:orphan: .. To get rid of WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree Wasserstein distance user manual ================================ Definition ---------- .. include:: wasserstein_distance_sum.inc Functions --------- This implementation uses the Python Optimal Transport library and is based on ideas from "Large Scale Computation of Means and Cluster for Persistence Diagrams via Optimal Transport" :cite:`10.5555/3327546.3327645`. .. autofunction:: gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance This other implementation comes from `Hera `_ (BSD-3-Clause) which is based on "Geometry Helps to Compare Persistence Diagrams" :cite:`Kerber:2017:GHC:3047249.3064175` by Michael Kerber, Dmitriy Morozov, and Arnur Nigmetov. .. autofunction:: gudhi.hera.wasserstein_distance Basic example ------------- This example computes the 1-Wasserstein distance from 2 persistence diagrams with Euclidean ground metric. Note that persistence diagrams must be submitted as (n x 2) numpy arrays and must not contain inf values. .. testcode:: import gudhi.wasserstein import numpy as np dgm1 = np.array([[2.7, 3.7],[9.6, 14.],[34.2, 34.974]]) dgm2 = np.array([[2.8, 4.45],[9.5, 14.1]]) message = "Wasserstein distance value = " + '%.2f' % gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance(dgm1, dgm2, order=1., internal_p=2.) print(message) The output is: .. testoutput:: Wasserstein distance value = 1.45 We can also have access to the optimal matching by letting `matching=True`. It is encoded as a list of indices (i,j), meaning that the i-th point in X is mapped to the j-th point in Y. An index of -1 represents the diagonal. .. testcode:: import gudhi.wasserstein import numpy as np dgm1 = np.array([[2.7, 3.7],[9.6, 14.],[34.2, 34.974]]) dgm2 = np.array([[2.8, 4.45], [5, 6], [9.5, 14.1]]) cost, matchings = gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance(dgm1, dgm2, matching=True, order=1, internal_p=2) message_cost = "Wasserstein distance value = %.2f" %cost print(message_cost) dgm1_to_diagonal = matchings[matchings[:,1] == -1, 0] dgm2_to_diagonal = matchings[matchings[:,0] == -1, 1] off_diagonal_match = np.delete(matchings, np.where(matchings == -1)[0], axis=0) for i,j in off_diagonal_match: print("point %s in dgm1 is matched to point %s in dgm2" %(i,j)) for i in dgm1_to_diagonal: print("point %s in dgm1 is matched to the diagonal" %i) for j in dgm2_to_diagonal: print("point %s in dgm2 is matched to the diagonal" %j) The output is: .. testoutput:: Wasserstein distance value = 2.15 point 0 in dgm1 is matched to point 0 in dgm2 point 1 in dgm1 is matched to point 2 in dgm2 point 2 in dgm1 is matched to the diagonal point 1 in dgm2 is matched to the diagonal Bibliography ------------ .. bibliography:: ../../biblio/bibliography.bib :filter: docname in docnames :style: unsrt