path: root/src/Witness_complex/include
diff options
authorskachano <skachano@636b058d-ea47-450e-bf9e-a15bfbe3eedb>2016-09-28 11:54:31 +0000
committerskachano <skachano@636b058d-ea47-450e-bf9e-a15bfbe3eedb>2016-09-28 11:54:31 +0000
commit1c09c91ddf4d38196a91bbff5ae432fb13be6762 (patch)
tree684a6722a714ab01f7c08cfd1d0419c98f07bb50 /src/Witness_complex/include
parent68752bc0ce16dbff783b5f84a2d02a10b7d05a4e (diff)
All work up until now
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 636b058d-ea47-450e-bf9e-a15bfbe3eedb Former-commit-id: a9379060f1edfbc419e259b2e207ebc608798803
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Witness_complex/include')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Good_links.h b/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Good_links.h
index a011c032..c5e993e5 100644
--- a/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Good_links.h
+++ b/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Good_links.h
@@ -50,23 +50,400 @@
#include <boost/graph/connected_components.hpp>
namespace Gudhi {
+template < typename Simplicial_complex >
+class Good_links {
+ typedef typename Simplicial_complex::Simplex_handle Simplex_handle;
+ typedef typename Simplicial_complex::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle;
+ typedef std::vector<Vertex_handle> Vertex_vector;
+ // graph is an adjacency list
+ typedef typename boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS> Adj_graph;
+ // map that gives to a certain simplex its node in graph and its dimension
+ //typedef std::pair<boost::vecS,Color> Reference;
+ typedef boost::graph_traits<Adj_graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex_t;
+ typedef boost::graph_traits<Adj_graph>::edge_descriptor Edge_t;
+ typedef boost::graph_traits<Adj_graph>::adjacency_iterator Adj_it;
+ typedef std::pair<Adj_it, Adj_it> Out_edge_it;
+ typedef boost::container::flat_map<Simplex_handle, Vertex_t> Graph_map;
+ typedef boost::container::flat_map<Vertex_t, Simplex_handle> Inv_graph_map;
+ Good_links(Simplicial_complex& sc): sc_(sc)
+ {
+ int dim = 0;
+ for (auto sh: sc_.complex_simplex_range())
+ if (sc_.dimension(sh) > dim)
+ dim = sc_.dimension(sh);
+ dimension = dim;
+ count_good = Vertex_vector(dim);
+ count_bad = Vertex_vector(dim);
+ }
+ Simplicial_complex& sc_;
+ unsigned dimension;
+ std::vector<int> count_good;
+ std::vector<int> count_bad;
+ void add_vertices_to_link_graph(Vertex_vector& star_vertices,
+ typename Vertex_vector::iterator curr_v,
+ Adj_graph& adj_graph,
+ Graph_map& d_map,
+ Graph_map& f_map,
+ Vertex_vector& curr_simplex,
+ int curr_d,
+ int link_dimension)
+ {
+ Simplex_handle sh;
+ Vertex_t vert;
+ typename Vertex_vector::iterator it;
+ //std::pair<typename Graph_map::iterator,bool> resPair;
+ //typename Graph_map::iterator resPair;
+ //Add vertices
+ //std::cout << "Entered add vertices\n";
+ for (it = curr_v; it != star_vertices.end(); ++it) {
+ curr_simplex.push_back(*it); //push next vertex in question
+ curr_simplex.push_back(star_vertices[0]); //push the center of the star
+ /*
+ std::cout << "Searching for ";
+ print_vector(curr_simplex);
+ std::cout << " curr_dim " << curr_d << " d " << dimension << "";
+ */
+ Vertex_vector curr_simplex_copy(curr_simplex);
+ sh = sc_.find(curr_simplex_copy); //a simplex of the star
+ curr_simplex.pop_back(); //pop the center of the star
+ curr_simplex_copy = Vertex_vector(curr_simplex);
+ if (sh != sc_.null_simplex()) {
+ //std::cout << " added\n";
+ if (curr_d == link_dimension) {
+ sh = sc_.find(curr_simplex_copy); //a simplex of the link
+ assert(sh != sc_.null_simplex()); //ASSERT!
