/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++ * library for computational topology. * * Author(s): David Salinas * * Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Mediterranee (France) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef SKELETON_BLOCKER_COMPLEX_H_ #define SKELETON_BLOCKER_COMPLEX_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Gudhi { namespace skbl { /** *@class Skeleton_blocker_complex *@brief Abstract Simplicial Complex represented with a skeleton/blockers pair. *@ingroup skbl */ template class Skeleton_blocker_complex { template friend class Vertex_iterator; template friend class Neighbors_vertices_iterator; template friend class Edge_iterator; template friend class Edge_around_vertex_iterator; template friend class Skeleton_blocker_link_complex; template friend class Skeleton_blocker_link_superior; template friend class Skeleton_blocker_sub_complex; public: /** * @brief The type of stored vertex node, specified by the template SkeletonBlockerDS */ typedef typename SkeletonBlockerDS::Graph_vertex Graph_vertex; /** * @brief The type of stored edge node, specified by the template SkeletonBlockerDS */ typedef typename SkeletonBlockerDS::Graph_edge Graph_edge; typedef typename SkeletonBlockerDS::Root_vertex_handle Root_vertex_handle; /** * @brief The type of an handle to a vertex of the complex. */ typedef typename SkeletonBlockerDS::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Root_vertex_handle::boost_vertex_handle boost_vertex_handle; /** * @brief A ordered set of integers that represents a simplex. */ typedef Skeleton_blocker_simplex Simplex; typedef Skeleton_blocker_simplex Root_simplex_handle; /** * @brief Handle to a blocker of the complex. */ typedef Simplex* Blocker_handle; typedef typename Root_simplex_handle::Simplex_vertex_const_iterator Root_simplex_iterator; typedef typename Simplex::Simplex_vertex_const_iterator Simplex_handle_iterator; protected: typedef typename boost::adjacency_list Graph; // todo/remark : edges are not sorted, it heavily penalizes computation for SuperiorLink // (eg Link with greater vertices) // that burdens simplex iteration / complex initialization via list of simplices. // to avoid that, one should modify the graph by storing two lists of adjacency for every // vertex, the one with superior and the one with lower vertices, that way there is // no more extra cost for computation of SuperiorLink typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_iterator boost_vertex_iterator; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::edge_iterator boost_edge_iterator; protected: typedef typename boost::graph_traits::adjacency_iterator boost_adjacency_iterator; public: /** * @brief Handle to an edge of the complex. */ typedef typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor Edge_handle; protected: typedef std::multimap BlockerMap; typedef typename std::multimap::value_type BlockerPair; typedef typename std::multimap::iterator BlockerMapIterator; typedef typename std::multimap::const_iterator BlockerMapConstIterator; protected: size_t num_vertices_; size_t num_blockers_; typedef Skeleton_blocker_complex_visitor Visitor; // typedef Visitor* Visitor_ptr; Visitor* visitor; /** * @details If 'x' is a Vertex_handle of a vertex in the complex then degree[x] = d is its degree. * * This quantity is updated when adding/removing edge. * * This is useful because the operation * list.size() is done in linear time. */ std::vector degree_; Graph skeleton; /** 1-skeleton of the simplicial complex. */ /** Each vertex can access to the blockers passing through it. */ BlockerMap blocker_map_; public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @name Constructors, Destructors */ //@{ /** *@brief constructs a simplicial complex with a given number of vertices and a visitor. */ explicit Skeleton_blocker_complex(size_t num_vertices_ = 0, Visitor* visitor_ = NULL) : visitor(visitor_) { clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices_; ++i) { add_vertex(); } } private: // typedef Trie> STrie; typedef Trie STrie; public: /** * @brief Constructor with a list of simplices. * @details is_flag_complex indicates if the complex is a flag complex or not (to know if blockers have to be computed or not). */ template Skeleton_blocker_complex(SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_begin, SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_end, bool is_flag_complex = false, Visitor* visitor_ = NULL) : num_vertices_(0), num_blockers_(0), visitor(visitor_) { add_vertices_and_edges(simplices_begin, simplices_end); if (!is_flag_complex) // need to compute blockers add_blockers(simplices_begin, simplices_end); } private: /** * Add vertices and edges of a simplex in one pass */ template void add_vertices_and_edges(SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_begin, SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_end) { std::vector> edges; // first pass to add vertices and edges int num_vertex = -1; for (auto s_it = simplices_begin; s_it != simplices_end; ++s_it) { if (s_it->dimension() == 0) num_vertex = (std::max)(num_vertex, s_it->first_vertex().vertex); if (s_it->dimension() == 1) edges.emplace_back(s_it->first_vertex(), s_it->last_vertex()); } while (num_vertex-- >= 0) add_vertex(); for (const auto& e : edges) add_edge_without_blockers(e.first, e.second); } template void