# This files manage third party libraries required by GUDHI find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system filesystem unit_test_framework chrono timer date_time program_options thread REQUIRED) if(NOT Boost_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "NOTICE: This program requires Boost and will not be compiled.") endif(NOT Boost_FOUND) find_package(GMP) if(GMP_FOUND) message(STATUS "GMP_LIBRARIES = ${GMP_LIBRARIES}") INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${GMP_INCLUDE_DIR}) find_package(GMPXX) if(GMPXX_FOUND) message(STATUS "GMPXX_LIBRARIES = ${GMPXX_LIBRARIES}") INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${GMPXX_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() endif() # In CMakeLists.txt, when include(${CGAL_USE_FILE}), CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS are overwritten. # cf. http://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/installation.html#title40 # A workaround is to include(${CGAL_USE_FILE}) before adding "-std=c++11". # A fix would be to use https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.1/prop_gbl/CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES.html # or even better https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.1/variable/CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD.html # but it implies to use cmake version 3.1 at least. find_package(CGAL) # Only CGAL versions > 4.4 supports what Gudhi uses from CGAL if (CGAL_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.4.0) message("CGAL version ${CGAL_VERSION} is considered too old to be used by Gudhi.") unset(CGAL_FOUND) endif() if(CGAL_FOUND) message(STATUS "CGAL version: ${CGAL_VERSION}.") include( ${CGAL_USE_FILE} ) if (NOT CGAL_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.8.0) # For dev version include_directories(BEFORE "src/common/include/gudhi_patches") # For user version include_directories(BEFORE "include/gudhi_patches") endif() endif() # Find TBB package for parallel sort - not mandatory, just optional. set(TBB_FIND_QUIETLY ON) find_package(TBB) if (TBB_FOUND) include(${TBB_USE_FILE}) message("TBB found in ${TBB_LIBRARY_DIRS}") add_definitions(-DGUDHI_USE_TBB) endif() find_package(Eigen3 3.1.0) if (EIGEN3_FOUND) message(STATUS "Eigen3 version: ${EIGEN3_VERSION}.") include( ${EIGEN3_USE_FILE} ) #include_directories (BEFORE "../../include") endif (EIGEN3_FOUND) # Required programs for unitary tests purpose FIND_PROGRAM( GCOVR_PATH gcovr ) if (GCOVR_PATH) message("gcovr found in ${GCOVR_PATH}") endif() # Required programs for unitary tests purpose FIND_PROGRAM( GPROF_PATH gprof ) if (GPROF_PATH) message("gprof found in ${GPROF_PATH}") endif() FIND_PROGRAM( DIFF_PATH diff ) if (DIFF_PATH) message("diff found in ${DIFF_PATH}") endif() # BOOST ISSUE result_of vs C++11 add_definitions(-DBOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE) # BOOST ISSUE with Libraries name resolution under Windows add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) # problem with Visual Studio link on Boost program_options add_definitions( -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) LINK_DIRECTORIES(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}) message(STATUS "boost include dirs:" ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) message(STATUS "boost library dirs:" ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS})