path: root/src/Coxeter_triangulation/doc/intro_coxeter_triangulation.h
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authorSiargey Kachanovich <>2019-10-17 21:40:20 +0200
committerSiargey Kachanovich <>2019-10-17 21:40:20 +0200
commitec9953f0dbe0f69074f25cc95442ea0012db7d98 (patch)
treeab4a6459bc3c4f9603ee19a8d21f733f0ebd942f /src/Coxeter_triangulation/doc/intro_coxeter_triangulation.h
parent1079b18ed23ad20b87ec194415ab31ba3091a271 (diff)
Added the files from the coxeter branch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Coxeter_triangulation/doc/intro_coxeter_triangulation.h')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Coxeter_triangulation/doc/intro_coxeter_triangulation.h b/src/Coxeter_triangulation/doc/intro_coxeter_triangulation.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80ca5b37
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+++ b/src/Coxeter_triangulation/doc/intro_coxeter_triangulation.h
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+/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library
+ * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++
+ * library for computational topology.
+ *
+ * Author(s): Siargey Kachanovich
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Inria
+ *
+ * Modification(s):
+ * - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
+ */
+// needs namespaces for Doxygen to link on classes
+namespace Gudhi {
+namespace tangential_complex {
+/** \defgroup coxeter_triangulation Coxeter triangulation
+\author Siargey Kachanovich
+\section overview Module overview
+Coxeter triangulation module is designed to provide tools for constructing a piecewise-linear approximation of an \f$m\f$-dimensional smooth manifold embedded in \f$ \mathbb{R}^d \f$ using an ambient triangulation.
+For a more detailed description of the module see \cite KachanovichThesis.
+\section manifoldtracing Manifold tracing algorithm
+The central piece of the module is the manifold tracing algorithm represented by the class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Manifold_tracing "Manifold_tracing".
+The manifold tracing algorithm takes as input a manifold of some dimension \f$m\f$ embedded in \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$ represented by an intersection oracle (see Section \ref intersectionoracle "Intersection oracle"), a point on the manifold and an ambient triangulation (see Section \ref ambienttriangulations "Ambient triangulations").
+The output consists of one map (or two maps in the case of manifolds with boundary) from the \f$(d-m)\f$-dimensional (and \f$(d-m+1)\f$-dimensional in the case of manifolds with boundary) simplices in the ambient triangulation that intersect the manifold to their intersection points.
+From this output, it is possible to construct the cell complex of the piecewise-linear approximation of the input manifold.
+There are two methods that execute the manifold tracing algorithm: the method \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Manifold_tracing::manifold_tracing_algorithm() "Manifold_tracing::manifold_tracing_algorithm(seed_points, triangulation, oracle, out_simplex_map)" for manifolds without boundary and \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Manifold_tracing::manifold_tracing_algorithm() "Manifold_tracing::manifold_tracing_algorithm(seed_points, triangulation, oracle, interior_simplex_map, boundary_simplex_map)" for manifolds with boundary.
+The algorithm functions as follows.
+It starts at the specified seed points and inserts a \f$(d-m)\f$-dimensional simplices nearby each seed point that intersect the manifold into the output.
+Starting from this simplex, the algorithm propagates the search for other \f$(d-m)\f$-dimensional simplices that intersect the manifold by marching from a simplex to neighbouring simplices via their common cofaces.
+This class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Manifold_tracing "Manifold_tracing" has one template parameter Triangulation_ which specifies the ambient triangulation which is used by the algorithm.
+The template type Triangulation_ has to be a model of the concept \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::TriangulationForManifoldTracing "TriangulationForManifoldTracing".
+The module also provides two static methods: \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::manifold_tracing_algorithm() "manifold_tracing_algorithm(seed_points, triangulation, oracle, out_simplex_map)" for manifolds without boundary and \ref manifold_tracing_algorithm() "manifold_tracing_algorithm(seed_points, triangulation, oracle, interior_simplex_map, boundary_simplex_map)" for manifolds with boundary.
+For these static methods it is not necessary to specify any template arguments.
+\section ambienttriangulations Ambient triangulations
+The ambient triangulations supported by the manifold tracing algorithm have to be models of the concept \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::TriangulationForManifoldTracing "TriangulationForManifoldTracing".
+This module offers two such models: the class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Freudenthal_triangulation "Freudenthal_triangulation" and the derived class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Coxeter_triangulation "Coxeter_triangulation".
+Both these classes encode affine transformations of the so-called Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation of \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$.
+The Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation of \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$ is defined as the simplicial subdivision of the unit cubic partition of \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$.
