diff options
authorGard Spreemann <>2022-04-29 13:54:09 +0200
committerGard Spreemann <>2022-04-29 13:54:09 +0200
commitfb4866e1d827389db17d74e5986d848617c8ef72 (patch)
parent66702d9cf122703964dbe22319ae8d97424d496f (diff)
parent8fbae1d789b3c9d7e9b079284c85489d8dcd7e65 (diff)
Merge tag 'v1.0.0' into dfsg/latestdfsg/latest
Version 1.0.0
22 files changed, 126 insertions, 1103 deletions
diff --git a/matching/example/module_example.cpp b/matching/example/module_example.cpp
index aec38c2..6fa2e5a 100644
--- a/matching/example/module_example.cpp
+++ b/matching/example/module_example.cpp
@@ -5,61 +5,83 @@ using namespace md;
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
- // create generators.
- // A generator is a point in plane,
- // generators are stored in a vector of points:
- PointVec<double> gens_a;
- // module A will have one generator that appears at point (0, 0)
- gens_a.emplace_back(0, 0);
- // relations are stored in a vector of relations
using RelationVec = ModulePresentation<double>::RelVec;
+ using Relation = ModulePresentation<double>::Relation;
+ // Module A (three rectangles)
+ PointVec<double> gens_a;
RelationVec rels_a;
- // A relation is a struct with position and column
- using Relation = ModulePresentation<double>::Relation;
- // at this point the relation rel_a_1 will appear:
- Point<double> rel_a_1_position { 1, 1 };
+ // First rectangle
+ gens_a.emplace_back(-3, -1);
- // vector IndexVec contains non-zero indices of the corresponding relation
- // (we work over Z/2). Since we have one generator only, the relation
- // contains only one entry, 0
+ Point<double> rel_a_1_position { -3, 3 };
IndexVec rel_a_1_components { 0 };
- // construct a relation from position and column:
Relation rel_a_1 { rel_a_1_position, rel_a_1_components };
- // and add it to a vector of relations
- // after populating vectors of generators and relations
- // construct a module:
- ModulePresentation<double> module_a { gens_a, rels_a };
+ Point<double> rel_a_2_position { 1, -1 };
+ IndexVec rel_a_2_components { 0 };
+ Relation rel_a_2 { rel_a_2_position, rel_a_2_components };
+ rels_a.push_back(rel_a_2);
+ // Second rectangle
+ gens_a.emplace_back(-1, -1);
- // same for module_b. It will also have just one
- // generator and one relation, but at different positions.
+ Point<double> rel_a_3_position { -1, 1 };
+ IndexVec rel_a_3_components { 1 };
+ Relation rel_a_3 { rel_a_3_position, rel_a_3_components };
+ rels_a.push_back(rel_a_3);
- PointVec<double> gens_b;
- gens_b.emplace_back(1, 1);
+ Point<double> rel_a_4_position { 1, -1 };
+ IndexVec rel_a_4_components { 1 };
+ Relation rel_a_4 { rel_a_4_position, rel_a_4_components };
+ rels_a.push_back(rel_a_4);
+ // Third rectangle
+ gens_a.emplace_back(-1, -3);
+ Point<double> rel_a_5_position { -1, 1 };
+ IndexVec rel_a_5_components { 2 };
+ Relation rel_a_5 { rel_a_5_position, rel_a_5_components };
+ rels_a.push_back(rel_a_5);
+ Point<double> rel_a_6_position { 3, -3 };
+ IndexVec rel_a_6_components { 2 };
+ Relation rel_a_6 { rel_a_6_position, rel_a_6_components };
+ rels_a.push_back(rel_a_6);
+ ModulePresentation<double> module_a { gens_a, rels_a };
+ // Module B (one rectangle)
+ PointVec<double> gens_b;
RelationVec rels_b;
- Point<double> rel_b_1_position { 2, 2 };
+ // Rectangle
+ gens_b.emplace_back(-2, -2);
+ Point<double> rel_b_1_position { -2, 2 };
IndexVec rel_b_1_components { 0 };
+ Relation rel_b_1 { rel_b_1_position, rel_b_1_components };
+ rels_b.push_back(rel_b_1);
+ Point<double> rel_b_2_position { 2, -2 };
+ IndexVec rel_b_2_components { 0 };
+ Relation rel_b_2 { rel_b_2_position, rel_b_2_components };
+ rels_b.push_back(rel_b_2);
- rels_b.emplace_back(rel_b_1_position, rel_b_1_components);
ModulePresentation<double> module_b { gens_b, rels_b };
- // create CalculationParams
+ // Computations
CalculationParams<double> params;
- // set relative error to 10 % : = 0.1;
- // go at most 8 levels deep in quadtree:
- params.max_depth = 8;
+ params.max_depth = 5;
+ params.initialization_depth = 0;
double dist = matching_distance(module_a, module_b, params);
std::cout << "dist = " << dist << std::endl;
diff --git a/wasserstein/CMakeLists.txt b/wasserstein/CMakeLists.txt
index dea4550..0a0fa4e 100644
--- a/wasserstein/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/wasserstein/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,62 +1,25 @@
-project (wasserstein)
-cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5.1)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.1)
-include (GenerateExportHeader)
- add_definitions(-DBIGENDIAN)
-# Default to Release
- set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE)
+ set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE)
set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo")
# Boost
-find_package (Boost)
-include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include
-if(NOT WIN32)
- add_definitions(-std=c++14)
-endif(NOT WIN32)
-#add_library(wasserstein ${WS_SOURCES})
-#if (WIN32)
- #BASE_NAME wasserstein
- #EXPORT_FILE_NAME wasserstein_export.h
+include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR})
find_package (Threads)
set (libraries ${libraries} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
-add_executable(wasserstein_dist ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/example/wasserstein_dist.cpp ${WS_HEADERS} include/hera_infinity.h)
-target_link_libraries(wasserstein_dist PUBLIC ${libraries})
-add_executable(wasserstein_dist_dipha ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/example/wasserstein_dist_dipha.cpp ${WS_HEADERS} include/hera_infinity.h)
-target_link_libraries(wasserstein_dist_dipha PUBLIC ${libraries})
-# pure geometric version, arbitrary dimension
-add_executable(wasserstein_dist_point_cloud ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/example/wasserstein_dist_point_cloud.cpp ${WS_HEADERS} include/hera_infinity.h)
-target_link_libraries(wasserstein_dist_point_cloud PUBLIC ${libraries})
# Tests
add_executable(wasserstein_test ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/tests_main.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/test_hera_wasserstein.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/test_hera_wasserstein_pure_geom.cpp include/hera_infinity.h tests/tests_reader.h)
-#add_executable(wasserstein_test EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/test_hera_wasserstein.cpp)
target_link_libraries(wasserstein_test PUBLIC ${libraries})
diff --git a/wasserstein/example/CMakeLists.txt b/wasserstein/example/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e2f1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasserstein/example/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+add_executable(wasserstein_dist wasserstein_dist.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(wasserstein_dist PUBLIC ${libraries})
+add_executable(wasserstein_dist_dipha wasserstein_dist_dipha.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(wasserstein_dist_dipha PUBLIC ${libraries})
+# pure geometric version, arbitrary dimension
+add_executable(wasserstein_dist_point_cloud wasserstein_dist_point_cloud.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(wasserstein_dist_point_cloud PUBLIC ${libraries})
+ target_compile_options(wasserstein_dist PRIVATE /W4 /WX)
+ target_compile_options(wasserstein_dist_dipha PRIVATE /W4 /WX)
+ target_compile_options(wasserstein_dist_point_cloud PRIVATE /W4 /WX)
+ target_compile_options(wasserstein_dist PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
+ target_compile_options(wasserstein_dist_dipha PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
+ target_compile_options(wasserstein_dist_point_cloud PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
diff --git a/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist.cpp b/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist.cpp
index cbe83e2..46f06fc 100644
--- a/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist.cpp
+++ b/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist.cpp
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ derivative works thereof, in binary and source code form.
