path: root/src/python/gudhi
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/python/gudhi')
-rw-r--r--src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/ (renamed from src/python/gudhi/
7 files changed, 585 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/point_cloud/ b/src/python/gudhi/point_cloud/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13e16d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/point_cloud/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
+# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
+# Author(s): Marc Glisse
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Inria
+# Modification(s):
+# - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
+from .knn import KNearestNeighbors
+__author__ = "Marc Glisse"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2020 Inria"
+__license__ = "MIT"
+class DistanceToMeasure:
+ """
+ Class to compute the distance to the empirical measure defined by a point set, as introduced in :cite:`dtm`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, k, q=2, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ k (int): number of neighbors (possibly including the point itself).
+ q (float): order used to compute the distance to measure. Defaults to 2.
+ kwargs: same parameters as :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors`, except that
+ metric="neighbors" means that :func:`transform` expects an array with the distances
+ to the k nearest neighbors.
+ """
+ self.k = k
+ self.q = q
+ self.params = kwargs
+ def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
+ return
+ def fit(self, X, y=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ X (numpy.array): coordinates for mass points.
+ """
+ if self.params.setdefault("metric", "euclidean") != "neighbors":
+ self.knn = KNearestNeighbors(
+ self.k, return_index=False, return_distance=True, sort_results=False, **self.params
+ )
+ return self
+ def transform(self, X):
+ """
+ Args:
+ X (numpy.array): coordinates for query points, or distance matrix if metric is "precomputed",
+ or distances to the k nearest neighbors if metric is "neighbors" (if the array has more
+ than k columns, the remaining ones are ignored).
+ Returns:
+ numpy.array: a 1-d array with, for each point of X, its distance to the measure defined
+ by the argument of :func:`fit`.
+ """
+ if self.params["metric"] == "neighbors":
+ distances = X[:, : self.k]
+ else:
+ distances = self.knn.transform(X)
+ distances = distances ** self.q
+ dtm = distances.sum(-1) / self.k
+ dtm = dtm ** (1.0 / self.q)
+ # We compute too many powers, 1/p in knn then q in dtm, 1/q in dtm then q or some log in the caller.
+ # Add option to skip the final root?
+ return dtm
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/point_cloud/ b/src/python/gudhi/point_cloud/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07553d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/point_cloud/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
+# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
+# Author(s): Marc Glisse
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Inria
+# Modification(s):
+# - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
+import numpy
+# TODO:
+__author__ = "Marc Glisse"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2020 Inria"
+__license__ = "MIT"
+class KNearestNeighbors:
+ """
+ Class wrapping several implementations for computing the k nearest neighbors in a point set.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, k, return_index=True, return_distance=False, metric="euclidean", **kwargs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ k (int): number of neighbors (possibly including the point itself).
+ return_index (bool): if True, return the index of each neighbor.
+ return_distance (bool): if True, return the distance to each neighbor.
+ implementation (str): choice of the library that does the real work.
+ * 'keops' for a brute-force, CUDA implementation through pykeops. Useful when the dimension becomes large (10+) but the number of points remains low (less than a million). Only "minkowski" and its aliases are supported.
+ * 'ckdtree' for scipy's cKDTree. Only "minkowski" and its aliases are supported.
+ * 'sklearn' for scikit-learn's NearestNeighbors. Note that this provides in particular an option algorithm="brute".
+ * 'hnsw' for hnswlib.Index. It can be very fast but does not provide guarantees. Only supports "euclidean" for now.
+ * None will try to select a sensible one (scipy if possible, scikit-learn otherwise).
+ metric (str): see `sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors`.
+ eps (float): relative error when computing nearest neighbors with the cKDTree.
+ p (float): norm L^p on input points (including numpy.inf) if metric is "minkowski". Defaults to 2.
+ n_jobs (int): number of jobs to schedule for parallel processing of nearest neighbors on the CPU.
+ If -1 is given all processors are used. Default: 1.
+ sort_results (bool): if True, then distances and indices of each point are
+ sorted on return, so that the first column contains the closest points.
+ Otherwise, neighbors are returned in an arbitrary order. Defaults to True.
+ enable_autodiff (bool): if the input is a torch.tensor, jax.numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor, this
+ instructs the function to compute distances in a way that works with automatic differentiation.