+Each simplex is encoded using the permutahedral representation, which consists of an integer-valued vector \f$y\f$ that positions the simplex in a specific cube in the cubical partition and an ordered partition \f$\omega\f$ of the set \f$\{1,\ldots,d+1\}\f$, which positions the simplex in the simplicial subdivision of the cube.
+The default constructor \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Freudenthal_triangulation::Freudenthal_triangulation(std::size_t) "Freudenthal_triangulation(d)" the Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation of \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$.
+The class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Freudenthal_triangulation "Freudenthal_triangulation" can also encode any affine transformation of the Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation of \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$ using an invertible matrix \f$\Lambda\f$ and an offset vector \f$b\f$ that can be specified in the constructor and which can be changed using the methods change_matrix and change_offset.
+The class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Coxeter_triangulation "Coxeter_triangulation" is derived from \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Freudenthal_triangulation "Freudenthal_triangulation" and its default constructor \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Coxeter_triangulation::Coxeter_triangulation(std::size_t) "Coxeter_triangulation(d)" builds a Coxeter triangulation of type \f$\tilde{A}_d\f$, which has the best simplex quality of all linear transformations of the Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation of \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$.
+\image html two_triangulations.png "On the left: Coxeter triangulation of type \f$\tilde{A}_2\f$. On the right: Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation of \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$."
+\section intersectionoracle Intersection oracle
+The input \f$m\f$-dimensional manifold in \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$ needs to be given via the intersection oracle that answers the following query: given a \f$(d-m)\f$-dimensional simplex, does it intersect the manifold?
+The concept \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::IntersectionOracle "IntersectionOracle" describes all requirements for an intersection oracle class to be compatible with the class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Manifold_tracing "Manifold_tracing".
+This module offers one model of the concept \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::IntersectionOracle "IntersectionOracle", which is the class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Implicit_manifold_intersection_oracle "Implicit_manifold_intersection_oracle".
+This class represents a manifold given as the zero-set of a specified function \f$F: \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d-m}\f$.
+The function \f$F\f$ is given by a class which is a model of the concept \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::FunctionForImplicitManifold "FunctionForImplicitManifold".
+There are multiple function classes that are already implemented in this module.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Constant_function(std::size_t, std::size_t, Eigen::VectorXd) "Constant_function(d,k,v)" defines a constant function \f$F\f$ such that for all \f$x \in \mathbb{R}^d\f$, we have \f$F(x) = v \in \mathbb{R}^k\f$.
+ The class Constant_function does not define an implicit manifold, but is useful as the domain function when defining boundaryless implicit manifolds.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_affine_plane_in_Rd(N,b) "Function_affine_plane_in_Rd(N,b)" defines an \f$m\f$-dimensional implicit affine plane in the \f$d\f$-dimensional Euclidean space given by a normal matrix \f$N\f$ and an offset vector \f$b\f$.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_Sm_in_Rd(r,m,d,center) "Function_Sm_in_Rd(r,m,d,center)" defines an \f$m\f$-dimensional implicit sphere embedded in the \f$d\f$-dimensional Euclidean space of radius \f$r\f$ centered at the point 'center'.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_moment_curve_in_Rd(r,d) "Function_moment_curve(r,d)" defines the moment curve in the \f$d\f$-dimensional Euclidean space of radius \f$r\f$ given as the parameterized curve (but implemented as an implicit curve):
+ \f[ (r, rt, \ldots, rt^{d-1}) \in \mathbb{R}^d,\text{ for $t \in \mathbb{R}$.} \f]
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_torus_in_R3(R, r) "Function_torus_in_R3(R, r)" defines a torus in \f$\mathbb{R}^3\f$ with the outer radius \f$R\f$ and the inner radius, given by the equation:
+ \f[ z^2 + (\sqrt{x^2 + y^2} - r)^2 - R^2 = 0. \f]
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_chair_in_R3(a, b, k) "Function_chair_in_R3(a, b, k)" defines the ``Chair'' surface in \f$\mathbb{R}^3\f$ defined by the equation:
+ \f[ (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - ak^2)^2 - b((z-k)^2 - 2x^2)((z+k)^2 - 2y^2) = 0. \f]
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_iron_in_R3() "Function_iron_in_R3()" defines the ``Iron'' surface in \f$\mathbb{R}^3\f$ defined by the equation:
+ \f[ \frac{-x^6-y^6-z^6}{300} + \frac{xy^2z}{2.1} + y^2 + (z-2)^2 = 1. \f]
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3(a) "Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3(a)" defines a revolution surface in \f$\mathbb{R}^3\f$ obtained from the lemniscate of Bernoulli defined by the equation:
+ \f[ (x^2 + y^2 + z^2)^2 - 2a^2(x^2 - y^2 - z^2) = 0. \f]
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Function_whitney_umbrella_in_R3() "Function_whitney_umbrella_in_R3()" defines the Whitney umbrella surface in \f$\mathbb{R}^3\f$ defined by the equation:
+ \f[ x^2 - y^2z = 0. \f]
+The base function classes above can be composed or modified into new functions using the following classes and methods:
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cartesian_product "Cartesian_product(functions...)" expresses the Cartesian product \f$F_1^{-1}(0) \times \ldots \times F_k^{-1}(0)\f$ of multiple implicit manifolds as an implicit manifold.
