:orphan: .. To get rid of WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree Installation ############ Packages ******** The easiest way to install the Python version of GUDHI is using pre-built packages. We recommend `conda `_ .. code-block:: bash conda install -c conda-forge gudhi Gudhi is also available on `PyPI `_ .. code-block:: bash pip install gudhi Third party packages are also available, for instance on Debian or Ubuntu .. code-block:: bash apt install python3-gudhi In all cases, you may still want to install some of the optional `run time dependencies`_. Compiling ********* These instructions are for people who want to compile gudhi from source, they are unnecessary if you installed a binary package of Gudhi as above. They assume that you have downloaded a `release `_, with a name like `gudhi.3.X.Y.tar.gz`, then run `tar xf gudhi.3.X.Y.tar.gz`, which created a directory `gudhi.3.X.Y`, hereinafter referred to as `/path-to-gudhi/`. If you are instead using a git checkout, beware that the paths are a bit different, and in particular the `python/` subdirectory is actually `src/python/` there. The library uses c++17 and requires `Boost `_ :math:`\geq` 1.66.0, `CMake `_ :math:`\geq` 3.5 to generate makefiles, Python :math:`\geq` 3.5, `NumPy `_ :math:`\geq` 1.15.0, `Cython `_ :math:`\geq` 0.27 and `pybind11 `_ to compile the GUDHI Python module. It is a multi-platform library and compiles on Linux, Mac OSX and Visual Studio 2017 or later. If you have several Python/python installed, the version 2.X may be used by default, but you can force it by adding :code:`-DPython_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=3` to the cmake command. GUDHI Python module compilation =============================== After making sure that the `Compilation dependencies`_ are properly installed, one can build the GUDHI Python module, by running the following commands in a terminal: .. code-block:: bash cd /path-to-gudhi/ mkdir build cd build/ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. cd python make .. note:: :code:`make python` (or :code:`make` in python directory) is only a `CMake custom targets `_ to shortcut :code:`python setup.py build_ext --inplace` command. No specific other options (:code:`-j8` for parallel, or even :code:`make clean`, ...) are available. But one can use :code:`python setup.py ...` specific options in the python directory: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py clean --all # Clean former compilation python setup.py build_ext -j 8 --inplace # Build in parallel GUDHI Python module installation ================================ Once the compilation succeeds, one can add the GUDHI Python module path to the PYTHONPATH: .. code-block:: bash # For windows, you have to set PYTHONPATH environment variable export PYTHONPATH='$PYTHONPATH:/path-to-gudhi/build/python' Or install it definitely in your Python packages folder: .. code-block:: bash cd /path-to-gudhi/build/python python setup.py install # add --user to the command if you do not have the permission # Or 'pip install .' .. note:: It does not take into account :code:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`. But one can use `alternate location installation `_. Test suites =========== To test your build, `py.test `_ is required. Run the following `Ctest `_ (CMake test driver program) command in a terminal: .. code-block:: bash cd /path-to-gudhi/build/python # For windows, you have to set PYTHONPATH environment variable export PYTHONPATH='$PYTHONPATH:/path-to-gudhi/build/python' ctest .. note:: One can use :code:`ctest` specific options in the python directory: .. code-block:: bash # Launch tests in parallel on 8 cores and set failing tests in verbose mode ctest -j 8 --output-on-failure Debugging issues ================ If tests fail, please check your PYTHONPATH and try to :code:`import gudhi` and check the errors. The problem can come from a third-party library bad link or installation. If :code:`import gudhi` succeeds, please have a look to debug information: .. code-block:: python import gudhi as gd print(gd.__debug_info__) print("+ Installed modules are: " + gd.__available_modules) print("+ Missing modules are: " + gd.