path: root/doc/common
diff options
authorGard Spreemann <>2017-02-07 17:36:10 +0100
committerGard Spreemann <>2017-02-07 17:36:10 +0100
commit5638527781e1d8cd916cd28f9d375eef7b5d820b (patch)
tree1db4b788c3ee6cbd932df872166aee8e3f320d5b /doc/common
parent55c7181126aa7defce38c9b82872d14223d4c1dd (diff)
Delete upstream debian directory, a precompiled binary without source,
and some stray backup files.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/common')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 341 deletions
diff --git a/doc/common/main_page.h~ b/doc/common/main_page.h~
deleted file mode 100644
index abe7398b..00000000
--- a/doc/common/main_page.h~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-/*! \mainpage
- * \tableofcontents
- * \image html "Gudhi_banner.png" "" width=20cm
- *
- * \section Introduction Introduction
- * The Gudhi library (Geometry Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic open source C++ library for
- * Computational Topology and Topological Data Analysis
- * (<a class="el" target="_blank" href="">TDA</a>).
- * The GUDHI library intends to help the development of new algorithmic solutions in TDA and their transfer to
- * applications. It provides robust, efficient, flexible and easy to use implementations of state-of-the-art
- * algorithms and data structures.
- *
- * The current release of the GUDHI library includes:
- *
- * \li Data structures to represent, construct and manipulate simplicial complexes.
- * \li Algorithms to compute persistent homology and multi-field persistent homology.
- * \li Simplication of simplicial complexes by edge contraction.
- *
- * All data-structures are generic and several of their aspects can be parameterized via template classes.
- * We refer to \cite gudhilibrary_ICMS14 for a detailed description of the design of the library.
- *
- \section DataStructures Data structures
- \subsection AlphaComplexDataStructure Alpha complex
- \image html "alpha_complex_representation.png" "Alpha complex representation"
-<table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="25%">
- <b>Author:</b> Vincent Rouvreau<br>
- <b>Introduced in:</b> GUDHI 1.3.0<br>
- <b>Copyright:</b> GPL v3<br>
- </td>
- <td width="75%">
- Alpha_complex is a simplicial complex constructed from the finite cells of a Delaunay Triangulation.<br>
- The filtration value of each simplex is computed as the square of the circumradius of the simplex if the
- circumsphere is empty (the simplex is then said to be Gabriel), and as the minimum of the filtration
- values of the codimension 1 cofaces that make it not Gabriel otherwise.
- All simplices that have a filtration value strictly greater than a given alpha squared value are not inserted into
- the complex.<br>
- <b>User manual:</b> \ref alpha_complex - <b>Reference manual:</b> Gudhi::alphacomplex::Alpha_complex
- </td>
- </tr>
- \subsection CubicalComplexDataStructure Cubical complex
- \image html "Cubical_complex_representation.png" "Cubical complex representation"
-<table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="25%">
- <b>Author:</b> Pawel Dlotko<br>
- <b>Introduced in:</b> GUDHI 1.3.0<br>
- <b>Copyright:</b> GPL v3<br>
- </td>
- <td width="75%">
- The cubical complex is an example of a structured complex useful in computational mathematics (specially
- rigorous numerics) and image analysis.<br>
- <b>User manual:</b> \ref cubical_complex - <b>Reference manual:</b> Gudhi::Cubical_complex::Bitmap_cubical_complex
- </td>
- </tr>
- \subsection SimplexTreeDataStructure Simplex tree
- \image html "Simplex_tree_representation.png" "Simplex tree representation"
-<table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="25%">
- <b>Author:</b> Cl&eacute;ment Maria<br>
- <b>Introduced in:</b> GUDHI 1.0.0<br>
- <b>Copyright:</b> GPL v3<br>
- </td>
- <td width="75%">
- The simplex tree is an efficient and flexible
- data structure for representing general (filtered) simplicial complexes. The data structure
- is described in \cite boissonnatmariasimplextreealgorithmica .<br>
- <b>User manual:</b> \ref simplex_tree - <b>Reference manual:</b> Gudhi::Simplex_tree
- </td>
- </tr>
- \subsection SkeletonBlockerDataStructure Skeleton blocker
- \image html "ds_representation.png" "Skeleton blocker representation"
-<table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="25%">
- <b>Author:</b> David Salinas<br>
- <b>Introduced in:</b> GUDHI 1.1.0<br>
- <b>Copyright:</b> GPL v3<br>
- </td>
- <td width="75%">
- The Skeleton-Blocker data-structure proposes a light encoding for simplicial complexes by storing only an *implicit*
- representation of its simplices \cite socg_blockers_2011,\cite blockers2012. Intuitively, it just stores the
- 1-skeleton of a simplicial complex with a graph and the set of its "missing faces" that is very small in practice.
