from cython cimport numeric from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.utility cimport pair from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp cimport bool from libc.stdint cimport intptr_t import os from gudhi.simplex_tree cimport * from gudhi.simplex_tree import SimplexTree """ This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT. See file LICENSE or go to for full license details. Author(s): Vincent Rouvreau Copyright (C) 2016 Inria Modification(s): - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification """ __author__ = "Vincent Rouvreau" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016 Inria" __license__ = "GPL v3" cdef extern from "Tangential_complex_interface.h" namespace "Gudhi": cdef cppclass Tangential_complex_interface "Gudhi::tangential_complex::Tangential_complex_interface": Tangential_complex_interface(int intrisic_dim, vector[vector[double]] points) # bool from_file is a workaround for cython to find the correct signature Tangential_complex_interface(int intrisic_dim, string off_file, bool from_file) void compute_tangential_complex() except + vector[double] get_point(unsigned vertex) unsigned number_of_vertices() unsigned number_of_simplices() unsigned number_of_inconsistent_simplices() unsigned number_of_inconsistent_stars() void create_simplex_tree(Simplex_tree_interface_full_featured* simplex_tree) void fix_inconsistencies_using_perturbation(double max_perturb, double time_limit) void set_max_squared_edge_length(double max_squared_edge_length) # TangentialComplex python interface cdef class TangentialComplex: """The class Tangential_complex represents a tangential complex. After the computation of the complex, an optional post-processing called perturbation can be run to attempt to remove inconsistencies. """ cdef Tangential_complex_interface * thisptr # Fake constructor that does nothing but documenting the constructor def __init__(self, intrisic_dim, points=None, off_file=''): """TangentialComplex constructor. :param intrisic_dim: Intrinsic dimension of the manifold. :type intrisic_dim: integer :param points: A list of points in d-Dimension. :type points: list of list of double Or :param off_file: An OFF file style name. :type off_file: string """ # The real cython constructor def __cinit__(self, intrisic_dim, points=None, off_file=''): if off_file: if os.path.isfile(off_file): self.thisptr = new Tangential_complex_interface(intrisic_dim, str.encode(off_file), True) else: print("file " + off_file + " not found.") else: if points is None: # Empty tangential construction points=[] self.thisptr = new Tangential_complex_interface(intrisic_dim, points) def __dealloc__(self): if self.thisptr != NULL: del self.thisptr def __is_defined(self): """Returns true if TangentialComplex pointer is not NULL. """ return self.thisptr != NULL def compute_tangential_complex(self): """This function computes the tangential complex. Raises: ValueError: In debug mode, if the computed star dimension is too low. Try to set a bigger maximal edge length value with :func:`~gudhi.Tangential_complex.set_max_squared_edge_length` if this happens. """ self.thisptr.compute_tangential_complex() def get_point(self, vertex): """This function returns the point corresponding to a given vertex. :param vertex: The vertex. :type vertex: int. :returns: The point. :rtype: list of float """ cdef vector[double] point = self.thisptr.get_point(vertex) return point def num_vertices(self): """ :returns: The number of vertices. :rtype: unsigned """ return self.thisptr.number_of_vertices() def num_simplices(self): """ :returns: Total number of simplices in stars (including duplicates that appear in several stars). :rtype: unsigned """ return self.thisptr.number_of_simplices() def num_inconsistent_simplices(self): """ :returns: The number of inconsistent simplices. :rtype: unsigned """ return self.thisptr.number_of_inconsistent_simplices() def num_inconsistent_stars(self): """ :returns: The number of stars containing at least one inconsistent simplex. :rtype: unsigned """ return self.thisptr.number_of_inconsistent_stars() def create_simplex_tree(self): """Exports the complex into a simplex tree. :returns: A simplex tree created from the complex. :rtype: SimplexTree """ stree = SimplexTree() cdef intptr_t stree_int_ptr=stree.thisptr self.thisptr.create_simplex_tree(stree_int_ptr) return stree def fix_inconsistencies_using_perturbation(self, max_perturb, time_limit=-1.0): """Attempts to fix inconsistencies by perturbing the point positions. :param max_perturb: Maximum length of the translations used by the perturbation. :type max_perturb: double :param time_limit: Time limit in seconds. If -1, no time limit is set. :type time_limit: double """ self.thisptr.fix_inconsistencies_using_perturbation(max_perturb, time_limit) def set_max_squared_edge_length(self, max_squared_edge_length): """Sets the maximal possible squared edge length for the edges in the triangulations. :param max_squared_edge_length: Maximal possible squared edge length. :type max_squared_edge_length: double If the maximal edge length value is too low :func:`~gudhi.Tangential_complex.compute_tangential_complex` will throw an exception in debug mode. """ self.thisptr.set_max_squared_edge_length(max_squared_edge_length)