/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++ * library for computational topology. * * Author(s): Clément Maria * * Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée (France) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef DOC_PERSISTENT_COHOMOLOGY_INTRO_PERSISTENT_COHOMOLOGY_H_ #define DOC_PERSISTENT_COHOMOLOGY_INTRO_PERSISTENT_COHOMOLOGY_H_ // needs namespace for Doxygen to link on classes namespace Gudhi { // needs namespace for Doxygen to link on classes namespace persistent_cohomology { /** \defgroup persistent_cohomology Persistent Cohomology \author Clément Maria Computation of persistent cohomology using the algorithm of \cite DBLP:journals/dcg/SilvaMV11 and \cite DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1208-5018 and the Compressed Annotation Matrix implementation of \cite DBLP:conf/esa/BoissonnatDM13 The theory of homology consists in attaching to a topological space a sequence of (homology) groups, capturing global topological features like connected components, holes, cavities, etc. Persistent homology studies the evolution -- birth, life and death -- of these features when the topological space is changing. Consequently, the theory is essentially composed of three elements: topological spaces, their homology groups and an evolution scheme. \section persistencetopolocalspaces Topological Spaces Topological spaces are represented by simplicial complexes. Let \f$V = \{1, \cdots ,|V|\}\f$ be a set of vertices. A simplex \f$\sigma\f$ is a subset of vertices \f$\sigma \subseteq V\f$. A simplicial complex \f$\mathbf{K}\f$ on \f$V\f$ is a collection of simplices \f$\{\sigma\}\f$, \f$\sigma \subseteq V\f$, such that \f$\tau \subseteq \sigma \in \mathbf{K} \Rightarrow \tau \in \mathbf{K}\f$. The dimension \f$n=|\sigma|-1\f$ of \f$\sigma\f$ is its number of elements minus 1. A filtration of a simplicial complex is a function \f$f:\mathbf{K} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\f$ satisfying \f$f(\tau)\leq f(\sigma)\f$ whenever \f$\tau \subseteq \sigma\f$. We define the concept FilteredComplex which enumerates the requirements for a class to represent a filtered complex from which persistent homology may be computed. We use the vocabulary of simplicial complexes, but the concept is valid for any type of cell complex. The main requirements are the definition of: \li type Indexing_tag, which is a model of the concept IndexingTag, describing the nature of the indexing scheme, \li type Simplex_handle to manipulate simplices, \li method int dimension(Simplex_handle) returning the dimension of a simplex, \li type and method Boundary_simplex_range boundary_simplex_range(Simplex_handle) that returns a range giving access to the codimension 1 subsimplices of the input simplex, as-well-as the coefficients \f$(-1)^i\f$ in the definition of the operator \f$\partial\f$. The iterators have value type Simplex_handle, \li type and method Filtration_simplex_range filtration_simplex_range () that returns a range giving access to all the simplices of the complex read in the order assigned by the indexing scheme, \li type and method Filtration_value filtration (Simplex_handle) that returns the value of the filtration on the simplex represented by the handle. \section persistencehomology Homology For a ring \f$\mathcal{R}\f$, the group of n-chains, denoted \f$\mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R})\f$, of \f$\mathbf{K}\f$ is the group of formal sums of n-simplices with \f$\mathcal{R}\f$ coefficients. The boundary operator is a linear operator \f$\partial_n: \mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \rightarrow \mathbf{C}_{n-1}(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R})\f$ such that \f$\partial_n \sigma = \partial_n [v_0, \cdots , v_n] = \sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^{i}[v_0,\cdots ,\widehat{v_i}, \cdots,v_n]\f$, where \f$\widehat{v_i}\f$ means \f$v_i\f$ is omitted from the list. The chain groups form a sequence: \f[\cdots \ \ \mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \xrightarrow{\ \partial_n\ } \mathbf{C}_{n-1}(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \xrightarrow{\partial_{n-1}} \cdots \xrightarrow{\ \partial_2 \ } \mathbf{C}_1(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \xrightarrow{\ \partial_1 \ } \mathbf{C}_0(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \f] of finitely many groups \f$\mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R})\f$ and homomorphisms \f$\partial_n\f$, indexed by the dimension \f$n \geq 0\f$. The boundary operators satisfy the property \f$\partial_n \circ \partial_{n+1}=0\f$ for every \f$n > 0\f$ and we define the homology groups: \f[\mathbf{H}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) = \ker \partial_n / \mathrm{im} \ \partial_{n+1}\f] We refer to \cite Munkres-elementsalgtop1984 for an introduction to homology theory