:orphan: .. To get rid of WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree Persistence graphical tools user manual ======================================= Definition ---------- .. include:: persistence_graphical_tools_sum.inc Show persistence as a barcode ----------------------------- .. note:: this function requires matplotlib and numpy to be available This function can display the persistence result as a barcode: .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plot import gudhi off_file = gudhi.__root_source_dir__ + '/data/points/tore3D_300.off' point_cloud = gudhi.read_off(off_file=off_file) rips_complex = gudhi.RipsComplex(points=point_cloud, max_edge_length=0.7) simplex_tree = rips_complex.create_simplex_tree(max_dimension=3) diag = simplex_tree.persistence(min_persistence=0.4) gudhi.plot_persistence_barcode(diag) plot.show() Show persistence as a diagram ----------------------------- .. note:: this function requires matplotlib and numpy to be available This function can display the persistence result as a diagram: .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plot import gudhi # rips_on_tore3D_1307.pers obtained from write_persistence_diagram method persistence_file=gudhi.__root_source_dir__ + \ '/data/persistence_diagram/rips_on_tore3D_1307.pers' gudhi.plot_persistence_diagram(persistence_file=persistence_file, legend=True) plot.show() Persistence density ------------------- .. note:: this function requires matplotlib, numpy and scipy to be available If you want more information on a specific dimension, for instance: .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plot import gudhi # rips_on_tore3D_1307.pers obtained from write_persistence_diagram method persistence_file=gudhi.__root_source_dir__ + \ '/data/persistence_diagram/rips_on_tore3D_1307.pers' birth_death = gudhi.read_persistence_intervals_in_dimension( persistence_file=persistence_file, only_this_dim=1) pers_diag = [(1, (elt[0], elt[1])) for elt in birth_death] # Use subplots to display diagram and density side by side fig, axes = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) gudhi.plot_persistence_diagram(persistence=pers_diag, axes=axes[0]) gudhi.plot_persistence_density(persistence=pers_diag, dimension=1, legend=True, axes=axes[1]) plot.show()