path: root/trunk/src/Contraction/include/gudhi/Skeleton_blocker_contractor.h
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1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/Contraction/include/gudhi/Skeleton_blocker_contractor.h b/trunk/src/Contraction/include/gudhi/Skeleton_blocker_contractor.h
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+++ b/trunk/src/Contraction/include/gudhi/Skeleton_blocker_contractor.h
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+/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library
+ * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++
+ * library for computational topology.
+ *
+ * Author(s): David Salinas
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Mediterranee (France)
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+// todo remove the queue to be independent from cgald
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/CGAL_queue/Modifiable_priority_queue.h>
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/Edge_profile.h>
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/Cost_policy.h>
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/Edge_length_cost.h>
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/Placement_policy.h>
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/First_vertex_placement.h>
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/Valid_contraction_policy.h>
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/Dummy_valid_contraction.h> // xxx remove
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/Link_condition_valid_contraction.h> // xxx remove
+#include <gudhi/Contraction/policies/Contraction_visitor.h>
+#include <gudhi/Skeleton_blocker/Skeleton_blocker_complex_visitor.h>
+#include <gudhi/Debug_utils.h>
+#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <list>
+#include <utility> // for pair
+#include <vector>
+namespace Gudhi {
+namespace contraction {
+template <class Profile>
+Placement_policy<Profile>* make_first_vertex_placement() {
+ return new First_vertex_placement<Profile>();
+template <class Profile>
+Valid_contraction_policy<Profile>* make_link_valid_contraction() {
+ return new Link_condition_valid_contraction<Profile>();
+ *@brief Visitor to remove popable blockers after an edge contraction.
+ */
+template <class Profile>
+class Contraction_visitor_remove_popable : public Contraction_visitor<Profile> {
+ public:
+ typedef typename Profile::Point Point;
+ typedef typename Profile::Complex Complex;
+ typedef typename Complex::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle;
+ void on_contracted(const Profile &profile, boost::optional< Point > placement) override {
+ profile.complex().remove_all_popable_blockers(profile.v0_handle());
+ }
+template <class Profile>
+Contraction_visitor<Profile>* make_remove_popable_blockers_visitor() {
+ return new Contraction_visitor_remove_popable<Profile>();
+ *@class Skeleton_blocker_contractor
+ *@brief Class that allows to contract iteratively edges of a simplicial complex.
+ *@ingroup contr
+ *
+ * @details The simplification algorithm consists in iteratively picking the
+ * edge with lowest cost and performing an edge contraction if the contraction is valid.
+ * This class is policy based (and much inspired from the edge collapse package of CGAL
+ *
+ * Policies that can be changed are :
+ * - the cost policy : how much cost an edge contraction
+ * - the placement policy : where will be placed the contraction point
+ * - the valid contraction policy : is the contraction valid. For instance, it can be
+ * a topological condition (link condition) or a geometrical condition (normals messed up).
+ *
+ */
+template<class GeometricSimplifiableComplex, class EdgeProfile = Edge_profile<GeometricSimplifiableComplex>>
+class Skeleton_blocker_contractor : private skeleton_blocker::Dummy_complex_visitor<
+typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Vertex_handle> {
+ GeometricSimplifiableComplex& complex_;
+ public:
+ typedef typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Graph_vertex Graph_vertex;
+ typedef typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle;
+ typedef typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Simplex Simplex;
+ typedef typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Root_vertex_handle Root_vertex_handle;
+ typedef typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Graph_edge Graph_edge;
+ typedef typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Edge_handle Edge_handle;
+ typedef typename GeometricSimplifiableComplex::Point Point;
+ typedef EdgeProfile Profile;
+ typedef Cost_policy<Profile> Cost_policy_;
+ typedef Placement_policy<Profile> Placement_policy_;
+ typedef Valid_contraction_policy<Profile> Valid_contraction_policy_;
+ typedef Contraction_visitor<EdgeProfile> Contraction_visitor_;
+ typedef Edge_profile_factory<EdgeProfile> Edge_profile_factory_;
+ typedef boost::optional<double> Cost_type;
+ typedef boost::optional<Point> Placement_type;
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef Skeleton_blocker_contractor Self;
+ private:
+ struct Compare_id {
+ Compare_id() : algorithm_(0) { }
+ Compare_id(Self const* aAlgorithm) : algorithm_(aAlgorithm) { }
+ bool operator()(Edge_handle a, Edge_handle b) const {
+ return algorithm_->get_undirected_edge_id(a) < algorithm_->get_undirected_edge_id(b);
+ }
+ Self const* algorithm_;
+ };
+ struct Compare_cost {
+ Compare_cost() : algorithm_(0) { }
+ Compare_cost(Self const* aAlgorithm) : algorithm_(aAlgorithm) { }
+ bool operator()(Edge_handle a, Edge_handle b) const {
+ // NOTE: A cost is an optional<> value.