- This data-structure handles all simplicial complexes operations such as simplex enumeration or simplex removal but
- operations that are particularly efficient are operations that do not require simplex enumeration such as edge
- iteration, link computation or simplex contraction.<br>
- <b>User manual:</b> \ref skbl - <b>Reference manual:</b> Gudhi::skbl::Skeleton_blocker_complex
- </td>
- </tr>
- \subsection WitnessComplexDataStructure Witness complex
- \image html "Witness_complex_representation.png" "Witness complex representation"
-<table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="25%">
- <b>Author:</b> Siargey Kachanovich<br>
- <b>Introduced in:</b> GUDHI 1.3.0<br>
- <b>Copyright:</b> GPL v3<br>
- </td>
- <td width="75%">
- Witness complex \f$ Wit(W,L) \f$ is a simplicial complex defined on two sets of points in \f$\mathbb{R}^D\f$.
- The data structure is described in \cite boissonnatmariasimplextreealgorithmica .<br>
- <b>User manual:</b> \ref witness_complex - <b>Reference manual:</b> Gudhi::witness_complex::SimplicialComplexForWitness
- </td>
- </tr>
- \section Toolbox Toolbox
- \subsection ContractionToolbox Contraction
- \image html "sphere_contraction_representation.png" "Sphere contraction example"
-<table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="25%">
- <b>Author:</b> David Salinas<br>
- <b>Introduced in:</b> GUDHI 1.1.0<br>
- <b>Copyright:</b> GPL v3<br>
- </td>
- <td width="75%">
- The purpose of this package is to offer a user-friendly interface for edge contraction simplification of huge
- simplicial complexes. It uses the \ref skbl data-structure whose size remains small during simplification of most
- used geometrical complexes of topological data analysis such as the Rips or the Delaunay complexes. In practice,
- the size of this data-structure is even much lower than the total number of simplices.<br>
- <b>User manual:</b> \ref contr
- </td>
- </tr>
- \subsection PersistentCohomologyToolbox Persistent Cohomology
- \image html "3DTorus_poch.png" "Rips Persistent Cohomology on a 3D Torus"
-<table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="25%">
- <b>Author:</b> Cl&eacute;ment Maria<br>
- <b>Introduced in:</b> GUDHI 1.0.0<br>
- <b>Copyright:</b> GPL v3<br>
- </td>
- <td width="75%">
- The theory of homology consists in attaching to a topological space a sequence of (homology) groups, capturing
- global topological features like connected components, holes, cavities, etc. Persistent homology studies the
- evolution -- birth, life and death -- of these features when the topological space is changing. Consequently, the
- theory is essentially composed of three elements: topological spaces, their homology groups and an evolution
- scheme.
- Computation of persistent cohomology using the algorithm of \cite DBLP:journals/dcg/SilvaMV11 and
- \cite DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1208-5018 and the Compressed Annotation Matrix implementation of
- \cite DBLP:conf/esa/BoissonnatDM13 .<br>
- <b>User manual:</b> \ref persistent_cohomology - <b>Reference manual:</b> Gudhi::persistent_cohomology::Persistent_cohomology
- </td>
- </tr>
-/*! \page installation Gudhi installation
- * As Gudhi is a header only library, there is no need to install the library.
- *
- * Examples of Gudhi headers inclusion can be found in \ref demos.
- *
- * \section compiling Compiling
- * The library uses c++11 and requires <a target="_blank" href="">Boost</a> with version 1.48.0 or
- * more recent. It is a multi-platform library and compiles on Linux, Mac OSX and Visual Studio 2015.
- *
- * \subsection gmp GMP:
- * The multi-field persistent homology algorithm requires GMP which is a free library for arbitrary-precision
- * arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers.
- *
- * The following example requires the <a target="_blank" href="">GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic
- * Library</a> (GMP) and will not be built if GMP is not installed:
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2performance_rips_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/performance_rips_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_multifield_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_multifield_persistence.cpp</a>
- *
- * Having GMP version 4.2 or higher installed is recommended.
- *
- * \subsection cgal CGAL:
- * CGAL is a C++ library which provides easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms.
- *
- * Having CGAL version 4.4 or higher installed is recommended. The procedure to install this library according to
- * your operating system is detailed here
- *
- * The following examples require the <a target="_blank" href="">Computational Geometry Algorithms
- * Library</a> (CGAL \cite cgal:eb-15b) and will not be built if CGAL is not installed:
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2simplex_tree_from_alpha_shapes_3_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/simplex_tree_from_alpha_shapes_3.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp</a>
- *
- * The following example requires CGAL version &ge; 4.6:
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2witness_complex_sphere_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/witness_complex_sphere.cpp</a>
- *
- * The following example requires CGAL version &ge; 4.7:
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2custom_persistence_sort_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/custom_persistence_sort.cpp</a>
- *
- * \subsection eigen3 Eigen3:
- * <a target="_blank" href="">Eigen3</a> is a C++ template library for linear algebra:
- * matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
- *
- * The following example requires the <a target="_blank" href="">Eigen3</a> and will not be
- * built if Eigen3 is not installed:
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp</a> (requires also Eigen3)
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp</a> (requires also Eigen3)
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2custom_persistence_sort_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/custom_persistence_sort.cpp</a>
- *
- * \subsection tbb Threading Building Blocks:
- * <a target="_blank" href="">Intel&reg; TBB</a> lets you easily write parallel
- * C++ programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are portable and composable, and that have
- * future-proof scalability.