#include "opts/opts.h"
-//#define LOG_AUCTION
//#include "auction_runner_fr.h"
//#include "auction_runner_fr.hpp"
@@ -138,14 +136,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
params.max_bids_per_round = std::numeric_limits<decltype(params.max_bids_per_round)>::max();
- std::string log_filename_prefix = ( 11 <= argc ) ? argv[10] : "";
- spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::info);
- Real res = hera::wasserstein_dist(diagramA, diagramB, params, log_filename_prefix);
+ Real res = hera::wasserstein_dist(diagramA, diagramB, params);
std::cout << std::setprecision(15) << res << std::endl;
if (print_relative_error)
diff --git a/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_dipha.cpp b/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_dipha.cpp
index 2ed9c2c..1bfc41b 100644
--- a/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_dipha.cpp
+++ b/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_dipha.cpp
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ derivative works thereof, in binary and source code form.
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
-//#define LOG_AUCTION
//#include "auction_runner_fr.h"
//#include "auction_runner_fr.hpp"
@@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
hera::AuctionParams<double> params;
if (argc < 4 ) {
- std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " file1 file2 ph_dim [wasserstein_degree] [relative_error] [internal norm] [initial epsilon] [epsilon_factor] [max_bids_per_round] [gamma_threshold][log_filename_prefix]. By default power is 1.0, relative error is 0.01, internal norm is l_infinity, initall epsilon is chosen automatically, epsilon factor is 5.0, Jacobi variant is used (max bids per round is maximal), gamma_threshold = 0.0." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " file1 file2 ph_dim [wasserstein_degree] [relative_error] [internal norm] [initial epsilon] [epsilon_factor] [max_bids_per_round] [gamma_threshold]. By default power is 1.0, relative error is 0.01, internal norm is l_infinity, initall epsilon is chosen automatically, epsilon factor is 5.0, Jacobi variant is used (max bids per round is maximal), gamma_threshold = 0.0." << std::endl;
return 1;
@@ -116,15 +114,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
params.gamma_threshold = (11 <= argc) ? atof(argv[10]) : 0.0;
- std::string log_filename_prefix = ( 12 <= argc ) ? argv[11] : "";
params.max_num_phases = 800;
- spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::info);
- double res = hera::wasserstein_dist(diagramA, diagramB, params, log_filename_prefix);
+ double res = hera::wasserstein_dist(diagramA, diagramB, params);
std::cout << std::setprecision(15) << res << std::endl;
diff --git a/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_point_cloud.cpp b/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_point_cloud.cpp
index ab7ff4f..754d0e3 100644
--- a/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_point_cloud.cpp
+++ b/wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist_point_cloud.cpp
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
hera::AuctionParams<Real> params;
if (argc < 3 ) {
- std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " file1 file2 [wasserstein_degree] [relative_error] [internal norm] [initial epsilon] [epsilon_factor] [max_bids_per_round] [gamma_threshold][log_filename_prefix]. By default power is 1.0, relative error is 0.01, internal norm is l_infinity, initall epsilon is chosen automatically, epsilon factor is 5.0, Jacobi variant is used (max bids per round is maximal), gamma_threshold = 0.0." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " file1 file2 [wasserstein_degree] [relative_error] [internal norm] [initial epsilon] [epsilon_factor] [max_bids_per_round] [gamma_threshold]. By default power is 1.0, relative error is 0.01, internal norm is l_infinity, initall epsilon is chosen automatically, epsilon factor is 5.0, Jacobi variant is used (max bids per round is maximal), gamma_threshold = 0.0." << std::endl;
return 1;
@@ -159,14 +159,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
params.gamma_threshold = (10 <= argc) ? atof(argv[9]) : 0.0;
- std::string log_filename_prefix = ( 11 <= argc ) ? argv[10] : "";
params.max_num_phases = 800;
- spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::critical);
Real res = hera::ws::wasserstein_dist(set_A, set_B, params);
std::cout << std::setprecision(15) << res << std::endl;
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_oracle_kdtree_restricted.hpp b/wasserstein/include/auction_oracle_kdtree_restricted.hpp
index f0e7ac6..e86a5d5 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_oracle_kdtree_restricted.hpp
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_oracle_kdtree_restricted.hpp
@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ IdxValPair<Real_> AuctionOracleKDTreeRestricted<Real_, PointContainer_>::get_opt
// and vice versa.
size_t best_item_idx { k_invalid_index };
- size_t second_best_item_idx { k_invalid_index };
size_t best_diagonal_item_idx { k_invalid_index };
Real best_item_value;
Real second_best_item_value;
@@ -297,17 +296,14 @@ IdxValPair<Real_> AuctionOracleKDTreeRestricted<Real_, PointContainer_>::get_opt
best_item_idx = proj_item_idx;
best_item_value = proj_item_value;
second_best_item_value = best_diagonal_item_value_;
- second_best_item_idx = best_diagonal_item_idx;
} else if (proj_item_value < second_best_diagonal_item_value_) {
best_item_idx = best_diagonal_item_idx;
best_item_value = best_diagonal_item_value_;
second_best_item_value = proj_item_value;
- second_best_item_idx = proj_item_idx;
} else {
best_item_idx = best_diagonal_item_idx;
best_item_value = best_diagonal_item_value_;
second_best_item_value = second_best_diagonal_item_value_;
- second_best_item_idx = second_best_diagonal_item_idx_;
} else {
// for normal bidder get 2 best items among non-diagonal points from
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.h b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.h
index 0c67b65..3ee659c 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.h
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.h
@@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ public:
const Real _eps_factor = 5.0,
const int _max_num_phases = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
const Real _gamma_threshold = 0.0,
- const size_t _max_bids_per_round = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix = "");
+ const size_t _max_bids_per_round = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
void set_epsilon(Real new_val);
Real get_epsilon() const { return epsilon; }
@@ -188,7 +187,6 @@ private:
void print_debug();
void print_matching();
- std::string log_filename_prefix;
const Real k_max_relative_error = 2.0; // if relative error cannot be estimated or is too large, use this value
void reset_round_stat(); // empty, if logging is disable
void reset_phase_stat();
@@ -196,69 +194,6 @@ private:
std::unordered_set<size_t> never_assigned_bidders;
std::unordered_set<size_t> never_assigned_items;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_normal_bidders;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_diag_bidders;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_normal_items;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_diag_items;
- size_t all_assigned_round { 0 };
- size_t all_assigned_round_found { false };
- int num_forward_rounds_non_cumulative { 0 };
- int num_forward_rounds { 0 };
- int num_reverse_rounds_non_cumulative { 0 };
- int num_reverse_rounds { 0 };
- // all per-round vars are non-cumulative
- // forward rounds
- int num_normal_forward_bids_submitted { 0 };
- int num_diag_forward_bids_submitted { 0 };
- int num_forward_diag_to_diag_assignments { 0 };