+ This is experimental, not supported for all metrics, and requires the package EagerPy.
+ Defaults to False.
+ kwargs: additional parameters are forwarded to the backends.
+ """
+ self.k = k
+ self.return_index = return_index
+ self.return_distance = return_distance
+ self.metric = metric
+ self.params = kwargs
+ # canonicalize
+ if metric == "euclidean":
+ self.params["p"] = 2
+ self.metric = "minkowski"
+ elif metric == "manhattan":
+ self.params["p"] = 1
+ self.metric = "minkowski"
+ elif metric == "chebyshev":
+ self.params["p"] = numpy.inf
+ self.metric = "minkowski"
+ elif metric == "minkowski":
+ self.params["p"] = kwargs.get("p", 2)
+ if self.params.get("implementation") in {"keops", "ckdtree"}:
+ assert self.metric == "minkowski"
+ if self.params.get("implementation") == "hnsw":
+ assert self.metric == "minkowski" and self.params["p"] == 2
+ if not self.params.get("implementation"):
+ if self.metric == "minkowski":
+ self.params["implementation"] = "ckdtree"
+ else:
+ self.params["implementation"] = "sklearn"
+ if not return_distance:
+ self.params["enable_autodiff"] = False
+ def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
+ return
+ def fit(self, X, y=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ X (numpy.array): coordinates for reference points.
+ """
+ self.ref_points = X
+ if self.params.get("enable_autodiff", False):
+ import eagerpy as ep
+ X = ep.astensor(X)
+ if self.params["implementation"] != "keops" or not isinstance(X, ep.PyTorchTensor):
+ # I don't know a clever way to reuse a GPU tensor from tensorflow in pytorch
+ # without copying to/from the CPU.
+ X = X.numpy()
+ if self.params["implementation"] == "ckdtree":
+ # sklearn could handle this, but it is much slower
+ from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
+ self.kdtree = cKDTree(X)
+ if self.params["implementation"] == "sklearn" and self.metric != "precomputed":
+ # FIXME: sklearn badly handles "precomputed"
+ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
+ nargs = {
+ k: v for k, v in self.params.items() if k in {"p", "n_jobs", "metric_params", "algorithm", "leaf_size"}
+ }
+ self.nn = NearestNeighbors(self.k, metric=self.metric, **nargs)
+ if self.params["implementation"] == "hnsw":
+ import hnswlib
+ self.graph = hnswlib.Index("l2", len(X[0])) # Actually returns squared distances
+ self.graph.init_index(
+ len(X), **{k: v for k, v in self.params.items() if k in {"ef_construction", "M", "random_seed"}}
+ )
+ n = self.params.get("num_threads")
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.params.get("n_jobs", 1)
+ self.params["num_threads"] = n
+ self.graph.add_items(X, num_threads=n)
+ return self
+ def transform(self, X):
+ """
+ Args:
+ X (numpy.array): coordinates for query points, or distance matrix if metric is "precomputed".
+ Returns:
+ numpy.array: if return_index, an array of shape (len(X), k) with the indices (in the argument
+ of :func:`fit`) of the k nearest neighbors to the points of X. If return_distance, an array of the
+ same shape with the distances to those neighbors. If both, a tuple with the two arrays, in this order.
+ """
+ if self.params.get("enable_autodiff", False):
+ # pykeops does not support autodiff for kmin yet, but when it does in the future,
+ # we may want a special path.
+ import eagerpy as ep
+ save_return_index = self.return_index
+ self.return_index = True
+ self.return_distance = False
+ self.params["enable_autodiff"] = False
+ try:
+ newX = ep.astensor(X)
+ if self.params["implementation"] != "keops" or (
+ not isinstance(newX, ep.PyTorchTensor) and not isinstance(newX, ep.NumPyTensor)
+ ):
+ newX = newX.numpy()
+ else:
+ newX = newX.raw
+ neighbors = self.transform(newX)
+ finally:
+ self.return_index = save_return_index
+ self.return_distance = True
+ self.params["enable_autodiff"] = True
+ # We can implement more later as needed
+ assert self.metric == "minkowski"
+ p = self.params["p"]
+ Y = ep.astensor(self.ref_points)
+ neighbor_pts = Y[
+ neighbors,
+ ]
+ diff = neighbor_pts - X[:, None, :]
+ if isinstance(diff, ep.PyTorchTensor):
+ #
+ distances = ep.astensor(diff.raw.norm(p, -1))
+ else:
+ distances = diff.norms.lp(p, -1)
+ if self.return_index:
+ return neighbors, distances.raw
+ else:
+ return distances.raw
+ metric = self.metric
+ k = self.k
+ if metric == "precomputed":
+ # scikit-learn could handle that, but they insist on calling fit() with an unused square array, which is too unnatural.
