path: root/src/Cech_complex/example/cech_complex_step_by_step.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Cech_complex/example/cech_complex_step_by_step.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/src/Cech_complex/example/cech_complex_step_by_step.cpp b/src/Cech_complex/example/cech_complex_step_by_step.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4401f6af..00000000
--- a/src/Cech_complex/example/cech_complex_step_by_step.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
- * See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
- * Author(s): Vincent Rouvreau
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Inria
- *
- * Modification(s):
- * - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
- */
-#include <gudhi/graph_simplicial_complex.h>
-#include <gudhi/sphere_circumradius.h>
-#include <gudhi/Simplex_tree.h>
-#include <gudhi/Points_off_io.h>
-#include <CGAL/Epeck_d.h>
-#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <limits> // infinity
-#include <utility> // for pair
-#include <map>
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// cech_complex_step_by_step is an example of each step that is required to
-// build a Cech over a Simplex_tree. Please refer to cech_complex_example_from_points to see
-// how to do the same thing with the Cech complex wrapper for less detailed
-// steps.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Types definition
-using Simplex_tree = Gudhi::Simplex_tree<>;
-using Simplex_handle = Simplex_tree::Simplex_handle;
-using Filtration_value = Simplex_tree::Filtration_value;
-using Kernel = CGAL::Epeck_d<CGAL::Dynamic_dimension_tag>;
-using Point = typename Kernel::Point_d;
-using Points_off_reader = Gudhi::Points_off_reader<Point>;
-using Proximity_graph = Gudhi::Proximity_graph<Simplex_tree>;
-class Cech_blocker {
- private:
- using Point_cloud = std::vector<Point>;
- public:
- bool operator()(Simplex_handle sh) {
- std::vector<Point> points;
- for (auto vertex : simplex_tree_.simplex_vertex_range(sh)) {
- points.push_back(point_cloud_[vertex]);
- std::clog << "#(" << vertex << ")#";
-#endif // DEBUG_TRACES
- }
- Filtration_value radius = Gudhi::cech_complex::Sphere_circumradius<Kernel>()(points);
- std::clog << "radius = " << radius << " - " << (radius > max_radius_) << std::endl;
-#endif // DEBUG_TRACES
- simplex_tree_.assign_filtration(sh, radius);
- return (radius > max_radius_);
- }
- Cech_blocker(Simplex_tree& simplex_tree, Filtration_value max_radius, const std::vector<Point>& point_cloud)
- : simplex_tree_(simplex_tree), max_radius_(max_radius), point_cloud_(point_cloud) {
- }
- private:
- Simplex_tree simplex_tree_;
- Filtration_value max_radius_;
- std::vector<Point> point_cloud_;
-void program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& off_file_points, Filtration_value& max_radius, int& dim_max);
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- std::string off_file_points;
- Filtration_value max_radius;
- int dim_max;
- program_options(argc, argv, off_file_points, max_radius, dim_max);
- // Extract the points from the file filepoints
- Points_off_reader off_reader(off_file_points);
- // Compute the proximity graph of the points
- Proximity_graph prox_graph = Gudhi::compute_proximity_graph<Simplex_tree>(off_reader.get_point_cloud(), max_radius,
- Gudhi::cech_complex::Sphere_circumradius<Kernel>());
- // Construct the Cech complex in a Simplex Tree
- Simplex_tree st;
- // insert the proximity graph in the simplex tree
- st.insert_graph(prox_graph);
- // expand the graph until dimension dim_max
- st.expansion_with_blockers(dim_max, Cech_blocker(st, max_radius, off_reader.get_point_cloud()));
- std::clog << "The complex contains " << st.num_simplices() << " simplices \n";
- std::clog << " and has dimension " << st.dimension() << " \n";
- // Sort the simplices in the order of the filtration
- st.initialize_filtration();
- std::clog << "********************************************************************\n";
- std::clog << "* The complex contains " << st.num_simplices() << " simplices - dimension=" << st.dimension() << "\n";
- std::clog << "* Iterator on Simplices in the filtration, with [filtration value]:\n";
- for (auto f_simplex : st.filtration_simplex_range()) {
- std::clog << " "
- << "[" << st.filtration(f_simplex) << "] ";
- for (auto vertex : st.simplex_vertex_range(f_simplex)) {
- std::clog << static_cast<int>(vertex) << " ";
- }
- std::clog << std::endl;
- }
-#endif // DEBUG_TRACES
- return 0;
-void program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& off_file_points, Filtration_value& max_radius, int& dim_max) {
- namespace po = boost::program_options;
- po::options_description hidden("Hidden options");
- hidden.add_options()("input-file", po::value<std::string>(&off_file_points),
- "Name of an OFF file containing a point set.\n");
- po::options_description visible("Allowed options", 100);
- visible.add_options()("help,h", "produce help message")(
- "max-radius,r",
- po::value<Filtration_value>(&max_radius)->default_value(std::numeric_limits<Filtration_value>::infinity()),
- "Maximal length of an edge for the Cech complex construction.")(
- "cpx-dimension,d", po::value<int>(&dim_max)->default_value(1),
- "Maximal dimension of the Cech complex we want to compute.");
- po::positional_options_description pos;
- pos.add("input-file", 1);
- po::options_description all;
- all.add(visible).add(hidden);
- po::variables_map vm;
- po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
- po::notify(vm);
- if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file")) {
- std::clog << std::endl;
- std::clog << "Construct a Cech complex defined on a set of input points.\n \n";
- std::clog << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-file" << std::endl << std::endl;
- std::clog << visible << std::endl;
- exit(-1);
- }