path: root/matching/include/spdlog/sinks
diff options
authorArnur Nigmetov <>2019-12-03 21:14:03 +0100
committerArnur Nigmetov <>2020-02-18 15:02:39 +0100
commit6942d80c4d49239bca9cace9833aa74aee11ddcb (patch)
tree59797321de3b11800de28db8a4dc212828d11844 /matching/include/spdlog/sinks
parent919f04a0ad3406b9c02fbce3a9a92c03c9e85c94 (diff)
Add matching distance code.
Diffstat (limited to 'matching/include/spdlog/sinks')
15 files changed, 1439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/android_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/android_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae7f773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/android_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/fmt_helper.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/os.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <android/log.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+ * Android sink (logging using __android_log_write)
+ */
+template<typename Mutex>
+class android_sink final : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ explicit android_sink(std::string tag = "spdlog", bool use_raw_msg = false)
+ : tag_(std::move(tag))
+ , use_raw_msg_(use_raw_msg)
+ {
+ }
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ const android_LogPriority priority = convert_to_android_(msg.level);
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ if (use_raw_msg_)
+ {
+ details::fmt_helper::append_string_view(msg.payload, formatted);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ }
+ formatted.push_back('\0');
+ const char *msg_output =;
+ // See system/core/liblog/logger_write.c for explanation of return value
+ int ret = __android_log_write(priority, tag_.c_str(), msg_output);
+ int retry_count = 0;
+ while ((ret == -11 /*EAGAIN*/) && (retry_count < SPDLOG_ANDROID_RETRIES))
+ {
+ details::os::sleep_for_millis(5);
+ ret = __android_log_write(priority, tag_.c_str(), msg_output);
+ retry_count++;
+ }
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ throw spdlog_ex("__android_log_write() failed", ret);
+ }
+ }
+ void flush_() override {}
+ static android_LogPriority convert_to_android_(spdlog::level::level_enum level)
+ {
+ switch (level)
+ {
+ case spdlog::level::trace:
+ case spdlog::level::debug:
+ case spdlog::level::info:
+ case spdlog::level::warn:
+ case spdlog::level::err:
+ case spdlog::level::critical:
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ std::string tag_;
+ bool use_raw_msg_;
+using android_sink_mt = android_sink<std::mutex>;
+using android_sink_st = android_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+// Create and register android syslog logger
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> android_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name, const std::string &tag = "spdlog")
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::android_sink_mt>(logger_name, tag);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> android_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name, const std::string &tag = "spdlog")
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::android_sink_st>(logger_name, tag);
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/ansicolor_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/ansicolor_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5e353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/ansicolor_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2017 spdlog authors.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/console_globals.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/os.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/sink.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+ * This sink prefixes the output with an ANSI escape sequence color code
+ * depending on the severity
+ * of the message.
+ * If no color terminal detected, omit the escape codes.
+ */
+template<typename TargetStream, class ConsoleMutex>
+class ansicolor_sink final : public sink
+ using mutex_t = typename ConsoleMutex::mutex_t;
+ ansicolor_sink()
+ : target_file_(TargetStream::stream())
+ , mutex_(ConsoleMutex::mutex())
+ {
+ should_do_colors_ = details::os::in_terminal(target_file_) && details::os::is_color_terminal();
+ colors_[level::trace] = white;
+ colors_[level::debug] = cyan;
+ colors_[level::info] = green;
+ colors_[level::warn] = yellow + bold;
+ colors_[level::err] = red + bold;
+ colors_[level::critical] = bold + on_red;
+ colors_[level::off] = reset;
+ }
+ ~ansicolor_sink() override = default;
+ ansicolor_sink(const ansicolor_sink &other) = delete;
+ ansicolor_sink &operator=(const ansicolor_sink &other) = delete;
+ void set_color(level::level_enum color_level, const std::string &color)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ colors_[color_level] = color;
+ }
+ /// Formatting codes
+ const std::string reset = "\033[m";
+ const std::string bold = "\033[1m";
+ const std::string dark = "\033[2m";
+ const std::string underline = "\033[4m";
+ const std::string blink = "\033[5m";
+ const std::string reverse = "\033[7m";
+ const std::string concealed = "\033[8m";
+ const std::string clear_line = "\033[K";
+ // Foreground colors
+ const std::string black = "\033[30m";
+ const std::string red = "\033[31m";
+ const std::string green = "\033[32m";
+ const std::string yellow = "\033[33m";
+ const std::string blue = "\033[34m";
+ const std::string magenta = "\033[35m";
+ const std::string cyan = "\033[36m";
+ const std::string white = "\033[37m";
+ /// Background colors
+ const std::string on_black = "\033[40m";
+ const std::string on_red = "\033[41m";
+ const std::string on_green = "\033[42m";
+ const std::string on_yellow = "\033[43m";
+ const std::string on_blue = "\033[44m";
+ const std::string on_magenta = "\033[45m";
+ const std::string on_cyan = "\033[46m";
+ const std::string on_white = "\033[47m";
+ void log(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ // Wrap the originally formatted message in color codes.
