/* Thicharacteristic_of_all_pointss file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++ * library for computational topology. * * Author(s): Pawel Dlotko * * Copyright (C) 2015 INRIA (France) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef BOOTSTRAP_H #define BOOTSTRAP_H #ifdef GUDHI_USE_TBB #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include namespace Gudhi { namespace Gudhi_stat { /** * This is a generic function to perform bootstrap. * In this function we assume that there is a class to compute characteristic of collection of points (PointCloudCharacteristics) and that it stores coordinates of all points. It allows to compute the characteristic * of the whole point cloud (by using CharacteristicFunction) or of it proper subset of the whole point cloud (given the list of numers of points in the subset). * Both functionalities will be used in this implementation. * The characteristic of point cloud, may be the poit cloud itself, its persistence diagram in a fixed dimension, or anything else. We only assume that space of points characteristics is a metric space * and that we can compute a distance between two characteristics of collections of points by using DistanceBetweenPointsCharacteristics function. **/ template < typename PointCloudCharacteristics , typename CharacteristicFunction , typename DistanceBetweenPointsCharacteristics > double bootstrap( size_t number_of_points , CharacteristicFunction f , DistanceBetweenPointsCharacteristics distance , size_t number_of_repetitions , size_t size_of_subsample , double quantile = 0.95 , size_t maximal_number_of_threads_in_TBB = std::numeric_limits::max() ) { bool dbg = false; #ifdef GUDHI_USE_TBB tbb::task_scheduler_init init(maximal_number_of_threads_in_TBB == std::numeric_limits::max() ? tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic : maximal_number_of_threads_in_TBB); #endif if ( size_of_subsample >= number_of_points ) { std::cerr << "Size of subsample is greater or equal to the number of points. The bootstrap procedure do not make sense in this case. \n"; return 0; } //initialization of a random number generator: std::srand ( unsigned ( std::time(0) ) ); //we will shuffle the vector of numbers 0,1,2,...,points.size()-1 in order to pick a subset of a size size_of_subsample std::vector numbers_to_sample_(number_of_points) ; //create vector of size_t of a size number_of_points std::iota (std::begin(numbers_to_sample_), std::end(numbers_to_sample_), 0);//populate it with 1 2 3 ... number_of_points. //now we compute the characteristic od all the points: PointCloudCharacteristics characteristic_of_all_points = f( numbers_to_sample_ ); //vector to keep the distances between characteristic_of_points and characteristic_of_subsample: std::vector< double > vector_of_distances( number_of_repetitions , 0 ); //TODO- at the moment, the operations I am doing over here do not seems to be threat safe. When using TBB, I am getting wrong results. //It is quite likelly because I am not using a method to compute persistence which is threat safe. VERIFY this as soon as I merge with //the new metod to compute persistence. // #ifdef GUDHI_USE_TBB // tbb::parallel_for ( tbb::blocked_range(0, number_of_repetitions), [&](const tbb::blocked_range& range) // { // for ( size_t it_no = range.begin() ; it_no != range.end() ; ++it_no ) // #else for ( size_t it_no = 0 ; it_no < number_of_repetitions ; ++it_no ) // #endif { if ( dbg ) { std::cout << "Still : " << number_of_repetitions-it_no << " tests to go. \n The subsampled vector consist of points number : "; std::cout << "it_no : " << it_no << std::endl; std::cout << "number_of_points : " << number_of_points << std::endl; } //do a random shuffle of vector_of_characteristics_of_poits std::vector numbers_to_sample(number_of_points) ; //create vector of size_t of a size number_of_points std::iota (std::begin(numbers_to_sample), std::end(numbers_to_sample), 0);//populate it with 1 2 3 ... number_of_points. //TODO: consider doing it in a smarter/faster way. std::random_shuffle( numbers_to_sample.begin() , numbers_to_sample.end() ); //construct a vector< PointType > of a size size_of_subsample: std::vector< size_t > subsampled_points; subsampled_points.reserve( size_of_subsample ); for ( size_t i = 0 ; i != size_of_subsample ; ++i ) { subsampled_points.push_back( numbers_to_sample[i] ); if ( dbg )std::cout << numbers_to_sample[i] << " , "; } //now we can compute characteristic of subsampled_points: PointCloudCharacteristics characteristic_of_subsampled_points = f( subsampled_points ); if ( dbg )std::cout << std::endl << "Characteristic of subsampled points computed.\n"; //and now we compute distance between characteristic_of_points and characteristic_of_subsample. Note that subsampled points go first, and this is neded, since sometimes all points are not needed. double dist = distance( characteristic_of_subsampled_points , characteristic_of_all_points ); if ( dbg ) { std::cout << "The distance between characteristic of all points and the characteristic of subsample is : " << dist << std::endl; getchar(); } vector_of_distances[it_no] = dist; } // #ifdef GUDHI_USE_TBB // } // ); // #endif size_t position_of_quantile = floor(quantile*vector_of_distances.size()); if ( position_of_quantile ) --position_of_quantile; if ( dbg ) { std::cerr << "quantile : " << quantile << std::endl; std::cerr << "position_of_quantile : " << position_of_quantile << std::endl; std::sort( vector_of_distances.begin() , vector_of_distances.end() ); //std::cout << "position_of_quantile : " << position_of_quantile << ", and here is the array : " << std::endl; for ( size_t i = 0 ; i != vector_of_distances.size() ; ++i ) { std::cout << vector_of_distances[i] << " " ; } std::cout << std::endl; } //now we need to sort the vector_of_distances and find the quantile: std::nth_element (vector_of_distances.begin(), vector_of_distances.begin()+position_of_quantile, vector_of_distances.end()); //for Hausdorff bootrstra I have to multily it by 2. //In case of other bootsraps, I do not have to do it. We need a special variable saying if Ineed this multiplication or not.//This should be done outside the bootstrap, since the fact hat we need it do not come from bootstrab, but from geometry of bottleneck distance if ( dbg )std::cout << "Result : " << vector_of_distances[ position_of_quantile ] << std::endl; return vector_of_distances[ position_of_quantile ]; }//bootstrap }//namespace Gudhi_stat }//namespace Gudhi #endif