# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - which is released under MIT. # See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full license details. # Author(s): Vincent Rouvreau # # Copyright (C) 2016 Inria # # Modification(s): # - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification from cython.operator import dereference, preincrement from libc.stdint cimport intptr_t import numpy as np cimport gudhi.simplex_tree __author__ = "Vincent Rouvreau" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016 Inria" __license__ = "MIT" # SimplexTree python interface cdef class SimplexTree: """The simplex tree is an efficient and flexible data structure for representing general (filtered) simplicial complexes. The data structure is described in Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Clément Maria. The Simplex Tree: An Efficient Data Structure for General Simplicial Complexes. Algorithmica, pages 1–22, 2014. This class is a filtered, with keys, and non contiguous vertices version of the simplex tree. """ # unfortunately 'cdef public Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured* thisptr' is not possible # Use intptr_t instead to cast the pointer cdef public intptr_t thisptr # Get the pointer casted as it should be cdef Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured* get_ptr(self) nogil: return (self.thisptr) cdef Simplex_tree_persistence_interface * pcohptr # Fake constructor that does nothing but documenting the constructor def __init__(self): """SimplexTree constructor. """ # The real cython constructor def __cinit__(self): self.thisptr = (new Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured()) def __dealloc__(self): cdef Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured* ptr = self.get_ptr() if ptr != NULL: del ptr if self.pcohptr != NULL: del self.pcohptr def __is_defined(self): """Returns true if SimplexTree pointer is not NULL. """ return self.get_ptr() != NULL def __is_persistence_defined(self): """Returns true if Persistence pointer is not NULL. """ return self.pcohptr != NULL def filtration(self, simplex): """This function returns the filtration value for a given N-simplex in this simplicial complex, or +infinity if it is not in the complex. :param simplex: The N-simplex, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int :returns: The simplicial complex filtration value. :rtype: float """ return self.get_ptr().simplex_filtration(simplex) def assign_filtration(self, simplex, filtration): """This function assigns a new filtration value to a given N-simplex. :param simplex: The N-simplex, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int :param filtration: The new filtration value. :type filtration: float .. note:: Beware that after this operation, the structure may not be a valid filtration anymore, a simplex could have a lower filtration value than one of its faces. Callers are responsible for fixing this (with more :meth:`assign_filtration` or :meth:`make_filtration_non_decreasing` for instance) before calling any function that relies on the filtration property, like :meth:`persistence`. """ self.get_ptr().assign_simplex_filtration(simplex, filtration) def initialize_filtration(self): """This function initializes and sorts the simplicial complex filtration vector. .. deprecated:: 3.2.0 """ import warnings warnings.warn("Since Gudhi 3.2, calling SimplexTree.initialize_filtration is unnecessary.", DeprecationWarning) self.get_ptr().initialize_filtration() def num_vertices(self): """This function returns the number of vertices of the simplicial complex. :returns: The simplicial complex number of vertices. :rtype: int """ return self.get_ptr().num_vertices() def num_simplices(self): """This function returns the number of simplices of the simplicial complex. :returns: the simplicial complex number of simplices. :rtype: int """ return self.get_ptr().num_simplices() def dimension(self): """This function returns the dimension of the simplicial complex. :returns: the simplicial complex dimension. :rtype: int .. note:: This function is not constant time because it can recompute dimension if required (can be triggered by :func:`remove_maximal_simplex` or :func:`prune_above_filtration` methods). """ return self.get_ptr().dimension() def upper_bound_dimension(self): """This function returns a valid dimension upper bound of the simplicial complex. :returns: an upper bound on the dimension of the simplicial complex. :rtype: int """ return self.get_ptr().upper_bound_dimension() def set_dimension(self, dimension): """This function sets the dimension of the simplicial complex. :param dimension: The new dimension value. :type dimension: int .. note:: This function must be used with caution because it disables