+ if self.return_index:
+ n_jobs = self.params.get("n_jobs", 1)
+ # Supposedly numpy can be compiled with OpenMP and handle this, but nobody does that?!
+ if n_jobs == 1:
+ neighbors = numpy.argpartition(X, k - 1)[:, 0:k]
+ if self.params.get("sort_results", True):
+ X = numpy.take_along_axis(X, neighbors, axis=-1)
+ ngb_order = numpy.argsort(X, axis=-1)
+ neighbors = numpy.take_along_axis(neighbors, ngb_order, axis=-1)
+ else:
+ ngb_order = neighbors
+ if self.return_distance:
+ distances = numpy.take_along_axis(X, ngb_order, axis=-1)
+ return neighbors, distances
+ else:
+ return neighbors
+ else:
+ from joblib import Parallel, delayed, effective_n_jobs
+ from sklearn.utils import gen_even_slices
+ slices = gen_even_slices(len(X), effective_n_jobs(-1))
+ parallel = Parallel(backend="threading", n_jobs=-1)
+ if self.params.get("sort_results", True):
+ def func(M):
+ neighbors = numpy.argpartition(M, k - 1)[:, 0:k]
+ Y = numpy.take_along_axis(M, neighbors, axis=-1)
+ ngb_order = numpy.argsort(Y, axis=-1)
+ return numpy.take_along_axis(neighbors, ngb_order, axis=-1)
+ else:
+ def func(M):
+ return numpy.argpartition(M, k - 1)[:, 0:k]
+ neighbors = numpy.concatenate(parallel(delayed(func)(X[s]) for s in slices))
+ if self.return_distance:
+ distances = numpy.take_along_axis(X, neighbors, axis=-1)
+ return neighbors, distances
+ else:
+ return neighbors
+ if self.return_distance:
+ n_jobs = self.params.get("n_jobs", 1)
+ if n_jobs == 1:
+ distances = numpy.partition(X, k - 1)[:, 0:k]
+ if self.params.get("sort_results"):
+ # partition is not guaranteed to sort the lower half, although it often does
+ distances.sort(axis=-1)
+ else:
+ from joblib import Parallel, delayed, effective_n_jobs
+ from sklearn.utils import gen_even_slices
+ if self.params.get("sort_results"):
+ def func(M):
+ # Not partitioning in place, because we should not modify the user's array?
+ r = numpy.partition(M, k - 1)[:, 0:k]
+ r.sort(axis=-1)
+ return r
+ else:
+ func = lambda M: numpy.partition(M, k - 1)[:, 0:k]
+ slices = gen_even_slices(len(X), effective_n_jobs(-1))
+ parallel = Parallel(backend="threading", n_jobs=-1)
+ distances = numpy.concatenate(parallel(delayed(func)(X[s]) for s in slices))
+ return distances
+ return None
+ if self.params["implementation"] == "hnsw":
+ ef = self.params.get("ef")
+ if ef is not None:
+ self.graph.set_ef(ef)
+ neighbors, distances = self.graph.knn_query(X, k, num_threads=self.params["num_threads"])
+ # The k nearest neighbors are always sorted. I couldn't find it in the doc, but the code calls searchKnn,
+ # which returns a priority_queue, and then fills the return array backwards with top/pop on the queue.
+ if self.return_index:
+ if self.return_distance:
+ return neighbors, numpy.sqrt(distances)
+ else:
+ return neighbors
+ if self.return_distance:
+ return numpy.sqrt(distances)
+ return None
+ if self.params["implementation"] == "keops":
+ import torch
+ from pykeops.torch import LazyTensor
+ # 'float64' is slow except on super expensive GPUs. Allow it with some param?