add_blockers(SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_begin, SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_end) { Tries tries(num_vertices(), simplices_begin, simplices_end); tries.init_next_dimension(); auto simplices(tries.next_dimension_simplices()); while (!simplices.empty()) { simplices = tries.next_dimension_simplices(); for (auto& sigma : simplices) { // common_positive_neighbors is the set of vertices u such that // for all s in sigma, us is an edge and u>s Simplex common_positive_neighbors(tries.positive_neighbors(sigma.last_vertex())); for (auto sigma_it = sigma.rbegin(); sigma_it != sigma.rend(); ++sigma_it) if (sigma_it != sigma.rbegin()) common_positive_neighbors.intersection(tries.positive_neighbors(*sigma_it)); for (auto x : common_positive_neighbors) { // first test that all edges sx are here for all s in sigma bool all_edges_here = true; for (auto s : sigma) if (!contains_edge(x, s)) { all_edges_here = false; break; } if (!all_edges_here) continue; // all edges of sigma \cup x are here // we have a blocker if all proper faces of sigma \cup x // are in the complex and if sigma \cup x is not in the complex // the first is equivalent at checking if blocks(sigma \cup x) is true // as all blockers of lower dimension have already been computed sigma.add_vertex(x); if (!tries.contains(sigma) && !blocks(sigma)) add_blocker(sigma); sigma.remove_vertex(x); } } } } public: // We cannot use the default copy constructor since we need // to make a copy of each of the blockers Skeleton_blocker_complex(const Skeleton_blocker_complex& copy) { visitor = NULL; degree_ = copy.degree_; skeleton = Graph(copy.skeleton); num_vertices_ = copy.num_vertices_; num_blockers_ = 0; // we copy the blockers for (auto blocker : copy.const_blocker_range()) { add_blocker(*blocker); } } /** */ Skeleton_blocker_complex& operator=(const Skeleton_blocker_complex& copy) { clear(); visitor = NULL; degree_ = copy.degree_; skeleton = Graph(copy.skeleton); num_vertices_ = copy.num_vertices_; num_blockers_ = 0; // we copy the blockers for (auto blocker : copy.const_blocker_range()) add_blocker(*blocker); return *this; } /** * return true if both complexes have the same simplices. */ bool operator==(const Skeleton_blocker_complex& other) const { if (other.num_vertices() != num_vertices()) return false; if (other.num_edges() != num_edges()) return false; if (other.num_blockers() != num_blockers()) return false; for (auto v : vertex_range()) if (!other.contains_vertex(v)) return false; for (auto e : edge_range()) if (!other.contains_edge(first_vertex(e), second_vertex(e))) return false; for (const auto b : const_blocker_range()) if (!other.contains_blocker(*b)) return false; return true; } bool operator!=(const Skeleton_blocker_complex& other) const { return !(*this == other); } /** * The destructor delete all blockers allocated. */ virtual ~Skeleton_blocker_complex() { clear(); } /** * @details Clears the simplicial complex. After a call to this function, * blockers are destroyed. The 1-skeleton and the set of blockers * are both empty. */ virtual void clear() { // xxx for now the responsabilty of freeing the visitor is for // the user visitor = NULL; degree_.clear(); num_vertices_ = 0; remove_blockers(); skeleton.clear(); } /** *@brief allows to change the visitor. */ void set_visitor(Visitor* other_visitor) { visitor = other_visitor; } //@} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @name Vertices operations */ //@{ public: /** * @brief Return a local Vertex_handle of a vertex given a global one. * @remark Assume that the vertex is present in the complex. */ Vertex_handle operator[](Root_vertex_handle global) const { auto local(get_address(global)); assert(local); return *local; } /** * @brief Return the vertex node associated to local Vertex_handle. * @remark Assume that the vertex is present in the complex. */ Graph_vertex& operator[](Vertex_handle address) { assert( 0 <= address.vertex && address.vertex < boost::num_vertices(skeleton)); return skeleton[address.vertex]; } /** * @brief Return the vertex node associated to local Vertex_handle. * @remark Assume that the vertex is present in the complex. */ const Graph_vertex& operator[](Vertex_handle address) const { assert( 0 <= address.vertex && address.vertex < boost::num_vertices(skeleton)); return skeleton[address.vertex]; } /** * @brief Adds a vertex to the simplicial complex and returns its Vertex_handle. * @remark Vertex representation is contiguous. */ Vertex_handle add_vertex() { Vertex_handle address(boost::add_vertex(skeleton)); num_vertices_++; (*this)[address].activate(); // safe since we now that we are in the root complex and the field 'address' and 'id' // are identical for every vertices (*this)[address].set_id(Root_vertex_handle(address.vertex)); degree_.push_back(0); if (visitor) visitor->on_add_vertex(address); return address; } /** * @brief Remove a vertex from the simplicial complex * @remark It just deactivates the vertex with a boolean flag but does not * remove it from vertices from complexity issues. */ void remove_vertex(Vertex_handle address) { assert(contains_vertex(address)); // We remove b boost::clear_vertex(address.vertex, skeleton); (*this)[address].deactivate(); num_vertices_--; degree_[address.vertex] = -1; if (visitor) visitor->on_remove_vertex(address); } /** */ bool contains_vertex(Vertex_handle u) const { if (u.vertex < 0 || u.vertex >= boost::num_vertices(skeleton)) return