+ // If color is not supported in the terminal, log as is instead.
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ if (should_do_colors_ && msg.color_range_end > msg.color_range_start)
+ {
+ // before color range
+ print_range_(formatted, 0, msg.color_range_start);
+ // in color range
+ print_ccode_(colors_[msg.level]);
+ print_range_(formatted, msg.color_range_start, msg.color_range_end);
+ print_ccode_(reset);
+ // after color range
+ print_range_(formatted, msg.color_range_end, formatted.size());
+ }
+ else // no color
+ {
+ print_range_(formatted, 0, formatted.size());
+ }
+ fflush(target_file_);
+ }
+ void flush() override
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ fflush(target_file_);
+ }
+ void set_pattern(const std::string &pattern) final
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ formatter_ = std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter>(new pattern_formatter(pattern));
+ }
+ void set_formatter(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> sink_formatter) override
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ formatter_ = std::move(sink_formatter);
+ }
+ void print_ccode_(const std::string &color_code)
+ {
+ fwrite(, sizeof(char), color_code.size(), target_file_);
+ }
+ void print_range_(const fmt::memory_buffer &formatted, size_t start, size_t end)
+ {
+ fwrite( + start, sizeof(char), end - start, target_file_);
+ }
+ FILE *target_file_;
+ mutex_t &mutex_;
+ bool should_do_colors_;
+ std::unordered_map<level::level_enum, std::string, level::level_hasher> colors_;
+using ansicolor_stdout_sink_mt = ansicolor_sink<details::console_stdout, details::console_mutex>;
+using ansicolor_stdout_sink_st = ansicolor_sink<details::console_stdout, details::console_nullmutex>;
+using ansicolor_stderr_sink_mt = ansicolor_sink<details::console_stderr, details::console_mutex>;
+using ansicolor_stderr_sink_st = ansicolor_sink<details::console_stderr, details::console_nullmutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2259518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+// base sink templated over a mutex (either dummy or real)
+// concrete implementation should override the sink_it_() and flush_() methods.
+// locking is taken care of in this class - no locking needed by the
+// implementers..
+#include "spdlog/common.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/log_msg.h"
+#include "spdlog/formatter.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/sink.h"
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+template<typename Mutex>
+class base_sink : public sink
+ base_sink() = default;
+ base_sink(const base_sink &) = delete;
+ base_sink &operator=(const base_sink &) = delete;
+ void log(const details::log_msg &msg) final
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ sink_it_(msg);
+ }
+ void flush() final
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ flush_();
+ }
+ void set_pattern(const std::string &pattern) final
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ set_pattern_(pattern);
+ }
+ void set_formatter(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> sink_formatter) final
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ set_formatter_(std::move(sink_formatter));
+ }
+ virtual void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) = 0;
+ virtual void flush_() = 0;
+ virtual void set_pattern_(const std::string &pattern)
+ {
+ set_formatter_(details::make_unique<spdlog::pattern_formatter>(pattern));
+ }
+ virtual void set_formatter_(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> sink_formatter)
+ {
+ formatter_ = std::move(sink_formatter);
+ }
+ Mutex mutex_;
+} // namespace sinks
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..facc720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015-2018 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/file_helper.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+ * Trivial file sink with single file as target
+ */
+template<typename Mutex>
+class basic_file_sink final : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ explicit basic_file_sink(const filename_t &filename, bool truncate = false)
+ {
+, truncate);
+ }
+ const filename_t &filename() const
+ {
+ return file_helper_.filename();
+ }
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ file_helper_.write(formatted);
+ }
+ void flush_() override
+ {
+ file_helper_.flush();
+ }
+ details::file_helper file_helper_;
+using basic_file_sink_mt = basic_file_sink<std::mutex>;
+using basic_file_sink_st = basic_file_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+// factory functions
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> basic_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name, const filename_t &filename, bool truncate = false)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::basic_file_sink_mt>(logger_name, filename, truncate);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> basic_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name, const filename_t &filename, bool truncate = false)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::basic_file_sink_st>(logger_name, filename, truncate);