- int num_forward_diag_to_normal_assignments { 0 };
- int num_forward_normal_to_diag_assignments { 0 };
- int num_forward_normal_to_normal_assignments { 0 };
- int num_forward_diag_from_diag_thefts { 0 };
- int num_forward_diag_from_normal_thefts { 0 };
- int num_forward_normal_from_diag_thefts { 0 };
- int num_forward_normal_from_normal_thefts { 0 };
- // reverse rounds
- int num_normal_reverse_bids_submitted { 0 };
- int num_diag_reverse_bids_submitted { 0 };
- int num_reverse_diag_to_diag_assignments { 0 };
- int num_reverse_diag_to_normal_assignments { 0 };
- int num_reverse_normal_to_diag_assignments { 0 };
- int num_reverse_normal_to_normal_assignments { 0 };
- int num_reverse_diag_from_diag_thefts { 0 };
- int num_reverse_diag_from_normal_thefts { 0 };
- int num_reverse_normal_from_diag_thefts { 0 };
- int num_reverse_normal_from_normal_thefts { 0 };
- // price change statistics
- std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> forward_price_change_cnt_vec;
- std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> reverse_price_change_cnt_vec;
- size_t parallel_threshold = 5000;
- int num_parallelizable_rounds { 0 };
- int num_parallelizable_forward_rounds { 0 };
- int num_parallelizable_reverse_rounds { 0 };
- int num_parallel_bids { 0 };
- int num_total_bids { 0 };
- int num_parallel_assignments { 0 };
- int num_total_assignments { 0 };
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.hpp b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.hpp
index b0b65d0..ba36006 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.hpp
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_fr.hpp
@@ -61,9 +61,7 @@ AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::AuctionRunnerFR(const std::vector<DgmPoint>& A,
const Real _eps_factor,
const int _max_num_phases,
const Real _gamma_threshold,
- const size_t _max_bids_per_round,
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix
- ) :
+ const size_t _max_bids_per_round) :
@@ -96,8 +94,7 @@ AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::AuctionRunnerFR(const std::vector<DgmPoint>& A,
- gamma_threshold(_gamma_threshold),
- log_filename_prefix(_log_filename_prefix)
+ gamma_threshold(_gamma_threshold)
assert(A.size() == B.size());
for(const auto& p : bidders) {
@@ -157,13 +154,6 @@ template<class R, class AO>
void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::reset_phase_stat()
num_rounds_non_cumulative = 0;
- num_parallelizable_rounds = 0;
- num_parallelizable_forward_rounds = 0;
- num_parallelizable_reverse_rounds = 0;
- num_forward_rounds_non_cumulative = 0;
- num_reverse_rounds_non_cumulative = 0;
@@ -172,34 +162,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::reset_round_stat()
num_forward_bids_submitted = 0;
num_reverse_bids_submitted = 0;
- num_normal_forward_bids_submitted = 0;
- num_diag_forward_bids_submitted = 0;
- num_forward_diag_to_diag_assignments = 0;
- num_forward_diag_to_normal_assignments = 0;
- num_forward_normal_to_diag_assignments = 0;
- num_forward_normal_to_normal_assignments = 0;
- num_forward_diag_from_diag_thefts = 0;
- num_forward_diag_from_normal_thefts = 0;
- num_forward_normal_from_diag_thefts = 0;
- num_forward_normal_from_normal_thefts = 0;
- // reverse rounds
- num_normal_reverse_bids_submitted = 0;
- num_diag_reverse_bids_submitted = 0;
- num_reverse_diag_to_diag_assignments = 0;
- num_reverse_diag_to_normal_assignments = 0;
- num_reverse_normal_to_diag_assignments = 0;
- num_reverse_normal_to_normal_assignments = 0;
- num_reverse_diag_from_diag_thefts = 0;
- num_reverse_diag_from_normal_thefts = 0;
- num_reverse_normal_from_diag_thefts = 0;
- num_reverse_normal_from_normal_thefts = 0;
@@ -233,63 +195,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::assign_forward(IdxType item_idx, IdxType bidder_idx
// new edge was added to matching, increase partial cost
partial_cost += get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, bidder_idx);
- if (unassigned_bidders.size() > parallel_threshold) {
- num_parallel_assignments++;
- }
- num_total_assignments++;
- int it_d = is_item_diagonal(item_idx);
- int b_d = is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx);
- // 2 - None
- int old_d = ( k_invalid_index == old_item_owner ) ? 2 : is_bidder_diagonal(old_item_owner);
- int key = 100 * old_d + 10 * b_d + it_d;
- switch(key) {
- case 211 : num_forward_diag_to_diag_assignments++;
- break;
- case 210 : num_forward_diag_to_normal_assignments++;
- break;
- case 201 : num_forward_normal_to_diag_assignments++;
- break;
- case 200 : num_forward_normal_to_normal_assignments++;
- break;
- case 111 : num_forward_diag_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_forward_diag_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- case 110 : num_forward_diag_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_forward_diag_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 101 : num_forward_normal_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_forward_normal_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 100 : num_forward_normal_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_forward_normal_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- case 11 : num_forward_diag_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_forward_diag_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- case 10 : num_forward_diag_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_forward_diag_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 1 : num_forward_normal_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_forward_normal_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 0 : num_forward_normal_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_forward_normal_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- default : std::cerr << "key = " << key << std::endl;
- throw std::runtime_error("Bug in logging, wrong key");
- break;
- }
@@ -323,63 +228,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::assign_reverse(IdxType item_idx, IdxType bidder_idx
// new edge was added to matching, increase partial cost
partial_cost += get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, bidder_idx);
- if (unassigned_items.size() > parallel_threshold) {
- num_parallel_assignments++;
- }
- num_total_assignments++;
- int it_d = is_item_diagonal(item_idx);
- int b_d = is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx);
- // 2 - None
- int old_d = (k_invalid_index == old_bidder_owner) ? 2 : is_item_diagonal(old_bidder_owner);
- int key = 100 * old_d + 10 * it_d + b_d;
- switch(key) {
- case 211 : num_reverse_diag_to_diag_assignments++;
- break;
- case 210 : num_reverse_diag_to_normal_assignments++;
- break;
- case 201 : num_reverse_normal_to_diag_assignments++;
- break;
- case 200 : num_reverse_normal_to_normal_assignments++;
- break;
- case 111 : num_reverse_diag_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_reverse_diag_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- case 110 : num_reverse_diag_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_reverse_diag_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 101 : num_reverse_normal_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_reverse_normal_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 100 : num_reverse_normal_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_reverse_normal_from_diag_thefts++;
- break;
- case 11 : num_reverse_diag_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_reverse_diag_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- case 10 : num_reverse_diag_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_reverse_diag_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 1 : num_reverse_normal_to_diag_assignments++;
