# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - # which is released under MIT. # See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full # license details. # Author(s): Vincent Rouvreau # # Copyright (C) 2016 Inria # # Modification(s): # - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification from __future__ import print_function from cython cimport numeric from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.utility cimport pair from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp cimport bool from libc.stdint cimport intptr_t import os from gudhi.simplex_tree cimport * from gudhi.simplex_tree import SimplexTree __author__ = "Vincent Rouvreau" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016 Inria" __license__ = "GPL v3" cdef extern from "Alpha_complex_interface.h" namespace "Gudhi": cdef cppclass Alpha_complex_interface "Gudhi::alpha_complex::Alpha_complex_interface": Alpha_complex_interface(vector[vector[double]] points, bool fast_version) nogil except + # bool from_file is a workaround for cython to find the correct signature Alpha_complex_interface(string off_file, bool fast_version, bool from_file) nogil except + vector[double] get_point(int vertex) nogil except + void create_simplex_tree(Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured* simplex_tree, double max_alpha_square, bool exact_version, bool default_filtration_value) nogil except + # AlphaComplex python interface cdef class AlphaComplex: """AlphaComplex is a simplicial complex constructed from the finite cells of a Delaunay Triangulation. The filtration value of each simplex is computed as the square of the circumradius of the simplex if the circumsphere is empty (the simplex is then said to be Gabriel), and as the minimum of the filtration values of the codimension 1 cofaces that make it not Gabriel otherwise. All simplices that have a filtration value strictly greater than a given alpha squared value are not inserted into the complex. .. note:: When Alpha_complex is constructed with an infinite value of alpha, the complex is a Delaunay complex. """ cdef Alpha_complex_interface * this_ptr cdef bool fast cdef bool exact # Fake constructor that does nothing but documenting the constructor def __init__(self, points=None, off_file='', complexity='safe'): """AlphaComplex constructor. :param points: A list of points in d-Dimension. :type points: list of list of double Or :param off_file: An OFF file style name. :type off_file: string :param complexity: Alpha complex complexity can be 'fast', 'safe' or 'exact'. Default is 'safe'. :type complexity: string """ # The real cython constructor def __cinit__(self, points = None, off_file = '', complexity = 'safe'): assert complexity in ['fast', 'safe', 'exact'], "Alpha complex complexity can only be 'fast', 'safe' or 'exact'" self.fast = complexity == 'fast' self.exact = complexity == 'safe' cdef vector[vector[double]] pts if off_file: if os.path.isfile(off_file): self.this_ptr = new Alpha_complex_interface(off_file.encode('utf-8'), self.fast, True) else: print("file " + off_file + " not found.") else: if points is None: # Empty Alpha construction points=[] pts = points with nogil: self.this_ptr = new Alpha_complex_interface(pts, self.fast) def __dealloc__(self): if self.this_ptr != NULL: del self.this_ptr def __is_defined(self): """Returns true if AlphaComplex pointer is not NULL. """ return self.this_ptr != NULL def get_point(self, vertex): """This function returns the point corresponding to a given vertex. :param vertex: The vertex. :type vertex: int :rtype: list of float :returns: the point. """ return self.this_ptr.get_point(vertex) def create_simplex_tree(self, max_alpha_square = float('inf'), default_filtration_value = False): """ :param max_alpha_square: The maximum alpha square threshold the simplices shall not exceed. Default is set to infinity, and there is very little point using anything else since it does not save time. :type max_alpha_square: float :param default_filtration_value: Set this value to `True` if filtration values are not needed to be computed (will be set to `NaN`). Default value is `False` (which means compute the filtration values). :type default_filtration_value: bool :returns: A simplex tree created from the Delaunay Triangulation. :rtype: SimplexTree """ stree = SimplexTree() cdef double mas = max_alpha_square cdef intptr_t stree_int_ptr=stree.thisptr cdef bool compute_filtration = default_filtration_value == True with nogil: self.this_ptr.create_simplex_tree(stree_int_ptr, mas, self.exact, compute_filtration) return stree