======================================= Persistence graphical tools user manual ======================================= Definition ---------- .. include:: persistence_graphical_tools_sum.rst Show palette values ------------------- This function is useful to show the color palette values of dimension: .. testcode:: import gudhi gudhi.show_palette_values(alpha=1.0) Show persistence as a barcode ----------------------------- This function can display the persistence result as a barcode: .. testcode:: import gudhi periodic_cc = gudhi.PeriodicCubicalComplex(perseus_file='3d_torus.txt') diag = periodic_cc.persistence() gudhi.barcode_persistence(diag) Show persistence as a diagram ----------------------------- This function can display the persistence result as a diagram: .. testcode:: import gudhi alpha_complex = gudhi.AlphaComplex(off_file='tore3D_300.off') simplex_tree = alpha_complex.create_simplex_tree() diag = simplex_tree.persistence() gudhi.diagram_persistence(diag)