- num_reverse_normal_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- break;
- case 0 : num_reverse_normal_to_normal_assignments++;
- num_reverse_normal_from_normal_thefts++;
- break;
- default : std::cerr << "key = " << key << std::endl;
- throw std::runtime_error("Bug in logging, wrong key");
- break;
- }
template<class R, class AO>
@@ -409,10 +257,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::assign_to_best_bidder(IdxType item_idx)
auto new_bidder_price = -get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, best_bidder_idx) - best_bid_value;
reverse_oracle.set_price(best_bidder_idx, new_bidder_price, false);
- forward_price_change_cnt_vec.back()[item_idx]++;
- reverse_price_change_cnt_vec.back()[best_bidder_idx]++;
template<class R, class AO>
@@ -430,10 +274,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::assign_to_best_item(IdxType bidder_idx)
auto new_item_price = -get_item_bidder_cost(best_item_idx, bidder_idx) - best_bid_value;
forward_oracle.set_price(best_item_idx, new_item_price, false);
- forward_price_change_cnt_vec.back()[best_item_idx]++;
- reverse_price_change_cnt_vec.back()[bidder_idx]++;
@@ -487,20 +327,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::submit_forward_bid(IdxType bidder_idx, const IdxVal
- if (unassigned_bidders.size() > parallel_threshold) {
- num_parallel_bids++;
- }
- num_total_bids++;
- if (is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx)) {
- num_diag_forward_bids_submitted++;
- } else {
- num_normal_forward_bids_submitted++;
- }
template<class R, class AO>
@@ -525,19 +351,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::submit_reverse_bid(IdxType item_idx, const IdxValPa
- if (unassigned_items.size() > parallel_threshold) {
- num_parallel_bids++;
- }
- num_total_bids++;
- if (is_item_diagonal(item_idx)) {
- num_diag_reverse_bids_submitted++;
- } else {
- num_normal_reverse_bids_submitted++;
- }
@@ -628,35 +441,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::flush_assignment()
unassigned_items_by_persistence.insert(std::make_pair(items[item_idx].persistence_lp(1.0), item_idx));
- reset_phase_stat();
- forward_price_change_cnt_vec.push_back(std::vector<size_t>(num_items, 0));
- reverse_price_change_cnt_vec.push_back(std::vector<size_t>(num_bidders, 0));
- // all bidders and items become unassigned
- for(size_t bidder_idx = 0; bidder_idx < num_bidders; ++bidder_idx) {
- if (is_bidder_normal(bidder_idx)) {
- unassigned_normal_bidders.insert(bidder_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_diag_bidders.insert(bidder_idx);
- }
- }
- never_assigned_bidders = unassigned_bidders;
- for(size_t item_idx = 0; item_idx < items.size(); ++item_idx) {
- if (is_item_normal(item_idx)) {
- unassigned_normal_items.insert(item_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_diag_items.insert(item_idx);
- }
- }
- never_assigned_items = unassigned_items;
@@ -803,13 +587,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::add_unassigned_bidder(const size_t bidder_idx)
unassigned_bidders_by_persistence.insert(std::make_pair(bidder.persistence_lp(1.0), bidder_idx));
- if (is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx)) {
- unassigned_diag_bidders.insert(bidder_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_normal_bidders.insert(bidder_idx);
- }
template<class R, class AO>
@@ -823,13 +600,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::add_unassigned_item(const size_t item_idx)
unassigned_items_by_persistence.insert(std::make_pair(item.persistence_lp(1.0), item_idx));
- if (is_item_diagonal(item_idx)) {
- unassigned_diag_items.insert(item_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_normal_items.insert(item_idx);
- }
@@ -845,17 +615,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::remove_unassigned_bidder(const size_t bidder_idx)
unassigned_bidders_by_persistence.erase(std::make_pair(bidders[bidder_idx].persistence_lp(1.0), bidder_idx));
- if (is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx)) {
- unassigned_diag_bidders.erase(bidder_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_normal_bidders.erase(bidder_idx);
- }
- if (never_assigned_bidders.empty() and not all_assigned_round_found) {
- all_assigned_round = num_rounds_non_cumulative;
- all_assigned_round_found = true;
- }
template<class R, class AO>
@@ -870,17 +629,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::remove_unassigned_item(const size_t item_idx)
unassigned_items_by_persistence.erase(std::make_pair(items[item_idx].persistence_lp(1.0), item_idx));
- if (is_item_normal(item_idx)) {
- unassigned_normal_items.erase(item_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_diag_items.erase(item_idx);
- }
- if (never_assigned_items.empty() and not all_assigned_round_found) {
- all_assigned_round = num_rounds_non_cumulative;
- all_assigned_round_found = true;
- }
template<class R, class AO>
@@ -906,14 +654,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::run_reverse_auction_phase()
- if (unassigned_items.size() >= parallel_threshold) {
- ++num_parallelizable_reverse_rounds;
- ++num_parallelizable_rounds;
- }
- num_reverse_rounds++;
- num_reverse_rounds_non_cumulative++;
// bidding
@@ -986,14 +726,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::run_forward_auction_phase()
while (continue_forward(original_unassigned_bidders, min_forward_matching_increment)) {
- if (unassigned_bidders.size() >= parallel_threshold) {
- ++num_parallelizable_forward_rounds;
- ++num_parallelizable_rounds;
- }
- num_forward_rounds++;
- num_forward_rounds_non_cumulative++;
// bidding step
@@ -1024,33 +756,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerFR<R, AO>::run_forward_auction_phase()
- forward_plot_logger->info("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {20} {21} {22}",
- num_phase,
- num_rounds,
- num_forward_rounds,
- unassigned_bidders.size(),
- get_gamma(),
- partial_cost,
- forward_oracle.get_epsilon(),
- num_normal_forward_bids_submitted,
- num_diag_forward_bids_submitted,
- num_forward_diag_to_diag_assignments,
- num_forward_diag_to_normal_assignments,
- num_forward_normal_to_diag_assignments,
- num_forward_normal_to_normal_assignments,
- num_forward_diag_from_diag_thefts,
- num_forward_diag_from_normal_thefts,
- num_forward_normal_from_diag_thefts,
- num_forward_normal_from_normal_thefts,
- unassigned_normal_bidders.size(),
- unassigned_diag_bidders.size(),
- unassigned_normal_items.size(),
- unassigned_diag_items.size(),
- forward_oracle.get_heap_top_size(),
- get_relative_error(false)
- );
} ;
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.h b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.h
index 8ad95c2..3616a98 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.h
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.h
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ public:
AuctionRunnerGS(const PointContainer& A,
const PointContainer& B,
- const AuctionParams<Real>& params,
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix = "");
+ const AuctionParams<Real>& params);
void set_epsilon(Real new_val) { assert(epsilon > 0.0); epsilon = new_val; };
Real get_epsilon() const { return oracle.get_epsilon(); }
@@ -98,19 +97,6 @@ public:
int num_phase { 0 };
int num_rounds { 0 };
bool is_distance_computed {false};
- bool log_auction { false };
- std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> console_logger;
- std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> plot_logger;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_items;
- size_t max_unassigned_to_log { 0 };
- const char* logger_name = "auction_detailed_logger"; // the name in spdlog registry; filename is provided as parameter in enable_logging
- const Real total_items_persistence;
- const Real total_bidders_persistence;
- Real partial_cost;
- Real unassigned_bidders_persistence;