+ XX = torch.as_tensor(X, dtype=torch.float32)
+ if X is self.ref_points:
+ YY = XX
+ else:
+ YY = torch.as_tensor(self.ref_points, dtype=torch.float32)
+ p = self.params["p"]
+ if p == numpy.inf:
+ # Requires pykeops 1.4 or later
+ mat = (LazyTensor(XX[:, None, :]) - LazyTensor(YY[None, :, :])).abs().max(-1)
+ elif p == 2: # Any even integer?
+ mat = ((LazyTensor(XX[:, None, :]) - LazyTensor(YY[None, :, :])) ** p).sum(-1)
+ else:
+ mat = ((LazyTensor(XX[:, None, :]) - LazyTensor(YY[None, :, :])).abs() ** p).sum(-1)
+ if self.return_index:
+ if self.return_distance:
+ distances, neighbors = mat.Kmin_argKmin(k, dim=1)
+ if p != numpy.inf:
+ distances = distances ** (1.0 / p)
+ return neighbors, distances
+ else:
+ neighbors = mat.argKmin(k, dim=1)
+ return neighbors
+ if self.return_distance:
+ distances = mat.Kmin(k, dim=1)
+ if p != numpy.inf:
+ distances = distances ** (1.0 / p)
+ return distances
+ return None
+ if self.params["implementation"] == "ckdtree":
+ qargs = {key: val for key, val in self.params.items() if key in {"p", "eps", "n_jobs"}}
+ distances, neighbors = self.kdtree.query(X, k=self.k, **qargs)
+ if self.return_index:
+ if self.return_distance:
+ return neighbors, distances
+ else:
+ return neighbors
+ if self.return_distance:
+ return distances
+ return None
+ assert self.params["implementation"] == "sklearn"
+ if self.return_distance:
+ distances, neighbors = self.nn.kneighbors(X, return_distance=True)
+ if self.return_index:
+ return neighbors, distances
+ else:
+ return distances
+ if self.return_index:
+ neighbors = self.nn.kneighbors(X, return_distance=False)
+ return neighbors
+ return None
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pxd b/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pxd
index c46b36ba..5dea2449 100644
--- a/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pxd
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pxd
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ cdef extern from "Simplex_tree_interface.h" namespace "Gudhi":
int dimension()
int upper_bound_dimension()
bool find_simplex(vector[int] simplex)
- bool insert_simplex_and_subfaces(vector[int] simplex,
- double filtration)
+ bool insert(vector[int] simplex, double filtration)
vector[pair[vector[int], double]] get_star(vector[int] simplex)
vector[pair[vector[int], double]] get_cofaces(vector[int] simplex,
int dimension)
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pyx b/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pyx
index 93f5b332..9479118a 100644
--- a/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pyx
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/simplex_tree.pyx
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ cdef class SimplexTree:
(with more :meth:`assign_filtration` or
:meth:`make_filtration_non_decreasing` for instance) before calling
any function that relies on the filtration property, like
- :meth:`initialize_filtration`.
+ :meth:`persistence`.
self.get_ptr().assign_simplex_filtration(simplex, filtration)
@@ -98,16 +98,7 @@ cdef class SimplexTree:
"""This function initializes and sorts the simplicial complex
filtration vector.
- .. note::
- This function must be launched before
- :func:`persistence()<gudhi.SimplexTree.persistence>`,
- :func:`betti_numbers()<gudhi.SimplexTree.betti_numbers>`,
- :func:`persistent_betti_numbers()<gudhi.SimplexTree.persistent_betti_numbers>`,
- or :func:`get_filtration()<gudhi.SimplexTree.get_filtration>`
- after :func:`inserting<gudhi.SimplexTree.insert>` or
- :func:`removing<gudhi.SimplexTree.remove_maximal_simplex>`
- simplices.
+ .. deprecated:: 3.2.0
@@ -182,10 +173,7 @@ cdef class SimplexTree:
:returns: true if the simplex was found, false otherwise.
:rtype: bool
- cdef vector[int] csimplex
- for i in simplex:
- csimplex.push_back(i)
- return self.get_ptr().find_simplex(csimplex)
+ return self.get_ptr().find_simplex(simplex)
def insert(self, simplex, filtration=0.0):
"""This function inserts the given N-simplex and its subfaces with the
@@ -202,11 +190,7 @@ cdef class SimplexTree:
otherwise (whatever its original filtration value).