- *
- * Having Intel&reg; TBB installed is recommended to parallelize and accelerate some GUDHI computations.
- *
- * The following examples are using Intel&reg; TBB if installed:
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bitmap_cubical_complex_2_bitmap_cubical_complex_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bitmap_cubical_complex/Bitmap_cubical_complex.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bitmap_cubical_complex_2_bitmap_cubical_complex_periodic_boundary_conditions_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bitmap_cubical_complex/Bitmap_cubical_complex_periodic_boundary_conditions.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bitmap_cubical_complex_2_random_bitmap_cubical_complex_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bitmap_cubical_complex/Random_bitmap_cubical_complex.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2simple_simplex_tree_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/simple_simplex_tree.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2simplex_tree_from_alpha_shapes_3_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/simplex_tree_from_alpha_shapes_3.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2simplex_tree_from_cliques_of_graph_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/simplex_tree_from_cliques_of_graph.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_shapes_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_shapes_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_persistence_via_boundary_matrix_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_persistence_via_boundary_matrix.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2performance_rips_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/performance_rips_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2persistence_from_file_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/persistence_from_file.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2persistence_from_simple_simplex_tree_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/persistence_from_simple_simplex_tree.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2plain_homology_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/plain_homology.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_multifield_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_multifield_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2custom_persistence_sort_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/custom_persistence_sort.cpp</a>
- *
- * \subsection demos Demos and examples
- * To build the demos and examples, run the following commands in a terminal:
-\verbatim cd /path-to-gudhi/
-mkdir build
-cd build/
-cmake ..
-make \endverbatim
- * A list of examples is available <a href="examples.html">here</a>.
- *
- * \subsection testsuites Test suites
- * To test your build, run the following command in a terminal:
- * \verbatim make test \endverbatim
- *
- * \section Contributions Bug reports and contributions
- * Please help us improving the quality of the GUDHI library. You may report bugs or suggestions to:
- * \verbatim Contact: \endverbatim
- *
- * Gudhi is open to external contributions. If you want to join our development team, please contact us.
- *
-/*! \page Citation Acknowledging the GUDHI library
- * We kindly ask users to cite the GUDHI library as appropriately as possible in their papers, and to mention the use
- * of the GUDHI library on the web pages of their projects using GUDHI and provide us with links to these web pages.
- * Feel free to contact us in case you have any question or remark on this topic.
- *
- * We provide \ref GudhiBibtex entries for the modules of the User and Reference Manual, as well as for publications
- * directly related to the GUDHI library.
- * \section GudhiBibtex GUDHI bibtex
- * \verbinclude biblio/how_to_cite_gudhi.bib
-// List of Gudhi examples - Doxygen needs at least a file tag to analyse comments
-/*! @file Examples
- * @example Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp
- * @example Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp
- * @example Bitmap_cubical_complex/Bitmap_cubical_complex.cpp
- * @example Bitmap_cubical_complex/Bitmap_cubical_complex_periodic_boundary_conditions.cpp
- * @example Bitmap_cubical_complex/Random_bitmap_cubical_complex.cpp
- * @example common/CGAL_3D_points_off_reader.cpp
- * @example common/CGAL_points_off_reader.cpp
- * @example Contraction/Garland_heckbert.cpp
- * @example Contraction/Rips_contraction.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/rips_persistence_via_boundary_matrix.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/performance_rips_persistence.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/persistence_from_file.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/persistence_from_simple_simplex_tree.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/plain_homology.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/rips_multifield_persistence.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/rips_persistence.cpp
- * @example Persistent_cohomology/custom_persistence_sort.cpp
- * @example Simplex_tree/mini_simplex_tree.cpp
- * @example Simplex_tree/simple_simplex_tree.cpp
- * @example Simplex_tree/simplex_tree_from_alpha_shapes_3.cpp
- * @example Simplex_tree/simplex_tree_from_cliques_of_graph.cpp
- * @example Skeleton_blocker/Skeleton_blocker_from_simplices.cpp
- * @example Skeleton_blocker/Skeleton_blocker_iteration.cpp
- * @example Skeleton_blocker/Skeleton_blocker_link.cpp
- * @example Witness_complex/witness_complex_from_file.cpp
- * @example Witness_complex/witness_complex_sphere.cpp
- */