path: root/src/Witness_complex/example/Landmark_choice_sparsification.h
diff options
authorskachano <skachano@636b058d-ea47-450e-bf9e-a15bfbe3eedb>2016-10-05 15:02:50 +0000
committerskachano <skachano@636b058d-ea47-450e-bf9e-a15bfbe3eedb>2016-10-05 15:02:50 +0000
commit93654d5708654a6071c1775580f625da625a08a8 (patch)
tree50cbe1f4778d6ee88d81a4f66c83782413f9b7a1 /src/Witness_complex/example/Landmark_choice_sparsification.h
parent1de8ffacd531550f0ce5e871ec0f69924df3ee44 (diff)
Junk out
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 636b058d-ea47-450e-bf9e-a15bfbe3eedb Former-commit-id: ce2dfd7033a6a8366f9861ced4ed64ac41dfb82e
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Witness_complex/example/Landmark_choice_sparsification.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/src/Witness_complex/example/Landmark_choice_sparsification.h b/src/Witness_complex/example/Landmark_choice_sparsification.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d5d5fba1..00000000
--- a/src/Witness_complex/example/Landmark_choice_sparsification.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library
- * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++
- * library for computational topology.
- *
- * Author(s): Siargey Kachanovich
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée (France)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <utility> // for pair<>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstddef> // for ptrdiff_t type
-#include <algorithm>
-//#include <CGAL/Cartesian_d.h>
-#include <CGAL/Search_traits.h>
-#include <CGAL/Search_traits_adapter.h>
-//#include <CGAL/property_map.h>
-#include <CGAL/Epick_d.h>
-#include <CGAL/Orthogonal_incremental_neighbor_search.h>
-#include <CGAL/Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search.h>
-#include <CGAL/Kd_tree.h>
-#include <CGAL/Euclidean_distance.h>
-//#include <CGAL/Kernel_d/Vector_d.h>
-#include <CGAL/Random.h>
-#include <CGAL/Fuzzy_sphere.h>
-namespace Gudhi {
-namespace witness_complex {
- typedef CGAL::Epick_d<CGAL::Dynamic_dimension_tag> K;
- typedef K::FT FT;
- typedef K::Point_d Point_d;
- typedef CGAL::Search_traits< FT,
- Point_d,
- typename K::Cartesian_const_iterator_d,
- typename K::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d > Traits_base;
- typedef CGAL::Euclidean_distance<Traits_base> Euclidean_distance;
- typedef CGAL::Search_traits_adapter< std::ptrdiff_t,
- Point_d*,
- Traits_base> STraits;
- typedef CGAL::Distance_adapter< std::ptrdiff_t,
- Point_d*,
- Euclidean_distance > Distance_adapter;
- typedef CGAL::Orthogonal_incremental_neighbor_search< STraits,
- Distance_adapter > Neighbor_search;
- typedef CGAL::Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search< STraits > Neighbor_search2;
- typedef Neighbor_search::Tree Tree;
- typedef CGAL::Fuzzy_sphere<STraits> Fuzzy_sphere;
- /** \brief Landmark selection function by as a sub-epsilon-net of the
- * given set of points.
- */
- template <typename Point_random_access_range>
- void landmark_choice_by_sparsification(Point_random_access_range & points,
- unsigned nbL,
- FT mu_epsilon,
- Point_random_access_range & landmarks)
- {
- unsigned nbP = points.end() - points.begin();
- assert(nbP >= nbL);
- CGAL::Random rand;
- // TODO(SK) Consider using rand_r(...) instead of rand(...) for improved thread safety
- STraits points_traits(&(points[0]));
- CGAL::Distance_adapter<std::ptrdiff_t,Point_d*,Euclidean_distance> points_adapter(&(points[0]));
- std::vector<bool> dropped_points(nbP, false);
- Tree witness_tree(boost::counting_iterator<std::ptrdiff_t>(0),
- boost::counting_iterator<std::ptrdiff_t>(nbP),
- typename Tree::Splitter(),
- points_traits);
- for (unsigned points_i = 0; points_i < nbP; points_i++) {
- if (dropped_points[points_i])
- continue;
- Point_d & w = points[points_i];
- Fuzzy_sphere fs(w, mu_epsilon, 0, points_traits);
- std::vector<int> close_neighbors;
- for (int i: close_neighbors)
- dropped_points[i] = true;
- }
- for (unsigned points_i = 0; points_i < nbP; points_i++) {
- if (dropped_points[points_i])
- landmarks.push_back(points[points_i]);
- }
- if (nbL < landmarks.size()) {
- std::random_shuffle(landmarks.begin(), landmarks.end());
- landmarks.resize(nbL);
- }
- }
- /** \brief Landmark choice strategy by taking random vertices for landmarks.
