# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - # which is released under MIT. # See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full # license details. # Author(s): Vincent Rouvreau # # Copyright (C) 2016 Inria # # Modification(s): # - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification from __future__ import print_function from cython cimport numeric from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.utility cimport pair from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp cimport bool import errno import os import sys import numpy as np __author__ = "Vincent Rouvreau" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016 Inria" __license__ = "MIT" cdef extern from "Cubical_complex_interface.h" namespace "Gudhi": cdef cppclass Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface "Gudhi::Cubical_complex::Cubical_complex_interface<>": Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface(vector[unsigned] dimensions, vector[double] top_dimensional_cells) Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface(string perseus_file) int num_simplices() int dimension() cdef extern from "Persistent_cohomology_interface.h" namespace "Gudhi": cdef cppclass Cubical_complex_persistence_interface "Gudhi::Persistent_cohomology_interface>": Cubical_complex_persistence_interface(Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface * st, bool persistence_dim_max) void compute_persistence(int homology_coeff_field, double min_persistence) vector[pair[int, pair[double, double]]] get_persistence() vector[int] betti_numbers() vector[int] persistent_betti_numbers(double from_value, double to_value) vector[pair[double,double]] intervals_in_dimension(int dimension) # CubicalComplex python interface cdef class CubicalComplex: """The CubicalComplex is an example of a structured complex useful in computational mathematics (specially rigorous numerics) and image analysis. """ cdef Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface * thisptr cdef Cubical_complex_persistence_interface * pcohptr # Fake constructor that does nothing but documenting the constructor def __init__(self, dimensions=None, top_dimensional_cells=None, perseus_file=''): """CubicalComplex constructor from dimensions and top_dimensional_cells or from a Perseus-style file name. :param dimensions: A list of number of top dimensional cells. :type dimensions: list of int :param top_dimensional_cells: A list of cells filtration values. :type top_dimensional_cells: list of double Or :param top_dimensional_cells: A multidimensional array of cells filtration values. :type top_dimensional_cells: anything convertible to a numpy ndarray Or :param perseus_file: A Perseus-style file name. :type perseus_file: string """ # The real cython constructor def __cinit__(self, dimensions=None, top_dimensional_cells=None, perseus_file=''): if ((dimensions is not None) and (top_dimensional_cells is not None) and (perseus_file == '')): self.thisptr = new Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface(dimensions, top_dimensional_cells) elif ((dimensions is None) and (top_dimensional_cells is not None) and (perseus_file == '')): top_dimensional_cells = np.array(top_dimensional_cells, copy = False, order = 'F') dimensions = top_dimensional_cells.shape top_dimensional_cells = top_dimensional_cells.ravel(order='F') self.thisptr = new Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface(dimensions, top_dimensional_cells) elif ((dimensions is None) and (top_dimensional_cells is None) and (perseus_file != '')): if os.path.isfile(perseus_file): self.thisptr = new Bitmap_cubical_complex_base_interface(perseus_file.encode('utf-8')) else: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), perseus_file) else: print("CubicalComplex can be constructed from dimensions and " "top_dimensional_cells or from a Perseus-style file name.", file=sys.stderr) def __dealloc__(self): if self.thisptr != NULL: del self.thisptr if self.pcohptr != NULL: del self.pcohptr def __is_defined(self): """Returns true if CubicalComplex pointer is not NULL. """ return self.thisptr != NULL def __is_persistence_defined(self): """Returns true if Persistence pointer is not NULL. """ return self.pcohptr != NULL def num_simplices(self): """This function returns the number of all cubes in the complex. :returns: int -- the number of all cubes in the complex. """ return self.thisptr.num_simplices() def dimension(self): """This function returns the dimension of the complex. :returns: int -- the complex dimension. """ return self.thisptr.dimension() def persistence(self, homology_coeff_field=11, min_persistence=0): """This function returns the persistence of the complex. :param homology_coeff_field: The homology coefficient field. Must be a prime number :type homology_coeff_field: int. :param min_persistence: The minimum persistence value to take into account (strictly greater than min_persistence). Default value is 0.0. Sets min_persistence to -1.0 to see all values. :type min_persistence: float. :returns: list of pairs(dimension, pair(birth, death)) -- the persistence of the complex. """ if self.pcohptr != NULL: del self.pcohptr if self.thisptr != NULL: self.pcohptr = new Cubical_complex_persistence_interface(self.thisptr, True) cdef vector[pair[int, pair[double, double]]] persistence_result if self.pcohptr != NULL: self.pcohptr.compute_persistence(homology_coeff_field, min_persistence) persistence_result = self.pcohptr.get_persistence() return persistence_result def betti_numbers(self): """This function returns the Betti numbers of the complex. :returns: list of int -- The Betti numbers ([B0, B1, ..., Bn]). :note: betti_numbers function requires persistence function to be launched first. :note: betti_numbers function always returns [1, 0, 0, ...] as infinity filtration cubes are not removed from the complex. """ cdef vector[int] bn_result if self.pcohptr != NULL: bn_result = self.pcohptr.betti_numbers() return bn_result def persistent_betti_numbers(self, from_value, to_value): """This function returns the persistent Betti numbers of the complex. :param from_value: The persistence birth limit to be added in the numbers (persistent birth <= from_value). :type from_value: float. :param to_value: The persistence death limit to be added in the numbers (persistent death > to_value). :type to_value: float. :returns: list of int -- The persistent Betti numbers ([B0, B1, ..., Bn]). :note: persistent_betti_numbers function requires persistence function to be launched first. """ cdef vector[int] pbn_result if self.pcohptr != NULL: pbn_result = self.pcohptr.persistent_betti_numbers(from_value, to_value) return pbn_result def persistence_intervals_in_dimension(self, dimension): """This function returns the persistence intervals of the complex in a specific dimension. :param dimension: The specific dimension. :type dimension: int. :returns: The persistence intervals. :rtype: numpy array of dimension 2 :note: intervals_in_dim function requires persistence function to be launched first. """ cdef vector[pair[double,double]] intervals_result if self.pcohptr != NULL: intervals_result = self.pcohptr.intervals_in_dimension(dimension) else: print("intervals_in_dim function requires persistence function" " to be launched first.", file=sys.stderr) return np.array(intervals_result)