// ================================================================================================= // This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This // project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max- // width of 100 characters per line. // // Author(s): // Cedric Nugteren // // This file contains all the interfaces to common kernels, such as copying, padding, and // transposing a matrix. These functions are templated and thus header-only. This file also contains // other common functions to routines, such as a function to launch a kernel. // // ================================================================================================= #ifndef CLBLAST_ROUTINES_COMMON_H_ #define CLBLAST_ROUTINES_COMMON_H_ #include #include #include "utilities/utilities.hpp" #include "database/database.hpp" namespace clblast { // ================================================================================================= // Compiles a program from source code Program CompileFromSource(const std::string &source_string, const Precision precision, const std::string &routine_name, const Device& device, const Context& context, std::vector& options); // Enqueues a kernel, waits for completion, and checks for errors void RunKernel(Kernel &kernel, Queue &queue, const Device &device, std::vector global, const std::vector &local, EventPointer event, const std::vector &waitForEvents = {}); // ================================================================================================= // Sets all elements of a matrix to a constant value template void FillMatrix(Queue &queue, const Device &device, const Program &program, const Databases &, EventPointer event, const std::vector &waitForEvents, const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t ld, const size_t offset, const Buffer &dest, const T constant_value); // Sets all elements of a vector to a constant value template void FillVector(Queue &queue, const Device &device, const Program &program, const Databases &, EventPointer event, const std::vector &waitForEvents, const size_t n, const size_t inc, const size_t offset, const Buffer &dest, const T constant_value); // ================================================================================================= // Copies or transposes a matrix and optionally pads/unpads it with zeros. This method is also able // to write to symmetric and triangular matrices through optional arguments. template void PadCopyTransposeMatrix(Queue &queue, const Device &device, const Databases &db, EventPointer event, const std::vector &waitForEvents, const size_t src_one, const size_t src_two, const size_t src_ld, const size_t src_offset, const Buffer &src, const size_t dest_one, const size_t dest_two, const size_t dest_ld, const size_t dest_offset, const Buffer &dest, const T alpha, const Program &program, const bool do_pad, const bool do_transpose, const bool do_conjugate, const bool upper = false, const bool lower = false, const bool diagonal_imag_zero = false) { // Determines whether or not the fast-version could potentially be used auto use_fast_kernel = (src_offset == 0) && (dest_offset == 0) && (do_conjugate == false) && (src_one == dest_one) && (src_two == dest_two) && (src_ld == dest_ld) && (upper == false) && (lower == false) && (diagonal_imag_zero == false); // Determines the right kernel auto kernel_name = std::string{}; if (do_transpose) { if (use_fast_kernel && IsMultiple(src_ld, db["TRA_WPT"]) && IsMultiple(src_one, db["TRA_WPT"]*db["TRA_DIM"]) && IsMultiple(src_two, db["TRA_WPT"]*db["TRA_DIM"])) { kernel_name = "TransposeMatrixFast"; } else { use_fast_kernel = false; kernel_name = (do_pad) ? "TransposePadMatrix" : "TransposeMatrix"; } } else { if (use_fast_kernel && IsMultiple(src_ld, db["COPY_VW"]) && IsMultiple(src_one, db["COPY_VW"]*db["COPY_DIMX"]) && IsMultiple(src_two, db["COPY_WPT"]*db["COPY_DIMY"])) { kernel_name = "CopyMatrixFast"; } else { use_fast_kernel = false; kernel_name = (do_pad) ? "CopyPadMatrix" : "CopyMatrix"; } } // Retrieves the kernel from the compiled binary auto kernel = Kernel(program, kernel_name); // Sets the kernel arguments if (use_fast_kernel) { kernel.SetArgument(0, static_cast(src_ld)); kernel.SetArgument(1, src()); kernel.SetArgument(2, dest()); kernel.SetArgument(3, GetRealArg(alpha)); } else { kernel.SetArgument(0, static_cast(src_one)); kernel.SetArgument(1, static_cast(src_two)); kernel.SetArgument(2, static_cast(src_ld)); kernel.SetArgument(3, static_cast(src_offset)); kernel.SetArgument(4, src()); kernel.SetArgument(5, static_cast(dest_one)); kernel.SetArgument(6, static_cast(dest_two)); kernel.SetArgument(7, static_cast(dest_ld)); kernel.SetArgument(8, static_cast(dest_offset)); kernel.SetArgument(9, dest()); kernel.SetArgument(10, GetRealArg(alpha)); if (do_pad) { kernel.SetArgument(11, static_cast(do_conjugate)); } else { kernel.SetArgument(11, static_cast(upper)); kernel.SetArgument(12, static_cast(lower)); kernel.SetArgument(13, static_cast(diagonal_imag_zero)); } } // Launches the kernel and returns the error code. Uses global and local thread sizes based on // parameters in the database. if (do_transpose) { if (use_fast_kernel) { const auto global = std::vector{ dest_one / db["TRA_WPT"], dest_two / db["TRA_WPT"] }; const auto local = std::vector{db["TRA_DIM"], db["TRA_DIM"]}; RunKernel(kernel, queue, device, global, local, event, waitForEvents); } else { const auto global = std::vector{ Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_one, db["PADTRA_WPT"]), db["PADTRA_TILE"]), Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_two, db["PADTRA_WPT"]), db["PADTRA_TILE"]) }; const auto local = std::vector{db["PADTRA_TILE"], db["PADTRA_TILE"]}; RunKernel(kernel, queue, device, global, local, event, waitForEvents); } } else { if (use_fast_kernel) { const auto global = std::vector{ dest_one / db["COPY_VW"], dest_two / db["COPY_WPT"] }; const auto local = std::vector{db["COPY_DIMX"], db["COPY_DIMY"]}; RunKernel(kernel, queue, device, global, local, event, waitForEvents); } else { const auto global = std::vector{ Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_one, db["PAD_WPTX"]), db["PAD_DIMX"]), Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_two, db["PAD_WPTY"]), db["PAD_DIMY"]) }; const auto local = std::vector{db["PAD_DIMX"], db["PAD_DIMY"]}; RunKernel(kernel, queue, device, global, local, event, waitForEvents); } } } // Batched version of the above template void PadCopyTransposeMatrixBatched(Queue &queue, const Device &device, const Databases &db, EventPointer event, const std::vector &waitForEvents, const size_t src_one, const size_t src_two, const size_t src_ld, const Buffer &src_offsets, const Buffer &src, const size_t dest_one, const size_t dest_two, const size_t dest_ld, const Buffer &dest_offsets, const Buffer &dest, const Program &program, const bool do_pad, const bool do_transpose, const bool do_conjugate, const size_t batch_count) { // Determines the right kernel auto kernel_name = std::string{}; if (do_transpose) { kernel_name = (do_pad) ? "TransposePadMatrixBatched" : "TransposeMatrixBatched"; } else { kernel_name = (do_pad) ? "CopyPadMatrixBatched" : "CopyMatrixBatched"; } // Retrieves the kernel from the compiled binary auto kernel = Kernel(program, kernel_name); // Sets the kernel arguments kernel.SetArgument(0, static_cast(src_one)); kernel.SetArgument(1, static_cast(src_two)); kernel.SetArgument(2, static_cast(src_ld)); kernel.SetArgument(3, src_offsets()); kernel.SetArgument(4, src()); kernel.SetArgument(5, static_cast(dest_one)); kernel.SetArgument(6, static_cast(dest_two)); kernel.SetArgument(7, static_cast(dest_ld)); kernel.SetArgument(8, dest_offsets()); kernel.SetArgument(9, dest()); if (do_pad) { kernel.SetArgument(10, static_cast(do_conjugate)); } // Launches the kernel and returns the error code. Uses global and local thread sizes based on // parameters in the database. if (do_transpose) { const auto global = std::vector{ Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_one, db["PADTRA_WPT"]), db["PADTRA_TILE"]), Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_two, db["PADTRA_WPT"]), db["PADTRA_TILE"]), batch_count }; const auto local = std::vector{db["PADTRA_TILE"], db["PADTRA_TILE"], 1}; RunKernel(kernel, queue, device, global, local, event, waitForEvents); } else { const auto global = std::vector{ Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_one, db["PAD_WPTX"]), db["PAD_DIMX"]), Ceil(CeilDiv(dest_two, db["PAD_WPTY"]), db["PAD_DIMY"]), batch_count }; const auto local = std::vector{db["PAD_DIMX"], db["PAD_DIMY"], 1}; RunKernel(kernel, queue, device, global, local, event, waitForEvents); } } // ================================================================================================= } // namespace clblast // CLBLAST_ROUTINES_COMMON_H_ #endif