# Install a conda development environment to compile GUDHI ## Install miniconda Download the [installer](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) required by your system and follow the [instructions](https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html). ## Create a dedicated environment ```bash conda install -c conda-forge mamba # installation with mamba is faster conda create --name gudhi conda activate gudhi mamba install -c conda-forge python cmake doxygen eigen cgal-cpp ``` Some of the requirements are in the gudhi repository (please refer to [how to use github to contribute to gudhi](how_to_use_github_to_contribute_to_gudhi.md)). In the gudhi repository - let's call it `/workdir/gudhi` i.e. - once submodules are initialised: ```bash pip install -r ext/gudhi-deploy/build-requirements.txt pip install -r ext/gudhi-deploy/test-requirements.txt # pytorch can be painful to install - not mandatory ``` ## Compilation In order to compile all c++ utilities, examples, benchmarks, unitary tests, and python module: ```bash cd /workdir/gudhi rm -rf build; mkdir build # /!\ any existing build folder will be removed cd build # To build all even examples and benchmarks cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX -DWITH_GUDHI_EXAMPLE=ON -DWITH_GUDHI_BENCHMARK=ON .. ``` ### Specific python compilation In order to compile only python module ```bash cd /workdir/gudhi rm -rf build; mkdir build # /!\ any existing build folder will be removed cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX .. cd src/python # To build python module in parallel python setup.py build_ext -j 16 --inplace # 16 is the number of CPUthat are used to compile the python module. Can be any other value. # to clean the build # python setup.py clean --all ``` In order to use freshly compiled gudhi python module: ```bash PYTHONPATH=/workdir/gudhi/build/src/python python # or ipython, jupyter, ... ``` ### Specific C++ documentation generation ```bash cd /workdir/gudhi rm -rf build; mkdir build # /!\ any existing build folder will be removed cd build # python OFF to prevent python modules search makes cmake faster cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX -DWITH_GUDHI_PYTHON=OFF -DUSER_VERSION_DIR=version .. make user_version; cd version mkdir build cd build # python OFF to prevent python modules search makes cmake faster cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX -DWITH_GUDHI_PYTHON=OFF .. make doxygen 2>&1 | tee dox.log grep warning dox.log # Warnings can be lost with parallel doxygen firefox html/index.html # [optional] To display the c++ documentation. Anything else than firefox can be used. ``` ### Specific python documentation generation ```bash cd /workdir/gudhi rm -rf build; mkdir build # /!\ any existing build folder will be removed cd build # python OFF to prevent python modules search makes cmake faster - it is the next one in user version that matters cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX -DWITH_GUDHI_PYTHON=OFF -DUSER_VERSION_DIR=version .. make user_version; cd version mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX .. cd python # To build python module in parallel python setup.py build_ext -j 16 --inplace # 16 is the number of CPUthat are used to compile the python module. Can be any other value. firefox sphinx/index.html # [optional] To display the python documentation. Anything else than firefox can be used. ```