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/daily_file_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/daily_file_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08392c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/daily_file_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/file_helper.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/fmt/fmt.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <chrono>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+ * Generator of daily log file names in format basename.YYYY-MM-DD.ext
+ */
+struct daily_filename_calculator
+ // Create filename for the form basename.YYYY-MM-DD
+ static filename_t calc_filename(const filename_t &filename, const tm &now_tm)
+ {
+ filename_t basename, ext;
+ std::tie(basename, ext) = details::file_helper::split_by_extension(filename);
+ std::conditional<std::is_same<filename_t::value_type, char>::value, fmt::memory_buffer, fmt::wmemory_buffer>::type w;
+ fmt::format_to(
+ w, SPDLOG_FILENAME_T("{}_{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}{}"), basename, now_tm.tm_year + 1900, now_tm.tm_mon + 1, now_tm.tm_mday, ext);
+ return fmt::to_string(w);
+ }
+ * Rotating file sink based on date. rotates at midnight
+ */
+template<typename Mutex, typename FileNameCalc = daily_filename_calculator>
+class daily_file_sink final : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ // create daily file sink which rotates on given time
+ daily_file_sink(filename_t base_filename, int rotation_hour, int rotation_minute, bool truncate = false)
+ : base_filename_(std::move(base_filename))
+ , rotation_h_(rotation_hour)
+ , rotation_m_(rotation_minute)
+ , truncate_(truncate)
+ {
+ if (rotation_hour < 0 || rotation_hour > 23 || rotation_minute < 0 || rotation_minute > 59)
+ {
+ throw spdlog_ex("daily_file_sink: Invalid rotation time in ctor");
+ }
+ auto now = log_clock::now();
+, now_tm(now)), truncate_);
+ rotation_tp_ = next_rotation_tp_();
+ }
+ const filename_t &filename() const
+ {
+ return file_helper_.filename();
+ }
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ if (msg.time >= rotation_tp_)
+ {
+, now_tm(msg.time)), truncate_);
+ rotation_tp_ = next_rotation_tp_();
+ }
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ file_helper_.write(formatted);
+ }
+ void flush_() override
+ {
+ file_helper_.flush();
+ }
+ tm now_tm(log_clock::time_point tp)
+ {
+ time_t tnow = log_clock::to_time_t(tp);
+ return spdlog::details::os::localtime(tnow);
+ }
+ log_clock::time_point next_rotation_tp_()
+ {
+ auto now = log_clock::now();
+ tm date = now_tm(now);
+ date.tm_hour = rotation_h_;
+ date.tm_min = rotation_m_;
+ date.tm_sec = 0;
+ auto rotation_time = log_clock::from_time_t(std::mktime(&date));
+ if (rotation_time > now)
+ {
+ return rotation_time;
+ }
+ return {rotation_time + std::chrono::hours(24)};
+ }
+ filename_t base_filename_;
+ int rotation_h_;
+ int rotation_m_;
+ log_clock::time_point rotation_tp_;
+ details::file_helper file_helper_;
+ bool truncate_;
+using daily_file_sink_mt = daily_file_sink<std::mutex>;
+using daily_file_sink_st = daily_file_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+// factory functions
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> daily_logger_mt(
+ const std::string &logger_name, const filename_t &filename, int hour = 0, int minute = 0, bool truncate = false)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::daily_file_sink_mt>(logger_name, filename, hour, minute, truncate);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> daily_logger_st(
+ const std::string &logger_name, const filename_t &filename, int hour = 0, int minute = 0, bool truncate = false)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::daily_file_sink_st>(logger_name, filename, hour, minute, truncate);
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/dist_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/dist_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44de391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/dist_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 David Schury, Gabi Melman
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "base_sink.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/log_msg.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <vector>
+// Distribution sink (mux). Stores a vector of sinks which get called when log
+// is called
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+template<typename Mutex>
+class dist_sink : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ dist_sink() = default;
+ dist_sink(const dist_sink &) = delete;
+ dist_sink &operator=(const dist_sink &) = delete;
+ void add_sink(std::shared_ptr<sink> sink)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(base_sink<Mutex>::mutex_);
+ sinks_.push_back(sink);
+ }
+ void remove_sink(std::shared_ptr<sink> sink)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(base_sink<Mutex>::mutex_);
+ sinks_.erase(std::remove(sinks_.begin(), sinks_.end(), sink), sinks_.end());