- Real unassigned_items_persistence;
} // ws
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.hpp b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.hpp
index 4ef94db..dcc8960 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.hpp
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs.hpp
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ namespace ws {
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
AuctionRunnerGS<R, AO, PC>::AuctionRunnerGS(const PC& A,
const PC& B,
- const AuctionParams<Real>& params,
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix) :
+ const AuctionParams<Real>& params) :
@@ -71,63 +70,14 @@ AuctionRunnerGS<R, AO, PC>::AuctionRunnerGS(const PC& A,
oracle(bidders, items, params)
- , total_items_persistence(std::accumulate(items.begin(),
- items.end(),
- R(0.0),
- [params](const Real& ps, const DgmPoint& item)
- { return ps + std::pow(item.persistence_lp(params.internal_p), params.wasserstein_power); }
- ))
- , total_bidders_persistence(std::accumulate(bidders.begin(),
- bidders.end(),
- R(0.0),
- [params](const Real& ps, const DgmPoint& bidder)
- { return ps + std::pow(bidder.persistence_lp(params.internal_p), params.wasserstein_power); }
- ))
- , partial_cost(0.0)
- , unassigned_bidders_persistence(0.0)
- , unassigned_items_persistence(0.0)
assert(initial_epsilon >= 0.0 );
assert(epsilon_common_ratio >= 0.0 );
assert(A.size() == B.size());
- unassigned_items_persistence = total_items_persistence;
- unassigned_bidders_persistence = total_bidders_persistence;
- console_logger = spdlog::get("console");
- if (not console_logger) {
- console_logger = spdlog::stdout_logger_st("console");
- }
- console_logger->set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S.%e] %v");
- console_logger->debug("Gauss-Seidel, num_bidders = {0}", num_bidders);
- plot_logger = spdlog::get("plot_logger");
- if (not plot_logger) {
- plot_logger = spdlog::basic_logger_st("plot_logger", "plot_logger.txt");
- plot_logger->info("New plot starts here");
- plot_logger->set_pattern("%v");
- }
-template<class R, class AO, class PC>
-void AuctionRunnerGS<R, AO, PC>::enable_logging(const char* log_filename, const size_t _max_unassigned_to_log)
- log_auction = true;
- max_unassigned_to_log = _max_unassigned_to_log;
- auto log = spdlog::basic_logger_st(logger_name, log_filename);
- log->set_pattern("%v");
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
void AuctionRunnerGS<R, AO, PC>::assign_item_to_bidder(IdxType item_idx, IdxType bidder_idx)
@@ -148,58 +98,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerGS<R, AO, PC>::assign_item_to_bidder(IdxType item_idx, IdxType
bidders_to_items[old_item_owner] = k_invalid_index;
- partial_cost += get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, bidder_idx, true);
- partial_cost -= get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, old_item_owner, true);
- unassigned_items.erase(item_idx);
- unassigned_bidders_persistence -= std::pow(bidders[bidder_idx].persistence_lp(internal_p), wasserstein_power);
- if (old_item_owner != k_invalid_index) {
- // item has been assigned to some other bidder,
- // and he became unassigned
- unassigned_bidders_persistence += std::pow(bidders[old_item_owner].persistence_lp(internal_p), wasserstein_power);
- } else {
- // item was unassigned before
- unassigned_items_persistence -= std::pow(items[item_idx].persistence_lp(internal_p), wasserstein_power);
- }
- if (log_auction)
- plot_logger->info("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9}",
- num_phase,
- num_rounds,
- unassigned_bidders.size(),
- unassigned_items_persistence,
- unassigned_bidders_persistence,
- unassigned_items_persistence + unassigned_bidders_persistence,
- partial_cost,
- total_bidders_persistence,
- total_items_persistence,
- oracle.get_epsilon()
- );
- if (log_auction and unassigned_bidders.size() <= max_unassigned_to_log) {
- auto logger = spdlog::get(logger_name);
- if (logger) {
- auto item = items[item_idx];
- auto bidder = bidders[bidder_idx];
- logger->info("{0} # ({1}, {2}) # ({3}, {4}) # {5} # {6} # {7}",
- num_rounds,
- item.getRealX(),
- item.getRealY(),
- bidder.getRealX(),
- bidder.getRealY(),
- format_point_set_to_log(unassigned_bidders, bidders),
- format_point_set_to_log(unassigned_items, items),
- oracle.get_epsilon());
- }
- }
@@ -220,16 +118,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerGS<R, AO, PC>::flush_assignment()
assert(unassigned_bidders.size() == bidders.size());
- partial_cost = 0.0;
- unassigned_bidders_persistence = total_bidders_persistence;
- unassigned_items_persistence = total_items_persistence;
- for(size_t item_idx = 0; item_idx < items.size(); ++item_idx) {
- unassigned_items.insert(item_idx);
- }
@@ -253,24 +141,13 @@ void AuctionRunnerGS<R, AO, PC>::run_auction_phases(const int max_num_phases, co
// assert(fabs(current_result - current_result_1) < 0.001);
Real denominator = current_result - num_bidders * oracle.get_epsilon();
current_result = pow(current_result, 1.0 / wasserstein_power);
- console_logger->info("Phase {0} done, num_rounds (cumulative) = {1}, current_result = {2}, epsilon = {3}",
- phase_num, format_int(num_rounds), current_result,
- oracle.get_epsilon());
if ( denominator <= 0 ) {
- console_logger->info("Epsilon is too large");
+ ;
} else {
denominator = pow(denominator, 1.0 / wasserstein_power);
Real numerator = current_result - denominator;
relative_error = numerator / denominator;
- // spdlog::get("console")->info("relative error = {} / {} = {}, result = {}", numerator, denominator, relative_error, current_result);
- console_logger->info("error = {0} / {1} = {2}",
- numerator, denominator, relative_error);
if (relative_error <= delta) {
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.h b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.h
index f32fbbc..9746255 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.h
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.h
@@ -127,17 +127,6 @@ public:
Real getDistanceToQthPowerInternal();
int num_phase { 0 };
int num_rounds { 0 };
- bool log_auction { false };
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_items;
- size_t max_unassigned_to_log { 0 };
- const char* logger_name = "auction_detailed_logger"; // the name in spdlog registry; filename is provided as parameter in enable_logging
- const Real total_items_persistence;
- const Real total_bidders_persistence;
- Real partial_cost;
- Real unassigned_bidders_persistence;
- Real unassigned_items_persistence;
} // ws
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.hpp b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.hpp
index a3c401e..b56fbfb 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.hpp
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_gs_single_diag.hpp
@@ -96,24 +96,6 @@ AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag<R, AO>::AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag(co
epsilon_common_ratio(_eps_factor == 0.0 ? 5.0 : _eps_factor),
- , total_items_persistence(std::accumulate(items.begin(),
- items.end(),
- R(0.0),
- [_internal_p, q](const Real& ps, const DgmPoint& item)
- { return ps + std::pow(item.persistence_lp(_internal_p), q); }
- ))
- , total_bidders_persistence(std::accumulate(bidders.begin(),
- bidders.end(),
- R(0.0),
- [_internal_p, q](const Real& ps, const DgmPoint& bidder)
- { return ps + std::pow(bidder.persistence_lp(_internal_p), q); }
- ))
- , partial_cost(0.0)
- , unassigned_bidders_persistence(0.0)
- , unassigned_items_persistence(0.0)
assert(initial_epsilon >= 0.0 );
@@ -133,33 +115,8 @@ AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag<R, AO>::AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag(co
for(size_t i = num_normal_bidders; i < num_bidders; ++i) {
