# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - which is released under MIT. # See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full license details. # Author(s): Vincent Rouvreau # # Copyright (C) 2018 Inria # # Modification(s): # - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification from __future__ import print_function from cython cimport numeric from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.utility cimport pair from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp cimport bool import sys import os from libc.stdint cimport intptr_t from gudhi.simplex_tree cimport * from gudhi.simplex_tree import SimplexTree __author__ = "Vincent Rouvreau" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2018 Inria" __license__ = "GPL v3" cdef extern from "Nerve_gic_interface.h" namespace "Gudhi": cdef cppclass Nerve_gic_interface "Gudhi::cover_complex::Nerve_gic_interface": Nerve_gic_interface() double compute_confidence_level_from_distance(double distance) double compute_distance_from_confidence_level(double alpha) void compute_distribution(int N) double compute_p_value() vector[pair[double, double]] compute_PD() void find_simplices() void create_simplex_tree(Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured* simplex_tree) bool read_point_cloud(string off_file_name) double set_automatic_resolution() void set_color_from_coordinate(int k) void set_color_from_file(string color_file_name) void set_color_from_range(vector[double] color) void set_cover_from_file(string cover_file_name) void set_cover_from_function() void set_cover_from_Euclidean_Voronoi(int m) void set_function_from_coordinate(int k) void set_function_from_file(string func_file_name) void set_function_from_range(vector[double] function) void set_gain(double g) double set_graph_from_automatic_euclidean_rips(int N) void set_graph_from_file(string graph_file_name) void set_graph_from_OFF() void set_graph_from_euclidean_rips(double threshold) void set_mask(int nodemask) void set_resolution_with_interval_length(double resolution) void set_resolution_with_interval_number(int resolution) void set_subsampling(double constant, double power) void set_type(string type) void set_verbose(bool verbose) vector[int] subpopulation(int c) void write_info() void plot_DOT() void plot_OFF() void set_point_cloud_from_range(vector[vector[double]] cloud) void set_distances_from_range(vector[vector[double]] distance_matrix) # CoverComplex python interface cdef class CoverComplex: """Cover complex data structure. The data structure is a simplicial complex, representing a Graph Induced simplicial Complex (GIC) or a Nerve, and whose simplices are computed with a cover C of a point cloud P, which often comes from the preimages of intervals covering the image of a function f defined on P. These intervals are parameterized by their resolution (either their length or their number) and their gain (percentage of overlap). To compute a GIC, one also needs a graph G built on top of P, whose cliques with vertices belonging to different elements of C correspond to the simplices of the GIC. """ cdef Nerve_gic_interface * thisptr # Fake constructor that does nothing but documenting the constructor def __init__(self): """CoverComplex constructor. """ # The real cython constructor def __cinit__(self): self.thisptr = new Nerve_gic_interface() def __dealloc__(self): if self.thisptr != NULL: del self.thisptr def __is_defined(self): """Returns true if CoverComplex pointer is not NULL. """ return self.thisptr != NULL def set_point_cloud_from_range(self, cloud): """ Reads and stores the input point cloud from a vector stored in memory. :param cloud: Input vector containing the point cloud. :type cloud: vector[vector[double]] """ return self.thisptr.set_point_cloud_from_range(cloud) def set_distances_from_range(self, distance_matrix): """ Reads and stores the input distance matrix from a vector stored in memory. :param distance_matrix: Input vector containing the distance matrix. :type distance_matrix: vector[vector[double]] """ return self.thisptr.set_distances_from_range(distance_matrix) def compute_confidence_level_from_distance(self, distance): """Computes the confidence level of a specific bottleneck distance threshold. :param distance: Bottleneck distance. :type distance: double :rtype: double :returns: Confidence level. """ return self.thisptr.compute_confidence_level_from_distance(distance) def compute_distance_from_confidence_level(self, alpha): """Computes the bottleneck distance threshold corresponding to a specific confidence level. :param alpha: Confidence level. :type alpha: double :rtype: double :returns: Bottleneck distance. """ return self.thisptr.compute_distance_from_confidence_level(alpha) def compute_distribution(self, N=100): """Computes bootstrapped distances distribution. :param N: Loop number (default value is 100). :type alpha: int """ self.thisptr.compute_distribution(N) def compute_p_value(self): """Computes the p-value, i.e. the opposite of the confidence level of the largest bottleneck distance preserving the points in the persistence diagram of the output simplicial complex. :rtype: double :returns: p-value. """ return self.thisptr.compute_p_value() def compute_PD(self): """Computes the extended persistence diagram of the complex. """ return self.thisptr.compute_PD() def create_simplex_tree(self): """ :returns: A simplex tree created from the Cover complex. :rtype: SimplexTree """ stree = SimplexTree() cdef intptr_t stree_int_ptr=stree.thisptr self.thisptr.create_simplex_tree(stree_int_ptr) return stree def find_simplices(self): """Computes the simplices of the simplicial complex. """ self.thisptr.find_simplices() def read_point_cloud(self, off_file): """Reads and stores the input point cloud from .