+ }
+ void set_sinks(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sink>> sinks)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(base_sink<Mutex>::mutex_);
+ sinks_ = std::move(sinks);
+ }
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ for (auto &sink : sinks_)
+ {
+ if (sink->should_log(msg.level))
+ {
+ sink->log(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void flush_() override
+ {
+ for (auto &sink : sinks_)
+ {
+ sink->flush();
+ }
+ }
+ void set_pattern_(const std::string &pattern) override
+ {
+ set_formatter_(details::make_unique<spdlog::pattern_formatter>(pattern));
+ }
+ void set_formatter_(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> sink_formatter) override
+ {
+ base_sink<Mutex>::formatter_ = std::move(sink_formatter);
+ for (auto &sink : sinks_)
+ {
+ sink->set_formatter(base_sink<Mutex>::formatter_->clone());
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sink>> sinks_;
+using dist_sink_mt = dist_sink<std::mutex>;
+using dist_sink_st = dist_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/msvc_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/msvc_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f06c16c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/msvc_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2016 Alexander Dalshov.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <winbase.h>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+ * MSVC sink (logging using OutputDebugStringA)
+ */
+template<typename Mutex>
+class msvc_sink : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ explicit msvc_sink() {}
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ OutputDebugStringA(fmt::to_string(formatted).c_str());
+ }
+ void flush_() override {}
+using msvc_sink_mt = msvc_sink<std::mutex>;
+using msvc_sink_st = msvc_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+using windebug_sink_mt = msvc_sink_mt;
+using windebug_sink_st = msvc_sink_st;
+} // namespace sinks
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/null_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/null_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54f322c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/null_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <mutex>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+template<typename Mutex>
+class null_sink : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &) override {}
+ void flush_() override {}
+using null_sink_mt = null_sink<std::mutex>;
+using null_sink_st = null_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> null_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name)
+ auto null_logger = Factory::template create<sinks::null_sink_mt>(logger_name);
+ null_logger->set_level(level::off);
+ return null_logger;
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> null_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name)
+ auto null_logger = Factory::template create<sinks::null_sink_st>(logger_name);
+ null_logger->set_level(level::off);
+ return null_logger;
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/ostream_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/ostream_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e377b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/ostream_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <mutex>
+#include <ostream>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+template<typename Mutex>
+class ostream_sink final : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ explicit ostream_sink(std::ostream &os, bool force_flush = false)
+ : ostream_(os)
+ , force_flush_(force_flush)
+ {
+ }
+ ostream_sink(const ostream_sink &) = delete;
+ ostream_sink &operator=(const ostream_sink &) = delete;
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ ostream_.write(, static_cast<std::streamsize>(formatted.size()));
+ if (force_flush_)
+ {
+ ostream_.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ void flush_() override
+ {
+ ostream_.flush();
+ }
+ std::ostream &ostream_;
+ bool force_flush_;
+using ostream_sink_mt = ostream_sink<std::mutex>;
+using ostream_sink_st = ostream_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae0f70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/file_helper.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/fmt/fmt.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+// Rotating file sink based on size
+template<typename Mutex>
+class rotating_file_sink final : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ rotating_file_sink(filename_t base_filename, std::size_t max_size, std::size_t max_files, bool rotate_on_open=false)
+ : base_filename_(std::move(base_filename))
+ , max_size_(max_size)
+ , max_files_(max_files)
+ {
+, 0));
+ current_size_ = file_helper_.size(); // expensive. called only once
+ if (rotate_on_open && current_size_ > 0)
+ {
+ rotate_();
+ }
+ }
+ // calc filename according to index and file extension if exists.
+ // e.g. calc_filename("logs/mylog.txt, 3) => "logs/mylog.3.txt".
