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diff --git a/src/Skeleton_blocker/doc/SkeletonBlockerMainPage.h b/src/Skeleton_blocker/doc/SkeletonBlockerMainPage.h
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+/*! \mainpage Skeleton blockers data-structure
+\author David Salinas
+\section Introduction
+The Skeleton-blocker data-structure had been introduced in the two papers
+\cite skbl_socg2011 \cite skbl_ijcga2012.
+It proposes a light encoding for simplicial complexes by storing only an *implicit* representation of its
+Intuitively, it just stores the 1-skeleton of a simplicial complex with a graph and the set of its "missing faces" that
+is very small in practice (see next section for a formal definition).
+This data-structure handles every classical operations used for simplicial complexes such as
+ as simplex enumeration or simplex removal but operations that are particularly efficient
+ are operations that do not require simplex enumeration such as edge iteration, link computation or simplex contraction.
+\todo{image wont include}
+\section Definitions
+We recall briefly classical definitions of simplicial complexes \cite Munkres.
+An abstract simplex is a finite non-empty set and its dimension is its number of elements minus 1.
+Whenever \f$\tau \subset \sigma\f$ and \f$\tau \neq \emptyset \f$, \f$ \tau \f$ is called a face of
+\f$ \sigma\f$ and \f$ \sigma\f$ is called a coface of \f$ \tau \f$ . Furthermore,
+when \f$ \tau \neq \sigma\f$ we say that \f$ \tau\f$ is a proper-face of \f$ \sigma\f$.
+An abstract simplicial complex is a set of simplices that contains all the faces of its simplices.
+The 1-skeleton of a simplicial complex (or its graph) consists of its elements of dimension lower than 2.
+\image latex "images/ds_representation.eps" "My application" width=10cm
+To encode, a simplicial complex, one can encodes all its simplices.
+In case when this number gets too large,
+a lighter and implicit version consists of encoding only its graph plus some elements called missing faces or blockers.
+A blocker is a simplex of dimension greater than 1
+that does not belong to the complex but whose all proper faces does.
+Remark that for a clique complex (i.e. a simplicial complex whose simplices are cliques of its graph), the set of blockers
+is empty and the data-structure is then particularly sparse.
+One famous example of clique-complex is the Rips complex which is intensively used
+in topological data-analysis.
+In practice, the set of blockers of a simplicial complex
+remains also small when simplifying a Rips complex with edge contractions
+but also for most of the simplicial complexes used in topological data-analysis such as Delaunay, Cech or Witness complexes.
+For instance, the numbers of blockers is depicted for a random 3 dimensional sphere embedded into \f$R^4\f$
+in figure X.
+\image latex "images/blockers_curve.eps" "My application" width=10cm
+\section API
+\subsection Overview
+Four classes define a simplicial complex namely :
+\li <Code>Skeleton_blocker_complex</Code> : a simplicial complex with basic operations such as vertex/edge/simplex enumeration and construction
+\li <Code>Skeleton_blocker_link_complex</Code> : the link of a simplex in a parent complex. It is represented as a sub complex
+of the parent complex
+\li <Code>Skeleton_blocker_simplifiable_complex</Code> : a simplicial complex with simplification operations such as edge contraction or simplex collapse
+\li <Code>Skeleton_blocker_geometric_complex</Code> : a simplicial complex who has access to geometric points in \f$R^d\f$
+The two last classes are derived classes from the <Code>Skeleton_blocker_complex</Code> class. The class <Code>Skeleton_blocker_link_complex</Code> inheritates from a template passed parameter
+that may be either <Code>Skeleton_blocker_complex</Code> or <Code>Skeleton_blocker_geometric_complex</Code> (a link may store points coordinates or not).
+\todo{include links}
+\subsection Visitor
+The class <Code>Skeleton_blocker_complex</Code> has a visitor that is called when usual operations such as adding an edge or remove a vertex are called.
+You may want to use this visitor to compute statistics or to update another data-structure (for instance this visitor is heavily used in the
+<Code>Contraction</Code> package).
+\section Example
+\subsection s Iterating through vertices, edges, blockers and simplices
+Iteration through vertices, edges, simplices or blockers is straightforward with c++11 for range loops.
+Note that simplex iteration with this implicit data-structure just takes
+a few more time compared to iteration via an explicit representation
+such as the Simplex Tree. The following example computes the Euler Characteristic
+of a simplicial complex.
+ \code{.cpp}
+ typedef Skeleton_blocker_complex<Skeleton_blocker_simple_traits> Complex;
+ typedef Complex::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle;
+ typedef Complex::Simplex_handle Simplex;
+ const int n = 15;
+ // build a full complex with 10 vertices and 2^n-1 simplices
+ Complex complex;
+ for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
+ complex.add_vertex();
+ for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
+ for(int j=0;j<i;j++)
+ //note that add_edge adds the edge and all its cofaces
+ complex.add_edge(Vertex_handle(i),Vertex_handle(j));
+ // this is just to illustrate iterators, to count number of vertices
+ // or edges, complex.num_vertices() and complex.num_edges() are
+ // more appropriated!
+ unsigned num_vertices = 0;
+ for(auto v : complex.vertex_range()){
+ ++num_vertices;
+ }
+ unsigned num_edges = 0;
+ for(auto e : complex.edge_range())
+ ++num_edges;
+ unsigned euler = 0;
+ unsigned num_simplices = 0;
+ // we use a reference to a simplex instead of a copy
+ // value here because a simplex is a set of integers
+ // and copying it cost time
+ for(const Simplex & s : complex.simplex_range()){
+ ++num_simplices;
+ if(s.dimension()%2 == 0)
+ euler += 1;
+ else
+ euler -= 1;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Saw "<<num_vertices<<" vertices, "<<num_edges<<" edges and "<<num_simplices<<" simplices"<<std::endl;
+ std::cout << "The Euler Characteristic is "<<euler<<std::endl;
+ \endcode
+Saw 15 vertices, 105 edges and 32767 simplices
+The Euler Characteristic is 1
+ 0.537302s wall, 0.530000s user + 0.000000s system = 0.530000s CPU (98.6%)
+\subsection Acknowledgements
+The author wishes to thank Dominique Attali and André Lieutier for
+their collaboration to write the two initial papers about this data-structure
+ and also Dominique for leaving him use a prototype.
+\copyright GNU General Public License v3.
+\verbatim Contact: David Salinas, \endverbatim