+ For convenience, a static function \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::make_product_function() "make_product_function(functions...)" is provided that takes a pack of function-typed objects as the argument.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Embed_in_Rd "Embed_in_Rd(F, d)" expresses an implicit manifold given as the zero-set of a function \f$F\f$ embedded in a higher-dimensional Euclidean space \f$\mathbb{R}^d\f$.
+ For convenience, a static function \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::make_embedding() "make_embedding(F, d)" is provided.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Linear_transformation "Linear_transformation(F, M)" applies a linear transformation given by a matrix \f$M\f$ on an implicit manifold given as the zero-set of the function \f$F\f$.
+ For convenience, a static function \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::linear_transformation() "linear_transformation(F, M)" is provided.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Translate "Translate(F, v)" translates an implicit manifold given as the zero-set of ththe function \f$F\f$ by a vector \f$v\f$.
+ For convenience, a static function \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::translate(F, v) "translate(F, v)" is provided.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Negation() "Negation(F)" defines the negative of the given function \f$F\f$.
+ This class is useful to define the complementary of a given domain, when defining a manifold with boundary.
+ For convenience, a static function \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::negation() "negation(F)" is provided.
+\li \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::PL_approximation "PL_approximation(F, T)" defines a piecewise-linear approximation of a given function \f$F\f$ induced by an ambient triangulation \f$T\f$.
+ The purpose of this class is to define a piecewise-linear function that is compatible with the requirements for the domain function \f$D\f$ when defining a manifold with boundary.
+ For convenience, a static function \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::make_pl_approximation() "make_pl_approximation(F, T)" is provided.
+ The type of \f$T\f$ is required to be a model of the concept \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::TriangulationForManifoldTracing "TriangulationForManifoldTracing".
+\section cellcomplex Cell complex construction
+The output of the manifold tracing algorithm can be transformed into the Hasse diagram of a cell complex that approximates the input manifold using the class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex "Cell_complex".
+The type of the cells in the Hasse diagram is \ref Gudhi::Hasse_diagram::Hasse_diagram_cell "Hasse_cell<int, double, bool>" provided by the module Hasse diagram.
+The cells in the cell complex given by an object of the class \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex "Cell_complex" are accessed through several maps that are accessed through the following methods.
+\li The method \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex::interior_simplex_cell_maps() "interior_simplex_cell_maps()" returns a vector of maps from the cells of various dimensions in the interior of the cell complex to the permutahedral representations of the corresponding simplices in the ambient triangulation.
+Each individual map for cells of a specific dimension \f$l\f$ can be accessed using the method \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex::interior_simplex_cell_map() "interior_simplex_cell_map(l)".
+\li The method \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex::boundary_simplex_cell_maps() "boundary_simplex_cell_maps()" returns a vector of maps from the cells of various dimensions on the boundary of the cell complex to the permutahedral representations of the corresponding simplices in the ambient triangulation.
+Each individual map for cells of a specific dimension \f$l\f$ can be accessed using the method \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex::boundary_simplex_cell_map() "boundary_simplex_cell_map(l)".
+\li The method \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex::cell_simplex_map() "cell_simplex_map()" returns a map from the cells in the cell complex to the permutahedral representations of the corresponding simplices in the ambient triangulation.
+\li The method \ref Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Cell_complex::cell_point_map() "cell_point_map()" returns a map from the vertex cells in the cell complex to their Cartesian coordinates.
+\section example Examples
+Here is an example of constructing a piecewise-linear approximation of a flat torus embedded in \f$\mathbb{R}^4\f$, rotated by a random rotation in \f$\mathbb{R}^4\f$ and cut by a hyperplane.
+\include Coxeter_triangulation/manifold_tracing_flat_torus_with_boundary.cpp
+The output in medit is:
+\image html "flat_torus_with_boundary.png" "Output from the example of a flat torus with boundary"
+In the following more complex example, we define a custom function for the implicit manifold.
+\include Coxeter_triangulation/manifold_tracing_custom_function.cpp
+The output in medit looks as follows:
+\image html "custom_function.png" "Output from the example with a custom function"
+ */
+/** @} */ // end defgroup coxeter_triangulation
+} // namespace coxeter_triangulation
+} // namespace Gudhi