import os import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pytest import random from sklearn.cluster import KMeans # Vectorization from gudhi.representations import (Landscape, Silhouette, BettiCurve, ComplexPolynomial,\ TopologicalVector, PersistenceImage, Entropy) # Preprocessing from gudhi.representations import (BirthPersistenceTransform, Clamping, DiagramScaler, Padding, ProminentPoints, \ DiagramSelector) # Kernel from gudhi.representations import (PersistenceWeightedGaussianKernel, \ PersistenceScaleSpaceKernel, SlicedWassersteinDistance,\ SlicedWassersteinKernel, PersistenceFisherKernel, WassersteinDistance) def test_representations_examples(): # Disable graphics for testing purposes = lambda: None here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.append(here + "/../example") import diagram_vectorizations_distances_kernels return None from gudhi.representations.vector_methods import Atol from gudhi.representations.metrics import * from gudhi.representations.kernel_methods import * def _n_diags(n): l = [] for _ in range(n): a = np.random.rand(50, 2) a[:, 1] += a[:, 0] # So that y >= x l.append(a) return l def test_multiple(): l1 = _n_diags(9) l2 = _n_diags(11) l1b = l1.copy() d1 = pairwise_persistence_diagram_distances(l1, e=0.00001, n_jobs=4) d2 = BottleneckDistance(epsilon=0.00001).fit_transform(l1) d3 = pairwise_persistence_diagram_distances(l1, l1b, e=0.00001, n_jobs=4) assert d1 == pytest.approx(d2) assert d3 == pytest.approx(d2, abs=1e-5) # Because of 0 entries (on the diagonal) d1 = pairwise_persistence_diagram_distances(l1, l2, metric="wasserstein", order=2, internal_p=2) d2 = WassersteinDistance(order=2, internal_p=2, n_jobs=4).fit(l2).transform(l1) print(d1.shape, d2.shape) assert d1 == pytest.approx(d2, rel=0.02) # Test sorted values as points order can be inverted, and sorted test is not documentation-friendly # Note the test below must be up to date with the Atol class documentation def test_atol_doc(): a = np.array([[1, 2, 4], [1, 4, 0], [1, 0, 4]]) b = np.array([[4, 2, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 0, 2]]) c = np.array([[3, 2, -1], [1, 2, -1]]) atol_vectoriser = Atol(quantiser=KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=202006)) # Atol will do # X = np.concatenate([a,b,c]) # kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=202006).fit(X) # kmeans.labels_ will be : array([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) first_cluster = np.asarray([a[0], a[2], b[2]]) second_cluster = np.asarray([a[1], b[0], b[2], c[0], c[1]]) # Check the center of the first_cluster and second_cluster are in Atol centers centers =[a, b, c]).centers np.isclose(centers, first_cluster.mean(axis=0)).all(1).any() np.isclose(centers, second_cluster.mean(axis=0)).all(1).any() vectorization = atol_vectoriser.transform(X=[a, b, c]) assert np.allclose(vectorization[0], atol_vectoriser(a)) assert np.allclose(vectorization[1], atol_vectoriser(b)) assert np.allclose(vectorization[2], atol_vectoriser(c)) def test_dummy_atol(): a = np.array([[1, 2, 4], [1, 4, 0], [1, 0, 4]]) b = np.array([[4, 2, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 0, 2]]) c = np.array([[3, 2, -1], [1, 2, -1]]) for weighting_method in ["cloud", "iidproba"]: for contrast in ["gaussian", "laplacian", "indicator"]: atol_vectoriser = Atol( quantiser=KMeans(n_clusters=1, random_state=202006), weighting_method=weighting_method, contrast=contrast, )[a, b, c]) atol_vectoriser(a) atol_vectoriser.transform(X=[a, b, c]) from gudhi.representations.vector_methods import BettiCurve def test_infinity(): a = np.array([[1.0, 8.0], [2.0, np.inf], [3.0, 4.0]]) c = BettiCurve(20, [0.0, 10.0])(a) assert c[1] == 0 assert c[7] == 3 assert c[9] == 2 def test_preprocessing_empty_diagrams(): empty_diag = np.empty(shape = [0, 2]) assert not np.any(BirthPersistenceTransform()(empty_diag)) assert not np.any(Clamping().fit_transform(empty_diag)) assert not np.any(DiagramScaler()(empty_diag)) assert not np.any(Padding()(empty_diag)) assert not np.any(ProminentPoints()(empty_diag)) assert not np.any(DiagramSelector()(empty_diag)) def pow(n): return lambda x: np.power(x[1]-x[0],n) def test_vectorization_empty_diagrams(): empty_diag = np.empty(shape = [0, 2]) random_resolution = random.randint(50,100)*10 # between 500 and 1000 print("resolution = ", random_resolution) lsc = Landscape(resolution=random_resolution)(empty_diag) assert not np.any(lsc) assert lsc.shape[0]%random_resolution == 0 slt = Silhouette(resolution=random_resolution, weight=pow(2))(empty_diag) assert not np.any(slt) assert slt.shape[0] == random_resolution btc = BettiCurve(resolution=random_resolution)(empty_diag) assert not np.any(btc) assert btc.shape[0] == random_resolution cpp = ComplexPolynomial(threshold=random_resolution, polynomial_type="T")(empty_diag) assert not np.any(cpp) assert cpp.shape[0] == random_resolution tpv = TopologicalVector(threshold=random_resolution)(empty_diag) assert tpv.shape[0] == random_resolution assert not np.any(tpv) prmg = PersistenceImage(resolution=[random_resolution,random_resolution])(empty_diag) assert not np.any(prmg) assert prmg.shape[0] == random_resolution * random_resolution sce = Entropy(mode="scalar", resolution=random_resolution)(empty_diag) assert not np.any(sce) assert sce.shape[0] == 1 scv = Entropy(mode="vector", normalized=False, resolution=random_resolution)(empty_diag) assert not np.any(scv) assert scv.shape[0] == random_resolution def test_entropy_miscalculation(): diag_ex = np.array([[0.0,1.0], [0.0,1.0], [0.0,2.0]]) def pe(pd): l = pd[:,1] - pd[:,0] l = l/sum(l) return, np.log(l)) sce = Entropy(mode="scalar") assert [[pe(diag_ex)]] == sce.fit_transform([diag_ex]) sce = Entropy(mode="vector", resolution=4, normalized=False) pef = [-1/4*np.log(1/4)-1/4*np.log(1/4)-1/2*np.log(1/2), -1/4*np.log(1/4)-1/4*np.log(1/4)-1/2*np.log(1/2), -1/2*np.log(1/2), 0.0] assert all(([pef] == sce.fit_transform([diag_ex]))[0]) sce = Entropy(mode="vector", resolution=4, normalized=True) pefN = (sce.fit_transform([diag_ex]))[0] area = np.linalg.norm(pefN, ord=1) assert area==1 def test_kernel_empty_diagrams(): empty_diag = np.empty(shape = [0, 2]) assert SlicedWassersteinDistance(num_directions=100)(empty_diag, empty_diag) == 0. assert SlicedWassersteinKernel(num_directions=100, bandwidth=1.)(empty_diag, empty_diag) == 1. assert WassersteinDistance(mode="hera", delta=0.0001)(empty_diag, empty_diag) == 0. assert WassersteinDistance(mode="pot")(empty_diag, empty_diag) == 0. assert BottleneckDistance(epsilon=.001)(empty_diag, empty_diag) == 0. assert BottleneckDistance()(empty_diag, empty_diag) == 0. # PersistenceWeightedGaussianKernel(bandwidth=1., kernel_approx=None, weight=arctan(1.,1.))(empty_diag, empty_diag) # PersistenceWeightedGaussianKernel(kernel_approx=RBFSampler(gamma=1./2, n_components=100000).fit(np.ones([1,2])), weight=arctan(1.,1.))(empty_diag, empty_diag) # PersistenceScaleSpaceKernel(bandwidth=1.)(empty_diag, empty_diag) # PersistenceScaleSpaceKernel(kernel_approx=RBFSampler(gamma=1./2, n_components=100000).fit(np.ones([1,2])))(empty_diag, empty_diag) # PersistenceFisherKernel(bandwidth_fisher=1., bandwidth=1.)(empty_diag, empty_diag) # PersistenceFisherKernel(bandwidth_fisher=1., bandwidth=1., kernel_approx=RBFSampler(gamma=1./2, n_components=100000).fit(np.ones([1,2])))(empty_diag, empty_diag) def test_silhouette_permutation_invariance(): dgm = _n_diags(1)[0] dgm_permuted = dgm[np.random.permutation(dgm.shape[0]).astype(int)] random_resolution = random.randint(50, 100) * 10 slt = Silhouette(resolution=random_resolution, weight=pow(2)) assert np.all(np.isclose(slt(dgm), slt(dgm_permuted))) def test_silhouette_multiplication_invariance(): dgm = _n_diags(1)[0] n_repetitions = np.random.randint(2, high=10) dgm_augmented = np.repeat(dgm, repeats=n_repetitions, axis=0) random_resolution = random.randint(50, 100) * 10 slt = Silhouette(resolution=random_resolution, weight=pow(2)) assert np.all(np.isclose(slt(dgm), slt(dgm_augmented))) def test_silhouette_numeric(): dgm = np.array([[2., 3.], [5., 6.]]) slt = Silhouette(resolution=9, weight=pow(1), sample_range=[2., 6.])[dgm]) # x_values = array([2., 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4., 4.5, 5., 5.5, 6.]) expected_silhouette = np.array([0., 0.5, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.5, 0.])/np.sqrt(2) output_silhouette = slt(dgm) assert np.all(np.isclose(output_silhouette, expected_silhouette)) def test_landscape_small_persistence_invariance(): dgm = np.array([[2., 6.], [2., 5.], [3., 7.]]) small_persistence_pts = np.random.rand(10, 2) small_persistence_pts[:, 1] += small_persistence_pts[:, 0] small_persistence_pts += np.min(dgm) dgm_augmented = np.concatenate([dgm, small_persistence_pts], axis=0) lds = Landscape(num_landscapes=2, resolution=5) lds_dgm, lds_dgm_augmented = lds(dgm), lds(dgm_augmented) assert np.all(np.isclose(lds_dgm, lds_dgm_augmented)) def test_landscape_numeric(): dgm = np.array([[2., 6.], [3., 5.]]) lds_ref = np.array([ 0., 0.5, 1., 1.5, 2., 1.5, 1., 0.5, 0., # tent of [2, 6] 0., 0., 0., 0.5, 1., 0.5, 0., 0., 0. ]) lds_ref *= np.sqrt(2) lds = Landscape(num_landscapes=2, resolution=9, sample_range=[2., 6.]) lds_dgm = lds(dgm) assert np.all(np.isclose(lds_dgm, lds_ref)) def test_landscape_nan_range(): dgm = np.array([[2., 6.], [3., 5.]]) lds = Landscape(num_landscapes=2, resolution=9, sample_range=[np.nan, 6.]) lds_dgm = lds(dgm) assert (lds.sample_range[0] == 2) & (lds.sample_range[1] == 6) assert lds.new_resolution == 10