM kernel that works for all sizes and configurations: it doesn't require any // pre and and post-processing kernels. // // This kernel is seperated into three files. This is part 1 out of 3. // // ================================================================================================= // Enables loading of this file using the C++ pre-processor's #include (C++11 standard raw string // literal). Comment-out this line for syntax-highlighting when developing. R"( // Parameters set by the tuner or by the database. Here they are given a basic default value in case // this kernel file is used outside of the CLBlast library. Note that all parameters here have a // suffix 'D' to denote that they are for the 'direct' version of the GEMM kernel. #ifndef WGD #define WGD 8 // Tile-size in dimension M, N, and K (e.g. 8, 16, 32, 64) #endif #ifndef MDIMCD #define MDIMCD 8 // Threads per workgroup in M-dimension (e.g. 8, 16, 32) #endif #ifndef NDIMCD #define NDIMCD 8 // Threads per workgroup in N-dimension (e.g. 8, 16, 32) #endif #ifndef MDIMAD #define MDIMAD 8 // Re-shaped tile dimension of matrix A: KDIMAD * MDIMAD #endif #ifndef NDIMBD #define NDIMBD 8 // Re-shaped tile dimension of matrix B: KDIMBD * NDIMBD #endif #ifndef KWID #define KWID 1 // Unroll factor of the WGD loop (smaller or equal than WGD) #endif #ifndef VWMD #define VWMD 1 // Vector width of matrices A and C #endif #ifndef VWND #define VWND 1 // Vector width of matrix B #endif #ifndef PADA #define PADA 1 // Local memory padding for matrix A #endif #ifndef PADB #define PADB 1 // Local memory padding for matrix B #endif // Helper parameters based on the above tuning parameters #define MWID (WGD/MDIMCD) // Work per work-item (M-dimension) #define NWID (WGD/NDIMCD) // Work per work-item (N-dimension) #define KDIMAD ((MDIMCD*NDIMCD)/(MDIMAD)) // Re-shaped tile dimension of matrix A: KDIMAD * MDIMAD #define KDIMBD ((MDIMCD*NDIMCD)/(NDIMBD)) // Re-shaped tile dimension of matrix B: KDIMBD * NDIMBD #define MWAD (WGD/MDIMAD) // Amount of loads-per-thread for matrix A (M-dimension) #define KWAD (WGD/KDIMAD) // Amount of loads-per-thread for matrix A (K-dimension) #define KWBD (WGD/KDIMBD) // Amount of loads-per-thread for matrix B (K-dimension) #define NWBD (WGD/NDIMBD) // Amount of loads-per-thread for matrix B (N-dimension) // ================================================================================================= // Data-widths in dimension M #if VWMD == 1 typedef real realMD; #elif VWMD == 2 typedef real2 realMD; #elif VWMD == 4 typedef real4 realMD; #elif VWMD == 8 typedef real8 realMD; #elif VWMD == 16 typedef real16 realMD; #endif // Data-widths in dimension N #if VWND == 1 typedef real realND; #elif VWND == 2 typedef real2 realND; #elif VWND == 4 typedef real4 realND; #elif VWND == 8 typedef real8 realND; #elif VWND == 16 typedef real16 realND; #endif // ================================================================================================= // Initializes the accumulation registers to zero INLINE_FUNC void InitAccRegistersDirect(real cpd[NWID * MWID]) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { SetToZero(cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi]); } } } // ================================================================================================= // Performs the actual computation: Cpm += Apm * Bpm INLINE_FUNC void MultiplyAccumulateDirect(real cpd[NWID * MWID], real apd[MWID], real bpd[NWID]) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { MultiplyAdd(cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], apd[_mi], bpd[_ni]); } } } // ================================================================================================= // Loads global off-chip memory into thread-private register files. This function is specific for // loading the A input matrix. INLINE_FUNC void GlobalToPrivateDirectA(const __global real* restrict agms, real apd[MWID], const int a_ld, const int a_offset, const int idm, const int idk, const int a_transpose, const int a_conjugate) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { const int a_index = (a_transpose) ? (idm + _mi)*a_ld + idk : idk*a_ld + (idm + _mi); apd[_mi] = agms[a_index + a_offset]; if (a_conjugate) { COMPLEX_CONJUGATE(apd[_mi]); } } } // Same as above, but now for the B input matrix INLINE_FUNC void GlobalToPrivateDirectB(const __global real* restrict bgms, real bpd[NWID], const int b_ld, const int b_offset, const int idn, const int idk, const int b_transpose, const int b_conjugate) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { const int b_index = (b_transpose) ? (idn + _ni)*b_ld + idk : idk*b_ld + (idn + _ni); bpd[_ni] = bgms[b_index + b_offset]; if (b_conjugate) { COMPLEX_CONJUGATE(bpd[_ni]); } } } // Loads global off-chip memory into thread-private register files. This function is specific for // loading the A input matrix. This is the same as above but now includes a bounds check. INLINE_FUNC void GlobalToPrivateCheckedA(const __global real* restrict agms, real apd[MWID], const int a_ld, const int a_offset, const int idm, const int idk, const int a_transpose, const int a_conjugate, const int kSizeM) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { if (idm + _mi < kSizeM) { const int a_index = (a_transpose) ? (idm + _mi)*a_ld + idk : idk*a_ld + (idm + _mi); apd[_mi] = agms[a_index + a_offset]; if (a_conjugate) { COMPLEX_CONJUGATE(apd[_mi]); } } else { SetToZero(apd[_mi]); } } } // Same as above, but now for the B input matrix INLINE_FUNC void GlobalToPrivateCheckedB(const __global real* restrict bgms, real bpd[NWID], const int b_ld, const int b_offset, const int idn, const int idk, const int b_transpose, const int b_conjugate, const int kSizeN) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { if (idn + _ni < kSizeN) { const int b_index = (b_transpose) ? (idn + _ni)*b_ld + idk : idk*b_ld + (idn + _ni); bpd[_ni] = bgms[b_index + b_offset]; if (b_conjugate) { COMPLEX_CONJUGATE(bpd[_ni]); } } else { SetToZero(bpd[_ni]); } } } // ================================================================================================= // Caches on-chip local memory into per-thread private memory (registers). This function is specific // for caching the A input matrix. INLINE_FUNC void LocalToPrivateDirectA(LOCAL_PTR real* alm, real apd[MWID], const int kg, const int a_transpose) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { const int mg = _mi + get_local_id(0)*MWID; const int index = (a_transpose) ? mg*(WGD + PADA) + kg : kg*(WGD + PADA) + mg; apd[_mi] = alm[index]; } } // Same as above, but now for the B input matrix INLINE_FUNC void LocalToPrivateDirectB(LOCAL_PTR real* blm, real bpd[NWID], const int kg, const int b_transpose) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { const int ng = _ni + get_local_id(1)*NWID; const int index = (b_transpose) ? ng*(WGD + PADB) + kg : kg*(WGD + PADB) + ng; bpd[_ni] = blm[index]; } } // ================================================================================================= // Merges the results in Cpm with the global array in Cgm. This also performs the multiplication // with the constants: Cgm = alpha*A*B + beta*Cgm = alpha*Cpm + beta*Cgm INLINE_FUNC void StoreResultsDirect(__global real* cgm, real cpd[NWID * MWID], const int idm, const int idn, const real alpha, const real beta, const int c_ld, const int c_offset, const int c_transpose) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { // Deter_mines the destination index int c_index = (c_transpose) ? (idm + _mi)*c_ld + (idn + _ni) : (idn + _ni)*c_ld + (idm + _mi); // The final multiplication with alpha (in case beta == 0) real result; if (IsZero(beta)) { Multiply(result, alpha, cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi]); } // The final multiplication with alpha and the addition with beta*C else { AXPBY(result, alpha, cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], beta, cgm[c_index + c_offset]); } cgm[c_index + c_offset] = result; } } } // Merges the results in Cpm with the global array in Cgm. This also performs the multiplication // with the constants: Cgm = alpha*A*B + beta*Cgm = alpha*Cpm + beta*Cgm INLINE_FUNC void StoreResultsChecked(__global real* cgm, real cpd[NWID * MWID], const int idm, const int idn, const int kSizeM, const int kSizeN, const real alpha, const real beta, const int c_ld, const int c_offset, const int c_transpose) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { if ((idm + _mi) < kSizeM && (idn + _ni) < kSizeN) { // Deter_mines the destination index int c_index = (c_transpose) ? (idm + _mi)*c_ld + (idn + _ni) : (idn + _ni)*c_ld + (idm + _mi); // The final multiplication with alpha (in case beta == 0) real result; if (IsZero(beta)) { Multiply(result, alpha, cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi]); } // The final multiplication with alpha and the addition with beta*C else { AXPBY(result, alpha, cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], beta, cgm[c_index + c_offset]); } cgm[c_index + c_offset] = result; } } } } // ================================================================================================= // End of the C++11 raw string literal )" // =================================================================================================