# Create a new GUDHI version We will consider that all operations will be performed in a brand new clone of the main project: ```bash git clone https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel.git cd gudhi-devel ``` ## Version file modification **Edit the file CMakeGUDHIVersion.txt**, and increment major, minor, or patch version number, in function of the version new delivery. ```bash # cf. .gitignore - ignore this if it is a fresh clone version rm -rf data/points/COIL_database/lucky_cat.off_dist data/points/COIL_database/lucky_cat.off_sc.dot data/points/KleinBottle5D.off_dist data/points/KleinBottle5D.off_sc.dot data/points/human.off_dist data/points/human.off_sc.off data/points/human.off_sc.txt ``` Checkin the modifications, build and test the version: ```bash git submodule update --init rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCGAL_DIR=/your/path/to/CGAL -DWITH_GUDHI_EXAMPLE=ON -DWITH_GUDHI_BENCHMARK=ON -DUSER_VERSION_DIR=gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@ -DPython_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=3 .. make user_version date +"%d-%m-%Y-%T" > gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@/timestamp.txt tar -czvf gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@.tar.gz gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@ md5sum gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@.tar.gz > md5sum.txt sha256sum gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@.tar.gz > sha256sum.txt sha512sum gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@.tar.gz > sha512sum.txt make -j 4 all && ctest -j 4 --output-on-failure ``` ***[Check there are no error]*** ## Create the documentation ```bash mkdir gudhi.doc.@GUDHI_VERSION@ ``` ***[Check there are no error and the warnings]*** ```bash cd gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@ rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCGAL_DIR=/your/path/to/CGAL -DWITH_GUDHI_EXAMPLE=ON -DPython_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=3 .. make doxygen 2>&1 | tee dox.log && grep warning dox.log ``` ***[Check there are no error and the warnings]*** ```bash cp -R html ../../gudhi.doc.@GUDHI_VERSION@/cpp export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 # cf. bug https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel/issues/111 make sphinx ``` ***[Check there are no error]*** ```bash cp -R python/sphinx ../../gudhi.doc.@GUDHI_VERSION@/python cd ../.. tar -czvf gudhi.doc.@GUDHI_VERSION@.tar.gz gudhi.doc.@GUDHI_VERSION@ cd gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@/build make -j 4 all && ctest -j 4 --output-on-failure ``` ***[Check there are no error]*** ## Upload the documentation Upload by ftp the content of the directory gudhi.doc.@GUDHI_VERSION@/cpp in a new directory on ForgeLogin@scm.gforge.inria.fr:/home/groups/gudhi/htdocs/doc/@GUDHI_VERSION@ Upload by ftp the content of the directory gudhi.doc.@GUDHI_VERSION@/python in a new directory on ForgeLogin@scm.gforge.inria.fr:/home/groups/gudhi/htdocs/python/@GUDHI_VERSION@ Through ssh, make the **latest** link to your new version of the documentation: ```bash ssh ForgeLogin@scm.gforge.inria.fr cd /home/groups/gudhi/htdocs/doc rm latest ln -s @GUDHI_VERSION@ latest cd /home/groups/gudhi/htdocs/python rm latest ln -s @GUDHI_VERSION@ latest ``` ## Put a version label on files * Go on page https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel/releases/new * Name the tag: tags/gudhi-release-@GUDHI_VERSION@ * Name the release GUDHI @GUDHI_VERSION@ release * Write the release note * Drag'n drop *gudhi.@GUDHI_VERSION@.tar.gz*, *md5sum.txt*, *sha256sum.txt*, *sha512sum.txt* files * Tick the *This is a pre-release* check button if this is a release candidate (untick if this is an official version) * Click the *Publish the release* button ## Pip package The pip package construction shall be started on release creation, you just have to check [gudhi github actions](https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel/actions) results. The version number must be conform to [pep440](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/#pre-releases) ## Conda package You have to fork [conda-forge/gudhi-feedstock](https://github.com/conda-forge/gudhi-feedstock). The main changes consist into changing in the `recipe/meta.yaml`: * `{% set version = "@GUDHI_VERSION@" %}` * The cgal-cpp version number with the last one (you can find it [here](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/cgal-cpp)) in the `host:` and the `run:` sections Create a Pull Request (PR) from this fork. If you need to update conda tools (conda-build, conda-smithy, ...), add a comment in your PR saying `@conda-forge-admin, please rerender`, it will done automatically (do not forget to `git pull` the changes). ## Docker image You have to modify the [Dockerfile_gudhi_installation](https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-deploy/blob/main/Dockerfile_for_gudhi_installation) in gudhi-deploy repository in order to use the last release, cf. lines: ``` ... ARG GUDHI_VERSION="3.X.X" ... ``` After pushing the changes the docker image build will be automatically performed for [latest_gudhi_version](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/gudhi/latest_gudhi_version) docker image on docker hub. ***[Check there are no error]*** ## Mail sending Send version mail to the following lists : * gudhi-devel@lists.gforge.inria.fr * gudhi-users@lists.gforge.inria.fr (not for release candidate)