To build the example, run in a Terminal: cd /path-to-gudhi/ cmake . cd /path-to-example/ make Example of use : *** Simple simplex tree construction ./simple_simplex_tree ******************************************************************** EXAMPLE OF SIMPLE INSERTION * INSERT 0 + 0 INSERTED * INSERT 1 + 1 INSERTED * INSERT (0,1) + (0,1) INSERTED * INSERT 2 + 2 INSERTED * INSERT (2,0) + (2,0) INSERTED * INSERT (2,1) + (2,1) INSERTED * INSERT (2,1,0) + (2,1,0) INSERTED * INSERT 3 + 3 INSERTED * INSERT (3,0) + (3,0) INSERTED * INSERT 0 (already inserted) - 0 NOT INSERTED * INSERT (2,1,0) (already inserted) - (2,1,0) NOT INSERTED ******************************************************************** * The complex contains 9 simplices - dimension 2 - filtration 0.4 * Iterator on Simplices in the filtration, with [filtration value]: [0.1] 0 [0.1] 1 [0.1] 2 [0.1] 3 [0.2] 1 0 [0.2] 2 0 [0.2] 2 1 [0.2] 3 0 [0.3] 2 1 0 *** Simplex tree construction with Z/2Z coefficients on weighted graph Klein bottle file: ./simplex_tree_from_file ../../../data/points/Klein_bottle_complex.txt 2 Insert the 1-skeleton in the simplex tree in 0 s. Expand the simplex tree in 0 s. Information of the Simplex Tree: Number of vertices = 10 Number of simplices = 82 with Z/3Z coefficients: ./simplex_tree_from_file ../../../data/points/Klein_bottle_complex.txt 3 Insert the 1-skeleton in the simplex tree in 0 s. Expand the simplex tree in 0 s. Information of the Simplex Tree: Number of vertices = 10 Number of simplices = 106 *** Simplex_tree computed and displayed from a 3D alpha complex: [ Requires CGAL, GMP and GMPXX to be installed] ./simplex_tree_from_alpha_shapes_3 ../../../data/points/bunny_5000