#ifndef VIEWER_H #define VIEWER_H #include #include "View_parameter.h" #include "model/Complex_typedefs.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Viewer_instructor.h" class Viewer_instructor; class Viewer : public QGLViewer { Q_OBJECT Viewer_instructor * instructor; /** * light angles */ double theta,phi; typedef Complex::GT Gudhi_kernel; typedef Gudhi_kernel::Point_3 Point_3; public: Viewer(QWidget* parent); void set_instructor(Viewer_instructor* instructor_); void show_entire_scene(); void draw(); void set_bounding_box(const Point_3 & lower_left,const Point_3 & upper_right); void update_GL(); void init_scene(); void init_light(); void set_light(); void set_light_direction(double theta,double phi); /** * set the light in the direction of the observer */ void set_light_direction(); protected: virtual void postSelection(const QPoint& point); public: //////////////////////// // draw //////////////////////// void set_size_point(double size_points); void set_color(const Color& color); void draw_point(const Point_3& p,const Color& color,double size_points); void begin_draw_points(double size,bool light=false); void draw_points(const Point_3 & point); void end_draw_points(); void draw_edge(const Point_3 &a,const Point_3 &b,const Color& color,double size); void begin_draw_edges(double size,bool light=false); void draw_edges(const Point_3 &a,const Point_3 &b); void end_draw_edges(); void begin_draw_triangles(double size,bool light,bool transparent = false); void draw_triangles(const Point_3& p1,const Point_3& p2,const Point_3& p3); //todo remove void draw_triangles(const std::vector& points); void end_draw_triangles(); signals: void click(const Point_3& position); }; #endif