// ================================================================================================= // This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This // project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max- // width of 100 characters per line. // // Author(s): // Cedric Nugteren // // This file contains the an implementation of 3D convolution on a 4D image using GEMM kernels. It // uses parameters from the direct GEMM kernel. This part contains the main kernel (2/2). // This uses "CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL" as a switch to select between direct convgemm or first running // the im2col kernel to create a 'col' temporary matrix. // // ================================================================================================= // Enables loading of this file using the C++ pre-processor's #include (C++11 standard raw string // literal). Comment-out this line for syntax-highlighting when developing. R"( // ================================================================================================= #if defined(ROUTINE_CONVGEMM) // ConvGEMM kernel __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(MDIMCD, NDIMCD, 1))) void Xconvgemm(const int num_patches, const int num_kernels, const int patch_size, const __global realND* restrict kernelgm, const int kernel_offset, __global real* resultgm, const int result_offset, const int result_stride, #if defined(CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL) const __global realMD* restrict colgm, const int col_offset, const int col_stride) #else const __global realMD* restrict imagegm, const int image_offset, const int input_h, const int input_w, const int channels, const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w, const int pad_h, const int pad_w, const int stride_h, const int stride_w, const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w, const int output_h, const int output_w) #endif { // Batch offsets const int batch = get_group_id(2); #if defined(CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL) const int col_offset_batch = col_offset + col_stride * batch; #else const int image_offset_batch = image_offset + channels * input_h * input_w * batch; #endif const int result_offset_batch = result_offset + result_stride * batch; __local real alm[WGD * (WGD + PADA)]; __local real blm[WGD * (WGD + PADB)]; // Extra pointers to scalar versions of global memory #if defined(CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL) const __global real* restrict colgms = (const __global real* restrict) colgm; #endif const __global real* restrict kernelgms = (const __global real* restrict) kernelgm; // Allocates workitem-private memory (registers) #pragma promote_to_registers real apd[MWID]; #pragma promote_to_registers real bpd[NWID]; #pragma promote_to_registers real cpd[NWID * MWID]; // Initializes the accumulation registers #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { SetToZero(cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi]); } } // Global m/n indices const int idm = get_local_id(0) * MWID + GetGroupID0() * WGD; const int idn = get_local_id(1) * NWID + GetGroupID1() * WGD; #if !defined(CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL) const int w_id = idm % output_w; const int h_id = idm / output_w; #endif // The faster version of GEMM is not allowed on the (incomplete) borders. Therefore, this section // processes only the main parts: output blocks of WGD by WGD. #if defined(CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL) // TEMP: To be implemented for other case as well if ((idm < (num_patches/WGD)*WGD) && (idn < (num_kernels/WGD)*WGD)) { // Loops over all complete workgroup tiles (K-dimension) int kwg = 0; for (; kwg < (patch_size/WGD) * WGD; kwg += WGD) { // Loads data: off-chip --> local (matrix A and B) if (num_patches % VWMD == 0 && col_offset_batch % VWMD == 0) { GlobalToLocalDirectA(colgm, alm, num_patches, col_offset_batch, kwg, false, false); } else { GlobalToLocalScalarA(colgms, alm, num_patches, col_offset_batch, kwg, false, false); } if (patch_size % VWND == 0 && kernel_offset % VWND == 0) { GlobalToLocalDirectB(kernelgm, blm, patch_size, kernel_offset, kwg, true, false); } else { GlobalToLocalScalarB(kernelgms, blm, patch_size, kernel_offset, kwg, true, false); } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // Loops over all workitem tiles, unrolled by a factor KWID for (int pwi = 0; pwi < WGD; pwi += KWID) { #pragma unroll for (int _pit = 0; _pit < KWID; _pit += 1) { int kg = pwi + _pit; // Loads data: local --> private (matrix A and B) #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { apd[_mi] = LocalToPrivateDirectA(alm, _mi, kg, false); } #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { bpd[_ni] = LocalToPrivateDirectB(blm, _ni, kg, true); } // Performs the accumulation (Cpmd += Apmd * Bpmd) #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { MultiplyAdd(cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], apd[_mi], bpd[_ni]); } } } } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } // Loop over the remaining part (incomplete tile in K-dimension) for (; kwg < patch_size; ++kwg) { // Loads data: off-chip --> private (matrix A and B) #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { apd[_mi] = GlobalToPrivateDirectA(colgms, _mi, num_patches, col_offset_batch, idm, kwg, false, false); } #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { bpd[_ni] = GlobalToPrivateDirectB(kernelgms, _ni, patch_size, kernel_offset, idn, kwg, true, false); } // Performs the accumulation (Cpmd += Apmd * Bpmd) #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { MultiplyAdd(cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], apd[_mi], bpd[_ni]); } } } // Stores a tile of results #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { StoreResultsDirect(resultgm, cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], _mi, _ni, idm, idn, ONE, ZERO, num_patches, result_offset_batch, false); } } } // Simple but slower version for the parts on the edge (incomplete tiles in M and N-dimensions) else { #else // TEMP, to be implemented { // TEMP, to be implemented #endif // TEMP, to be implemented // Loops over all complete workgroup tiles (K-dimension) int kwg = 0; for (; kwg < (patch_size/WGD) * WGD; kwg+=WGD) { // Loads data: off-chip --> local #if defined(CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL) GlobalToLocalCheckedA(colgms, alm, num_patches, col_offset_batch, kwg, false, false, num_patches, patch_size); #else GlobalToLocalCheckedImage(imagegm, alm, image_offset_batch, h_id, w_id, kwg, input_h, input_w, channels, kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w); #endif GlobalToLocalCheckedB(kernelgms, blm, patch_size, kernel_offset, kwg, true, false, num_kernels, patch_size); barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // Loops over all workitem tiles, unrolled by a factor KWID for (int pwi = 0; pwi < WGD; pwi += KWID) { #pragma unroll for (int _pit = 0; _pit < KWID; _pit += 1) { int kg = pwi + _pit; // Loads data: local --> private #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { apd[_mi] = LocalToPrivateDirectA(alm, _mi, kg, false); } #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { bpd[_ni] = LocalToPrivateDirectB(blm, _ni, kg, true); } // Performs the accumulation (C += A * B) #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { MultiplyAdd(cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], apd[_mi], bpd[_ni]); } } } } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } // Loop over the remaining part (incomplete tile in K-dimension) for (; kwg < patch_size; ++kwg) { // Loads data: off-chip --> private #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { #if defined(CONVGEMM_WITH_IM2COL) apd[_mi] = GlobalToPrivateCheckedA(colgms, _mi, num_patches, col_offset_batch, idm, kwg, false, false, num_patches); #else apd[_mi] = GlobalToPrivateCheckedImage(imagegm, image_offset_batch, h_id, w_id, kwg, input_h, input_w, channels, kernel_h, kernel_w, pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w); #endif } #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { bpd[_ni] = GlobalToPrivateCheckedB(kernelgms, _ni, patch_size, kernel_offset, idn, kwg, true, false, num_kernels); } // Performs the accumulation (C += A * B) #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { MultiplyAdd(cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], apd[_mi], bpd[_ni]); } } } // Stores a tile of results #pragma unroll for (int _ni = 0; _ni < NWID; _ni += 1) { #pragma unroll for (int _mi = 0; _mi < MWID; _mi += 1) { StoreResultsChecked(resultgm, cpd[_ni * MWID + _mi], _mi, _ni, idm, idn, num_patches, num_kernels, ONE, ZERO, num_patches, result_offset_batch, false); } } } } #endif // ================================================================================================= // End of the C++11 raw string literal )" // =================================================================================================