:rtype: bool
- cdef vector[int] csimplex
- for i in simplex:
- csimplex.push_back(i)
- return self.get_ptr().insert_simplex_and_subfaces(csimplex,
- <double>filtration)
+ return self.get_ptr().insert(simplex, <double>filtration)
def get_simplices(self):
"""This function returns a generator with simplices and their given
@@ -308,11 +292,6 @@ cdef class SimplexTree:
.. note::
- Be aware that removing is shifting data in a flat_map
- (:func:`initialize_filtration()<gudhi.SimplexTree.initialize_filtration>` to be done).
- .. note::
The dimension of the simplicial complex may be lower after calling
remove_maximal_simplex than it was before. However,
@@ -334,16 +313,6 @@ cdef class SimplexTree:
.. note::
- Some simplex tree functions require the filtration to be valid.
- prune_above_filtration function is not launching
- :func:`initialize_filtration()<gudhi.SimplexTree.initialize_filtration>`
- but returns the filtration modification
- information. If the complex has changed , please call
- :func:`initialize_filtration()<gudhi.SimplexTree.initialize_filtration>`
- to recompute it.
- .. note::
Note that the dimension of the simplicial complex may be lower
after calling
@@ -382,17 +351,6 @@ cdef class SimplexTree:
:returns: True if any filtration value was modified,
False if the filtration was already non-decreasing.
:rtype: bool
- .. note::
- Some simplex tree functions require the filtration to be valid.
- make_filtration_non_decreasing function is not launching
- :func:`initialize_filtration()<gudhi.SimplexTree.initialize_filtration>`
- but returns the filtration modification
- information. If the complex has changed , please call
- :func:`initialize_filtration()<gudhi.SimplexTree.initialize_filtration>`
- to recompute it.
return self.get_ptr().make_filtration_non_decreasing()
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/ b/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed225ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .wasserstein import wasserstein_distance
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/ b/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de7aea81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
+# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
+# Author(s): Theo Lacombe
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Inria
+# Modification(s):
+# - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
+import ot
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.spatial.distance as sc
+from gudhi.wasserstein import wasserstein_distance
+def _mean(x, m):
+ '''
+ :param x: a list of 2D-points, off diagonal, x_0... x_{k-1}
+ :param m: total amount of points taken into account,
+ that is we have (m-k) copies of diagonal
+ :returns: the weighted mean of x with (m-k) copies of the diagonal
+ '''
+ k = len(x)
+ if k > 0:
+ w = np.mean(x, axis=0)
+ w_delta = (w[0] + w[1]) / 2 * np.ones(2)
+ return (k * w + (m-k) * w_delta) / m
+ else:
+ return np.array([0, 0])
+def lagrangian_barycenter(pdiagset, init=None, verbose=False):
+ '''
+ :param pdiagset: a list of ``numpy.array`` of shape `(n x 2)`
+ (`n` can variate), encoding a set of
+ persistence diagrams with only finite coordinates.
+ :param init: The initial value for barycenter estimate.
+ If ``None``, init is made on a random diagram from the dataset.
+ Otherwise, it can be an ``int``
+ (then initialization is made on ``pdiagset[init]``)
+ or a `(n x 2)` ``numpy.array`` enconding
+ a persistence diagram with `n` points.
+ :type init: ``int``, or (n x 2) ``np.array``
+ :param verbose: if ``True``, returns additional information about the
+ barycenter.
+ :type verbose: boolean
+ :returns: If not verbose (default), a ``numpy.array`` encoding
+ the barycenter estimate of pdiagset
+ (local minimum of the energy function).
+ If ``pdiagset`` is empty, returns ``None``.
+ If verbose, returns a couple ``(Y, log)``
+ where ``Y`` is the barycenter estimate,
+ and ``log`` is a ``dict`` that contains additional informations:
+ - `"groupings"`, a list of list of pairs ``(i,j)``.
+ Namely, ``G[k] = [...(i, j)...]``, where ``(i,j)`` indicates
+ that ``pdiagset[k][i]`` is matched to ``Y[j]``
+ if ``i = -1`` or ``j = -1``, it means they
+ represent the diagonal.
+ - `"energy"`, ``float`` representing the Frechet energy value obtained.
+ It is the mean of squared distances of observations to the output.
+ - `"nb_iter"`, ``int`` number of iterations performed before convergence of the algorithm.
