path: root/src/python/gudhi/
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1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/ b/src/python/gudhi/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4afdb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+import ot
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.spatial.distance as sc
+# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
+# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
+# Author(s): Theo Lacombe
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Inria
+# Modification(s):
+# - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
+def _proj_on_diag(w):
+ '''
+ Util function to project a point on the diag.
+ '''
+ return np.array([(w[0] + w[1])/2 , (w[0] + w[1])/2])
+def _proj_on_diag_array(X):
+ '''
+ :param X: (n x 2) array encoding the points of a persistent diagram.
+ :returns: (n x 2) array encoding the (respective orthogonal) projections of the points onto the diagonal
+ '''
+ Z = (X[:,0] + X[:,1]) / 2.
+ return np.array([Z , Z]).T
+def _build_dist_matrix(X, Y, p=2., q=2.):
+ '''
+ :param X: (n x 2) numpy.array encoding the (points of the) first diagram.
+ :param Y: (m x 2) numpy.array encoding the second diagram.
+ :param q: Ground metric (i.e. norm l_q).
+ :param p: exponent for the Wasserstein metric.
+ :returns: (n+1) x (m+1) np.array encoding the cost matrix C.
+ For 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m, C[i,j] encodes the distance between X[i] and Y[j], while C[i, m+1] (resp. C[n+1, j]) encodes the distance (to the p) between X[i] (resp Y[j]) and its orthogonal proj onto the diagonal.
+ note also that C[n+1, m+1] = 0 (it costs nothing to move from the diagonal to the diagonal).
+ Note that for lagrangian_barycenter, one must use p=q=2.
+ '''
+ Xdiag = _proj_on_diag_array(X)
+ Ydiag = _proj_on_diag_array(Y)
+ if np.isinf(q):
+ C = sc.cdist(X, Y, metric='chebyshev')**p
+ Cxd = np.linalg.norm(X - Xdiag, ord=q, axis=1)**p
+ Cdy = np.linalg.norm(Y - Ydiag, ord=q, axis=1)**p
+ else:
+ C = sc.cdist(X,Y, metric='minkowski', p=q)**p
+ Cxd = np.linalg.norm(X - Xdiag, ord=q, axis=1)**p
+ Cdy = np.linalg.norm(Y - Ydiag, ord=q, axis=1)**p
+ Cf = np.hstack((C, Cxd[:,None]))
+ Cdy = np.append(Cdy, 0)
+ Cf = np.vstack((Cf, Cdy[None,:]))
+ return Cf
+def _optimal_matching(X, Y):
+ """
+ :param X: numpy.array of size (n x 2)
+ :param Y: numpy.array of size (m x 2)
+ :returns: numpy.array of shape (k x 2) encoding the list of edges in the optimal matching.
+ That is, [[(i, j) ...], where (i,j) indicates that X[i] is matched to Y[j]
+ if i > len(X) or j > len(Y), it means they represent the diagonal.
+ """
+ n = len(X)
+ m = len(Y)
+ if X.size == 0: # X is empty
+ if Y.size == 0: # Y is empty
+ return np.array([[0,0]]) # the diagonal is matched to the diagonal and that's it...
+ else:
+ return np.column_stack([np.zeros(m+1, dtype=int), np.arange(m+1, dtype=int)]) # TO BE CORRECTED
+ elif Y.size == 0: # X is not empty but Y is empty
+ return np.column_stack([np.zeros(n+1, dtype=int), np.arange(n+1, dtype=int)]) # TO BE CORRECTED
+ # we know X, Y are not empty diags now
+ M = _build_dist_matrix(X, Y)
+ a = np.full(n+1, 1. / (n + m) ) # weight vector of the input diagram. Uniform here.
+ a[-1] = a[-1] * m # normalized so that we have a probability measure, required by POT
+ b = np.full(m+1, 1. / (n + m) ) # weight vector of the input diagram. Uniform here.
+ b[-1] = b[-1] * n # so that we have a probability measure, required by POT
+ P = ot.emd(a=a, b=b, M=M)*(n+m)
+ # Note : it seems POT return a permutation matrix in this situation,
+ # ...guarantee...?
+ # It should be enough to check that the algorithm only iterates on vertices of the transportation polytope.
+ P[P < 0.5] = 0 # dirty trick to avoid some numerical issues... to be improved.
+ # return the list of (i,j) such that P[i,j] > 0, i.e. x_i is matched to y_j (should it be the diag).
+ res = np.nonzero(P)
+ return np.column_stack(res)
+def _mean(x, m):
+ """
+ :param x: a list of 2D-points, off diagonal, x_0... x_{k-1}
+ :param m: total amount of points taken into account, that is we have (m-k) copies of diagonal
+ :returns: the weighted mean of x with (m-k) copies of the diagonal
+ """
+ k = len(x)
+ if k > 0:
+ w = np.mean(x, axis=0)
+ w_delta = _proj_on_diag(w)
+ return (k * w + (m-k) * w_delta) / m
+ else:
+ return np.array([0, 0])
+def lagrangian_barycenter(pdiagset, init=None, verbose=False):
+ """
+ Compute the estimated barycenter computed with the algorithm provided
+ by Turner et al (2014).
