path: root/src/Nerve_GIC/example/mapper.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Nerve_GIC/example/mapper.cpp')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Nerve_GIC/example/mapper.cpp b/src/Nerve_GIC/example/mapper.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..05dd87dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Nerve_GIC/example/mapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include "mapper.h"
+#define SHIFT 1
+#define DELTA 1
+#define RESOLUTION 1
+int main(int argc, char** argv){
+ if(argc <= 10 || argc >= 12){cout << "./mapper <cloud_file> <function:/coordinate:/eccentricity:> <func_file/number/matrix_file> <graph:/parameter:/percentage:>" <<\
+ " <graph_file/delta> <VNE> <cover:/uniform:> <cover_file/resolution> <gain> <mask>" << endl; return 0;}
+ char* const cloud = argv[1];
+ char* const funct = argv[2];
+ bool normalized = atoi(argv[6]);
+ char* const graph = argv[4];
+ int mask;
+ char* const covering = argv[7];
+ Cover I; AdjacencyMatrix G; Cloud C;
+ MapperElements M;
+ cout << "Reading input cloud from file " << cloud << "..." << endl;
+ C = read_cloud(cloud);
+ cout << " Done." << endl;
+ double r,g; char namefunc[100];
+ if (strcmp(funct, "function:") == 0){
+ char* const func = argv[3];
+ cout << "Reading input filter from file " << func << "..." << endl;
+ read_function_from_file(func,C); sprintf(namefunc,"%s",func);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(funct, "coordinate:") == 0){
+ int number = atoi(argv[3]);
+ cout << "Using coordinate " << number << " as a filter..." << endl;
+ read_coordinate(number,C); sprintf(namefunc,"Coordinate %d",number);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(funct, "eccentricity:") == 0){
+ char* const matrix = argv[3];
+ cout << "Computing eccentricity with distance matrix " << matrix << "..." << endl;
+ compute_eccentricity(C,matrix); sprintf(namefunc,"eccentricity");
+ }
+ cout << " Done." << endl;
+ if (strcmp(graph, "graph:") == 0){
+ char* const graph_name = argv[5];
+ cout << "Reading neighborhood graph from file " << graph_name << "..." << endl;
+ G = build_neighborhood_graph_from_file(C,graph_name);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(graph, "percentage:") == 0){
+ double delta = atof(argv[5]);
+ char name1[100]; sprintf(name1, "%s_dist", cloud); char* const name2 = name1;
+ cout << "Computing neighborhood graph with delta percentage = " << delta << "..." << endl;
+ G = build_neighborhood_graph_from_scratch_with_percentage(C,delta,name2,normalized);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(graph, "parameter:") == 0){
+ double delta = atof(argv[5]);
+ char name1[100]; sprintf(name1, "%s_dist", cloud); char* const name2 = name1;
+ cout << "Computing neighborhood graph with delta parameter = " << delta << "..." << endl;
+ G = build_neighborhood_graph_from_scratch_with_parameter(C,delta,name2,normalized);
+ }
+ cout << " Done." << endl;
+ cout << "Sorting cloud..." << endl;
+ sort(C.begin(),C.end());
+ cout << " Done." << endl;
+ if(strcmp(covering,"cover:") == 0){
+ char* const cover = argv[8]; mask = atoi(argv[9]);
+ cout << "Reading user-defined cover from file " << cover << "..." << endl;
+ I = Cover(cover); I.sort_covering();
+ assert (I.intervals[0].first <= C.begin()->func && I.intervals[I.intervals.size()-1].second >= (C.end()-1)->func);
+ }
+ else{
+ double resolution = atof(argv[8]); r = resolution;
+ double gain = atof(argv[9]); mask = atoi(argv[10]); g = gain;
+ cout << "Computing uniform cover with resolution " << resolution << " and gain " << gain << "..." << endl;
+ I = Cover(C.begin()->func, (C.end()-1)->func, resolution, gain, SHIFT, RESOLUTION);
+ }
+ I.proper_value();
+ /*for (int i = 0; i < I.res; i++)
+ cout << " " << I.intervals[i].first << " " << I.intervals[i].second << " " << I.value[i] << endl;
+ cout << " Done." << endl;*/