+ vert = boost::add_vertex(adj_graph);
+ d_map.emplace(sh,vert);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (curr_d == link_dimension-1) {
+ sh = sc_.find(curr_simplex_copy); //a simplex of the link
+ assert(sh != sc_.null_simplex());
+ vert = boost::add_vertex(adj_graph);
+ f_map.emplace(sh,vert);
+ }
+ //delete (&curr_simplex_copy); //Just so it doesn't stack
+ add_vertices_to_link_graph(star_vertices,
+ it+1,
+ adj_graph,
+ d_map,
+ f_map,
+ curr_simplex,
+ curr_d+1, link_dimension);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ else
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ */
+ curr_simplex.pop_back(); //pop the vertex in question
+ }
+ }
-namespace witness_complex {
+ void add_edges_to_link_graph(Adj_graph& adj_graph,
+ Graph_map& d_map,
+ Graph_map& f_map)
+ {
+ Simplex_handle sh;
+ // Add edges
+ //std::cout << "Entered add edges:\n";
+ typename Graph_map::iterator map_it;
+ for (auto d_map_pair : d_map) {
+ //std::cout << "*";
+ sh = d_map_pair.first;
+ Vertex_t d_vert = d_map_pair.second;
+ for (auto facet_sh : sc_.boundary_simplex_range(sh))
+ //for (auto f_map_it : f_map)
+ {
+ //std::cout << "'";
+ map_it = f_map.find(facet_sh);
+ //We must have all the facets in the graph at this point
+ assert(map_it != f_map.end());
+ Vertex_t f_vert = map_it->second;
+ //std::cout << "Added edge " << sh->first << "-" << map_it->first->first << "\n";
+ boost::add_edge(d_vert,f_vert,adj_graph);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- /** \addtogroup simplex_tree
- * Witness complex is a simplicial complex defined on two sets of points in \f$\mathbf{R}^D\f$:
- * \f$W\f$ set of witnesses and \f$L \subseteq W\f$ set of landmarks. The simplices are based on points in \f$L\f$
- * and a simplex belongs to the witness complex if and only if it is witnessed (there exists a point \f$w \in W\f$ such that
- * w is closer to the vertices of this simplex than others) and all of its faces are witnessed as well.
+ /* \brief Verifies if the simplices formed by vertices given by link_vertices
+ * form a pseudomanifold.
+ * The idea is to make a bipartite graph, where vertices are the d- and (d-1)-dimensional
+ * faces and edges represent adjacency between them.
+ */
+ bool link_is_pseudomanifold(Vertex_vector& star_vertices,
+ int dimension)
+ {
+ Adj_graph adj_graph;
+ Graph_map d_map, f_map;
+ // d_map = map for d-dimensional simplices
+ // f_map = map for its facets
+ Vertex_vector init_vector = {};
+ add_vertices_to_link_graph(star_vertices,
+ star_vertices.begin()+1,
+ adj_graph,
+ d_map,
+ f_map,
+ init_vector,
+ 0, dimension);
+ //std::cout << "DMAP_SIZE: " << d_map.size() << "\n";
+ //std::cout << "FMAP_SIZE: " << f_map.size() << "\n";
+ add_edges_to_link_graph(adj_graph,
+ d_map,
+ f_map);
+ for (auto f_map_it : f_map) {
+ //std::cout << "Degree of " << f_map_it.first->first << " is " << boost::out_degree(f_map_it.second, adj_graph) << "\n";
+ if (boost::out_degree(f_map_it.second, adj_graph) != 2){
+ count_bad[dimension]++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point I know that all (d-1)-simplices are adjacent to exactly 2 d-simplices
+ // What is left is to check the connexity
+ //std::vector<int> components(boost::num_vertices(adj_graph));
+ return true; //Forget the connexity
+ //return (boost::connected_components(adj_graph, &components[0]) == 1);
+ }
+ int star_dim(Vertex_vector& star_vertices,
+ typename Vertex_vector::iterator curr_v,
+ int curr_d,
+ Vertex_vector& curr_simplex,
+ typename std::vector< int >::iterator curr_dc)
+ {
+ //std::cout << "Entered star_dim for " << *(curr_v-1) << "\n";
+ Simplex_handle sh;
+ int final_d = curr_d;
