# Rips_complex # ## `rips_persistence` ## This program computes the persistent homology with coefficient field *Z/pZ* of a Rips complex defined on a set of input points. The output diagram contains one bar per line, written with the convention: `p dim birth death` where `dim` is the dimension of the homological feature, `birth` and `death` are respectively the birth and death of the feature, and `p` is the characteristic of the field *Z/pZ* used for homology coefficients (`p` must be a prime number). **Usage** `rips_persistence [options] ` **Allowed options** * `-h [ --help ]` Produce help message * `-o [ --output-file ]` Name of file in which the persistence diagram is written. Default print in standard output. * `-r [ --max-edge-length ]` (default = inf) Maximal length of an edge for the Rips complex construction. * `-d [ --cpx-dimension ]` (default = 1) Maximal dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute. * `-p [ --field-charac ]` (default = 11) Characteristic p of the coefficient field Z/pZ for computing homology. * `-m [ --min-persistence ]` (default = 0) Minimal lifetime of homology feature to be recorded. Enter a negative value to see zero length intervals. Beware: this program may use a lot of RAM and take a lot of time if `max-edge-length` is set to a large value. **Example 1 with Z/2Z coefficients** `rips_persistence ../../data/points/tore3D_1307.off -r 0.25 -m 0.5 -d 3 -p 2` outputs: ``` 2 0 0 inf 2 1 0.0983494 inf 2 1 0.104347 inf 2 2 0.138335 inf ``` **Example 2 with Z/3Z coefficients** rips_persistence ../../data/points/tore3D_1307.off -r 0.25 -m 0.5 -d 3 -p 3 outputs: ``` 3 0 0 inf 3 1 0.0983494 inf 3 1 0.104347 inf 3 2 0.138335 inf ``` ## `rips_distance_matrix_persistence` ## Same as `rips_persistence` but taking a distance matrix as input. **Usage** `rips_persistence [options] ` where `` is the path to the file containing a distance matrix. Can be square or lower triangular matrix. Separator is ';'. **Example** `rips_distance_matrix_persistence data/distance_matrix/full_square_distance_matrix.csv -r 15 -d 3 -p 3 -m 0` outputs: ``` The complex contains 46 simplices and has dimension 3 3 0 0 inf 3 0 0 8.94427 3 0 0 7.28011 3 0 0 6.08276 3 0 0 5.83095 3 0 0 5.38516 3 0 0 5 3 1 11 12.0416 3 1 6.32456 6.7082 ``` ## `rips_persistence` ## This program computes the persistent homology with coefficient field *Z/pZ* of a sparse (1+epsilon)-approximation of the Rips complex defined on a set of input points. The output diagram contains one bar per line, written with the convention: `p dim birth death` where `dim` is the dimension of the homological feature, `birth` and `death` are respectively the birth and death of the feature, and `p` is the characteristic of the field *Z/pZ* used for homology coefficients (`p` must be a prime number). **Usage** `sparse_rips_persistence [options] ` **Allowed options** * `-h [ --help ]` Produce help message * `-o [ --output-file ]` Name of file in which the persistence diagram is written. Default print in standard output. * `-e [ --approximation ]` (default = .5) Epsilon, where the sparse Rips complex is a (1+epsilon)-approximation of the Rips complex. * `-d [ --cpx-dimension ]` (default = 1) Maximal dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute. * `-p [ --field-charac ]` (default = 11) Characteristic p of the coefficient field Z/pZ for computing homology. * `-m [ --min-persistence ]` (default = 0) Minimal lifetime of homology feature to be recorded. Enter a negative value to see zero length intervals. **Example with Z/2Z coefficients** `rips_persistence ../../data/points/tore3D_1307.off -e .5 -m .1 -d 3 -p 2` outputs: ``` The complex contains 16742034 simplices and has dimension 3 2 0 0 inf 2 1 0.0521735 0.645093 2 2 0.0691677 0.289148 2 1 0.0491747 0.265232 ```