+ static filename_t calc_filename(const filename_t &filename, std::size_t index)
+ {
+ typename std::conditional<std::is_same<filename_t::value_type, char>::value, fmt::memory_buffer, fmt::wmemory_buffer>::type w;
+ if (index != 0u)
+ {
+ filename_t basename, ext;
+ std::tie(basename, ext) = details::file_helper::split_by_extension(filename);
+ fmt::format_to(w, SPDLOG_FILENAME_T("{}.{}{}"), basename, index, ext);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt::format_to(w, SPDLOG_FILENAME_T("{}"), filename);
+ }
+ return fmt::to_string(w);
+ }
+ const filename_t &filename() const
+ {
+ return file_helper_.filename();
+ }
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ current_size_ += formatted.size();
+ if (current_size_ > max_size_)
+ {
+ rotate_();
+ current_size_ = formatted.size();
+ }
+ file_helper_.write(formatted);
+ }
+ void flush_() override
+ {
+ file_helper_.flush();
+ }
+ // Rotate files:
+ // log.txt -> log.1.txt
+ // log.1.txt -> log.2.txt
+ // log.2.txt -> log.3.txt
+ // log.3.txt -> delete
+ void rotate_()
+ {
+ using details::os::filename_to_str;
+ file_helper_.close();
+ for (auto i = max_files_; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ filename_t src = calc_filename(base_filename_, i - 1);
+ if (!details::file_helper::file_exists(src))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ filename_t target = calc_filename(base_filename_, i);
+ if (!rename_file(src, target))
+ {
+ // if failed try again after a small delay.
+ // this is a workaround to a windows issue, where very high rotation
+ // rates can cause the rename to fail with permission denied (because of antivirus?).
+ details::os::sleep_for_millis(100);
+ if (!rename_file(src, target))
+ {
+ file_helper_.reopen(true); // truncate the log file anyway to prevent it to grow beyond its limit!
+ current_size_ = 0;
+ throw spdlog_ex(
+ "rotating_file_sink: failed renaming " + filename_to_str(src) + " to " + filename_to_str(target), errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file_helper_.reopen(true);
+ }
+ // delete the target if exists, and rename the src file to target
+ // return true on success, false otherwise.
+ bool rename_file(const filename_t &src_filename, const filename_t &target_filename)
+ {
+ // try to delete the target file in case it already exists.
+ (void)details::os::remove(target_filename);
+ return details::os::rename(src_filename, target_filename) == 0;
+ }
+ filename_t base_filename_;
+ std::size_t max_size_;
+ std::size_t max_files_;
+ std::size_t current_size_;
+ details::file_helper file_helper_;
+using rotating_file_sink_mt = rotating_file_sink<std::mutex>;
+using rotating_file_sink_st = rotating_file_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+// factory functions
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> rotating_logger_mt(
+ const std::string &logger_name, const filename_t &filename, size_t max_file_size, size_t max_files, bool rotate_on_open=false)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::rotating_file_sink_mt>(logger_name, filename, max_file_size, max_files, rotate_on_open);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> rotating_logger_st(
+ const std::string &logger_name, const filename_t &filename, size_t max_file_size, size_t max_files, bool rotate_on_open = false)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::rotating_file_sink_st>(logger_name, filename, max_file_size, max_files, rotate_on_open);
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1adc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#include "spdlog/details/log_msg.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/pattern_formatter.h"
+#include "spdlog/formatter.h"
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+class sink
+ sink()
+ : level_(level::trace)
+ , formatter_(new pattern_formatter())
+ {
+ }
+ explicit sink(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::pattern_formatter> formatter)
+ : level_(level::trace)
+ , formatter_(std::move(formatter))
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~sink() = default;
+ virtual void log(const details::log_msg &msg) = 0;
+ virtual void flush() = 0;
+ virtual void set_pattern(const std::string &pattern) = 0;
+ virtual void set_formatter(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> sink_formatter) = 0;
+ bool should_log(level::level_enum msg_level) const
+ {
+ return msg_level >= level_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ void set_level(level::level_enum log_level)
+ {
+ }
+ level::level_enum level() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<spdlog::level::level_enum>(level_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
+ }
+ // sink log level - default is all
+ level_t level_;
+ // sink formatter - default is full format
+ std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> formatter_;
+} // namespace sinks
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74bfceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2018 spdlog
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "spdlog/sinks/wincolor_sink.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/ansicolor_sink.h"
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+using stdout_color_sink_mt = wincolor_stdout_sink_mt;
+using stdout_color_sink_st = wincolor_stdout_sink_st;