false; return (*this)[u].is_active(); } /** */ bool contains_vertex(Root_vertex_handle u) const { boost::optional address = get_address(u); return address && (*this)[*address].is_active(); } /** * @return true iff the simplicial complex contains all vertices * of simplex sigma */ bool contains_vertices(const Simplex & sigma) const { for (auto vertex : sigma) if (!contains_vertex(vertex)) return false; return true; } /** * @brief Given an Id return the address of the vertex having this Id in the complex. * @remark For a simplicial complex, the address is the id but it may not be the case for a SubComplex. */ virtual boost::optional get_address( Root_vertex_handle id) const { boost::optional res; if (id.vertex < boost::num_vertices(skeleton)) res = Vertex_handle(id.vertex); // xxx return res; } /** * return the id of a vertex of adress local present in the graph */ Root_vertex_handle get_id(Vertex_handle local) const { assert(0 <= local.vertex && local.vertex < boost::num_vertices(skeleton)); return (*this)[local].get_id(); } /** * @brief Convert an address of a vertex of a complex to the address in * the current complex. * @details * If the current complex is a sub (or sup) complex of 'other', it converts * the address of a vertex v expressed in 'other' to the address of the vertex * v in the current one. * @remark this methods uses Root_vertex_handle to identify the vertex and * assumes the vertex is present in the current complex. */ Vertex_handle convert_handle_from_another_complex(const Skeleton_blocker_complex& other, Vertex_handle vh_in_other) const { auto vh_in_current_complex = get_address(other.get_id(vh_in_other)); assert(vh_in_current_complex); return *vh_in_current_complex; } /** * @brief return the graph degree of a vertex. */ int degree(Vertex_handle local) const { assert(0 <= local.vertex && local.vertex < boost::num_vertices(skeleton)); return degree_[local.vertex]; } //@} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @name Edges operations */ //@{ public: /** * @brief return an edge handle if the two vertices forms * an edge in the complex */ boost::optional operator[]( const std::pair& ab) const { boost::optional res; std::pair edge_pair( boost::edge(ab.first.vertex, ab.second.vertex, skeleton)); if (edge_pair.second) res = edge_pair.first; return res; } /** * @brief returns the stored node associated to an edge */ Graph_edge& operator[](Edge_handle edge_handle) { return skeleton[edge_handle]; } /** * @brief returns the stored node associated to an edge */ const Graph_edge& operator[](Edge_handle edge_handle) const { return skeleton[edge_handle]; } /** * @brief returns the first vertex of an edge * @details it assumes that the edge is present in the complex */ Vertex_handle first_vertex(Edge_handle edge_handle) const { return static_cast (source(edge_handle, skeleton)); } /** * @brief returns the first vertex of an edge * @details it assumes that the edge is present in the complex */ Vertex_handle second_vertex(Edge_handle edge_handle) const { return static_cast (target(edge_handle, skeleton)); } /** * @brief returns the simplex made with the two vertices of the edge * @details it assumes that the edge is present in the complex */ Simplex get_vertices(Edge_handle edge_handle) const { auto edge((*this)[edge_handle]); return Simplex((*this)[edge.first()], (*this)[edge.second()]); } /** * @brief Adds an edge between vertices a and b. * @details For instance, the complex contains edge 01 and 12, then calling * add_edge with vertex 0 and 2 will create a complex containing * the edges 01, 12, 20 but not the triangle 012 (and hence this complex * will contains a blocker 012). */ Edge_handle add_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) { // if the edge is already there we musnt go further // as we may add blockers that should not be here if (contains_edge(a, b)) return *((*this)[std::make_pair(a, b)]); auto res = add_edge_without_blockers(a, b); add_blockers_after_simplex_insertion(Simplex(a, b)); return res; } /** * @brief Adds all edges of s in the complex. */ void add_edge(const Simplex& s) { for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) for (auto j = i; ++j != s.end(); /**/) add_edge(*i, *j); } /** * @brief Adds an edge between vertices a and b without blockers. * @details For instance, the complex contains edge 01 and 12, then calling * add_edge with vertex 0 and 2 will create a complex containing * the triangle 012. */ Edge_handle add_edge_without_blockers(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) { assert(contains_vertex(a) && contains_vertex(b)); assert(a != b); auto edge_handle((*this)[std::make_pair(a, b)]); if (!edge_handle) { edge_handle = boost::add_edge(a.vertex, b.vertex, skeleton).first; (*this)[*edge_handle].setId(get_id(a), get_id(b)); degree_[a.vertex]++; degree_[b.vertex]++; if (visitor) visitor->on_add_edge_without_blockers(a, b); } return *edge_handle; } /** * @brief Adds all edges of s in the complex without adding blockers. */ void add_edge_without_blockers(Simplex s) { for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { for (auto j = i; ++j != s.end(); /**/) add_edge_without_blockers(*i, *j); } } /** * @brief Removes an edge from the simplicial complex and all its cofaces. * @details returns the former Edge_handle representing the edge */ virtual Edge_handle remove_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) { bool found; Edge_handle