and to \cite DBLP:books/daglib/0025666 for an introduction to persistent homology. \section persistenceindexingscheme Indexing Scheme "Changing" a simplicial complex consists in applying a simplicial map. An indexing scheme is a directed graph together with a traversal order, such that two consecutive nodes in the graph are connected by an arrow (either forward or backward). The nodes represent simplicial complexes and the directed edges simplicial maps. From the computational point of view, there are two types of indexing schemes of interest in persistent homology: linear ones \f$\bullet \longrightarrow \bullet \longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow \bullet \longrightarrow \bullet\f$ in persistent homology \cite DBLP:journals/dcg/ZomorodianC05 , and zigzag ones \f$\bullet \longrightarrow \bullet \longleftarrow \cdots \longrightarrow \bullet \longleftarrow \bullet \f$ in zigzag persistent homology \cite DBLP:journals/focm/CarlssonS10. These indexing schemes have a natural left-to-right traversal order, and we describe them with ranges and iterators. In the current release of the Gudhi library, only the linear case is implemented. In the following, we consider the case where the indexing scheme is induced by a filtration. Ordering the simplices by increasing filtration values (breaking ties so as a simplex appears after its subsimplices of same filtration value) provides an indexing scheme. \section pcohexamples Examples We provide several example files: run these examples with -h for details on their use, and read the README file. \li Persistent_cohomology/rips_persistence.cpp computes the Rips complex of a point cloud and outputs its persistence diagram. \code $> ./rips_persistence ../../data/points/tore3D_1307.off -r 0.25 -m 0.5 -d 3 -p 3 \endcode \code The complex contains 177838 simplices and has dimension 3 3 0 0 inf 3 1 0.0983494 inf 3 1 0.104347 inf 3 2 0.138335 inf \endcode \li Persistent_cohomology/rips_multifield_persistence.cpp computes the Rips complex of a point cloud and outputs its persistence diagram with a family of field coefficients. \li Persistent_cohomology/rips_distance_matrix_persistence.cpp computes the Rips complex of a distance matrix and outputs its persistence diagram. \li Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp computes the persistent homology with \f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file. \code $> ./alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/tore3D_300.off 2 0.45 \endcode \code Simplex_tree dim: 3 2 0 0 inf 2 1 0.0682162 1.0001 2 1 0.0934117 1.00003 2 2 0.56444 1.03938 \endcode \li Persistent_cohomology/exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp computes the persistent homology with \f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file. Here, as CGAL computes the exact values, it is slower, but it is necessary when points are on a grid for instance. \code $> ./exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/tore3D_300.off 2 0.45 \endcode \code Simplex_tree dim: 3 2 0 0 inf 2 1 0.0682162 1.0001 2 1 0.0934117 1.00003 2 2 0.56444 1.03938 \endcode \li Persistent_cohomology/weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp computes the persistent homology with \f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the weighted alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file and a weights file. \code $> ./weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/tore3D_300.off ../../data/points/tore3D_300.weights 2 0.45 \endcode \code Simplex_tree dim: 3 2 -0 0 inf 2 1 0.0682162 1.0001 2 1 0.0934117 1.00003 2 2 0.56444 1.03938 \endcode \li Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp computes the persistent homology with \f$\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file. \code $> ./alpha_complex_persistence -r 32 -p 2 -m 0.45 ../../data/points/tore3D_300.off \endcode \code Alpha complex is of dimension 3 - 9273 simplices - 300 vertices. Simplex_tree dim: 3 2 0 0 inf 2 1 0.0682162 1.0001 2 1 0.0934117 1.00003 2 2 0.56444 1.03938 \endcode \li Persistent_cohomology/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp computes the persistent homology with \f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the periodic alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file. \code $> ./periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/grid_10_10_10_in_0_1.off 3 1.0 \endcode \code Periodic Delaunay computed. Simplex_tree dim: 3 3 0 0 inf 3 1 0.0025 inf 3 1 0.0025 inf 3 1 0.0025 inf 3 2 0.005 inf 3 2 0.005 inf 3 2 0.005 inf 3 3 0.0075 inf \endcode \li Persistent_cohomology/plain_homology.cpp computes the plain homology of a simple simplicial complex without filtration values. \copyright GNU General Public License v3. */ } // namespace persistent_cohomology } // namespace Gudhi #endif // DOC_PERSISTENT_COHOMOLOGY_INTRO_PERSISTENT_COHOMOLOGY_H_