- * \details It chooses nbL distinct landmarks from a random access range `points`
- * and outputs a matrix {witness}*{closest landmarks} in knn.
- */
- template <typename KNearestNeighbours,
- typename Point_random_access_range,
- typename Distance_matrix>
- void build_distance_matrix(Point_random_access_range const & points,
- Point_random_access_range & landmarks,
- FT alpha,
- unsigned limD,
- KNearestNeighbours & knn,
- Distance_matrix & distances)
- {
- int nbP = points.end() - points.begin();
- knn = KNearestNeighbours(nbP);
- distances = Distance_matrix(nbP);
- STraits traits(&(landmarks[0]));
- CGAL::Distance_adapter<std::ptrdiff_t,Point_d*,Euclidean_distance> adapter(&(landmarks[0]));
- Euclidean_distance ed;
- Tree landmark_tree(boost::counting_iterator<std::ptrdiff_t>(0),
- boost::counting_iterator<std::ptrdiff_t>(landmarks.size()),
- typename Tree::Splitter(),
- traits);
- for (int points_i = 0; points_i < nbP; points_i++) {
- Point_d const & w = points[points_i];
- Neighbor_search search(landmark_tree,
- w,
- FT(0),
- true,
- adapter);
- Neighbor_search::iterator search_it = search.begin();
- // Neighbor_search2 search(landmark_tree,
- // w, limD+1,
- // FT(0),
- // true,
- // adapter);
- // Neighbor_search2::iterator search_it = search.begin();
- while (knn[points_i].size() <= limD) {
- distances[points_i].push_back(search_it->second); //!sq_dist
- knn[points_i].push_back((search_it++)->first);
- }
- FT dtow = distances[points_i][limD];
- while (search_it != search.end() && search_it->second < dtow + alpha) {
- distances[points_i].push_back(search_it->second);
- knn[points_i].push_back((search_it++)->first);
- }
- //std::cout << "k = " << knn[points_i].size() << std::endl;
- }
- }
- /*
- template <typename Kernel, typename Point_container>
- std::vector<typename Point_container::value_type>
- sparsify_point_set(const Kernel &k,
- Point_container const& input_pts,
- typename Kernel::FT min_squared_dist)
- {
- typedef typename CGAL::Tangential_complex_::Point_cloud_data_structure<Kernel, Point_container> Points_ds;
- typedef typename Points_ds::INS_iterator INS_iterator;
- typedef typename Points_ds::INS_range INS_range;
- typename Kernel::Squared_distance_d sqdist = k.squared_distance_d_object();
- // Create the output container
- std::vector<typename Point_container::value_type> output;
- Points_ds points_ds(input_pts);
- std::vector<bool> dropped_points(input_pts.size(), false);
- // Parse the input points, and add them if they are not too close to
- // the other points
- std::size_t pt_idx = 0;
- for (typename Point_container::const_iterator it_pt = input_pts.begin() ;
- it_pt != input_pts.end();
- ++it_pt, ++pt_idx)
- {
- if (dropped_points[pt_idx])
- continue;
- output.push_back(*it_pt);
- INS_range ins_range = points_ds.query_incremental_ANN(*it_pt);
- // If another point Q is closer that min_squared_dist, mark Q to be dropped
- for (INS_iterator nn_it = ins_range.begin() ;
- nn_it != ins_range.end() ;
- ++nn_it)
- {
- std::size_t neighbor_point_idx = nn_it->first;
- // If the neighbor is too close, we drop the neighbor
- if (nn_it->second < min_squared_dist)
- {
- // N.B.: If neighbor_point_idx < pt_idx,
- // dropped_points[neighbor_point_idx] is already true but adding a
- // test doesn't make things faster, so why bother?
- dropped_points[neighbor_point_idx] = true;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- return output;
- */
-} // namespace witness_complex
-} // namespace Gudhi