edge; tie(edge, found) = boost::edge(a.vertex, b.vertex, skeleton); if (found) { if (visitor) visitor->on_remove_edge(a, b); boost::remove_edge(a.vertex, b.vertex, skeleton); degree_[a.vertex]--; degree_[b.vertex]--; } return edge; } /** * @brief Removes edge and its cofaces from the simplicial complex. */ void remove_edge(Edge_handle edge) { assert(contains_vertex(first_vertex(edge))); assert(contains_vertex(second_vertex(edge))); remove_edge(first_vertex(edge), second_vertex(edge)); } /** * @brief The complex is reduced to its set of vertices. * All the edges and blockers are removed. */ void keep_only_vertices() { remove_blockers(); for (auto u : vertex_range()) { while (this->degree(u) > 0) { Vertex_handle v(*(adjacent_vertices(u.vertex, this->skeleton).first)); this->remove_edge(u, v); } } } /** * @return true iff the simplicial complex contains an edge between * vertices a and b */ bool contains_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) const { // if (a.vertex<0 || b.vertex <0) return false; return boost::edge(a.vertex, b.vertex, skeleton).second; } /** * @return true iff the simplicial complex contains all vertices * and all edges of simplex sigma */ bool contains_edges(const Simplex & sigma) const { for (auto i = sigma.begin(); i != sigma.end(); ++i) { if (!contains_vertex(*i)) return false; for (auto j = i; ++j != sigma.end();) { if (!contains_edge(*i, *j)) return false; } } return true; } //@} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @name Blockers operations */ //@{ /** * @brief Adds the simplex to the set of blockers and * returns a Blocker_handle toward it if was not present before and 0 otherwise. */ Blocker_handle add_blocker(const Simplex& blocker) { assert(blocker.dimension() > 1); if (contains_blocker(blocker)) { return 0; } else { if (visitor) visitor->on_add_blocker(blocker); Blocker_handle blocker_pt = new Simplex(blocker); num_blockers_++; auto vertex = blocker_pt->begin(); while (vertex != blocker_pt->end()) { blocker_map_.insert(BlockerPair(*vertex, blocker_pt)); ++vertex; } return blocker_pt; } } protected: /** * @brief Adds the simplex to the set of blockers */ void add_blocker(Blocker_handle blocker) { if (contains_blocker(*blocker)) { // std::cerr << "ATTEMPT TO ADD A BLOCKER ALREADY THERE ---> BLOCKER IGNORED" << endl; return; } else { if (visitor) visitor->on_add_blocker(*blocker); num_blockers_++; auto vertex = blocker->begin(); while (vertex != blocker->end()) { blocker_map_.insert(BlockerPair(*vertex, blocker)); ++vertex; } } } protected: /** * Removes sigma from the blocker map of vertex v */ void remove_blocker(const Blocker_handle sigma, Vertex_handle v) { Complex_blocker_around_vertex_iterator blocker; for (blocker = blocker_range(v).begin(); blocker != blocker_range(v).end(); ++blocker) { if (*blocker == sigma) break; } if (*blocker != sigma) { std::cerr << "bug ((*blocker).second == sigma) ie try to remove a blocker not present\n"; assert(false); } else { blocker_map_.erase(blocker.current_position()); } } public: /** * @brief Removes the simplex from the set of blockers. * @remark sigma has to belongs to the set of blockers */ void remove_blocker(const Blocker_handle sigma) { for (auto vertex : *sigma) remove_blocker(sigma, vertex); num_blockers_--; } /** * @brief Remove all blockers, in other words, it expand the simplicial * complex to the smallest flag complex that contains it. */ void remove_blockers() { // Desallocate the blockers while (!blocker_map_.empty()) { delete_blocker(blocker_map_.begin()->second); } num_blockers_ = 0; blocker_map_.clear(); } protected: /** * Removes the simplex sigma from the set of blockers. * sigma has to belongs to the set of blockers * * @remark contrarily to delete_blockers does not call the destructor */ void remove_blocker(const Simplex& sigma) { assert(contains_blocker(sigma)); for (auto vertex : sigma) remove_blocker(sigma, vertex); num_blockers_--; } public: /** * Removes the simplex s from the set of blockers * and desallocate s. */ void delete_blocker(Blocker_handle sigma) { if (visitor) visitor->on_delete_blocker(sigma); remove_blocker(sigma); delete sigma; } /** * @return true iff s is a blocker of the simplicial complex */ bool contains_blocker(const Blocker_handle s) const { if (s->dimension() < 2) return false; Vertex_handle a = s->first_vertex(); for (const auto blocker : const_blocker_range(a)) { if (s == *blocker) return true; } return false; } /** * @return true iff s is a blocker of the simplicial complex */ bool contains_blocker(const Simplex & s) const { if (s.dimension() < 2) return false; Vertex_handle a = s.first_vertex(); for (auto blocker : const_blocker_range(a)) { if (s == *blocker) return true; } return false; } private: /** * @return true iff a blocker of the simplicial complex * is a face of sigma. */ bool blocks(const Simplex & sigma) const { for (auto s : sigma) for (auto blocker : const_blocker_range(s)) if (sigma.contains(*blocker)) return true; return false; } //@} protected: /** * @details Adds to simplex the neighbours of v e.g. \f$ n \leftarrow n \cup N(v) \f$. * If keep_only_superior is true then only vertices that are greater than v are added. */ virtual void add_neighbours(Vertex_handle v, Simplex & n, bool keep_only_superior = false) const { boost_adjacency_iterator ai, ai_end; for (tie(ai, ai_end) = adjacent_vertices(v.vertex, skeleton); ai != ai_end; ++ai) { if (keep_only_superior) { if (*ai > v.vertex) { n.add_vertex(Vertex_handle(*ai)); } } else { n.add_vertex(Vertex_handle(*ai)); } } } /** * @details Add to simplex res all vertices which are * neighbours of alpha: ie \f$ res \leftarrow res \cup N(alpha) \f$. * * If 'keep_only_superior' is true then only vertices that are greater than alpha are added. * todo revoir * */ virtual void add_neighbours(const Simplex &alpha, Simplex & res, bool keep_only_superior = false) const { res.clear(); auto alpha_vertex = alpha.begin(); add_neighbours(*alpha_vertex, res, keep_only_superior); for (alpha_vertex = (alpha.begin())++; alpha_vertex != alpha.end(); ++alpha_vertex) keep_neighbours(*alpha_vertex, res, keep_only_superior); } /** * @details Remove from simplex n all vertices which are * not neighbours of v e.g. \f$ res \leftarrow res \cap N(v) \f$. * If 'keep_only_superior' is true then only vertices that are greater than v are keeped. */ virtual void keep_neighbours(Vertex_handle v, Simplex& res, bool keep_only_superior = false) const { Simplex nv; add_neighbours(v, nv, keep_only_superior); res.intersection(nv); } /** * @details Remove from simplex all vertices which are * neighbours of v eg \f$ res \leftarrow res \setminus N(v) \f$. * If 'keep_only_superior' is true then only vertices that are greater than v are added. */ virtual void remove_neighbours(Vertex_handle v, Simplex & res, bool keep_only_superior = false) const { Simplex nv; add_neighbours(v, nv, keep_only_superior); res.difference(nv); } public: typedef Skeleton_blocker_link_complex Link_complex; /** * Constructs the link of 'simplex' with points coordinates. */ Link_complex link(Vertex_handle v) const { return Link_complex(*this, Simplex(v)); } /** * Constructs the link of 'simplex' with points coordinates. */ Link_complex link(Edge_handle edge) const { return Link_complex(*this, edge); } /** * Constructs the link of 'simplex' with points coordinates. */ Link_complex link(const Simplex& simplex) const { return Link_complex(*this, simplex); } /** * @brief Compute the local vertices of 's' in the current complex * If one of them is not present in the complex then the return value is uninitialized. * * */ // xxx rename get_address et place un using dans sub_complex boost::optional get_simplex_address( const Root_simplex_handle& s) const { boost::optional res; Simplex s_address; // Root_simplex_const_iterator i; for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { boost::optional address = get_address(*i); if (!address) return res; else s_address.add_vertex(*address); } res = s_address; return res; } /** * @brief returns a simplex with vertices which are the id of vertices of the * argument. */ Root_simplex_handle get_id(const Simplex& local_simplex) const { Root_simplex_handle global_simplex; for (auto x = local_simplex.begin(); x != local_simplex.end(); ++x) { global_simplex.add_vertex(get_id(*x)); } return global_simplex; } /** * @brief returns true iff the simplex s belongs to the simplicial * complex. */ virtual bool contains(const Simplex & s) const { if (s.dimension() == -1) { return false; } else if (s.dimension() == 0) { return contains_vertex(s.first_vertex()); } else { return (contains_edges(s) && !blocks(s)); } } /* * @brief returnrs true iff the complex is empty. */ bool empty() const { return num_vertices() == 0; } /* * @brief returns the number of vertices in the complex. */ int num_vertices() const { // remark boost::num_vertices(skeleton) counts deactivated vertices return num_vertices_; } /* * @brief returns the number of edges in the complex. * @details currently in O(n) */ // todo cache the value int num_edges() const { return boost::num_edges(skeleton); } int num_triangles() const { auto triangles = triangle_range(); return std::distance(triangles.begin(), triangles.end()); } /* * @brief returns the number of simplices of a given dimension in the complex. */ size_t num_simplices() const { auto simplices = complex_simplex_range(); return std::distance(simplices.begin(), simplices.end()); } /* * @brief returns the number of simplices of a given dimension in the complex. */ size_t num_simplices(unsigned dimension) const { // TODO(DS): iterator on k-simplices size_t res = 0; for (const auto& s : complex_simplex_range()) if (s.dimension() == dimension) ++res; return res; } /* * @brief returns the number of blockers in the complex. */ size_t num_blockers() const { return num_blockers_; } /* * @brief returns true iff the graph of the 1-skeleton of the complex is complete. */ bool complete() const { return (num_vertices() * (num_vertices() - 1)) / 2 == num_edges(); } /** * @brief returns the number of connected components in the graph of the 1-skeleton. */ int num_connected_components() const { int num_vert_collapsed = skeleton.vertex_set().size() - num_vertices(); std::vector component(skeleton.vertex_set().size()); return boost::connected_components(this->skeleton, &component[0]) - num_vert_collapsed; } /** * @brief %Test if the complex is a cone. * @details Runs in O(n) where n is the number of vertices. */ bool is_cone() const { if (num_vertices() == 0) return false; if (num_vertices() == 1) return true; for (auto vi : vertex_range()) { // xxx todo faire une methode bool is_in_blocker(Vertex_handle) if (blocker_map_.find(vi) == blocker_map_.end()) { // no blocker passes through the vertex, we just need to // check if the current vertex is linked to all others vertices of the complex