+ // Absent optionals are ordered first; that is, "none < T" and "T > none" for any defined T != none.
+ // In consequence, edges with undefined costs will be promoted to the top of the priority queue and popped out
+ // first.
+ return algorithm_->get_data(a).cost() < algorithm_->get_data(b).cost();
+ }
+ Self const* algorithm_;
+ };
+ struct Undirected_edge_id : boost::put_get_helper<size_type, Undirected_edge_id> {
+ typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
+ typedef size_type value_type;
+ typedef size_type reference;
+ typedef Edge_handle key_type;
+ Undirected_edge_id() : algorithm_(0) { }
+ Undirected_edge_id(Self const* aAlgorithm) : algorithm_(aAlgorithm) { }
+ size_type operator[](Edge_handle e) const {
+ return algorithm_->get_undirected_edge_id(e);
+ }
+ Self const* algorithm_;
+ };
+ typedef CGAL::Modifiable_priority_queue<Edge_handle, Compare_cost, Undirected_edge_id> PQ;
+ typedef typename PQ::handle pq_handle;
+ // An Edge_data is associated with EVERY edge in the complex (collapsible or not).
+ // It relates the edge with the PQ-handle needed to update the priority queue
+ // It also relates the edge with a policy-based cache
+ class Edge_data {
+ public:
+ Edge_data() : PQHandle_(), cost_() { }
+ Cost_type const& cost() const {
+ return cost_;
+ }
+ Cost_type & cost() {
+ return cost_;
+ }
+ pq_handle PQ_handle() const {
+ return PQHandle_;
+ }
+ bool is_in_PQ() const {
+ return PQHandle_ != PQ::null_handle();
+ }
+ void set_PQ_handle(pq_handle h) {
+ PQHandle_ = h;
+ }
+ void reset_PQ_handle() {
+ PQHandle_ = PQ::null_handle();
+ }
+ private:
+ pq_handle PQHandle_;
+ Cost_type cost_;
+ };
+ typedef Edge_data* Edge_data_ptr;
+ typedef boost::scoped_array<Edge_data> Edge_data_array;
+ int get_undirected_edge_id(Edge_handle edge) const {
+ return complex_[edge].index();
+ }
+ const Edge_data& get_data(Edge_handle edge) const {
+ return edge_data_array_[get_undirected_edge_id(edge)];
+ }
+ Edge_data& get_data(Edge_handle edge) {
+ return edge_data_array_[get_undirected_edge_id(edge)];
+ }
+ Cost_type get_cost(const Profile & profile) const {
+ return (*cost_policy_)(profile, get_placement(profile));
+ }
+ Profile create_profile(Edge_handle edge) const {
+ if (edge_profile_factory_)
+ return edge_profile_factory_->make_profile(complex_, edge);
+ else
+ return Profile(complex_, edge);
+ }
+ void insert_in_PQ(Edge_handle edge, Edge_data& data) {
+ data.set_PQ_handle(heap_PQ_->push(edge));
+ ++current_num_edges_heap_;
+ }
+ void update_in_PQ(Edge_handle edge, Edge_data& data) {
+ data.set_PQ_handle(heap_PQ_->update(edge, data.PQ_handle()));
+ }
+ void remove_from_PQ(Edge_handle edge, Edge_data& data) {
+ data.set_PQ_handle(heap_PQ_->erase(edge, data.PQ_handle()));
+ --current_num_edges_heap_;
+ }
+ boost::optional<Edge_handle> pop_from_PQ() {
+ boost::optional<Edge_handle> edge = heap_PQ_->extract_top();
+ if (edge)
+ get_data(*edge).reset_PQ_handle();
+ return edge;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**
+ * @brief Collect edges.
+ *
+ * Iterates over all edges of the simplicial complex and
+ * 1) inserts them in the priority queue sorted according to the Cost policy.
+ * 2) set the id() field of each edge
+ */
+ void collect_edges() {
+ //
+ // Loop over all the edges in the complex in the heap
+ //
+ size_type size = complex_.num_edges();
+ DBG("Collecting edges ...");
+ DBGMSG("num edges :", size);
+ edge_data_array_.reset(new Edge_data[size]);
+ heap_PQ_.reset(new PQ(size, Compare_cost(this), Undirected_edge_id(this)));
+ std::size_t id = 0;
+ // xxx do a parralel for
+ for (auto edge : complex_.edge_range()) {
+ complex_[edge].index() = id++;
+ Profile const& profile = create_profile(edge);
+ Edge_data& data = get_data(edge);
+ data.cost() = get_cost(profile);
+ ++initial_num_edges_heap_;
+ insert_in_PQ(edge, data);
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_collected(profile, data.cost());
+ }
+ DBG("Edges collected.");
+ }
+ bool should_stop(double lCost, const Profile &profile) const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ boost::optional<Point> get_placement(const Profile& profile) const {
+ return (*placement_policy_)(profile);
+ }
+ bool is_contraction_valid(Profile const& profile, Placement_type placement) const {
+ if (!valid_contraction_policy_) return true;
+ return (*valid_contraction_policy_)(profile, placement);
+ }
+ public:
+ /**
+ * \brief Contract edges.