dimension recomputation when required (this recomputation can be triggered by :func:`remove_maximal_simplex` or :func:`prune_above_filtration` ). """ self.get_ptr().set_dimension(dimension) def find(self, simplex): """This function returns if the N-simplex was found in the simplicial complex or not. :param simplex: The N-simplex to find, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int :returns: true if the simplex was found, false otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return self.get_ptr().find_simplex(simplex) def insert(self, simplex, filtration=0.0): """This function inserts the given N-simplex and its subfaces with the given filtration value (default value is '0.0'). If some of those simplices are already present with a higher filtration value, their filtration value is lowered. :param simplex: The N-simplex to insert, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int :param filtration: The filtration value of the simplex. :type filtration: float :returns: true if the simplex was not yet in the complex, false otherwise (whatever its original filtration value). :rtype: bool """ return self.get_ptr().insert(simplex, filtration) def get_simplices(self): """This function returns a generator with simplices and their given filtration values. :returns: The simplices. :rtype: generator with tuples(simplex, filtration) """ cdef Simplex_tree_simplices_iterator it = self.get_ptr().get_simplices_iterator_begin() cdef Simplex_tree_simplices_iterator end = self.get_ptr().get_simplices_iterator_end() cdef Simplex_tree_simplex_handle sh = dereference(it) while it != end: yield self.get_ptr().get_simplex_and_filtration(dereference(it)) preincrement(it) def get_filtration(self): """This function returns a generator with simplices and their given filtration values sorted by increasing filtration values. :returns: The simplices sorted by increasing filtration values. :rtype: generator with tuples(simplex, filtration) """ cdef vector[Simplex_tree_simplex_handle].const_iterator it = self.get_ptr().get_filtration_iterator_begin() cdef vector[Simplex_tree_simplex_handle].const_iterator end = self.get_ptr().get_filtration_iterator_end() while it != end: yield self.get_ptr().get_simplex_and_filtration(dereference(it)) preincrement(it) def get_skeleton(self, dimension): """This function returns a generator with the (simplices of the) skeleton of a maximum given dimension. :param dimension: The skeleton dimension value. :type dimension: int :returns: The (simplices of the) skeleton of a maximum dimension. :rtype: generator with tuples(simplex, filtration) """ cdef Simplex_tree_skeleton_iterator it = self.get_ptr().get_skeleton_iterator_begin(dimension) cdef Simplex_tree_skeleton_iterator end = self.get_ptr().get_skeleton_iterator_end(dimension) while it != end: yield self.get_ptr().get_simplex_and_filtration(dereference(it)) preincrement(it) def get_star(self, simplex): """This function returns the star of a given N-simplex. :param simplex: The N-simplex, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int :returns: The (simplices of the) star of a simplex. :rtype: list of tuples(simplex, filtration) """ cdef vector[int] csimplex for i in simplex: csimplex.push_back(i) cdef vector[pair[vector[int], double]] star \ = self.get_ptr().get_star(csimplex) ct = [] for filtered_simplex in star: v = [] for vertex in filtered_simplex.first: v.append(vertex) ct.append((v, filtered_simplex.second)) return ct def get_cofaces(self, simplex, codimension): """This function returns the cofaces of a given N-simplex with a given codimension. :param simplex: The N-simplex, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int :param codimension: The codimension. If codimension = 0, all cofaces are returned (equivalent of get_star function) :type codimension: int :returns: The (simplices of the) cofaces of a simplex :rtype: list of tuples(simplex, filtration) """ cdef vector[int] csimplex for i in simplex: csimplex.push_back(i) cdef vector[pair[vector[int], double]] cofaces \ = self.get_ptr().get_cofaces(csimplex, codimension) ct = [] for filtered_simplex in cofaces: v = [] for vertex in filtered_simplex.first: v.append(vertex) ct.append((v, filtered_simplex.second)) return ct def get_boundaries(self, simplex): """This function returns a generator with the boundaries of a given N-simplex. If you do not need the filtration values, the boundary can also be obtained as :code:`itertools.combinations(simplex,len(simplex)-1)`. :param simplex: The N-simplex, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int. :returns: The (simplices of the) boundary of a simplex :rtype: generator with tuples(simplex, filtration) """ cdef pair[Simplex_tree_boundary_iterator, Simplex_tree_boundary_iterator] it = self.get_ptr().get_boundary_iterators(simplex) while it.first != it.second: yield self.get_ptr().get_simplex_and_filtration(dereference(it.first)) preincrement(it.first) def remove_maximal_simplex(self, simplex): """This function removes a given maximal N-simplex from the simplicial complex. :param simplex: The N-simplex, represented by a list of vertex. :type simplex: list of int .. note:: The dimension of the simplicial complex may be lower after calling remove_maximal_simplex than it was before. However, :func:`upper_bound_dimension` method will return the old value, which remains a valid upper bound. If you care, you can call :func:`dimension` to recompute the exact dimension. """ self.get_ptr().remove_maximal_simplex(simplex) def prune_above_filtration(self, filtration): """Prune above filtration value given as parameter. :param filtration: Maximum threshold value. :type filtration: float :returns: The filtration modification information. :rtype: bool .. note:: Note that the dimension of the simplicial complex may be lower after calling :func:`prune_above_filtration` than it was before. However, :func:`upper_bound_dimension` will return the old value, which remains a valid upper bound. If you care, you can call :func:`dimension` method to recompute the exact dimension. """ return self.get_ptr().prune_above_filtration(filtration) def expansion(self, max_dim): """Expands the simplex tree containing only its one skeleton until dimension max_dim. The expanded simplicial complex until dimension :math:`d` attached to a graph :math:`G` is the maximal simplicial complex of dimension at most :math:`d` admitting the graph :math:`G` as :math:`1`-skeleton. The filtration value assigned to a simplex is the maximal filtration value of one of its edges. The simplex tree must contain no simplex of dimension bigger than 1 when calling the method. :param max_dim: The maximal dimension. :type max_dim: int """ cdef int maxdim = max_dim with nogil: self.get_ptr().expansion(maxdim) def make_filtration_non_decreasing(self): """This function ensures that each simplex has a higher filtration value than its faces by increasing the filtration values. :returns: True if any filtration value was modified, False if the filtration was already non-decreasing. :rtype: bool """ return self.get_ptr().make_filtration_non_decreasing() def reset_filtration(self, filtration, min_dim = 0): """This function resets the filtration value of all the simplices of dimension at least min_dim. Resets all the simplex tree when `min_dim = 0`. `reset_filtration` may break the filtration property with `min_dim > 0`, and it is the user's responsibility to make it a valid filtration (using a large enough `filt_value`, or calling `make_filtration_non_decreasing` afterwards for instance). :param filtration: New threshold value. :type filtration: float. :param min_dim: The minimal dimension. Default value is 0. :type min_dim: int. """ self.get_ptr().reset_filtration(filtration, min_dim) def extend_filtration(self): """ Extend filtration for computing extended persistence. This function only uses the filtration values at the 0-dimensional simplices, and computes the extended persistence diagram induced by the lower-star filtration computed with these values. .. note:: Note that after calling this function, the filtration values are actually modified within the simplex tree. The function :func:`extended_persistence` retrieves the original values. .. note:: Note that this code creates an extra vertex internally, so you should make sure that the simplex tree does not contain a vertex with the largest possible value (i.e., 4294967295). This `notebook `_ explains how to compute an extension of persistence called extended persistence. """ self.get_ptr().compute_extended_filtration() def extended_persistence(self, homology_coeff_field=11, min_persistence=0): """This function retrieves good values for extended persistence, and separate the diagrams into the Ordinary, Relative, Extended+ and Extended- subdiagrams. :param homology_coeff_field: The homology coefficient field. Must be a prime number. Default value is 11. Max is 46337. :type homology_coeff_field: int :param min_persistence: The minimum persistence value (i.e., the absolute value of the difference between the persistence diagram point coordinates) to take into account (strictly greater than min_persistence). Default value is 0.0. Sets min_persistence to -1.0 to see all values. :type min_persistence: float :returns: A list of four persistence diagrams in the format described in :func:`persistence`. The first one is Ordinary, the second one is Relative, the third one is Extended+ and the fourth one is Extended-. See https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10208-008-9027-z