+ typename Vertex_vector::iterator it;
+ typename Vertex_vector::iterator dc_it;
+ //std::cout << "Current vertex is " <<
+ for (it = curr_v, dc_it = curr_dc; it != star_vertices.end(); ++it, ++dc_it)
+ {
+ curr_simplex.push_back(*it);
+ Vertex_vector curr_simplex_copy(curr_simplex);
+ /*
+ std::cout << "Searching for ";
+ print_vector(curr_simplex);
+ std::cout << " curr_dim " << curr_d << " final_dim " << final_d;
+ */
+ sh = sc_.find(curr_simplex_copy); //Need a copy because find sorts the vector and I want star center to be the first
+ if (sh != sc_.null_simplex())
+ {
+ //std::cout << " -> " << *it << "\n";
+ int d = star_dim(star_vertices,
+ it+1,
+ curr_d+1,
+ curr_simplex,
+ dc_it);
+ if (d >= final_d)
+ {
+ final_d = d;
+ //std::cout << d << " ";
+ //print_vector(curr_simplex);
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (d >= *dc_it)
+ *dc_it = d;
+ }
+ /*
+ else
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ */
+ curr_simplex.pop_back();
+ }
+ return final_d;
+ }
+ /** \brief Returns true if the link is good
-template< class Simplicial_complex >
-bool good_links(Simplicial_complex& sc_)
+ bool has_good_link(Vertex_handle v)
+ {
+ typedef Vertex_vector typeVectorVertex;
+ typeVectorVertex star_vertices;
+ // Fill star_vertices
+ star_vertices.push_back(v);
+ for (auto u: sc_.complex_vertex_range())
+ {
+ typeVectorVertex edge = {u,v};
+ if (u != v && sc_.find(edge) != sc_.null_simplex())
+ star_vertices.push_back(u);
+ }
+ // Find the dimension
+ typeVectorVertex init_simplex = {star_vertices[0]};
+ bool is_pure = true;
+ std::vector<int> dim_coface(star_vertices.size(), 1);
+ int d = star_dim(star_vertices,
+ star_vertices.begin()+1,
+ 0,
+ init_simplex,
+ dim_coface.begin()+1) - 1; //link_dim = star_dim - 1
+ assert(init_simplex.size() == 1);
+ // if (!is_pure)
+ // std::cout << "Found an impure star around " << v << "\n";
+ for (int dc: dim_coface)
+ is_pure = (dc == dim_coface[0]);
+ /*
+ if (d == count_good.size())
+ {
+ std::cout << "Found a star of dimension " << (d+1) << " around " << v << "\nThe star is ";
+ print_vector(star_vertices); std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ */
+ //if (d == -1) count_bad[0]++;
+ bool b= (is_pure && link_is_pseudomanifold(star_vertices,d));
+ if (d != -1) {if (b) count_good[d]++; else count_bad[d]++;}
+ if (!is_pure) count_bad[0]++;
+ return (d != -1 && b && is_pure);
+ }
+ void add_max_simplices_to_graph(Vertex_vector& star_vertices,
+ typename Vertex_vector::iterator curr_v,
+ Adj_graph& adj_graph,
+ Graph_map& d_map,
+ Graph_map& f_map,
+ Inv_graph_map& inv_d_map,
+ Vertex_vector& curr_simplex,
+ int curr_d,
+ int link_dimension)
+ {
+ Simplex_handle sh;
+ Vertex_t vert;
+ typename Vertex_vector::iterator it;
+ //std::pair<typename Graph_map::iterator,bool> resPair;
+ //typename Graph_map::iterator resPair;
+ //Add vertices
+ //std::cout << "Entered add vertices\n";
+ for (it = curr_v; it != star_vertices.end(); ++it) {
+ curr_simplex.push_back(*it); //push next vertex in question
+ //curr_simplex.push_back(star_vertices[0]); //push the center of the star
+ /*
+ std::cout << "Searching for ";
+ print_vector(curr_simplex);
+ std::cout << " curr_dim " << curr_d << " d " << dimension << "";
+ */
+ Vertex_vector curr_simplex_copy(curr_simplex);
+ sh = sc_.find(curr_simplex_copy); //a simplex of the star
+ //curr_simplex.pop_back(); //pop the center of the star
+ curr_simplex_copy = Vertex_vector(curr_simplex);
+ if (sh != sc_.null_simplex()) {
+ //std::cout << " added\n";
+ if (curr_d == link_dimension) {
+ sh = sc_.find(curr_simplex_copy); //a simplex of the link
+ assert(sh != sc_.null_simplex()); //ASSERT!
