/** \mainpage The Gudhi library (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++ library for computational topology. Its goal is to provide robust, efficient, flexible and easy to use implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms and data structures for computational topology. We refer to \cite gudhilibrary_ICMS14 for a detailed description of the design of the library. The current release of the library allows the user to construct representations of simplicial complexes -- simplex tree or Hasse diagram -- from a point cloud (Rips complex) or a list of simplices, and to compute their persistent homology with coefficients in a field \f$\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}\f$ (for an arbitrary prime \f$p\f$), or simultaneously with coefficients in a family of fields (multi-field persistent homology). To build the library, run the following in a terminal: \verbatim cd /path-to-gudhi/ mkdir build cd build/ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make \endverbatim The library has dependencies with Boost 1.48.0 or more recent (required): http://www.boost.org/ and with GMP: https://gmplib.org/ The dependency with GMP is optional, and is used only for the multi-field persistent homology algorithm. We provide example files: run these examples with -h for details on their use, and read the README file. \li rips_persistence.cpp computes the Rips complex of a point cloud and its persistence diagram. \li rips_multifield_persistence.cpp computes the Rips complex of a point cloud and its persistence diagram with a family of field coefficients. \li performance_rips_persistence.cpp provides timings for the construction of the Rips complex on a set of points sampling a Klein bottle in \f$\mathbb{R}^5\f$ with a simplex tree, its conversion to a Hasse diagram and the computation of persistent homology and multi-field persistent homology for the different representations. \details \copyright GNU General Public License v3. \verbatim Contact: Clément Maria, clement.maria@inria.fr \endverbatim */