/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++ * library for computational topology. * * Author(s): David Salinas * * Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifndef SKELETON_BLOCKER_INTERNAL_TRIE_H_ #define SKELETON_BLOCKER_INTERNAL_TRIE_H_ #include #include #include #include namespace Gudhi { namespace skeleton_blocker { template struct Trie { typedef SimplexHandle Simplex; typedef typename SimplexHandle::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; Vertex_handle v; std::vector > childs; // std::vector > childs; -> use of deleted function private: const Trie* parent_; public: Trie() : parent_(0) { } Trie(Vertex_handle v_) : v(v_), parent_(0) { } Trie(Vertex_handle v_, Trie* parent) : v(v_), parent_(parent) { } bool operator==(const Trie& other) const { return (v == other.v); } void add_child(Trie* child) { if (child) { std::shared_ptr ptr_to_add(child); childs.push_back(ptr_to_add); child->parent_ = this; } } typedef typename Simplex::Simplex_vertex_const_iterator Simplex_vertex_const_iterator; Trie* make_trie(Simplex_vertex_const_iterator s_it, Simplex_vertex_const_iterator s_end) { if (s_it == s_end) { return 0; } else { Trie* res = new Trie(*s_it); Trie* child = make_trie(++s_it, s_end); res->add_child(child); return res; } } private: // go down recursively in the tree while advancing the simplex iterator. // when it reaches a leaf, it inserts the remaining that is not present void add_simplex_helper(Simplex_vertex_const_iterator s_it, Simplex_vertex_const_iterator s_end) { assert(*s_it == v); ++s_it; if (s_it == s_end) return; if (!is_leaf()) { for (auto child : childs) { if (child->v == *s_it) return child->add_simplex_helper(s_it, s_end); } // s_it is not found and needs to be inserted } // not leaf -> remaining of s needs to be inserted Trie * son_with_what_remains_of_s(make_trie(s_it, s_end)); add_child(son_with_what_remains_of_s); return; } void maximal_faces_helper(std::vector& res) const { if (is_leaf()) res.push_back(simplex()); else for (auto child : childs) child->maximal_faces_helper(res); } public: /** * adds the simplex to the trie */ void add_simplex(const Simplex& s) { if (s.empty()) return; assert(v == s.first_vertex()); add_simplex_helper(s.begin(), s.end()); } std::vector maximal_faces() const { std::vector res; maximal_faces_helper(res); return res; } /** * Goes to the root in the trie to consitute simplex */ void add_vertices_up_to_the_root(Simplex& res) const { res.add_vertex(v); if (parent_) parent_->add_vertices_up_to_the_root(res); } Simplex simplex() const { Simplex res; add_vertices_up_to_the_root(res); return res; } bool is_leaf() const { return childs.empty(); } bool is_root() const { return parent_ == 0; } const Trie* parent() { return parent_; } void remove_leaf() { assert(is_leaf); if (!is_root()) parent_->childs.erase(this); } /** * true iff the simplex corresponds to one node in the trie */ bool contains(const Simplex& s) const { Trie const* current = this; if (s.empty()) return true; if (current->v != s.first_vertex()) return false; auto s_pos = s.begin(); ++s_pos; while (s_pos != s.end() && current != 0) { bool found = false; for (const auto child : current->childs) { if (child->v == *s_pos) { ++s_pos; current = child.get(); found = true; break; } } if (!found) return false; } return current != 0; } Trie* go_bottom_left() { if (is_leaf()) return this; else return (*childs.begin())->go_bottom_left(); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Trie& trie) { stream << "T( " << trie.v << " "; for (auto t : trie.childs) stream << *t; stream << ")"; return stream; } }; template struct Tries { typedef typename SimplexHandle::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef SimplexHandle Simplex; typedef Trie STrie; template Tries(unsigned num_vertices, SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplex_begin, SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplex_end) : cofaces_(num_vertices, 0) { for (auto i = 0u; i < num_vertices; ++i) cofaces_[i] = new STrie(Vertex_handle(i)); for (auto s_it = simplex_begin; s_it != simplex_end; ++s_it) { if (s_it->dimension() >= 1) cofaces_[s_it->first_vertex()]->add_simplex(*s_it); } } ~Tries() { for (STrie* t : cofaces_) delete t; } // return a simplex that consists in all u such uv is an edge and u>v Simplex positive_neighbors(Vertex_handle v) const { Simplex res; for (auto child : cofaces_[v]->childs) res.add_vertex(child->v); return res; } bool contains(const Simplex& s) const { auto first_v = s.first_vertex(); return cofaces_[first_v]->contains(s); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Tries& tries) { for (auto trie : tries.cofaces_) stream << *trie << std::endl; return stream; } // init_next_dimension must be called first std::vector next_dimension_simplices() const { std::vector res; while (!(to_see_.empty()) && (to_see_.front()->simplex().dimension() == current_dimension_)) { res.emplace_back(to_see_.front()->simplex()); for (auto child : to_see_.front()->childs) to_see_.push_back(child.get()); to_see_.pop_front(); } ++current_dimension_; return res; } void init_next_dimension() const { for (auto trie : cofaces_) to_see_.push_back(trie); } private: mutable std::deque to_see_; mutable int current_dimension_ = 0; std::vector cofaces_; }; } // namespace skeleton_blocker namespace skbl = skeleton_blocker; } // namespace Gudhi #endif // SKELETON_BLOCKER_INTERNAL_TRIE_H_