+ It is a local minima of the corresponding Frechet function.
+ :param pdiagset: a list of size N containing numpy.array of shape (n x 2)
+ (n can variate), encoding a set of
+ persistence diagrams with only finite coordinates.
+ :param init: The initial value for barycenter estimate.
+ If None, init is made on a random diagram from the dataset.
+ Otherwise, it must be an int (then we init with diagset[init])
+ or a (n x 2) numpy.array enconding a persistence diagram with n points.
+ :param verbose: if True, returns additional information about the
+ barycenters (assignment and energy).
+ :returns: If not verbose (default), a numpy.array encoding
+ the barycenter estimate (local minima of the energy function).
+ If verbose, returns a triplet (Y, a, e)
+ where Y is the barycenter estimate, a is the assignments between the
+ points of Y and thoses of the diagrams,
+ and e is the energy value reached by the estimate.
+ """
+ X = pdiagset # to shorten notations, not a copy
+ m = len(X) # number of diagrams we are averaging
+ if m == 0:
+ print("Warning: computing barycenter of empty diag set. Returns None")
+ return None
+ nb_off_diag = np.array([len(X_i) for X_i in X]) # store the number of off-diagonal point for each of the X_i
+ # Initialisation of barycenter
+ if init is None:
+ i0 = np.random.randint(m) # Index of first state for the barycenter
+ Y = X[i0].copy() #copy() ensure that we do not modify X[i0]
+ else:
+ if type(init)==int:
+ Y = X[init].copy()
+ else:
+ Y = init.copy()
+ converged = False # stoping criterion
+ while not converged:
+ K = len(Y) # current nb of points in Y (some might be on diagonal)
+ G = np.zeros((K, m), dtype=int)-1 # will store for each j, the (index) point matched in each other diagram (might be the diagonal).
+ # that is G[j, i] = k <=> y_j is matched to
+ # x_k in the diagram i-th diagram X[i]
+ updated_points = np.zeros((K, 2)) # will store the new positions of
+ # the points of Y.
+ # If points disappear, there thrown
+ # on [0,0] by default.
+ new_created_points = [] # will store potential new points.
+ # Step 1 : compute optimal matching (Y, X_i) for each X_i
+ # and create new points in Y if needed
+ for i in range(m):
+ indices = _optimal_matching(Y, X[i])
+ for y_j, x_i_j in indices:
+ if y_j < K: # we matched an off diagonal point to x_i_j...
+ if x_i_j < nb_off_diag[i]: # ...which is also an off-diagonal point
+ G[y_j, i] = x_i_j
+ else: # ...which is a diagonal point
+ G[y_j, i] = -1 # -1 stands for the diagonal (mask)
+ else: # We matched a diagonal point to x_i_j...
+ if x_i_j < nb_off_diag[i]: # which is a off-diag point ! so we need to create a new point in Y
+ new_y = _mean(np.array([X[i][x_i_j]]), m) # Average this point with (m-1) copies of Delta
+ new_created_points.append(new_y)
+ # Step 2 : Update current point position thanks to the groupings computed
+ to_delete = []
+ for j in range(K):
+ matched_points = [X[i][G[j, i]] for i in range(m) if G[j, i] > -1]
+ new_y_j = _mean(matched_points, m)
+ if not np.array_equal(new_y_j, np.array([0,0])):
+ updated_points[j] = new_y_j
+ else: # this points is no longer of any use.
+ to_delete.append(j)
+ # we remove the point to be deleted now.
+ updated_points = np.delete(updated_points, to_delete, axis=0) # cannot be done in-place.
+ if new_created_points: # we cannot converge if there have been new created points.
+ Y = np.concatenate((updated_points, new_created_points))
+ else:
+ # Step 3 : we check convergence
+ if np.array_equal(updated_points, Y):
+ converged = True
+ Y = updated_points
+ if verbose:
+ matchings = []
+ #energy = 0
+ n_y = len(Y)
+ for i in range(m):
+ edges = _optimal_matching(Y, X[i])
+ matchings.append([x_i_j for (y_j, x_i_j) in enumerate(edges) if y_j < n_y])
+ # energy += sum([M[i,j] for i,j in enumerate(edges)])
+ # energy = energy/m
+ return Y, matchings #, energy
+ else:
+ return Y
+def _plot_barycenter(X, Y, matchings):
+ """
+ :param X: list of persistence diagrams.
+ :param Y: numpy.array of (n x 2). Aims to be an estimate of the barycenter
+ returned by lagrangian_barycenter(X, verbose=True).
+ :param matchings: list of lists, such that L[k][i] = j if and only if
+ the i-th point of the barycenter is grouped with the j-th point of the k-th
+ diagram.