if (degree_[vi.vertex] == num_vertices() - 1) return true; } } return false; } //@} /** @name Simplification operations */ //@{ /** * Returns true iff the blocker 'sigma' is popable. * To define popable, let us call 'L' the complex that * consists in the current complex without the blocker 'sigma'. * A blocker 'sigma' is then "popable" if the link of 'sigma' * in L is reducible. * */ bool is_popable_blocker(Blocker_handle sigma) const; /** * Removes all the popable blockers of the complex and delete them. * @returns the number of popable blockers deleted */ void remove_popable_blockers(); /** * Removes all the popable blockers of the complex passing through v and delete them. */ void remove_popable_blockers(Vertex_handle v); /** * @brief Removes all the popable blockers of the complex passing through v and delete them. * Also remove popable blockers in the neighborhood if they became popable. * */ void remove_all_popable_blockers(Vertex_handle v); /** * Remove the star of the vertex 'v' */ void remove_star(Vertex_handle v); private: /** * after removing the star of a simplex, blockers sigma that contains this simplex must be removed. * Furthermore, all simplices tau of the form sigma \setminus simplex_to_be_removed must be added * whenever the dimension of tau is at least 2. */ void update_blockers_after_remove_star_of_vertex_or_edge(const Simplex& simplex_to_be_removed); public: /** * Remove the star of the edge connecting vertices a and b. * @returns the number of blocker that have been removed */ void remove_star(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b); /** * Remove the star of the edge 'e'. */ void remove_star(Edge_handle e); /** * Remove the star of the simplex 'sigma' which needs to belong to the complex */ void remove_star(const Simplex& sigma); /** * @brief add a simplex and all its faces. * @details the simplex must have dimension greater than one (otherwise use add_vertex or add_edge_without_blockers). */ void add_simplex(const Simplex& sigma); private: void add_blockers_after_simplex_insertion(Simplex s); /** * remove all blockers that contains sigma */ void remove_blocker_containing_simplex(const Simplex& sigma); /** * remove all blockers that contains sigma */ void remove_blocker_include_in_simplex(const Simplex& sigma); public: enum simplifiable_status { NOT_HOMOTOPY_EQ, MAYBE_HOMOTOPY_EQ, HOMOTOPY_EQ }; simplifiable_status is_remove_star_homotopy_preserving(const Simplex& simplex) { // todo write a virtual method 'link' in Skeleton_blocker_complex which will be overloaded by the current one of // Skeleton_blocker_geometric_complex // then call it there to build the link and return the value of link.is_contractible() return MAYBE_HOMOTOPY_EQ; } enum contractible_status { NOT_CONTRACTIBLE, MAYBE_CONTRACTIBLE, CONTRACTIBLE }; /** * @brief %Test if the complex is reducible using a strategy defined in the class * (by default it tests if the complex is a cone) * @details Note that NO could be returned if some invariant ensures that the complex * is not a point (for instance if the euler characteristic is different from 1). * This function will surely have to return MAYBE in some case because the * associated problem is undecidable but it in practice, it can often * be solved with the help of geometry. */ virtual contractible_status is_contractible() const { if (this->is_cone()) { return CONTRACTIBLE; } else { return MAYBE_CONTRACTIBLE; } } //@} /** @name Edge contraction operations */ //@{ /** * @return If ignore_popable_blockers is true * then the result is true iff the link condition at edge ab is satisfied * or equivalently iff no blocker contains ab. * If ignore_popable_blockers is false then the * result is true iff all blocker containing ab are popable. */ bool link_condition(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b, bool ignore_popable_blockers = false) const { for (auto blocker : this->const_blocker_range(a)) if (blocker->contains(b)) { // false if ignore_popable_blockers is false // otherwise the blocker has to be popable return ignore_popable_blockers && is_popable_blocker(blocker); } return true; } /** * @return If ignore_popable_blockers is true * then the result is true iff the link condition at edge ab is satisfied * or equivalently iff no blocker contains ab. * If ignore_popable_blockers is false then the * result is true iff all blocker containing ab are popable. */ bool link_condition(Edge_handle e, bool ignore_popable_blockers = false) const { const Graph_edge& edge = (*this)[e]; assert(this->get_address(edge.first())); assert(this->get_address(edge.second())); Vertex_handle a(*this->get_address(edge.first())); Vertex_handle b(*this->get_address(edge.second())); return link_condition(a, b, ignore_popable_blockers); } protected: /** * Compute simplices beta such that a.beta is an order 0 blocker * that may be used to construct a new blocker after contracting ab. * It requires that the link condition is satisfied. */ void tip_blockers(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b, std::vector & buffer) const; private: /** * @brief "Replace" the edge 'bx' by the edge 'ax'. * Assume that the edge 'bx' was present whereas 'ax' was not. * Precisely, it does not replace edges, but remove 'bx' and then add 'ax'. * The visitor 'on_swaped_edge' is called just after edge 'ax' had been added * and just before edge 'bx' had been removed. That way, it can * eventually access