(n)OFF file. :param off_file: Name of the input .OFF or .nOFF file. :type off_file: string :rtype: bool :returns: Read file status. """ if os.path.isfile(off_file): return self.thisptr.read_point_cloud(str.encode(off_file)) else: print("file " + off_file + " not found.", file=sys.stderr) return False def set_automatic_resolution(self): """Computes the optimal length of intervals (i.e. the smallest interval length avoiding discretization artifacts—see :cite:`Carriere17c`) for a functional cover. :rtype: double :returns: reso interval length used to compute the cover. """ return self.thisptr.set_automatic_resolution() def set_color_from_coordinate(self, k=0): """Computes the function used to color the nodes of the simplicial complex from the k-th coordinate. :param k: Coordinate to use (start at 0). Default value is 0. :type k: int """ return self.thisptr.set_color_from_coordinate(k) def set_color_from_file(self, color_file_name): """Computes the function used to color the nodes of the simplicial complex from a file containing the function values. :param color_file_name: Name of the input color file. :type color_file_name: string """ if os.path.isfile(color_file_name): self.thisptr.set_color_from_file(str.encode(color_file_name)) else: print("file " + color_file_name + " not found.", file=sys.stderr) def set_color_from_range(self, color): """Computes the function used to color the nodes of the simplicial complex from a vector stored in memory. :param color: Input vector of values. :type color: vector[double] """ self.thisptr.set_color_from_range(color) def set_cover_from_file(self, cover_file_name): """Creates the cover C from a file containing the cover elements of each point (the order has to be the same as in the input file!). :param cover_file_name: Name of the input cover file. :type cover_file_name: string """ if os.path.isfile(cover_file_name): self.thisptr.set_cover_from_file(str.encode(cover_file_name)) else: print("file " + cover_file_name + " not found.", file=sys.stderr) def set_cover_from_function(self): """Creates a cover C from the preimages of the function f. """ self.thisptr.set_cover_from_function() def set_cover_from_Voronoi(self, m=100): """Creates the cover C from the Voronoï cells of a subsampling of the point cloud. :param m: Number of points in the subsample. Default value is 100. :type m: int """ self.thisptr.set_cover_from_Euclidean_Voronoi(m) def set_function_from_coordinate(self, k): """Creates the function f from the k-th coordinate of the point cloud. :param k: Coordinate to use (start at 0). :type k: int """ self.thisptr.set_function_from_coordinate(k) def set_function_from_file(self, func_file_name): """Creates the function f from a file containing the function values. :param func_file_name: Name of the input function file. :type func_file_name: string """ if os.path.isfile(func_file_name): self.thisptr.set_function_from_file(str.encode(func_file_name)) else: print("file " + func_file_name + " not found.", file=sys.stderr) def set_function_from_range(self, function): """Creates the function f from a vector stored in memory. :param function: Input vector of values. :type function: vector[double] """ self.thisptr.set_function_from_range(function) def set_gain(self, g = 0.3): """Sets a gain from a value stored in memory. :param g: Gain (default value is 0.3). :type g: double """ self.thisptr.set_gain(g) def set_graph_from_automatic_rips(self, N=100): """Creates a graph G from a Rips complex whose threshold value is automatically tuned with subsampling—see. :param N: Number of subsampling iteration (the default reasonable value is 100, but there is no guarantee on how to choose it). :type N: int :rtype: double :returns: Delta threshold used for computing the Rips complex. """ return self.thisptr.set_graph_from_automatic_euclidean_rips(N) def set_graph_from_file(self, graph_file_name): """Creates a graph G from a file containing the edges. :param graph_file_name: Name of the input graph file. The graph file contains one edge per line, each edge being represented by the IDs of its two nodes. :type graph_file_name: string """ if os.path.isfile(graph_file_name): self.thisptr.set_graph_from_file(str.encode(graph_file_name)) else: print("file " + graph_file_name + " not found.", file=sys.stderr) def set_graph_from_OFF(self): """Creates a graph G from the triangulation given by the input OFF file. """ self.thisptr.set_graph_from_OFF() def set_graph_from_rips(self, threshold): """Creates a graph G from a Rips complex. :param threshold: Threshold value for the Rips complex. :type threshold: double """ self.thisptr.set_graph_from_euclidean_rips(threshold) def set_mask(self, nodemask): """Sets the mask, which is a threshold integer such that nodes in the complex that contain a number of data points which is less than or equal to this threshold are not displayed. :param nodemask: Threshold. :type nodemask: int """ self.thisptr.set_mask(nodemask) def set_resolution_with_interval_length(self, resolution): """Sets a length of intervals from a value stored in memory. :param resolution: Length of intervals. :type resolution: double """ self.thisptr.set_resolution_with_interval_length(resolution) def set_resolution_with_interval_number(self, resolution): """Sets a number of intervals from a value stored in memory. :param resolution: Number of intervals. :type resolution: int """ self.thisptr.set_resolution_with_interval_number(resolution) def set_subsampling(self, constant, power): """Sets the constants used to subsample the data set. These constants are explained in :cite:`Carriere17c`. :param constant: Constant. :type constant: double :param power: Power. :type resolution: double """ self.thisptr.set_subsampling(constant, power) def set_type(self, type): """Specifies whether the type of the output simplicial complex. :param type: either "GIC" or "Nerve". :type type: string """ self.thisptr.set_type(str.encode(type)) def set_verbose(self, verbose): """Specifies whether the program should display information or not. :param verbose: true = display info, false = do not display info. :type verbose: boolean """ self.thisptr.set_verbose(verbose) def subpopulation(self, c): """Returns the data subset corresponding to a specific node of the created complex. :param c: ID of the node. :type c: int :rtype: vector[int] :returns: Vector of IDs of data points. """ return self.thisptr.subpopulation(c) def write_info(self): """Creates a .txt file called SC.txt describing the 1-skeleton, which can then be plotted with e.g. KeplerMapper. """ return self.thisptr.write_info() def plot_dot(self): """Creates a .dot file called SC.dot for neato (part of the graphviz package) once the simplicial complex is computed to get a visualization of its 1-skeleton in a .pdf file. """ return self.thisptr.plot_DOT() def plot_off(self): """Creates a .off file called SC.off for 3D visualization, which contains the 2-skeleton of the GIC. This function assumes that the cover has been computed with Voronoi. If data points are in 1D or 2D, the remaining coordinates of the points embedded in 3D are set to 0. """ return self.thisptr.plot_OFF()