- unassigned_items_persistence = total_items_persistence;
- unassigned_bidders_persistence = total_bidders_persistence;
- if (not spdlog::get("plot_logger")) {
- auto log = spdlog::basic_logger_st("plot_logger", "plot_logger.txt");
- log->info("New plot starts here");
- log->set_pattern("%v");
- }
-template<class R, class AO>
-void AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag<R, AO>::enable_logging(const char* log_filename, const size_t _max_unassigned_to_log)
- log_auction = true;
- max_unassigned_to_log = _max_unassigned_to_log;
- auto log = spdlog::basic_logger_st(logger_name, log_filename);
- log->set_pattern("%v");
template<class R, class AO>
void AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag<R, AO>::process_diagonal_bid(const DiagonalBidR& bid)
@@ -337,61 +294,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag<R, AO>::assign_item_to_bidder(const IdxT
if (call_set_price) {
oracle->set_price(item_idx, new_price, item_is_diagonal, bidder_is_diagonal, old_owner_type);
- //std::cout << "Exit assign_item_to_bidder, state\n" << *this << std::endl;
- partial_cost += get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, bidder_idx, true);
- partial_cost -= get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, old_owner_idx, true);
- unassigned_items.erase(item_idx);
- unassigned_bidders_persistence -= std::pow(bidders[bidder_idx].persistence_lp(internal_p), wasserstein_power);
- if (old_owner_type != OwnerType::k_none) {
- // item has been assigned to some other bidder,
- // and he became unassigned
- unassigned_bidders_persistence += std::pow(bidders[old_owner_idx].persistence_lp(internal_p), wasserstein_power);
- } else {
- // item was unassigned before
- unassigned_items_persistence -= std::pow(items[item_idx].persistence_lp(internal_p), wasserstein_power);
- }
- auto plot_logger = spdlog::get("plot_logger");
- plot_logger->info("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10}",
- num_phase,
- num_rounds,
- unassigned_normal_bidders.size(),
- unassigned_diag_bidders.size(),
- unassigned_items_persistence,
- unassigned_bidders_persistence,
- unassigned_items_persistence + unassigned_bidders_persistence,
- partial_cost,
- total_bidders_persistence,
- total_items_persistence,
- oracle->get_epsilon()
- );
- if (log_auction and unassigned_normal_bidders.size() + unassigned_diag_bidders.size() <= max_unassigned_to_log) {
- auto logger = spdlog::get(logger_name);
- if (logger) {
- auto item = items[item_idx];
- auto bidder = bidders[bidder_idx];
- logger->info("{0} # ({1}, {2}) # ({3}, {4}) # {5} # {6} # {7} # {8}",
- num_rounds,
- item.getRealX(),
- item.getRealY(),
- bidder.getRealX(),
- bidder.getRealY(),
- format_point_set_to_log(unassigned_diag_bidders, bidders),
- format_point_set_to_log(unassigned_normal_bidders, bidders),
- format_point_set_to_log(unassigned_items, items),
- oracle->get_epsilon());
- }
- }
@@ -421,17 +323,6 @@ void AuctionRunnerGaussSeidelSingleDiag<R, AO>::flush_assignment()
- partial_cost = 0.0;
- unassigned_bidders_persistence = total_bidders_persistence;
- unassigned_items_persistence = total_items_persistence;
- for(size_t item_idx = 0; item_idx < items.size(); ++item_idx) {
- unassigned_items.insert(item_idx);
- }
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.h b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.h
index 252ca32..11b8f8e 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.h
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.h
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ derivative works thereof, in binary and source code form.
@@ -62,8 +61,7 @@ public:
AuctionRunnerJac(const PointContainer& A,
const PointContainer& B,
- const AuctionParams<Real>& params,
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix = "");
+ const AuctionParams<Real>& params);
void set_epsilon(Real new_val);
Real get_epsilon() const { return epsilon; }
@@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ public:
void decrease_epsilon();
Real get_wasserstein_distance();
Real get_wasserstein_cost();
- Real get_relative_error(const bool debug_output = false) const;
+ Real get_relative_error() const;
// private data
PointContainer bidders;
@@ -169,54 +167,7 @@ public:
void print_debug();
void print_matching();
- std::string log_filename_prefix;
const Real k_max_relative_error = 2.0; // if relative error cannot be estimated or is too large, use this value
- size_t parallel_threshold { 5000 };
- bool is_step_parallel {false};
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_items;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_normal_items;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> unassigned_diag_items;
- std::unordered_set<size_t> never_assigned_bidders;
- size_t all_assigned_round { 0 };
- size_t all_assigned_round_found { false };
- int num_rounds_non_cumulative { 0 }; // set to 0 in the beginning of each phase
- int num_diag_assignments { 0 };
- int num_diag_assignments_non_cumulative { 0 };
- int num_diag_bids_submitted { 0 };
- int num_diag_stole_from_diag { 0 };
- int num_normal_assignments { 0 };
- int num_normal_assignments_non_cumulative { 0 };
- int num_normal_bids_submitted { 0 };
- std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> price_change_cnt_vec;
- const char* plot_logger_name = "plot_logger";
- const char* price_state_logger_name = "price_stat_logger";
- std::string plot_logger_file_name;
- std::string price_stat_logger_file_name;
- std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> plot_logger;
- std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> price_stat_logger;
- std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> console_logger;
- int num_parallel_bids { 0 };
- int num_total_bids { 0 };
- int num_parallel_diag_bids { 0 };
- int num_total_diag_bids { 0 };
- int num_parallel_normal_bids { 0 };
- int num_total_normal_bids { 0 };
- int num_parallel_assignments { 0 };
- int num_total_assignments { 0 };
}; // AuctionRunnerJac
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.hpp b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.hpp
index e623f4a..4dcb235 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.hpp
+++ b/wasserstein/include/auction_runner_jac.hpp
@@ -53,9 +53,7 @@ namespace ws {
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
AuctionRunnerJac<R, AO, PC>::AuctionRunnerJac(const PointContainer& A,
const PointContainer& B,
- const AuctionParams<Real>& params,
- const std::string &_log_filename_prefix
- ) :
+ const AuctionParams<Real>& params) :
@@ -71,9 +69,9 @@ namespace ws {
bid_table(A.size(), std::make_pair(k_invalid_index, k_lowest_bid_value)),
oracle(bidders, items, params),
- dimension(params.dim),
+ dimension(params.dim)
- total_items_persistence(std::accumulate(items.begin(),
+ , total_items_persistence(std::accumulate(items.begin(),
[params](const Real &ps, const DgmPoint &item) {
@@ -89,9 +87,8 @@ namespace ws {
- gamma_threshold(params.gamma_threshold),
+ gamma_threshold(params.gamma_threshold)
- log_filename_prefix(_log_filename_prefix)
assert(A.size() == B.size());
@@ -119,74 +116,6 @@ namespace ws {
- parallel_threshold = 16;
- console_logger = spdlog::get("console");
- if (not console_logger) {
- console_logger = spdlog::stdout_logger_st("console");
- }
- console_logger->set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S.%e] %v");
- if (max_bids_per_round == 1) {
- console_logger->info("Gauss-Seidel imitated by Jacobi runner, q = {0}, max_bids_per_round = {1}, batch_size = {4}, gamma_threshold = {2}, diag_first = {3} ORDERED_BY_PERSISTENCE",
- wasserstein_power,
- max_bids_per_round,
- gamma_threshold,
- diag_first,
- batch_size);
- } else {
- console_logger->info("Jacobi runner, q = {0}, max_bids_per_round = {1}, batch_size = {4}, gamma_threshold = {2}, diag_first = {3} ORDERED_BY_PERSISTENCE",
