path: root/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/Types/Hyperplane.h
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authorGard Spreemann <>2018-03-11 18:13:21 +0100
committerGard Spreemann <>2018-03-11 18:13:21 +0100
commit41a1b8c2728e212c832c0384c8bb424139a247cf (patch)
tree226a1b466af789b259228b31646dbfbaa23e6dc4 /include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/Types/Hyperplane.h
parent8e51c74d8855a641c006765ee246402e218828f3 (diff)
Remove CGAL patches so as not to complicate copyright information.
Diffstat (limited to 'include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/Types/Hyperplane.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/Types/Hyperplane.h b/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/Types/Hyperplane.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 14e35b01..00000000
--- a/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/Types/Hyperplane.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014
-// INRIA Saclay-Ile de France (France)
-// This file is part of CGAL (; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
-// or (at your option) any later version.
-// Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
-// accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software.
-// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
-// $URL$
-// $Id$
-// Author(s) : Marc Glisse
-#include <CGAL/enum.h>
-#include <CGAL/number_utils.h>
-#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/store_kernel.h>
-#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
-namespace CGAL {
-template <class R_> class Hyperplane {
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, FT_tag>::type FT_;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Vector_tag>::type Vector_;
- Vector_ v_;
- FT_ s_;
- public:
- Hyperplane(Vector_ const&v, FT_ const&s): v_(v), s_(s) {}
- // TODO: Add a piecewise constructor?
- Vector_ const& orthogonal_vector()const{return v_;}
- FT_ translation()const{return s_;}
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template <class R_> struct Construct_hyperplane : Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Construct_hyperplane)
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Hyperplane_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, FT_tag>::type FT;
- private:
- struct One {
- typedef int result_type;
- template<class T>int const& operator()(T const&)const{
- static const int one = 1;
- return one;
- }
- };
- public:
- result_type operator()(Vector const&a, FT const&b)const{
- return result_type(a,b);
- }
- // Not really needed
- result_type operator()()const{
- typename Get_functor<R_, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type cv(this->kernel());
- return result_type(cv(),0);
- }
- template <class Iter>
- result_type through(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typedef typename R_::LA LA;
- typedef typename R_::Default_ambient_dimension D1;
- typedef typename R_::Max_ambient_dimension D2;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<D1>::type D1i;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<D2>::type D2i;
- typedef Eigen::Matrix<FT, Eigen_dimension<D1>::value, Eigen_dimension<D1i>::value,
- Eigen::ColMajor|Eigen::AutoAlign, Eigen_dimension<D2>::value, Eigen_dimension<D2i>::value> Matrix;
- typedef Eigen::Matrix<FT, Eigen_dimension<D1i>::value, 1,
- Eigen::ColMajor|Eigen::AutoAlign, Eigen_dimension<D2i>::value, 1> Vec;
- typename Get_functor<R_, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type cv(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- Point const& p0=*f;
- int d = pd(p0);
- Matrix m(d,d+1);
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j)
- m(0,j)=c(p0,j);
- // Write the point coordinates in lines.
- int i;
- for (i=1; ++f!=e; ++i) {
- Point const& p=*f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j)
- m(i,j)=c(p,j);
- }
- CGAL_assertion (i == d);
- for(i=0;i<d;++i)
- m(i,d)=-1;
- Eigen::FullPivLU<Matrix> lu(m);
- Vec res = lu.kernel().col(0);
- return this->operator()(cv(d,LA::vector_begin(res),LA::vector_end(res)-1),res(d));
- }
- template <class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e, Point const&p, CGAL::Oriented_side s=ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY)const{
- result_type ret = through(f, e);
- // I don't really like using ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY to mean that we don't care, we might as well not pass 'p' at all.
- return ret;
- typename Get_functor<R_, Oriented_side_tag>::type os(this->kernel());
- CGAL::Oriented_side o = os(ret, p);
- if (o == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY || o == s)
- return ret;
- typename Get_functor<R_, Opposite_vector_tag>::type ov(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type cv(this->kernel());
- return this->operator()(ov(ret.orthogonal_vector()), -ret.translation());
- }
-template <class R_> struct Orthogonal_vector {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_IGNORE(Orthogonal_vector)
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Hyperplane_tag>::type Hyperplane;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Vector_tag>::type const& result_type;
- result_type operator()(Hyperplane const&s)const{
- return s.orthogonal_vector();
- }
-template <class R_> struct Hyperplane_translation {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_IGNORE(Hyperplane_translation)
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Hyperplane_tag>::type Hyperplane;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, FT_tag>::type result_type;
- // TODO: Is_exact?
- result_type operator()(Hyperplane const&s)const{
- return s.translation();
- }
-template <class R_> struct Value_at : Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Hyperplane_tag>::type Hyperplane;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, FT_tag>::type FT;
- typedef FT result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R_, Scalar_product_tag>::type Dot;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R_, Point_to_vector_tag>::type P2V;
- result_type operator()(Hyperplane const&h, Point const&p)const{
- Dot dot(this->kernel());
- P2V p2v(this->kernel());
- return dot(h.orthogonal_vector(),p2v(p));
- // Use Orthogonal_vector to make it generic?
- // Copy the code from Scalar_product to avoid p2v?
- }
-//TODO: Add a condition that the hyperplane type is the one from this file.
-} // namespace CGAL