/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++ * library for computational topology. * * Author(s): Clément Maria, Pawel Dlotko, Vincent Rouvreau * * Copyright (C) 2016 INRIA * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef RIPS_COMPLEX_H_ #define RIPS_COMPLEX_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for numeric_limits #include // for pair<> namespace Gudhi { namespace rips_complex { /** * \class Rips_complex * \brief Rips complex data structure. * * \ingroup rips_complex * * \details * The data structure is a one skeleton graph constructed from a point cloud, containing edges when the edge length is * less or equal to a given threshold. Edge length is computed from a user given function. * * The complex is a template class requiring a Filtration_value type. * * \tparam Filtration_value must meet `SimplicialComplexForRips` concept. */ template class Rips_complex { private: typedef typename boost::adjacency_list < boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS , boost::property < vertex_filtration_t, Filtration_value > , boost::property < edge_filtration_t, Filtration_value >> Graph_t; typedef int Vertex_handle; public: /** \brief Rips_complex constructor from a list of points. * * @param[in] points Range of points. * @param[in] threshold rips value. * @param[in] distance distance function that returns a Filtration_value from 2 given points. * * The type InputPointRange must be a range for which std::begin and std::end return input iterators on a point. */ template Rips_complex(const InputPointRange& points, Filtration_value threshold, Distance distance) { compute_proximity_graph(points, threshold, distance); } /** \brief Rips_complex constructor from a distance matrix. * * @param[in] distance_matrix Range of distances. * @param[in] threshold rips value. * * The type InputDistanceRange must be a range for which std::begin and std::end return input iterators on a point. */ template Rips_complex(const InputDistanceRange& distance_matrix, Filtration_value threshold) { compute_proximity_graph(boost::irange((size_t)0, distance_matrix.size()), threshold, [&](size_t i, size_t j){return distance_matrix[j][i];}); } /** \brief Initializes the simplicial complex from the 1-skeleton graph and expands it until a given maximal * dimension. * * \tparam SimplicialComplexForRips must meet `SimplicialComplexForRips` concept. * * @param[in] complex SimplicialComplexForRips to be created. * @param[in] dim_max graph expansion for rips until this given maximal dimension. * * @return true if creation succeeds, false otherwise. * */ template bool create_complex(SimplicialComplexForRips& complex, int dim_max) { if (complex.num_vertices() > 0) { std::cerr << "Rips_complex create_complex - complex is not empty\n"; return false; // ----- >> } // insert the proximity graph in the simplicial complex complex.insert_graph(rips_skeleton_graph_); // expand the graph until dimension dim_max complex.expansion(dim_max); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return true; } private: /** \brief Output the proximity graph of the points. * * If points contains n elements, the proximity graph is the graph * with n vertices, and an edge [u,v] iff the distance function between * points u and v is smaller than threshold. * * The type PointCloud furnishes .begin() and .end() methods, that return * iterators with value_type Point. */ template< typename InputPointRange, typename Distance > void compute_proximity_graph(const InputPointRange& points, Filtration_value threshold, Distance distance) { std::vector< std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > > edges; std::vector< Filtration_value > edges_fil; // Compute the proximity graph of the points. // If points contains n elements, the proximity graph is the graph with n vertices, and an edge [u,v] iff the // distance function between points u and v is smaller than threshold. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates the vector of edges and its filtration values (returned by distance function) Vertex_handle idx_u = 0; for (auto it_u = std::begin(points); it_u != std::end(points); ++it_u) { Vertex_handle idx_v = idx_u + 1; for (auto it_v = it_u + 1; it_v != std::end(points); ++it_v, ++idx_v) { Filtration_value fil = distance(*it_u, *it_v); if (fil <= threshold) { edges.emplace_back(idx_u, idx_v); edges_fil.push_back(fil); } } ++idx_u; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates the proximity graph from edges and sets the property with the filtration value. // Number of points is labeled from 0 to idx_u-1 rips_skeleton_graph_ = Graph_t(edges.begin(), edges.end(), edges_fil.begin(), idx_u); auto vertex_prop = boost::get(vertex_filtration_t(), rips_skeleton_graph_); using vertex_iterator = typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_iterator; vertex_iterator vi, vi_end; for (std::tie(vi, vi_end) = boost::vertices(rips_skeleton_graph_); vi != vi_end; ++vi) { boost::put(vertex_prop, *vi, 0.); } } private: Graph_t rips_skeleton_graph_; }; } // namespace rips_complex } // namespace Gudhi #endif // RIPS_COMPLEX_H_