+ map<Point,vector<int> > clusters; vector<int> dum; dum.clear();
+ for(int i = 0; i < G.size(); i++) clusters.insert(pair<Point,vector<int> >(C[i],dum)); vector<double> col(G.size());
+ cout << "Computing Mapper nodes..." << endl;
+ M = MapperElts(G,I,clusters,col);
+ cout << " Done." << endl;
+ cout << "Computing intersections..." << endl;
+ map<int,double> colors; colors.clear(); map<int,int> num; num.clear(); SparseGraph MG;
+ if(!DELTA) MG = build_mapper_graph(M,colors,num);
+ else MG = build_mapperDelta_graph(M,G,clusters,colors,num);
+ cout << " Done." << endl;
+ /*cout << "Computing Nerve..." << endl;
+ SimplicialComplex Nerve = compute_Nerve(C,clusters);
+ for(int i = 0; i < Nerve.size(); i++){
+ for(int j = 0; j < Nerve[i].size(); j++) cout << Nerve[i][j] << " ";
+ cout << endl;
+ }*/
+ /*cout << "Computing GIC..." << endl;
+ SimplicialComplex GIC = compute_GIC(G,clusters);
+ for(int i = 0; i < GIC.size(); i++){
+ for(int j = 0; j < GIC[i].size(); j++) cout << GIC[i][j] << " ";
+ cout << endl;
+ }*/
+ //cout << "Checking intersection crossings..." << endl;
+ //vector<pair<int,int> > error_pairs = check_intersection_crossing(M,G);
+ //cout << "Done." << endl;
+ cout << "Writing outputs..." << endl;
+ char mapp[11] = "";
+ char mappg[11] = "mapper.txt";
+ ofstream graphic(mapp); graphic << "graph Mapper {" << endl;
+ ofstream graphicg(mappg);
+ double maxv, minv; maxv = numeric_limits<double>::min(); minv = numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ for (map<int,double>::iterator iit = colors.begin(); iit != colors.end(); iit++){
+ if(iit->second > maxv){maxv = iit->second;}
+ if(minv > iit->second){minv = iit->second;}
+ }
+ int k = 0; vector<int> nodes; nodes.clear();
+ for (SparseGraph::iterator iit = MG.begin(); iit != MG.end(); iit++){
+ if(num[iit->first] > mask){
+ nodes.push_back(iit->first);
+ graphic << iit->first << "[shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black label=\""
+ << iit->first /*<< ":" << num[iit->first]*/ << "\" style=filled fillcolor=\""
+ << (1-(maxv-colors[iit->first])/(maxv-minv))*0.6 << ", 1, 1\"]" << endl;
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ int ke = 0;
+ for (SparseGraph::iterator it = MG.begin(); it != MG.end(); it++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++)
+ if(num[it->first] > mask && num[it->second[j]] > mask){
+ graphic << " " << it->first << " -- " << it->second[j] << " [weight=15];" << endl; ke++;}
+ graphic << "}"; graphic.close();
+ graphicg << cloud << endl;
+ graphicg << namefunc << endl;
+ graphicg << r << " " << g << endl;
+ graphicg << k << " " << ke << endl; int kk = 0;
+ for (vector<int>::iterator iit = nodes.begin(); iit != nodes.end(); iit++){
+ graphicg << kk << " " << colors[*iit] << " " << num[*iit] << endl; kk++;}
+ for (SparseGraph::iterator it = MG.begin(); it != MG.end(); it++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++)
+ if(num[it->first] > mask && num[it->second[j]] > mask)
+ graphicg << it->first << " " << it->second[j] << endl;
+ graphicg.close();
+ cout << " Done." << endl;
+ char command[100];
+ sprintf(command,"neato %s -Tpdf -o mapper.pdf",mapp); system(command);
+ sprintf(command,"python"); system(command);
+ sprintf(command,"firefox mapper_visualization_output.html"); system(command);
+ sprintf(command,"evince mapper.pdf"); system(command);
+ sprintf(command,"rm %s %s mapper_visualization_output.html mapper.pdf",mapp,mappg); system(command);
+ /*
+ if (error_pairs.size() > 0)
+ for (vector<pair<int,int> >::iterator it = error_pairs.begin(); it != error_pairs.end(); it++)
+ if( find(nodes.begin(),nodes.end(),it->first)!=nodes.end() && find(nodes.begin(),nodes.end(),it->second)!=nodes.end() )
+ graphic << " " << it->first << " -- " << it->second << " [weight=15];" << endl;
+ */
+ int dim = C[0].coord.size();
+ if (dim <= 3){
+ plotNG(dim,G);
+ plotCover(dim,G,col,I);
+ }
+return 0;