- wasserstein_power,
- max_bids_per_round,
- gamma_threshold,
- diag_first,
- batch_size);
- }
- if (max_bids_per_round == 1) {
- console_logger->info(
- "Gauss-Seidel imitated by Jacobi runner, q = {0}, max_bids_per_round = {1}, batch_size = {4}, gamma_threshold = {2}, diag_first = {3}",
- wasserstein_power,
- max_bids_per_round,
- gamma_threshold,
- diag_first,
- batch_size);
- } else {
- console_logger->info(
- "Jacobi runner, q = {0}, max_bids_per_round = {1}, batch_size = {4}, gamma_threshold = {2}, diag_first = {3}",
- wasserstein_power,
- max_bids_per_round,
- gamma_threshold,
- diag_first,
- batch_size);
- }
- plot_logger_file_name = log_filename_prefix + "_plot.txt";
- plot_logger = spdlog::get(plot_logger_name);
- if (not plot_logger) {
- plot_logger = spdlog::basic_logger_st(plot_logger_name, plot_logger_file_name);
- }
- plot_logger->info("New plot starts here, diagram size = {0}, gamma_threshold = {1}, epsilon_common_ratio = {2}",
- bidders.size(),
- gamma_threshold,
- epsilon_common_ratio);
- plot_logger->set_pattern("%v");
- price_stat_logger_file_name = log_filename_prefix + "_price_change_stat";
- price_stat_logger = spdlog::get(price_state_logger_name);
- if (not price_stat_logger) {
- price_stat_logger = spdlog::basic_logger_st(price_state_logger_name,
- price_stat_logger_file_name);
- }
- price_stat_logger->info(
- "New price statistics starts here, diagram size = {0}, gamma_threshold = {1}, epsilon_common_ratio = {2}",
- bidders.size(),
- gamma_threshold,
- epsilon_common_ratio);
- price_stat_logger->set_pattern("%v");
@@ -233,24 +162,6 @@ namespace ws {
// new edge was added to matching, increase partial cost
partial_cost += get_item_bidder_cost(item_idx, bidder_idx);
- if (is_item_diagonal(item_idx)) {
- num_diag_assignments++;
- num_diag_assignments_non_cumulative++;
- } else {
- num_normal_assignments++;
- num_normal_assignments_non_cumulative++;
- }
- if (k_invalid_index != old_item_owner) {
- if (is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx) and is_bidder_diagonal(old_item_owner)) {
- num_diag_stole_from_diag++;
- }
- }
- //sanity_check();
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
@@ -268,15 +179,6 @@ namespace ws {
IdxValPairR best_bid{bid_table[item_idx]};
assign_item_to_bidder(item_idx, best_bid.first);
oracle.set_price(item_idx, best_bid.second);
- if (is_step_parallel) {
- num_parallel_assignments++;
- }
- num_total_assignments++;
- price_change_cnt_vec.back()[item_idx]++;
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
@@ -300,18 +202,6 @@ namespace ws {
bid_table[item_idx].second = bid_value;
- num_total_bids++;
- if (is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx)) {
- num_diag_bids_submitted++;
- } else {
- num_normal_bids_submitted++;
- }
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
@@ -347,7 +237,7 @@ namespace ws {
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
typename AuctionRunnerJac<R, AO, PC>::Real
- AuctionRunnerJac<R, AO, PC>::get_relative_error(const bool debug_output) const
+ AuctionRunnerJac<R, AO, PC>::get_relative_error() const
if (partial_cost == 0.0 and unassigned_bidders.empty())
return 0.0;
@@ -360,21 +250,10 @@ namespace ws {
// cost minus n epsilon
Real reduced_cost = partial_cost - num_bidders * get_epsilon();
if (reduced_cost < 0) {
- if (debug_output) {
- console_logger->info("Epsilon too large, reduced_cost = {0}, gamma = {1}", reduced_cost, gamma);
- }
result = k_max_relative_error;
} else {
Real denominator = std::pow(reduced_cost, 1.0 / wasserstein_power) - gamma;
if (denominator <= 0) {
- if (debug_output) {
- console_logger->info("Epsilon too large, reduced_cost = {0}, denominator = {1}, gamma = {2}",
- reduced_cost, denominator, gamma);
- }
result = k_max_relative_error;
} else {
Real numerator = 2 * gamma +
@@ -382,17 +261,6 @@ namespace ws {
std::pow(reduced_cost, 1.0 / wasserstein_power);
result = numerator / denominator;
- if (debug_output) {
- console_logger->info(
- "Reduced_cost = {0}, denominator = {1}, numerator {2}, error = {3}, gamma = {4}",
- reduced_cost,
- denominator,
- numerator,
- result,
- gamma);
- }
return result;
@@ -437,30 +305,6 @@ namespace ws {
unassigned_bidders_persistence = total_bidders_persistence;
unassigned_items_persistence = total_items_persistence;
- price_change_cnt_vec.push_back(std::vector<size_t>(num_items, 0));
- never_assigned_bidders = unassigned_bidders;
- for (size_t item_idx = 0; item_idx < items.size(); ++item_idx) {
- unassigned_items.insert(item_idx);
- if (is_item_normal(item_idx)) {
- unassigned_normal_items.insert(item_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_diag_items.insert(item_idx);
- }
- }
- num_diag_bids_submitted = 0;
- num_normal_bids_submitted = 0;
- num_diag_assignments = 0;
- num_normal_assignments = 0;
- all_assigned_round = 0;
- all_assigned_round_found = false;
- num_rounds_non_cumulative = 0;
} // flush_assignment
@@ -481,65 +325,6 @@ namespace ws {
- console_logger->info(
- "Phase {0} done, current_result = {1}, eps = {2}, error = {7}, num_rounds = {3}, num_assignments = {4}, num_bids_submitted = {5}, # unassigned = {6}",
- num_phase,
- partial_cost,
- get_epsilon(),
- format_int<>(num_rounds),
- format_int<>(num_normal_assignments + num_diag_assignments),
- format_int<>(num_normal_bids_submitted + num_diag_bids_submitted),
- unassigned_bidders.size(),
- get_relative_error(num_phase == 1)
- );
-// console_logger->info("num_rounds (non-cumulative)= {0}, num_diag_assignments = {1}, num_normal_assignments = {2}, num_diag_bids_submitted = {3}, num_normal_bids_submitted = {4}",
-// format_int<>(num_rounds_non_cumulative),
-// format_int<>(num_diag_assignments),
-// format_int<>(num_normal_assignments),
-// format_int<>(num_diag_bids_submitted),
-// format_int<>(num_normal_bids_submitted)
-// );
- console_logger->info(
- "num_parallel_bids / num_total_bids = {0} / {1} = {2}, num_parallel_assignments / num_total_aassignments = {3} / {4} = {5}",
- format_int<>(num_parallel_bids),
- format_int<>(num_total_bids),
- static_cast<double>(num_parallel_bids) / static_cast<double>(num_total_bids),
- format_int<>(num_parallel_assignments),
- format_int<>(num_total_assignments),
- static_cast<double>(num_parallel_assignments) / static_cast<double>(num_total_assignments)
- );
- console_logger->info(
- "num_parallel_diag_bids / num_total_diag_bids = {0} / {1} = {2}, num_parallel_normal_bids / num_total_normal_bids = {3} / {4} = {5}",
- format_int<>(num_parallel_diag_bids),
- format_int<>(num_total_diag_bids),
- static_cast<double>(num_parallel_diag_bids) / static_cast<double>(num_total_diag_bids),
- format_int<>(num_parallel_normal_bids),
- format_int<>(num_total_normal_bids),
- static_cast<double>(num_parallel_normal_bids) / static_cast<double>(num_total_normal_bids)
- );
-// console_logger->info("num_rounds before all biders assigned = {0}, num_rounds (non-cumulative)= {1}, fraction = {2}",
-// format_int<>(all_assigned_round),
-// format_int<>(num_rounds_non_cumulative),
-// static_cast<double>(all_assigned_round) / static_cast<double>(num_rounds_non_cumulative)
-// );
- for (size_t item_idx = 0; item_idx < num_items; ++item_idx) {
- price_stat_logger->info("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}",
- phase_num,
- item_idx,
- items[item_idx][0],
- items[item_idx][1],
- price_change_cnt_vec.back()[item_idx]
- );
- }
if (is_done())
@@ -618,31 +403,15 @@ namespace ws {
- never_assigned_bidders.erase(bidder_idx);
- if (never_assigned_bidders.empty() and not all_assigned_round_found) {
- all_assigned_round = num_rounds_non_cumulative;
- all_assigned_round_found = true;
- }
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
void AuctionRunnerJac<R, AO, PC>::remove_unassigned_item(const size_t item_idx) {