+ """
+ # import matplotlib now to avoid useless dependancies
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
+ fig = plt.figure()
+ ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+ # n_y = len(Y.points)
+ for i in range(len(X)):
+ indices = matchings[i]
+ n_i = len(X[i])
+ for (y_j, x_i_j) in indices:
+ y = Y[y_j]
+ if y[0] != y[1]:
+ if x_i_j < n_i: # not mapped with the diag
+ x = X[i][x_i_j]
+ else: # y_j is matched to the diagonal
+ x = _proj_on_diag(y)
+ ax.plot([y[0], x[0]], [y[1], x[1]], c='black',
+ linestyle="dashed")
+ ax.scatter(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], color='purple', marker='d', zorder=2)
+ for X_i in X:
+ if X_i.size > 0:
+ ax.scatter(X_i[:,0], X_i[:,1], marker ='o', zorder=2)
+ shift = 0.1 # for improved rendering
+ try:
+ xmin = np.min(np.array([np.min(x[:,0]) for x in X if len(x) > 0]) - shift)
+ xmax = np.max(np.array([np.max(x[:,0]) for x in X if len(x) > 0]) + shift)
+ ymin = np.min(np.array([np.max(x[:,1]) for x in X if len(x) > 0]) - shift)
+ ymax = np.max(np.array([np.max(x[:,1]) for x in X if len(x) > 0]) + shift)
+ except ValueError: # to handle the pecular case where we only average empty diagrams.
+ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 0, 1, 0, 1
+ themin = min(xmin, ymin)
+ themax = max(xmax, ymax)
+ ax.set_xlim(themin, themax)
+ ax.set_ylim(themin, themax)
+ ax.add_patch(Polygon([[themin,themin], [themax,themin], [themax,themax]], fill=True, color='lightgrey'))
+ ax.set_xticks([])
+ ax.set_yticks([])
+ ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
+ ax.set_title("Estimated barycenter")
+def _test_perf():
+ nb_repeat = 10
+ nb_points_in_dgm = [5, 10, 20, 50, 100]
+ nb_dmg = [3, 5, 10, 20]
+ from time import time
+ for m in nb_dmg:
+ for n in nb_points_in_dgm:
+ tstart = time()
+ for _ in range(nb_repeat):
+ X = [np.random.rand(n, 2) for _ in range(m)]
+ for diag in X:
+ #enforce having diagrams
+ diag[:,1] = diag[:,1] + diag[:,0]
+ _ = lagrangian_barycenter(X)
+ tend = time()
+ print("Computation of barycenter in %s sec, with k = %s diags and n = %s points per diag."%(np.round((tend - tstart)/nb_repeat, 2), m, n))
+ print("********************")
+def _sanity_check(verbose):
+ dg1 = np.array([[0.2, 0.5]])
+ dg2 = np.array([[0.2, 0.7], [0.73, 0.88]])
+ dg3 = np.array([[0.3, 0.6], [0.7, 0.85], [0.2, 0.3]])
+ X = [dg1, dg2, dg3]
+ Y, a = lagrangian_barycenter(X, verbose=verbose)
+ _plot_barycenter(X, Y, a)
+ #dg1 = np.array([[0.2, 0.5]])
+ #dg2 = np.array([]) # The empty diagram
+ #dg3 = np.array([[0.4, 0.8]])
+ #X = [dg1, dg2, dg3]
+ #Y, a = lagrangian_barycenter(X, verbose=verbose)
+ #_plot_barycenter(X, Y, a)
+ #dg1 = np.array([])
+ #dg2 = np.array([]) # The empty diagram
+ #dg3 = np.array([])
+ #X = [dg1, dg2, dg3]
+ #Y, a = lagrangian_barycenter(X, verbose=verbose)
+ #_plot_barycenter(X, Y, a)
+ #dg1 = np.array([[0.1, 0.12], [0.21, 0.7], [0.4, 0.5], [0.3, 0.4], [0.35, 0.7], [0.5, 0.55], [0.32, 0.42], [0.1, 0.4], [0.2, 0.4]])
+ #dg2 = np.array([[0.09, 0.11], [0.3, 0.43], [0.5, 0.61], [0.3, 0.7], [0.42, 0.5], [0.35, 0.41], [0.74, 0.9], [0.5, 0.95], [0.35, 0.45], [0.13, 0.48], [0.32, 0.45]])
+ #dg3 = np.array([[0.1, 0.15], [0.1, 0.7], [0.2, 0.22], [0.55, 0.84], [0.11, 0.91], [0.61, 0.75], [0.33, 0.46], [0.12, 0.41], [0.32, 0.48]])
+ #X = [dg1, dg2, dg3]
+ #Y, a = lagrangian_barycenter(X, init=1, verbose=verbose)
+ #_plot_barycenter(X, Y, a)
+ #dg1 = np.array([[0.2, 0.5]])
+ #dg2 = np.array([[0.2, 0.7]])
+ #dg3 = np.array([[0.3, 0.6], [0.7, 0.8], [0.2, 0.3]])
+ #dg4 = np.array([])
+ #
+ #bary, a = lagrangian_barycenter(pdiagset=[dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4],init=3, verbose=True)
+ #_plot_barycenter([dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4], bary, a)
+ #message = "Wasserstein barycenter estimated:"
+ #print(message)
+ #print(bary)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ _sanity_check(verbose = True)
+ #_test_perf()