+ '''
+ X = pdiagset # to shorten notations, not a copy
+ m = len(X) # number of diagrams we are averaging
+ if m == 0:
+ print("Warning: computing barycenter of empty diag set. Returns None")
+ return None
+ # store the number of off-diagonal point for each of the X_i
+ nb_off_diag = np.array([len(X_i) for X_i in X])
+ # Initialisation of barycenter
+ if init is None:
+ i0 = np.random.randint(m) # Index of first state for the barycenter
+ Y = X[i0].copy()
+ else:
+ if type(init)==int:
+ Y = X[init].copy()
+ else:
+ Y = init.copy()
+ nb_iter = 0
+ converged = False # stoping criterion
+ while not converged:
+ nb_iter += 1
+ K = len(Y) # current nb of points in Y (some might be on diagonal)
+ G = np.full((K, m), -1, dtype=int) # will store for each j, the (index)
+ # point matched in each other diagram
+ #(might be the diagonal).
+ # that is G[j, i] = k <=> y_j is matched to
+ # x_k in the diagram i-th diagram X[i]
+ updated_points = np.zeros((K, 2)) # will store the new positions of
+ # the points of Y.
+ # If points disappear, there thrown
+ # on [0,0] by default.
+ new_created_points = [] # will store potential new points.
+ # Step 1 : compute optimal matching (Y, X_i) for each X_i
+ # and create new points in Y if needed
+ for i in range(m):
+ _, indices = wasserstein_distance(Y, X[i], matching=True, order=2., internal_p=2.)
+ for y_j, x_i_j in indices:
+ if y_j >= 0: # we matched an off diagonal point to x_i_j...
+ if x_i_j >= 0: # ...which is also an off-diagonal point.
+ G[y_j, i] = x_i_j
+ else: # ...which is a diagonal point
+ G[y_j, i] = -1 # -1 stands for the diagonal (mask)
+ else: # We matched a diagonal point to x_i_j...
+ if x_i_j >= 0: # which is a off-diag point !
+ # need to create new point in Y
+ new_y = _mean(np.array([X[i][x_i_j]]), m)
+ # Average this point with (m-1) copies of Delta
+ new_created_points.append(new_y)
+ # Step 2 : Update current point position thanks to groupings computed
+ to_delete = []
+ for j in range(K):
+ matched_points = [X[i][G[j, i]] for i in range(m) if G[j, i] > -1]
+ new_y_j = _mean(matched_points, m)
+ if not np.array_equal(new_y_j, np.array([0,0])):
+ updated_points[j] = new_y_j
+ else: # this points is no longer of any use.
+ to_delete.append(j)
+ # we remove the point to be deleted now.
+ updated_points = np.delete(updated_points, to_delete, axis=0)
+ # we cannot converge if there have been new created points.
+ if new_created_points:
+ Y = np.concatenate((updated_points, new_created_points))
+ else:
+ # Step 3 : we check convergence
+ if np.array_equal(updated_points, Y):
+ converged = True
+ Y = updated_points
+ if verbose:
+ groupings = []
+ energy = 0
+ log = {}
+ n_y = len(Y)
+ for i in range(m):
+ cost, edges = wasserstein_distance(Y, X[i], matching=True, order=2., internal_p=2.)
+ groupings.append(edges)
+ energy += cost
+ log["groupings"] = groupings
+ energy = energy/m
+ log["energy"] = energy
+ log["nb_iter"] = nb_iter
+ return Y, log
+ else:
+ return Y
diff --git a/src/python/gudhi/ b/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/
index 3dd993f9..efc851a0 100644
--- a/src/python/gudhi/
+++ b/src/python/gudhi/wasserstein/
@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as sc
import ot
except ImportError:
print("POT (Python Optimal Transport) package is not installed. Try to run $ conda install -c conda-forge pot ; or $ pip install POT")
+# Currently unused, but Théo says it is likely to be used again.
def _proj_on_diag(X):
:param X: (n x 2) array encoding the points of a persistent diagram.
@@ -23,28 +26,36 @@ def _proj_on_diag(X):
return np.array([Z , Z]).T
-def _build_dist_matrix(X, Y, order=2., internal_p=2.):
+def _dist_to_diag(X, internal_p):
+ '''
+ :param X: (n x 2) array encoding the points of a persistent diagram.
