#include #include #include #include #include namespace py = pybind11; typedef py::array_t Dgm; namespace hera { template <> struct DiagramTraits{ //using Container = void; using PointType = std::array; using RealType = double; static RealType get_x(const PointType& p) { return std::get<0>(p); } static RealType get_y(const PointType& p) { return std::get<1>(p); } }; } double wasserstein_distance( Dgm d1, Dgm d2) { py::buffer_info buf1 = d1.request(); py::buffer_info buf2 = d2.request(); if(buf1.ndim!=2 || buf1.shape[1]!=2) throw std::runtime_error("Diagram 1 must be an array of size n x 2"); if(buf2.ndim!=2 || buf2.shape[1]!=2) throw std::runtime_error("Diagram 1 must be an array of size n x 2"); typedef hera::DiagramTraits::PointType Point; auto p1 = (Point*)buf1.ptr; auto p2 = (Point*)buf2.ptr; auto diag1 = boost::make_iterator_range(p1, p1+buf1.shape[0]); auto diag2 = boost::make_iterator_range(p2, p2+buf2.shape[0]); hera::AuctionParams params; return hera::wasserstein_dist(diag1, diag2, params); } PYBIND11_MODULE(hera, m) { m.def("wasserstein_distance", &wasserstein_distance, R"pbdoc( Compute the Wasserstein distance between two diagrams )pbdoc"); }