path: root/src/Witness_complex/example/output_tikz.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Witness_complex/example/output_tikz.h')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Witness_complex/example/output_tikz.h b/src/Witness_complex/example/output_tikz.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..281c65b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Witness_complex/example/output_tikz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#ifndef OUTPUT_TIKZ_H
+#define OUTPUT_TIKZ_H
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cmath>
+typedef double FT;
+void write_preamble(std::ofstream& ofs)
+ ofs << "\\documentclass{standalone}\n"
+ << "\\usepackage{tikz}\n\n"
+ << "\\begin{document}\n"
+ << "\\begin{tikzpicture}\n";
+void write_end(std::ofstream& ofs)
+ ofs << "\\end{tikzpicture}\n"
+ << "\\end{document}";
+void write_tikz_plot(std::vector<FT> data, std::string filename)
+ int n = data.size();
+ FT vmax = *(std::max_element(data.begin(), data.end()));
+ //std::cout << std::log10(vmax) << " " << std::floor(std::log10(vmax));
+ FT order10 = pow(10,std::floor(std::log10(vmax)));
+ int digit = std::floor( vmax / order10) + 1;
+ if (digit == 4 || digit == 6) digit = 5;
+ if (digit > 6) digit = 10;
+ FT plot_max = digit*order10;
+ std::cout << plot_max << " " << vmax;
+ FT hstep = 10.0/(n-1);
+ FT wstep = 10.0 / plot_max;
+ std::cout << "(eps_max-eps_min)/(N-48) = " << (vmax-*data.begin())/(data.size()-48) << "\n";
+ std::ofstream ofs(filename, std::ofstream::out);
+ ofs <<
+ "\\documentclass{standalone}\n" <<
+ "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n" <<
+ "\\usepackage{amsmath}\n" <<
+ "\\usepackage{tikz}\n\n" <<
+ "\\begin{document}\n" <<
+ "\\begin{tikzpicture}\n";
+ ofs << "\\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,11);" << std::endl <<
+ "\\draw[->] (0,0) -- (11,0);" << std::endl <<
+ "\\foreach \\i in {1,...,10}" << std::endl <<
+ "\\draw (0,\\i) -- (-0.05,\\i);" << std::endl <<
+ "\\foreach \\i in {1,...,10}" << std::endl <<
+ "\\draw (\\i,0) -- (\\i,-0.05);" << std::endl << std::endl <<
+ "\\foreach \\i in {1,...,10}" << std::endl <<
+ "\\draw[dashed] (-0.05,\\i) -- (11,\\i);" << std::endl << std::endl <<
+ "\\node at (-0.5,11) {$*$}; " << std::endl <<
+ "\\node at (11,-0.5) {$*$}; " << std::endl <<
+ "\\node at (-0.5,-0.5) {0}; " << std::endl <<
+ "\\node at (-0.5,10) {" << plot_max << "}; " << std::endl <<
+ "%\\node at (10,-0.5) {2}; " << std::endl;
+ ofs << "\\draw[red] (0," << wstep*data[0] << ")";
+ for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
+ ofs << " -- (" << hstep*i << "," << wstep*data[i] << ")";
+ ofs << ";\n";
+ ofs <<
+ "\\end{tikzpicture}\n" <<
+ "\\end{document}";
+ ofs.close();
+// A little script to make a tikz histogram of epsilon distribution
+// Returns the average epsilon
+void write_histogram(std::vector<double> histo, std::string file_name = "histogram.tikz", std::string xaxis = "$\\epsilon/\\epsilon_{max}$", std::string yaxis = "$\\epsilon$", FT max_x = 1)
+ int n = histo.size();
+ std::ofstream ofs (file_name, std::ofstream::out);
+ FT barwidth = 20.0/n;
+ FT max_value = *(std::max_element(histo.begin(), histo.end()));
+ std::cout << max_value << std::endl;
+ FT ten_power = pow(10, ceil(log10(max_value)));
+ FT max_histo = ten_power;
+ if (max_value/ten_power > 1) {
+ if (max_value/ten_power < 2)
+ max_histo = 0.2*ten_power;
+ else if (max_value/ten_power < 5)
+ max_histo = 0.5*ten_power;
+ }
+ std::cout << ceil(log10(max_value)) << std::endl << max_histo << std::endl;
+ FT unitht = max_histo/10.0;
+ write_preamble(ofs);
+ ofs << "\\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,11);\n" <<
+ "\\draw[->] (0,0) -- (21,0);\n" <<
+ "\\foreach \\i in {1,...,10}\n" <<
+ "\\draw (0,\\i) -- (-0.1,\\i);\n" <<
+ "\\foreach \\i in {1,...,20}\n" <<
+ "\\draw (\\i,0) -- (\\i,-0.1);\n" <<
+ "\\node at (-1,11) {" << yaxis << "};\n" <<
+ "\\node at (22,-1) {" << xaxis << "};\n" <<
+ "\\node at (-0.5,-0.5) {0};\n" <<
+ "\\node at (-0.5,10) {" << max_histo << "};\n" <<
+ "\\node at (20,-0.5) {" << max_x << "};\n";
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ ofs << "\\draw (" << barwidth*i << "," << histo[i]/unitht << ") -- ("
+ << barwidth*(i+1) << "," << histo[i]/unitht << ") -- ("
+ << barwidth*(i+1) << ",0) -- (" << barwidth*i << ",0) -- cycle;\n";
+ write_end(ofs);
+ ofs.close();
+struct Pers_interval {
+ double alpha_start, alpha_end;
+ int dim;
+ Pers_interval(double alpha_start_, double alpha_end_, int dim_)
+ : alpha_start(alpha_start_), alpha_end(alpha_end_), dim(dim_)
+ {}
+void write_barcodes(std::string in_file, double alpha2, std::string out_file = "barcodes.tikz.tex")
+ std::ifstream ifs(in_file, std::ios::in);
+ std::string line;
+ std::vector<Pers_interval> pers_intervals;
+ while (getline(ifs, line)) {
+ int p, dim;
+ double alpha_start, alpha_end;
+ std::istringstream iss(line);
+ iss >> p >> dim >> alpha_start >> alpha_end;
+ if (alpha_start != alpha_end) {
+ if (alpha_end < alpha_start)
+ alpha_end = alpha2;
+ pers_intervals.push_back(Pers_interval(alpha_start, alpha_end, dim));
+ }
+ }
+ ifs.close();
+ std::ofstream ofs (out_file, std::ofstream::out);
+ write_preamble(ofs);
+ double barwidth = 0.01;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (auto interval: pers_intervals) {
+ std::string color = "black";
+ switch (interval.dim) {
+ case 0: color = "orange"; break;
+ case 1: color = "red"; break;
+ case 2: color = "blue"; break;
+ case 3: color = "green"; break;
+ case 4: color = "yellow"; break;
+ default: color = "orange"; break;
+ }
+ ofs << "\\fill[" << color << "] (" << interval.alpha_start << "," << barwidth*i << ") rectangle ("
+ << interval.alpha_end << "," << barwidth*(i+1) <<");\n";
+ i++;
+ }
+ write_end(ofs);
+ ofs.close();