__missing_modules) You shall have something like: .. code-block:: none Pybind11 version 2.8.1 Python version 3.7.12 Cython version 0.29.25 Numpy version 1.21.4 Boost version 1.77.0 + Installed modules are: off_utils;simplex_tree;rips_complex;cubical_complex;periodic_cubical_complex; persistence_graphical_tools;reader_utils;witness_complex;strong_witness_complex; + Missing modules are: bottleneck;nerve_gic;subsampling;tangential_complex;alpha_complex;euclidean_witness_complex; euclidean_strong_witness_complex; Here, you can see that the modules that need CGAL are missing, because CGAL is not installed. :code:`persistence_graphical_tools` is installed, but `its functions `_ will produce an error as matplotlib is not available. Unitary tests cannot be run as pytest is missing. A complete configuration would be : .. code-block:: none Pybind11 version 2.8.1 Python version 3.9.7 Cython version 0.29.24 Pytest version 6.2.5 Matplotlib version 3.5.0 Numpy version 1.21.4 Scipy version 1.7.3 Scikit-learn version 1.0.1 POT version 0.8.0 HNSWlib found PyKeOps version [pyKeOps]: 2.1 EagerPy version 0.30.0 TensorFlow version 2.7.0 Sphinx version 4.3.0 Sphinx-paramlinks version 0.5.2 python_docs_theme found Eigen3 version 3.4.0 Boost version 1.74.0 CGAL version 5.3 GMP_LIBRARIES = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgmp.so GMPXX_LIBRARIES = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgmpxx.so MPFR_LIBRARIES = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmpfr.so TBB version 9107 found and used + Installed modules are: bottleneck;off_utils;simplex_tree;rips_complex;cubical_complex;periodic_cubical_complex; persistence_graphical_tools;reader_utils;witness_complex;strong_witness_complex;nerve_gic;subsampling; tangential_complex;alpha_complex;euclidean_witness_complex;euclidean_strong_witness_complex; + Missing modules are: Documentation ============= To build the documentation, `sphinx-doc `_, `sphinxcontrib-bibtex `_, `sphinxcontrib-paramlinks `_ and `python-docs-theme `_ are required. As the documentation is auto-tested, `CGAL`_, `Eigen`_, `Matplotlib`_, `NumPy`_, `POT`_, `Scikit-learn`_ and `SciPy`_ are also mandatory to build the documentation. Run the following commands in a terminal: .. code-block:: bash cd /path-to-gudhi/build/python make sphinx Optional third-party library **************************** Compilation dependencies ======================== These third party dependencies are detected by `CMake `_. They have to be installed before performing the `GUDHI Python module compilation`_. CGAL ---- Some GUDHI modules (cf. :doc:`modules list `), and few examples require `CGAL `_, a C++ library that provides easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms. The procedure to install this library according to your operating system is detailed `here `_. The following examples require CGAL version :math:`\geq` 4.11.0: .. only:: builder_html * :download:`alpha_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/alpha_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`alpha_complex_from_points_example.py <../example/alpha_complex_from_points_example.py>` * :download:`bottleneck_basic_example.py <../example/bottleneck_basic_example.py>` * :download:`tangential_complex_plain_homology_from_off_file_example.py <../example/tangential_complex_plain_homology_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`euclidean_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/euclidean_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` Eigen ----- Some GUDHI modules (cf. :doc:`modules list `), and few examples require `Eigen `_, a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. The following examples require `Eigen `_ version :math:`\geq` 3.1.0: .. only:: builder_html * :download:`alpha_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/alpha_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`alpha_complex_from_points_example.py <../example/alpha_complex_from_points_example.py>` * :download:`tangential_complex_plain_homology_from_off_file_example.py <../example/tangential_complex_plain_homology_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`euclidean_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/euclidean_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` Threading Building Blocks ------------------------- `IntelĀ® TBB `_ lets you easily write parallel C++ programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are portable and composable, and that have future-proof scalability. Having IntelĀ® TBB installed is recommended to parallelize and accelerate some GUDHI computations. Run time dependencies ===================== These third party dependencies are detected by Python `import` mechanism at run time. They can be installed when required. EagerPy ------- Some Python functions can handle automatic differentiation (possibly only when a flag `enable_autodiff=True` is used). In order to reduce code duplication, we use `EagerPy `_ which wraps arrays from PyTorch, TensorFlow and JAX in a common interface. Joblib ------ `Joblib `_ is used both as a dependency of `Scikit-learn`_, and directly for parallelism in some modules (:class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors`, :func:`~gudhi.representations.metrics.pairwise_persistence_diagram_distances`). Hnswlib ------- :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors` can use the Python package `Hnswlib `_ as a backend if explicitly requested, to speed-up queries. Matplotlib ---------- The :doc:`persistence graphical tools ` module requires `Matplotlib `_, a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. The following examples require the `Matplotlib `_: .. only:: builder_html * :download:`alpha_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/alpha_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`gudhi_graphical_tools_example.py <../example/gudhi_graphical_tools_example.py>` * :download:`periodic_cubical_complex_barcode_persistence_from_perseus_file_example.py <../example/periodic_cubical_complex_barcode_persistence_from_perseus_file_example.py>` * :download:`rips_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/rips_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`rips_persistence_diagram.py <../example/rips_persistence_diagram.py>` * :download:`rips_complex_diagram_persistence_from_distance_matrix_file_example.py <../example/rips_complex_diagram_persistence_from_distance_matrix_file_example.py>` * :download:`tangential_complex_plain_homology_from_off_file_example.py <../example/tangential_complex_plain_homology_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` * :download:`euclidean_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/euclidean_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` LaTeX ~~~~~ If a sufficiently complete LaTeX toolchain is available (including dvipng and ghostscript), the LaTeX option of matplotlib is enabled for prettier captions (cf. `matplotlib text rendering with LaTeX `_). It also requires `type1cm` LaTeX package (not detected by matplotlib). If you are facing issues with LaTeX rendering, like this one: .. code-block:: none Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/matplotlib/texmanager.py", line 302, in _run_checked_subprocess report = subprocess.check_output(command, ... ! LaTeX Error: File `type1cm.sty' not found. ... This is because the LaTeX package is not installed on your system. On Ubuntu systems you can install texlive-full (for all LaTeX packages), or more specific packages like texlive-latex-extra, cm-super. You can still deactivate LaTeX rendering by saying: .. code-block:: python import gudhi as gd gd.persistence_graphical_tools._gudhi_matplotlib_use_tex=False PyKeOps ------- :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors` can use the Python package `PyKeOps `_ as a backend if explicitly requested, to speed-up queries using a GPU. Python Optimal Transport ------------------------ The :doc:`Wasserstein distance ` module requires `POT `_, a library that provides several solvers for optimization problems related to Optimal Transport. PyTorch ------- `PyTorch `_ is currently only used as a dependency of `PyKeOps`_, and in some tests. TensorFlow ---------- :class:`~gudhi.tensorflow.perslay` from the :doc:`persistence representations ` module requires `TensorFlow `_. `TensorFlow `_ is also used in some automatic differentiation tests. Scikit-learn ------------ The :doc:`persistence representations ` module require `scikit-learn `_, a Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for machine learning. :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors` can use the Python package `scikit-learn `_ as a backend if explicitly requested. SciPy ----- The :doc:`persistence graphical tools ` and :doc:`Wasserstein distance ` modules require `SciPy `_, a Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors` can use the Python package `SciPy `_ :math:`\geq` 1.6.0 as a backend if explicitly requested. TensorFlow ---------- The :doc:`cubical complex `, :doc:`simplex tree ` and :doc:`Rips complex ` modules require `TensorFlow `_ for incorporating them in neural nets. `TensorFlow `_ is also used in some automatic differentiation tests. Bug reports and contributions ***************************** Please help us improving the quality of the GUDHI library. You may `report bugs `_ or `contact us `_ for any suggestions. GUDHI is open to external contributions. If you want to join our development team, please take some time to read our `contributing guide `_.