+ // to suppress unused parameter warning
+ (void)item_idx;
unassigned_items_persistence -= get_cost_to_diagonal(items[item_idx]);
- unassigned_items.erase(item_idx);
- if (is_item_normal(item_idx)) {
- unassigned_normal_items.erase(item_idx);
- } else {
- unassigned_diag_items.erase(item_idx);
- }
@@ -650,12 +419,6 @@ namespace ws {
template<class Range>
void AuctionRunnerJac<R, AO, PC>::run_bidding_step(const Range &active_bidders)
- is_step_parallel = false;
- size_t diag_bids_submitted = 0;
- size_t normal_bids_submitted = 0;
size_t bids_submitted = 0;
for (const auto bidder_idx : active_bidders) {
@@ -663,37 +426,8 @@ namespace ws {
submit_bid(bidder_idx, oracle.get_optimal_bid(bidder_idx));
- if (is_bidder_diagonal(bidder_idx)) {
- diag_bids_submitted++;
- } else {
- normal_bids_submitted++;
- }
- if (bids_submitted >= parallel_threshold) {
- is_step_parallel = true;
- }
- if (bids_submitted >= max_bids_per_round) {
- break;
- }
- if (diag_first and not unassigned_diag_bidders.empty() and
- diag_bids_submitted >= oracle.get_heap_top_size()) {
- continue;
- }
- num_total_diag_bids += diag_bids_submitted;
- num_total_normal_bids += normal_bids_submitted;
- if (is_step_parallel) {
- num_parallel_bids += bids_submitted;
- num_parallel_diag_bids += diag_bids_submitted;
- num_parallel_normal_bids += normal_bids_submitted;
- }
template<class R, class AO, class PC>
@@ -720,12 +454,6 @@ namespace ws {
do {
- num_diag_stole_from_diag = 0;
- num_normal_assignments_non_cumulative = 0;
- num_diag_assignments_non_cumulative = 0;
- num_rounds_non_cumulative++;
// bidding
@@ -756,26 +484,6 @@ namespace ws {
for (auto item_idx : items_with_bids) {
- plot_logger->info("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14}",
- num_phase,
- num_rounds,
- unassigned_bidders.size(),
- get_gamma(),
- partial_cost,
- oracle.get_epsilon(),
- unassigned_normal_bidders.size(),
- unassigned_diag_bidders.size(),
- unassigned_normal_items.size(),
- unassigned_diag_items.size(),
- num_normal_assignments_non_cumulative,
- num_diag_assignments_non_cumulative,
- oracle.get_heap_top_size(),
- get_relative_error(false),
- num_diag_stole_from_diag
- );
- //sanity_check();
} while (continue_auction_phase());
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/basic_defs_ws.h b/wasserstein/include/basic_defs_ws.h
index bdcfd75..73c761c 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/basic_defs_ws.h
+++ b/wasserstein/include/basic_defs_ws.h
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ namespace ws
template<class Real>
struct DistImpl<Real, DiagramPoint<Real>>
- Real operator()(const DiagramPoint<Real>& a, const DiagramPoint<Real>& b, const Real p, const int dim)
+ Real operator()(const DiagramPoint<Real>& a, const DiagramPoint<Real>& b, const Real p, const int /*dim */)
Real result = 0.0;
if ( a.is_diagonal() and b.is_diagonal()) {
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/tbb.h b/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/tbb.h
index 712f812..20e886e 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/tbb.h
+++ b/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/tbb.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#ifdef TBB
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#include <boost/serialization/collections_load_imp.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/collections_save_imp.hpp>
+using namespace boost::placeholders;
namespace hera
namespace ws
diff --git a/wasserstein/include/wasserstein.h b/wasserstein/include/wasserstein.h
index 142fcbb..1530b79 100644
--- a/wasserstein/include/wasserstein.h
+++ b/wasserstein/include/wasserstein.h
@@ -208,8 +208,7 @@ namespace ws
template<class RealType>
inline RealType wasserstein_cost_vec(const std::vector<DiagramPoint<RealType>>& A,
const std::vector<DiagramPoint<RealType>>& B,
- AuctionParams<RealType>& params,
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix)
+ AuctionParams<RealType>& params)
if (params.wasserstein_power < 1.0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Bad q in Wasserstein " + std::to_string(params.wasserstein_power));
@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ namespace ws
RealType result;
// just use Gauss-Seidel
- AuctionRunnerGS<RealType> auction(A, B, params, _log_filename_prefix);
+ AuctionRunnerGS<RealType> auction(A, B, params);
result = auction.get_wasserstein_cost();
params.final_relative_error = auction.get_relative_error();
@@ -245,8 +244,7 @@ template<class PairContainer>
inline typename DiagramTraits<PairContainer>::RealType
wasserstein_cost(const PairContainer& A,
const PairContainer& B,
- AuctionParams< typename DiagramTraits<PairContainer>::RealType >& params,
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix = "")
+ AuctionParams< typename DiagramTraits<PairContainer>::RealType >& params)
using Traits = DiagramTraits<PairContainer>;
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@ wasserstein_cost(const PairContainer& A,
if (infinity_cost == plus_inf) {
return infinity_cost;
} else {
- return infinity_cost + wasserstein_cost_vec(dgm_A, dgm_B, params, _log_filename_prefix);
+ return infinity_cost + wasserstein_cost_vec(dgm_A, dgm_B, params);
@@ -364,11 +362,10 @@ template<class PairContainer>
inline typename DiagramTraits<PairContainer>::RealType
wasserstein_dist(const PairContainer& A,
const PairContainer& B,
- AuctionParams<typename DiagramTraits<PairContainer>::RealType>& params,
- const std::string& _log_filename_prefix = "")
+ AuctionParams<typename DiagramTraits<PairContainer>::RealType>& params)
using Real = typename DiagramTraits<PairContainer>::RealType;
- return std::pow(hera::wasserstein_cost(A, B, params, _log_filename_prefix), Real(1.)/params.wasserstein_power);
+ return std::pow(hera::wasserstein_cost(A, B, params), Real(1.)/params.wasserstein_power);
} // end of namespace hera
diff --git a/wasserstein/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/wasserstein/tests/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b379da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasserstein/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+add_executable(wasserstein_test tests_main.cpp test_hera_wasserstein.cpp test_hera_wasserstein_pure_geom.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(wasserstein_test PRIVATE ${libraries})
+target_include_directories(tests PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../include
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}../extern/Catch2/src)
+target_link_libraries(tests PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
+add_test(NAME all COMMAND wasserstein_test)
diff --git a/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein.cpp b/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein.cpp
index 6f5de3b..6a0404a 100644
--- a/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein.cpp
+++ b/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-#define LOG_AUCTION
#include "catch/catch.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "wasserstein.h"
#include "tests_reader.h"
diff --git a/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein_pure_geom.cpp b/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein_pure_geom.cpp
index 9603ceb..e7aa417 100644
--- a/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein_pure_geom.cpp
+++ b/wasserstein/tests/test_hera_wasserstein_pure_geom.cpp
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
#include <iostream>
#include "wasserstein_pure_geom.hpp"
#include "tests_reader.h"
diff --git a/wasserstein/tests/tests_main.cpp b/wasserstein/tests/tests_main.cpp
index d24407e..1c77b13 100644
--- a/wasserstein/tests/tests_main.cpp
+++ b/wasserstein/tests/tests_main.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-#define LOG_AUCTION
#include "catch/catch.hpp"