+using stderr_color_sink_mt = wincolor_stderr_sink_mt;
+using stderr_color_sink_st = wincolor_stderr_sink_st;
+using stdout_color_sink_mt = ansicolor_stdout_sink_mt;
+using stdout_color_sink_st = ansicolor_stdout_sink_st;
+using stderr_color_sink_mt = ansicolor_stderr_sink_mt;
+using stderr_color_sink_st = ansicolor_stderr_sink_st;
+} // namespace sinks
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stdout_color_mt(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stdout_color_sink_mt>(logger_name);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stdout_color_st(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stdout_color_sink_st>(logger_name);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stderr_color_mt(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stderr_color_sink_mt>(logger_name);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stderr_color_st(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stderr_color_sink_mt>(logger_name);
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8e979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/console_globals.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+template<typename TargetStream, typename ConsoleMutex>
+class stdout_sink final : public sink
+ using mutex_t = typename ConsoleMutex::mutex_t;
+ stdout_sink()
+ : mutex_(ConsoleMutex::mutex())
+ , file_(TargetStream::stream())
+ {
+ }
+ ~stdout_sink() override = default;
+ stdout_sink(const stdout_sink &other) = delete;
+ stdout_sink &operator=(const stdout_sink &other) = delete;
+ void log(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ fwrite(, sizeof(char), formatted.size(), file_);
+ fflush(TargetStream::stream());
+ }
+ void flush() override
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ fflush(file_);
+ }
+ void set_pattern(const std::string &pattern) override
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ formatter_ = std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter>(new pattern_formatter(pattern));
+ }
+ void set_formatter(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> sink_formatter) override
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ formatter_ = std::move(sink_formatter);
+ }
+ mutex_t &mutex_;
+ FILE *file_;
+using stdout_sink_mt = stdout_sink<details::console_stdout, details::console_mutex>;
+using stdout_sink_st = stdout_sink<details::console_stdout, details::console_nullmutex>;
+using stderr_sink_mt = stdout_sink<details::console_stderr, details::console_mutex>;
+using stderr_sink_st = stdout_sink<details::console_stderr, details::console_nullmutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+// factory methods
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stdout_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stdout_sink_mt>(logger_name);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stdout_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stdout_sink_st>(logger_name);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stderr_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stderr_sink_mt>(logger_name);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> stderr_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name)
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::stderr_sink_st>(logger_name);
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/syslog_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/syslog_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bcd84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/syslog_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h"
+#include <array>
+#include <string>
+#include <syslog.h>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+ * Sink that write to syslog using the `syscall()` library call.
+ *
+ * Locking is not needed, as `syslog()` itself is thread-safe.
+ */
+template<typename Mutex>
+class syslog_sink : public base_sink<Mutex>
+ //
+ explicit syslog_sink(std::string ident = "", int syslog_option = 0, int syslog_facility = LOG_USER)
+ : ident_(std::move(ident))
+ {
+ priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(level::trace)] = LOG_DEBUG;
+ priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(level::debug)] = LOG_DEBUG;
+ priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(level::info)] = LOG_INFO;
+ priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(level::warn)] = LOG_WARNING;
+ priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(level::err)] = LOG_ERR;
+ priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(level::critical)] = LOG_CRIT;
+ priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(level::off)] = LOG_INFO;
+ // set ident to be program name if empty
+ ::openlog(ident_.empty() ? nullptr : ident_.c_str(), syslog_option, syslog_facility);
+ }
+ ~syslog_sink() override
+ {
+ ::closelog();
+ }
+ syslog_sink(const syslog_sink &) = delete;
+ syslog_sink &operator=(const syslog_sink &) = delete;
+ void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override
+ {
+ ::syslog(syslog_prio_from_level(msg), "%s", fmt::to_string(msg.payload).c_str());
+ }
+ void flush_() override {}
+ std::array<int, 7> priorities_;
+ // must store the ident because the man says openlog might use the pointer as
+ // is and not a string copy
+ const std::string ident_;
+ //
+ // Simply maps spdlog's log level to syslog priority level.