to information of 'ax'. */ void swap_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b, Vertex_handle x); private: /** * @brief removes all blockers passing through the edge 'ab' */ void delete_blockers_around_vertex(Vertex_handle v); /** * @brief removes all blockers passing through the edge 'ab' */ void delete_blockers_around_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b); public: /** * Contracts the edge. * @remark If the link condition Link(ab) = Link(a) inter Link(b) is not satisfied, * it removes first all blockers passing through 'ab' */ void contract_edge(Edge_handle edge) { contract_edge(this->first_vertex(edge), this->second_vertex(edge)); } /** * Contracts the edge connecting vertices a and b. * @remark If the link condition Link(ab) = Link(a) inter Link(b) is not satisfied, * it removes first all blockers passing through 'ab' */ void contract_edge(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b); private: void get_blockers_to_be_added_after_contraction(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b, std::set& blockers_to_add); /** * delete all blockers that passes through a or b */ void delete_blockers_around_vertices(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b); void update_edges_after_contraction(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b); void notify_changed_edges(Vertex_handle a); //@} public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @name Vertex iterators */ //@{ typedef Vertex_iterator Complex_vertex_iterator; // // Range over the vertices of the simplicial complex. // Methods .begin() and .end() return a Complex_vertex_iterator. // typedef boost::iterator_range Complex_vertex_range; /** * @brief Returns a Complex_vertex_range over all vertices of the complex */ Complex_vertex_range vertex_range() const { auto begin = Complex_vertex_iterator(this); auto end = Complex_vertex_iterator(this, 0); return Complex_vertex_range(begin, end); } typedef Neighbors_vertices_iterator Complex_neighbors_vertices_iterator; typedef boost::iterator_range Complex_neighbors_vertices_range; /** * @brief Returns a Complex_edge_range over all edges of the simplicial complex that passes trough v */ Complex_neighbors_vertices_range vertex_range(Vertex_handle v) const { auto begin = Complex_neighbors_vertices_iterator(this, v); auto end = Complex_neighbors_vertices_iterator(this, v, 0); return Complex_neighbors_vertices_range(begin, end); } //@} /** @name Edge iterators */ //@{ typedef Edge_iterator Complex_edge_iterator; typedef boost::iterator_range Complex_edge_range; /** * @brief Returns a Complex_edge_range over all edges of the simplicial complex */ Complex_edge_range edge_range() const { auto begin = Complex_edge_iterator(this); auto end = Complex_edge_iterator(this, 0); return Complex_edge_range(begin, end); } typedef Edge_around_vertex_iterator Complex_edge_around_vertex_iterator; typedef boost::iterator_range Complex_edge_around_vertex_range; /** * @brief Returns a Complex_edge_range over all edges of the simplicial complex that passes * through 'v' */ Complex_edge_around_vertex_range edge_range(Vertex_handle v) const { auto begin = Complex_edge_around_vertex_iterator(this, v); auto end = Complex_edge_around_vertex_iterator(this, v, 0); return Complex_edge_around_vertex_range(begin, end); } //@} /** @name Triangles iterators */ //@{ private: typedef Skeleton_blocker_link_complex > Link; typedef Skeleton_blocker_link_superior > Superior_link; public: typedef Triangle_around_vertex_iterator Superior_triangle_around_vertex_iterator; typedef boost::iterator_range < Triangle_around_vertex_iterator > Complex_triangle_around_vertex_range; /** * @brief Range over triangles around a vertex of the simplicial complex. * Methods .begin() and .end() return a Triangle_around_vertex_iterator. * */ Complex_triangle_around_vertex_range triangle_range(Vertex_handle v) const { auto begin = Triangle_around_vertex_iterator(this, v); auto end = Triangle_around_vertex_iterator(this, v, 0); return Complex_triangle_around_vertex_range(begin, end); } typedef boost::iterator_range > Complex_triangle_range; typedef Triangle_iterator Complex_triangle_iterator; /** * @brief Range over triangles of the simplicial complex. * Methods .begin() and .end() return a Triangle_around_vertex_iterator. * */ Complex_triangle_range triangle_range() const { auto end = Triangle_iterator(this, 0); if (empty()) { return Complex_triangle_range(end, end); } else { auto begin = Triangle_iterator(this); return Complex_triangle_range(begin, end); } } //@} /** @name Simplices iterators */ //@{ typedef Simplex_around_vertex_iterator Complex_simplex_around_vertex_iterator; /** * @brief Range over the simplices of the simplicial complex around a vertex. * Methods .begin() and .end() return a Complex_simplex_around_vertex_iterator. */ typedef boost::iterator_range < Complex_simplex_around_vertex_iterator > Complex_simplex_around_vertex_range; /** * @brief Returns a Complex_simplex_around_vertex_range over all the simplices around a vertex of the complex */ Complex_simplex_around_vertex_range star_simplex_range(Vertex_handle v) const { assert(contains_vertex(v)); return Complex_simplex_around_vertex_range( Complex_simplex_around_vertex_iterator(this, v), Complex_simplex_around_vertex_iterator(this, v, true)); } typedef Simplex_coboundary_iterator Complex_simplex_coboundary_iterator; /** * @brief Range over the simplices