+ vert = boost::add_vertex(adj_graph);
+ d_map.emplace(sh,vert);
+ inv_d_map.emplace(vert,sh);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (curr_d == link_dimension-1) {
+ sh = sc_.find(curr_simplex_copy); //a simplex of the link
+ assert(sh != sc_.null_simplex());
+ vert = boost::add_vertex(adj_graph);
+ f_map.emplace(sh,vert);
+ }
+ //delete (&curr_simplex_copy); //Just so it doesn't stack
+ add_max_simplices_to_graph(star_vertices,
+ it+1,
+ adj_graph,
+ d_map,
+ f_map,
+ inv_d_map,
+ curr_simplex,
+ curr_d+1,
+ link_dimension);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ else
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ */
+ curr_simplex.pop_back(); //pop the vertex in question
+ }
+ }
+ bool complex_is_pseudomanifold()
+ {
+ Adj_graph adj_graph;
+ Graph_map d_map, f_map;
+ // d_map = map for d-dimensional simplices
+ // f_map = map for its facets
+ Inv_graph_map inv_d_map;
+ Vertex_vector init_vector = {};
+ std::vector<int> star_vertices;
+ for (int v: sc_.complex_vertex_range())
+ star_vertices.push_back(v);
+ add_max_simplices_to_graph(star_vertices,
+ star_vertices.begin(),
+ adj_graph,
+ d_map,
+ f_map,
+ inv_d_map,
+ init_vector,
+ 0, dimension);
+ //std::cout << "DMAP_SIZE: " << d_map.size() << "\n";
+ //std::cout << "FMAP_SIZE: " << f_map.size() << "\n";
+ add_edges_to_link_graph(adj_graph,
+ d_map,
+ f_map);
+ for (auto f_map_it : f_map) {
+ //std::cout << "Degree of " << f_map_it.first->first << " is " << boost::out_degree(f_map_it.second, adj_graph) << "\n";
+ if (boost::out_degree(f_map_it.second, adj_graph) != 2) {
+ // if (boost::out_degree(f_map_it.second, adj_graph) >= 3) {
+ // // std::cout << "This simplex has 3+ cofaces: ";
+ // // for(auto v : sc_.simplex_vertex_range(f_map_it.first))
+ // // std::cout << v << " ";
+ // // std::cout << std::endl;
+ // Adj_it ai, ai_end;
+ // for (std::tie(ai, ai_end) = boost::adjacent_vertices(f_map_it.second, adj_graph); ai != ai_end; ++ai) {
+ // auto it = inv_d_map.find(*ai);
+ // assert (it != inv_d_map.end());
+ // typename Simplicial_complex::Simplex_handle sh = it->second;
+ // for(auto v : sc_.simplex_vertex_range(sh))
+ // std::cout << v << " ";
+ // std::cout << std::endl;
+ // }
+ // }
+ count_bad[dimension]++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point I know that all (d-1)-simplices are adjacent to exactly 2 d-simplices
+ // What is left is to check the connexity
+ //std::vector<int> components(boost::num_vertices(adj_graph));
+ return true; //Forget the connexity
+ //return (boost::connected_components(adj_graph, &components[0]) == 1);
+ }
+ int number_good_links(int dim)
+ {
+ return count_good[dim];
+ }
-} // namespace witness_complex
+ int number_bad_links(int dim)
+ {
+ return count_bad[dim];
+ }
} // namespace Gudhi