and/or section 2.2 in https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10208-017-9370-z for a description of these subtypes. .. note:: This function should be called only if :func:`extend_filtration` has been called first! .. note:: The coordinates of the persistence diagram points might be a little different than the original filtration values due to the internal transformation (scaling to [-2,-1]) that is performed on these values during the computation of extended persistence. This `notebook `_ explains how to compute an extension of persistence called extended persistence. """ cdef vector[pair[int, pair[double, double]]] persistence_result if self.pcohptr != NULL: del self.pcohptr self.pcohptr = new Simplex_tree_persistence_interface(self.get_ptr(), False) self.pcohptr.compute_persistence(homology_coeff_field, -1.) persistence_result = self.pcohptr.get_persistence() return self.get_ptr().compute_extended_persistence_subdiagrams(persistence_result, min_persistence) def persistence(self, homology_coeff_field=11, min_persistence=0, persistence_dim_max = False): """This function computes and returns the persistence of the simplicial complex. :param homology_coeff_field: The homology coefficient field. Must be a prime number. Default value is 11. Max is 46337. :type homology_coeff_field: int :param min_persistence: The minimum persistence value to take into account (strictly greater than min_persistence). Default value is 0.0. Set min_persistence to -1.0 to see all values. :type min_persistence: float :param persistence_dim_max: If true, the persistent homology for the maximal dimension in the complex is computed. If false, it is ignored. Default is false. :type persistence_dim_max: bool :returns: The persistence of the simplicial complex. :rtype: list of pairs(dimension, pair(birth, death)) """ self.compute_persistence(homology_coeff_field, min_persistence, persistence_dim_max) return self.pcohptr.get_persistence() def compute_persistence(self, homology_coeff_field=11, min_persistence=0, persistence_dim_max = False): """This function computes the persistence of the simplicial complex, so it can be accessed through :func:`persistent_betti_numbers`, :func:`persistence_pairs`, etc. This function is equivalent to :func:`persistence` when you do not want the list :func:`persistence` returns. :param homology_coeff_field: The homology coefficient field. Must be a prime number. Default value is 11. Max is 46337. :type homology_coeff_field: int :param min_persistence: The minimum persistence value to take into account (strictly greater than min_persistence). Default value is 0.0. Sets min_persistence to -1.0 to see all values. :type min_persistence: float :param persistence_dim_max: If true, the persistent homology for the maximal dimension in the complex is computed. If false, it is ignored. Default is false. :type persistence_dim_max: bool :returns: Nothing. """ if self.pcohptr != NULL: del self.pcohptr cdef bool pdm = persistence_dim_max cdef int coef = homology_coeff_field cdef double minp = min_persistence with nogil: self.pcohptr = new Simplex_tree_persistence_interface(self.get_ptr(), pdm) self.pcohptr.compute_persistence(coef, minp) def betti_numbers(self): """This function returns the Betti numbers of the simplicial complex. :returns: The Betti numbers ([B0, B1, ..., Bn]). :rtype: list of int :note: betti_numbers function requires :func:`compute_persistence` function to be launched first. """ assert self.pcohptr != NULL, "compute_persistence() must be called before betti_numbers()" return self.pcohptr.betti_numbers() def persistent_betti_numbers(self, from_value, to_value): """This function returns the persistent Betti numbers of the simplicial complex. :param from_value: The persistence birth limit to be added in the numbers (persistent birth <= from_value). :type from_value: float :param to_value: The persistence death limit to be added in the numbers (persistent death > to_value). :type to_value: float :returns: The persistent Betti numbers ([B0, B1, ..., Bn]). :rtype: list of int :note: persistent_betti_numbers function requires :func:`compute_persistence` function to be launched first. """ assert self.pcohptr != NULL, "compute_persistence() must be called before persistent_betti_numbers()" return self.pcohptr.persistent_betti_numbers(from_value, to_value) def persistence_intervals_in_dimension(self, dimension): """This function returns the persistence intervals of the simplicial complex in a specific dimension. :param dimension: The specific dimension. :type dimension: int :returns: The persistence intervals. :rtype: numpy array of dimension 2 :note: intervals_in_dim function requires :func:`compute_persistence` function to be launched first. """ assert self.pcohptr != NULL, "compute_persistence() must be called before persistence_intervals_in_dimension()" piid = np.array(self.pcohptr.intervals_in_dimension(dimension)) # Workaround https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel/issues/507 if len(piid) == 0: return np.empty(shape = [0, 2]) return piid def persistence_pairs(self): """This function returns a list of persistence birth and death simplices pairs. :returns: A list of persistence simplices intervals. :rtype: list of pair of list of int :note: persistence_pairs function requires :func:`compute_persistence` function to be launched first. """ assert self.pcohptr != NULL, "compute_persistence() must be called before persistence_pairs()" return self.pcohptr.persistence_pairs() def write_persistence_diagram(self, persistence_file): """This function writes the persistence intervals of the simplicial complex in a user given file name. :param persistence_file: Name of the file. :type persistence_file: string :note: intervals_in_dim function requires :func:`compute_persistence` function to be launched first. """ assert self.pcohptr != NULL, "compute_persistence() must be called before write_persistence_diagram()" self.pcohptr.write_output_diagram(persistence_file.encode('utf-8')) def lower_star_persistence_generators(self): """Assuming this is a lower-star filtration, this function returns the persistence pairs, where each simplex is replaced with the vertex that gave it its filtration value. :returns: First the regular persistence pairs, grouped by dimension, with one vertex per extremity, and second the essential features, grouped by dimension, with one vertex each :rtype: Tuple[List[numpy.array[int] of shape (n,2)], List[numpy.array[int] of shape (m,)]] :note: lower_star_persistence_generators requires that `persistence()` be called first. """ assert self.pcohptr != NULL, "lower_star_persistence_generators() requires that persistence() be called first." gen = self.pcohptr.lower_star_generators() normal = [np.array(d).reshape(-1,2) for d in gen.first] infinite = [np.array(d) for d in gen.second] return (normal, infinite) def flag_persistence_generators(self): """Assuming this is a flag complex, this function returns the persistence pairs, where each simplex is replaced with the vertices of the edges that gave it its filtration value. :returns: First the regular persistence pairs of dimension 0, with one vertex for birth and two for death; then the other regular persistence pairs, grouped by dimension, with 2 vertices per extremity; then the connected components, with one vertex each; finally the other essential features, grouped by dimension, with 2 vertices for birth. :rtype: Tuple[numpy.array[int] of shape (n,3), List[numpy.array[int] of shape (m,4)], numpy.array[int] of shape (l,), List[numpy.array[int] of shape (k,2)]] :note: flag_persistence_generators requires that `persistence()` be called first. """ assert self.pcohptr != NULL, "flag_persistence_generators() requires that persistence() be called first." gen = self.pcohptr.flag_generators() if len(gen.first) == 0: normal0 = np.empty((0,3)) normals = [] else: l = iter(gen.first) normal0 = np.array(next(l)).reshape(-1,3) normals = [np.array(d).reshape(-1,4) for d in l] if len(gen.second) == 0: infinite0 = np.empty(0) infinites = [] else: l = iter(gen.second) infinite0 = np.array(next(l)) infinites = [np.array(d).reshape(-1,2) for d in l] return (normal0, normals, infinite0, infinites) def collapse_edges(self, nb_iterations = 1): """Assuming the simplex tree is a 1-skeleton graph, this method collapse edges (simplices of higher dimension are ignored) and resets the simplex tree from the remaining edges. A good candidate is to build a simplex tree on top of a :class:`~gudhi.RipsComplex` of dimension 1 before collapsing edges (cf. :download:`rips_complex_edge_collapse_example.py <../example/rips_complex_edge_collapse_example.py>`). For implementation details, please refer to :cite:`edgecollapsesocg2020`. :param nb_iterations: The number of edge collapse iterations to perform. Default is 1. :type nb_iterations: int :note: collapse_edges method requires `Eigen `_ >= 3.1.0 and an exception is thrown if this method is not available. """ # Backup old pointer cdef Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured* ptr = self.get_ptr() cdef int nb_iter = nb_iterations with nogil: # New pointer is a new collapsed simplex tree self.thisptr = (ptr.collapse_edges(nb_iter)) # Delete old pointer del ptr def __eq__(self, other:SimplexTree): """Test for structural equality :returns: True if the 2 simplex trees are equal, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return dereference(self.get_ptr()) == dereference(other.get_ptr())