of the coboundary of a simplex. * Methods .begin() and .end() return a Complex_simplex_coboundary_iterator. */ typedef boost::iterator_range < Complex_simplex_coboundary_iterator > Complex_coboundary_range; /** * @brief Returns a Complex_simplex_coboundary_iterator over the simplices of the coboundary of a simplex. */ Complex_coboundary_range coboundary_range(const Simplex& s) const { assert(contains(s)); return Complex_coboundary_range(Complex_simplex_coboundary_iterator(this, s), Complex_simplex_coboundary_iterator(this, s, true)); } // typedef Simplex_iterator Complex_simplex_iterator; typedef Simplex_iterator Complex_simplex_iterator; typedef boost::iterator_range < Complex_simplex_iterator > Complex_simplex_range; /** * @brief Returns a Complex_simplex_range over all the simplices of the complex */ Complex_simplex_range complex_simplex_range() const { Complex_simplex_iterator end(this, true); if (empty()) { return Complex_simplex_range(end, end); } else { Complex_simplex_iterator begin(this); return Complex_simplex_range(begin, end); } } //@} /** @name Blockers iterators */ //@{ private: /** * @brief Iterator over the blockers adjacent to a vertex */ typedef Blocker_iterator_around_vertex_internal< typename std::multimap::iterator, Blocker_handle> Complex_blocker_around_vertex_iterator; /** * @brief Iterator over (constant) blockers adjacent to a vertex */ typedef Blocker_iterator_around_vertex_internal< typename std::multimap::const_iterator, const Blocker_handle> Const_complex_blocker_around_vertex_iterator; typedef boost::iterator_range Complex_blocker_around_vertex_range; typedef boost::iterator_range Const_complex_blocker_around_vertex_range; public: /** * @brief Returns a range of the blockers of the complex passing through a vertex */ Complex_blocker_around_vertex_range blocker_range(Vertex_handle v) { auto begin = Complex_blocker_around_vertex_iterator(blocker_map_.lower_bound(v)); auto end = Complex_blocker_around_vertex_iterator(blocker_map_.upper_bound(v)); return Complex_blocker_around_vertex_range(begin, end); } /** * @brief Returns a range of the blockers of the complex passing through a vertex */ Const_complex_blocker_around_vertex_range const_blocker_range(Vertex_handle v) const { auto begin = Const_complex_blocker_around_vertex_iterator(blocker_map_.lower_bound(v)); auto end = Const_complex_blocker_around_vertex_iterator(blocker_map_.upper_bound(v)); return Const_complex_blocker_around_vertex_range(begin, end); } private: /** * @brief Iterator over the blockers. */ typedef Blocker_iterator_internal< typename std::multimap::iterator, Blocker_handle> Complex_blocker_iterator; /** * @brief Iterator over the (constant) blockers. */ typedef Blocker_iterator_internal< typename std::multimap::const_iterator, const Blocker_handle> Const_complex_blocker_iterator; typedef boost::iterator_range Complex_blocker_range; typedef boost::iterator_range Const_complex_blocker_range; public: /** * @brief Returns a range of the blockers of the complex */ Complex_blocker_range blocker_range() { auto begin = Complex_blocker_iterator(blocker_map_.begin(), blocker_map_.end()); auto end = Complex_blocker_iterator(blocker_map_.end(), blocker_map_.end()); return Complex_blocker_range(begin, end); } /** * @brief Returns a range of the blockers of the complex */ Const_complex_blocker_range const_blocker_range() const { auto begin = Const_complex_blocker_iterator(blocker_map_.begin(), blocker_map_.end()); auto end = Const_complex_blocker_iterator(blocker_map_.end(), blocker_map_.end()); return Const_complex_blocker_range(begin, end); } //@} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @name Print and IO methods */ //@{ public: std::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream stream; stream << num_vertices() << " vertices:\n" << vertices_to_string() << std::endl; stream << num_edges() << " edges:\n" << edges_to_string() << std::endl; stream << num_blockers() << " blockers:\n" << blockers_to_string() << std::endl; return stream.str(); } std::string vertices_to_string() const { std::ostringstream stream; for (auto vertex : vertex_range()) { stream << "{" << (*this)[vertex].get_id() << "} "; } stream << std::endl; return stream.str(); } std::string edges_to_string() const { std::ostringstream stream; for (auto edge : edge_range()) stream << "{" << (*this)[edge].first() << "," << (*this)[edge].second() << "} "; stream << std::endl; return stream.str(); } std::string blockers_to_string() const { std::ostringstream stream; for (auto b : const_blocker_range()) stream << *b << std::endl; return stream.str(); } //@} }; /** * build a simplicial complex from a collection * of top faces. * return the total number of simplices */ template Complex make_complex_from_top_faces(SimplexHandleIterator simplices_begin, SimplexHandleIterator simplices_end, bool is_flag_complex = false) { // TODO(DS): use add_simplex instead! should be more efficient and more elegant :) typedef typename Complex::Simplex Simplex; std::vector simplices; for (auto top_face = simplices_begin; top_face != simplices_end; ++top_face) { auto subfaces_topface = subfaces(*top_face); simplices.insert(simplices.end(), subfaces_topface.begin(), subfaces_topface.end()); } return Complex(simplices.begin(), simplices.end(), is_flag_complex); } } // namespace skbl } // namespace Gudhi #include "Skeleton_blocker_simplifiable_complex.h" #endif // SKELETON_BLOCKER_COMPLEX_H_