+ *
+ * While the heap is not empty, it extracts the edge with the minimum
+ * cost in the heap then try to contract it.
+ * It stops when the Stop policy says so or when the number of contractions
+ * given by 'num_max_contractions' is reached (if this number is positive).
+ */
+ void contract_edges(int num_max_contractions = -1) {
+ DBG("\n\nContract edges");
+ int num_contraction = 0;
+ bool unspecified_num_contractions = (num_max_contractions == -1);
+ //
+ // Pops and processes each edge from the PQ
+ //
+ boost::optional<Edge_handle> edge;
+ while ((edge = pop_from_PQ()) && ((num_contraction < num_max_contractions) || (unspecified_num_contractions))) {
+ Profile const& profile = create_profile(*edge);
+ Cost_type cost(get_data(*edge).cost());
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_selected(profile, cost, 0, 0);
+ DBGMSG("\n\n---- Pop edge - num vertices :", complex_.num_vertices());
+ if (cost) {
+ DBGMSG("sqrt(cost):", std::sqrt(*cost));
+ if (should_stop(*cost, profile)) {
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_stop_condition_reached();
+ DBG("should_stop");
+ break;
+ }
+ Placement_type placement = get_placement(profile);
+ if (is_contraction_valid(profile, placement) && placement) {
+ DBG("contraction_valid");
+ contract_edge(profile, placement);
+ ++num_contraction;
+ } else {
+ DBG("contraction not valid");
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_non_valid(profile);
+ }
+ } else {
+ DBG("uncomputable cost");
+ }
+ }
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_stop_condition_reached();
+ }
+ bool is_in_heap(Edge_handle edge) const {
+ if (heap_PQ_->empty()) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return edge_data_array_[get_undirected_edge_id(edge)].is_in_PQ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool is_heap_empty() const {
+ return heap_PQ_->empty();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns an Edge_handle and a Placement_type. This pair consists in
+ * the edge with the lowest cost in the heap together with its placement.
+ * The returned value is initialized iff the heap is non-empty.
+ */
+ boost::optional<std::pair<Edge_handle, Placement_type > > top_edge() {
+ boost::optional<std::pair<Edge_handle, Placement_type > > res;
+ if (!heap_PQ_->empty()) {
+ auto edge = heap_PQ_->top();
+ Profile const& profile = create_profile(edge);
+ Placement_type placement = get_placement(profile);
+ res = std::make_pair(edge, placement);
+ DBGMSG("top edge:", complex_[edge]);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor with default policies.
+ *
+ * @details The default cost, placement, valid and visitor policies
+ * are respectively : the edge length, the first point, the link condition
+ */
+ Skeleton_blocker_contractor(GeometricSimplifiableComplex& complex)
+ : complex_(complex),
+ cost_policy_(new Edge_length_cost<Profile>),
+ placement_policy_(new First_vertex_placement<Profile>),
+ valid_contraction_policy_(new Link_condition_valid_contraction<Profile>),
+ contraction_visitor_(new Contraction_visitor_()),
+ edge_profile_factory_(0),
+ initial_num_edges_heap_(0),
+ current_num_edges_heap_(0) {
+ complex_.set_visitor(this);
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_started(complex);
+ collect_edges();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor with customed policies.
+ * @remark Policies destruction is handle by the class with smart pointers.
