// ================================================================================================= // This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This // project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max- // width of 100 characters per line. // // Author(s): // Cedric Nugteren // // This file implements the Routine base class (see the header for information about the class). // // ================================================================================================= #include #include #include #include #include "routine.hpp" namespace clblast { // ================================================================================================= // For each kernel this map contains a list of routines it is used in const std::vector Routine::routines_axpy = {"AXPY", "COPY", "SCAL", "SWAP"}; const std::vector Routine::routines_dot = {"AMAX", "ASUM", "DOT", "DOTC", "DOTU", "MAX", "MIN", "NRM2", "SUM"}; const std::vector Routine::routines_ger = {"GER", "GERC", "GERU", "HER", "HER2", "HPR", "HPR2", "SPR", "SPR2", "SYR", "SYR2"}; const std::vector Routine::routines_gemv = {"GBMV", "GEMV", "HBMV", "HEMV", "HPMV", "SBMV", "SPMV", "SYMV", "TMBV", "TPMV", "TRMV", "TRSV"}; const std::vector Routine::routines_gemm = {"GEMM", "HEMM", "SYMM", "TRMM"}; const std::vector Routine::routines_gemm_syrk = {"GEMM", "HEMM", "HER2K", "HERK", "SYMM", "SYR2K", "SYRK", "TRMM", "TRSM"}; const std::vector Routine::routines_trsm = {"TRSM"}; const std::unordered_map> Routine::routines_by_kernel = { {"Xaxpy", routines_axpy}, {"Xdot", routines_dot}, {"Xgemv", routines_gemv}, {"XgemvFast", routines_gemv}, {"XgemvFastRot", routines_gemv}, {"Xtrsv", routines_gemv}, {"Xger", routines_ger}, {"Copy", routines_gemm_syrk}, {"Pad", routines_gemm_syrk}, {"Transpose", routines_gemm_syrk}, {"Padtranspose", routines_gemm_syrk}, {"Xgemm", routines_gemm_syrk}, {"XgemmDirect", routines_gemm}, {"GemmRoutine", routines_gemm}, {"Invert", routines_trsm}, }; // ================================================================================================= // The constructor does all heavy work, errors are returned as exceptions Routine::Routine(Queue &queue, EventPointer event, const std::string &name, const std::vector &kernel_names, const Precision precision, const std::vector &userDatabase, std::initializer_list source): precision_(precision), routine_name_(name), kernel_names_(kernel_names), queue_(queue), event_(event), context_(queue_.GetContext()), device_(queue_.GetDevice()), db_(kernel_names) { InitDatabase(device_, kernel_names, precision, userDatabase, db_); InitProgram(source); } void Routine::InitProgram(std::initializer_list source) { // Determines the identifier for this particular routine call auto routine_info = routine_name_; for (const auto &kernel_name : kernel_names_) { routine_info += "_" + kernel_name + db_(kernel_name).GetValuesString(); } log_debug(routine_info); // Queries the cache to see whether or not the program (context-specific) is already there bool has_program; program_ = ProgramCache::Instance().Get(ProgramKeyRef{ context_(), device_(), precision_, routine_info }, &has_program); if (has_program) { return; } // Sets the build options from an environmental variable (if set) auto options = std::vector(); const auto environment_variable = std::getenv("CLBLAST_BUILD_OPTIONS"); if (environment_variable != nullptr) { options.push_back(std::string(environment_variable)); } // Queries the cache to see whether or not the binary (device-specific) is already there. If it // is, a program is created and stored in the cache const auto device_name = GetDeviceName(device_); const auto platform_id = device_.PlatformID(); bool has_binary; auto binary = BinaryCache::Instance().Get(BinaryKeyRef{platform_id, precision_, routine_info, device_name }, &has_binary); if (has_binary) { program_ = std::make_shared(device_, context_, binary); program_->Build(device_, options); ProgramCache::Instance().Store(ProgramKey{ context_(), device_(), precision_, routine_info }, std::shared_ptr{program_}); return; } // Otherwise, the kernel will be compiled and program will be built. Both the binary and the // program will be added to the cache. // Inspects whether or not FP64 is supported in case of double precision if ((precision_ == Precision::kDouble && !PrecisionSupported(device_)) || (precision_ == Precision::kComplexDouble && !PrecisionSupported(device_))) { throw RuntimeErrorCode(StatusCode::kNoDoublePrecision); } // As above, but for FP16 (half precision) if (precision_ == Precision::kHalf && !PrecisionSupported(device_)) { throw RuntimeErrorCode(StatusCode::kNoHalfPrecision); } // Collects the parameters for this device in the form of defines auto source_string = std::string{""}; for (const auto &kernel_name : kernel_names_) { source_string += db_(kernel_name).GetDefines(); } // Adds routine-specific code to the constructed source string for (const char *s: source) { source_string += s; } // Completes the source and compiles the kernel program_ = CompileFromSource(source_string, precision_, routine_name_, device_, context_, options, 0); // Store the compiled binary and program in the cache BinaryCache::Instance().Store(BinaryKey{platform_id, precision_, routine_info, device_name}, program_->GetIR()); ProgramCache::Instance().Store(ProgramKey{context_(), device_(), precision_, routine_info}, std::shared_ptr{program_}); } // ================================================================================================= } // namespace clblast