/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - which is released under MIT. * See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full license details. * Author(s): Hind Montassif * * Copyright (C) 2021 Inria * * Modification(s): * - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace py = pybind11; typedef CGAL::Epick_d< CGAL::Dynamic_dimension_tag > Kern; py::array_t generate_points_on_sphere(size_t n_samples, int ambient_dim, double radius, std::string sample) { if (sample != "random") { throw pybind11::value_error("This sample type is not supported"); } py::array_t points({n_samples, (size_t)ambient_dim}); py::buffer_info buf = points.request(); double *ptr = static_cast(buf.ptr); GUDHI_CHECK(n_samples == buf.shape[0], "Py array first dimension not matching n_samples on sphere"); GUDHI_CHECK(ambient_dim == buf.shape[1], "Py array second dimension not matching the ambient space dimension"); py::gil_scoped_release release; auto points_generated = Gudhi::generate_points_on_sphere_d(n_samples, ambient_dim, radius); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) for (int j = 0; j < ambient_dim; j++) ptr[i*ambient_dim+j] = points_generated[i][j]; return points; } PYBIND11_MODULE(points, m) { m.attr("__license__") = "LGPL v3"; m.def("sphere", &generate_points_on_sphere, py::arg("n_samples"), py::arg("ambient_dim"), py::arg("radius") = 1., py::arg("sample") = "random", R"pbdoc( Generate random i.i.d. points uniformly on a (d-1)-sphere in R^d :param n_samples: The number of points to be generated. :type n_samples: integer :param ambient_dim: The ambient dimension d. :type ambient_dim: integer :param radius: The radius. Default value is `1.`. :type radius: float :param sample: The sample type. Default and only available value is `"random"`. :type sample: string :rtype: numpy array of float :returns: the generated points on a sphere. )pbdoc"); }