+ */
+ Skeleton_blocker_contractor(GeometricSimplifiableComplex& complex,
+ Cost_policy_ *cost_policy,
+ Placement_policy_ * placement_policy = new First_vertex_placement<Profile>,
+ Valid_contraction_policy_ * valid_contraction_policy =
+ new Link_condition_valid_contraction<Profile>,
+ Contraction_visitor_* contraction_visitor = new Contraction_visitor_(),
+ Edge_profile_factory_* edge_profile_factory = NULL) :
+ complex_(complex),
+ cost_policy_(cost_policy),
+ placement_policy_(placement_policy),
+ valid_contraction_policy_(valid_contraction_policy),
+ contraction_visitor_(contraction_visitor),
+ edge_profile_factory_(edge_profile_factory),
+ initial_num_edges_heap_(0),
+ current_num_edges_heap_(0) {
+ complex_.set_visitor(this);
+ if (contraction_visitor) contraction_visitor->on_started(complex);
+ collect_edges();
+ }
+ ~Skeleton_blocker_contractor() {
+ complex_.set_visitor(0);
+ }
+ private:
+ void contract_edge(const Profile& profile, Placement_type placement) {
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_contracting(profile, placement);
+ assert(complex_.contains_vertex(profile.v0_handle()));
+ assert(complex_.contains_vertex(profile.v1_handle()));
+ assert(placement);
+ profile.complex().point(profile.v0_handle()) = *placement;
+ // remark : this is not necessary since v1 will be deactivated
+ // profile.complex().point(profile.v1_handle()) = *placement;
+ complex_.contract_edge(profile.v0_handle(), profile.v1_handle());
+ assert(complex_.contains_vertex(profile.v0_handle()));
+ assert(!complex_.contains_vertex(profile.v1_handle()));
+ update_changed_edges();
+ // the visitor could do something as complex_.remove_popable_blockers();
+ if (contraction_visitor_) contraction_visitor_->on_contracted(profile, placement);
+ }
+ private:
+ // every time the visitor's method on_changed_edge is called, it adds an
+ // edge to changed_edges_
+ std::vector< Edge_handle > changed_edges_;
+ /**
+ * @brief we update the cost and the position in the heap of an edge that has
+ * been changed
+ */
+ inline void on_changed_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) override {
+ boost::optional<Edge_handle> ab(complex_[std::make_pair(a, b)]);
+ assert(ab);
+ changed_edges_.push_back(*ab);
+ }
+ void update_changed_edges() {
+ // xxx do a parralel for
+ DBG("update edges");
+ // sequential loop
+ for (auto ab : changed_edges_) {
+ // 1-get the Edge_handle corresponding to ab
+ // 2-change the data in mEdgeArray[]
+ // 3-update the heap
+ Edge_data& data = get_data(ab);
+ Profile const& profile = create_profile(ab);
+ data.cost() = get_cost(profile);
+ if (data.is_in_PQ()) {
+ update_in_PQ(ab, data);
+ } else {
+ insert_in_PQ(ab, data);
+ }
+ }
+ changed_edges_.clear();
+ }
+ private:
+ void on_remove_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) override {
+ boost::optional<Edge_handle> ab((complex_[std::make_pair(a, b)]));
+ assert(ab);
+ Edge_data& lData = get_data(*ab);
+ if (lData.is_in_PQ()) {
+ remove_from_PQ(*ab, lData);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ /**
+ * @brief Called when the edge 'ax' has been added while the edge 'bx'
+ * is still there but will be removed on next instruction.
+ * We assign the index of 'bx' to the edge index of 'ax'
+ */
+ void on_swaped_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b, Vertex_handle x) override {
+ boost::optional<Edge_handle> ax(complex_[std::make_pair(a, x)]);
+ boost::optional<Edge_handle> bx(complex_[std::make_pair(b, x)]);
+ assert(ax && bx);
+ complex_[*ax].index() = complex_[*bx].index();
+ }
+ private:
+ /**
+ * @brief Called when a blocker is removed.
+ * All the edges that passes through the blocker may be edge-contractible
+ * again and are thus reinserted in the heap.
+ */
+ void on_delete_blocker(const Simplex * blocker) override {
+ // we go for all pairs xy that belongs to the blocker
+ // note that such pairs xy are necessarily edges of the complex
+ // by definition of a blocker
+ // todo uniqument utile pour la link condition
+ // laisser a l'utilisateur ? booleen update_heap_on_removed_blocker?
+ Simplex blocker_copy(*blocker);
+ for (auto x = blocker_copy.begin(); x != blocker_copy.end(); ++x) {
+ for (auto y = x; ++y != blocker_copy.end();) {
+ auto edge_descr(complex_[std::make_pair(*x, *y)]);
+ assert(edge_descr);
+ Edge_data& data = get_data(*edge_descr);
+ Profile const& profile = create_profile(*edge_descr);
+ data.cost() = get_cost(profile);
+ // If the edge is already in the heap
+ // its priority has not changed.
+ // If the edge is not present, we reinsert it
+ // remark : we could also reinsert the edge
+ // only if it is valid
+ if (!data.is_in_PQ()) {
+ insert_in_PQ(*edge_descr, data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<Cost_policy_> cost_policy_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Placement_policy_> placement_policy_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Valid_contraction_policy_> valid_contraction_policy_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Contraction_visitor_> contraction_visitor_;
+ // in case the user wants to do something special when the edge profile
+ // are created (for instance add some info)
+ std::shared_ptr<Edge_profile_factory_> edge_profile_factory_;
+ Edge_data_array edge_data_array_;
+ boost::scoped_ptr<PQ> heap_PQ_;
+ int initial_num_edges_heap_;
+ int current_num_edges_heap_;
+} // namespace contraction
+} // namespace Gudhi