+ //
+ int syslog_prio_from_level(const details::log_msg &msg) const
+ {
+ return priorities_[static_cast<size_t>(msg.level)];
+ }
+using syslog_sink_mt = syslog_sink<std::mutex>;
+using syslog_sink_st = syslog_sink<details::null_mutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+// Create and register a syslog logger
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> syslog_logger_mt(
+ const std::string &logger_name, const std::string &syslog_ident = "", int syslog_option = 0, int syslog_facility = (1 << 3))
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::syslog_sink_mt>(logger_name, syslog_ident, syslog_option, syslog_facility);
+template<typename Factory = default_factory>
+inline std::shared_ptr<logger> syslog_logger_st(
+ const std::string &logger_name, const std::string &syslog_ident = "", int syslog_option = 0, int syslog_facility = (1 << 3))
+ return Factory::template create<sinks::syslog_sink_st>(logger_name, syslog_ident, syslog_option, syslog_facility);
+} // namespace spdlog
diff --git a/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/wincolor_sink.h b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/wincolor_sink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fdf8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/spdlog/sinks/wincolor_sink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// Copyright(c) 2016 spdlog
+// Distributed under the MIT License (
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SPDLOG_H
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "spdlog/common.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/console_globals.h"
+#include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h"
+#include "spdlog/sinks/sink.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <wincon.h>
+namespace spdlog {
+namespace sinks {
+ * Windows color console sink. Uses WriteConsoleA to write to the console with
+ * colors
+ */
+template<typename OutHandle, typename ConsoleMutex>
+class wincolor_sink : public sink
+ wincolor_sink()
+ : out_handle_(OutHandle::handle())
+ , mutex_(ConsoleMutex::mutex())
+ {
+ colors_[level::trace] = WHITE;
+ colors_[level::debug] = CYAN;
+ colors_[level::info] = GREEN;
+ colors_[level::warn] = YELLOW | BOLD;
+ colors_[level::err] = RED | BOLD; // red bold
+ colors_[level::critical] = BACKGROUND_RED | WHITE | BOLD; // white bold on red background
+ colors_[level::off] = 0;
+ }
+ ~wincolor_sink() override
+ {
+ this->flush();
+ }
+ wincolor_sink(const wincolor_sink &other) = delete;
+ wincolor_sink &operator=(const wincolor_sink &other) = delete;
+ // change the color for the given level
+ void set_color(level::level_enum level, WORD color)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ colors_[level] = color;
+ }
+ void log(const details::log_msg &msg) final override
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ fmt::memory_buffer formatted;
+ formatter_->format(msg, formatted);
+ if (msg.color_range_end > msg.color_range_start)
+ {
+ // before color range
+ print_range_(formatted, 0, msg.color_range_start);
+ // in color range
+ auto orig_attribs = set_console_attribs(colors_[msg.level]);
+ print_range_(formatted, msg.color_range_start, msg.color_range_end);
+ ::SetConsoleTextAttribute(out_handle_,
+ orig_attribs); // reset to orig colors
+ // after color range
+ print_range_(formatted, msg.color_range_end, formatted.size());
+ }
+ else // print without colors if color range is invalid
+ {
+ print_range_(formatted, 0, formatted.size());
+ }
+ }
+ void flush() final override
+ {
+ // windows console always flushed?
+ }
+ void set_pattern(const std::string &pattern) override final
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ formatter_ = std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter>(new pattern_formatter(pattern));
+ }
+ void set_formatter(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> sink_formatter) override final
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(mutex_);
+ formatter_ = std::move(sink_formatter);
+ }
+ using mutex_t = typename ConsoleMutex::mutex_t;
+ // set color and return the orig console attributes (for resetting later)
+ WORD set_console_attribs(WORD attribs)
+ {
+ CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO orig_buffer_info;
+ ::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out_handle_, &orig_buffer_info);
+ WORD back_color = orig_buffer_info.wAttributes;
+ // retrieve the current background color
+ // keep the background color unchanged
+ ::SetConsoleTextAttribute(out_handle_, attribs | back_color);
+ return orig_buffer_info.wAttributes; // return orig attribs
+ }
+ // print a range of formatted message to console
+ void print_range_(const fmt::memory_buffer &formatted, size_t start, size_t end)
+ {
+ auto size = static_cast<DWORD>(end - start);
+ ::WriteConsoleA(out_handle_, + start, size, nullptr, nullptr);
+ }
+ HANDLE out_handle_;
+ mutex_t &mutex_;
+ std::unordered_map<level::level_enum, WORD, level::level_hasher> colors_;
+using wincolor_stdout_sink_mt = wincolor_sink<details::console_stdout, details::console_mutex>;
+using wincolor_stdout_sink_st = wincolor_sink<details::console_stdout, details::console_nullmutex>;
+using wincolor_stderr_sink_mt = wincolor_sink<details::console_stderr, details::console_mutex>;
+using wincolor_stderr_sink_st = wincolor_sink<details::console_stderr, details::console_nullmutex>;
+} // namespace sinks
+} // namespace spdlog