+ :param internal_p: Ground metric (i.e. norm L^p).
+ :returns: (n) array encoding the (respective orthogonal) distances of the points to the diagonal
+ .. note::
+ Assumes that the points are above the diagonal.
+ '''
+ return (X[:, 1] - X[:, 0]) * 2 ** (1.0 / internal_p - 1)
+def _build_dist_matrix(X, Y, order, internal_p):
:param X: (n x 2) numpy.array encoding the (points of the) first diagram.
:param Y: (m x 2) numpy.array encoding the second diagram.
:param order: exponent for the Wasserstein metric.
:param internal_p: Ground metric (i.e. norm L^p).
- :returns: (n+1) x (m+1) np.array encoding the cost matrix C.
- For 0 <= i < n, 0 <= j < m, C[i,j] encodes the distance between X[i] and Y[j],
- while C[i, m] (resp. C[n, j]) encodes the distance (to the p) between X[i] (resp Y[j])
+ :returns: (n+1) x (m+1) np.array encoding the cost matrix C.
+ For 0 <= i < n, 0 <= j < m, C[i,j] encodes the distance between X[i] and Y[j],
+ while C[i, m] (resp. C[n, j]) encodes the distance (to the p) between X[i] (resp Y[j])
and its orthogonal projection onto the diagonal.
note also that C[n, m] = 0 (it costs nothing to move from the diagonal to the diagonal).
- Xdiag = _proj_on_diag(X)
- Ydiag = _proj_on_diag(Y)
+ Cxd = _dist_to_diag(X, internal_p)**order
+ Cdy = _dist_to_diag(Y, internal_p)**order
if np.isinf(internal_p):
C = sc.cdist(X,Y, metric='chebyshev')**order
- Cxd = np.linalg.norm(X - Xdiag, ord=internal_p, axis=1)**order
- Cdy = np.linalg.norm(Y - Ydiag, ord=internal_p, axis=1)**order
C = sc.cdist(X,Y, metric='minkowski', p=internal_p)**order
- Cxd = np.linalg.norm(X - Xdiag, ord=internal_p, axis=1)**order
- Cdy = np.linalg.norm(Y - Ydiag, ord=internal_p, axis=1)**order
Cf = np.hstack((C, Cxd[:,None]))
Cdy = np.append(Cdy, 0)
@@ -58,24 +69,23 @@ def _perstot(X, order, internal_p):
:param X: (n x 2) numpy.array (points of a given diagram).
:param order: exponent for Wasserstein. Default value is 2.
:param internal_p: Ground metric on the (upper-half) plane (i.e. norm L^p in R^2); Default value is 2 (Euclidean norm).
- :returns: float, the total persistence of the diagram (that is, its distance to the empty diagram).
+ :returns: float, the total persistence of the diagram (that is, its distance to the empty diagram).
- Xdiag = _proj_on_diag(X)
- return (np.sum(np.linalg.norm(X - Xdiag, ord=internal_p, axis=1)**order))**(1./order)
+ return np.linalg.norm(_dist_to_diag(X, internal_p), ord=order)
def wasserstein_distance(X, Y, matching=False, order=2., internal_p=2.):
- :param X: (n x 2) numpy.array encoding the (finite points of the) first diagram. Must not contain essential points
+ :param X: (n x 2) numpy.array encoding the (finite points of the) first diagram. Must not contain essential points
(i.e. with infinite coordinate).
:param Y: (m x 2) numpy.array encoding the second diagram.
:param matching: if True, computes and returns the optimal matching between X and Y, encoded as
a (n x 2) np.array [...[i,j]...], meaning the i-th point in X is matched to
the j-th point in Y, with the convention (-1) represents the diagonal.
:param order: exponent for Wasserstein; Default value is 2.
- :param internal_p: Ground metric on the (upper-half) plane (i.e. norm L^p in R^2);
+ :param internal_p: Ground metric on the (upper-half) plane (i.e. norm L^p in R^2);
Default value is 2 (Euclidean norm).
- :returns: the Wasserstein distance of order q (1 <= q < infinity) between persistence diagrams with
+ :returns: the Wasserstein distance of order q (1 <= q < infinity) between persistence diagrams with
respect to the internal_p-norm as ground metric.
If matching is set to True, also returns the optimal matching between X and Y.