path: root/matching/include/matching_distance.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'matching/include/matching_distance.hpp')
1 files changed, 722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/matching/include/matching_distance.hpp b/matching/include/matching_distance.hpp
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index 0000000..f7f44a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matching/include/matching_distance.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+namespace md {
+ template<class R, class T>
+ void DistanceCalculator<R, T>::check_upper_bound(const CellWithValue<R>& dual_cell) const
+ {
+ const int n_samples_lambda = 100;
+ const int n_samples_mu = 100;
+ DualBox<R> db = dual_cell.dual_box();
+ R min_lambda = db.lambda_min();
+ R max_lambda = db.lambda_max();
+ R min_mu = db.mu_min();
+ R max_mu = db.mu_max();
+ R h_lambda = (max_lambda - min_lambda) / n_samples_lambda;
+ R h_mu = (max_mu - min_mu) / n_samples_mu;
+ for(int i = 1; i < n_samples_lambda; ++i) {
+ for(int j = 1; j < n_samples_mu; ++j) {
+ R lambda = min_lambda + i * h_lambda;
+ R mu = min_mu + j * h_mu;
+ DualPoint<R> l(db.axis_type(), db.angle_type(), lambda, mu);
+ R other_result = distance_on_line_const(l);
+ R diff = fabs(dual_cell.stored_upper_bound() - other_result);
+ if (other_result > dual_cell.stored_upper_bound()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Wrong delta estimate");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for all lines l, l' inside dual box,
+ // find the upper bound on the difference of weighted pushes of p
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R
+ DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_max_displacement_single_point(const CellWithValue<R>& dual_cell, ValuePoint vp,
+ const Point<R>& p) const
+ {
+ assert(p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0);
+#ifdef MD_DEBUG
+ std::vector<long long int> debug_ids = {3, 13, 54, 218, 350, 382, 484, 795, 2040, 8415, 44076};
+ bool debug = false; // std::find(debug_ids.begin(), debug_ids.end(), != debug_ids.end();
+ DualPoint<R> line = dual_cell.value_point(vp);
+ const R base_value = line.weighted_push(p);
+ R result = 0.0;
+ for(DualPoint<R> dp : dual_cell.dual_box().critical_points(p)) {
+ R dp_value = dp.weighted_push(p);
+ result = std::max(result, fabs(base_value - dp_value));
+ }
+ auto db = dual_cell.dual_box();
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<R> dlambda(db.lambda_min(), db.lambda_max());
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<R> dmu(db.mu_min(), db.mu_max());
+ std::mt19937 gen(1);
+ for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+ R lambda = dlambda(gen);
+ R mu = dmu(gen);
+ DualPoint<R> dp_random { db.axis_type(), db.angle_type(), lambda, mu };
+ R dp_value = dp_random.weighted_push(p);
+ if (fabs(base_value - dp_value) > result) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("error in get_max_displacement_single_value");
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ typename DistanceCalculator<R, T>::CellValueVector DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_initial_dual_grid(R& lower_bound)
+ {
+ CellValueVector result = get_refined_grid(params_.initialization_depth, false, true);
+ lower_bound = -1;
+ for(const auto& dc : result) {
+ lower_bound = std::max(lower_bound, dc.max_corner_value());
+ }
+ assert(lower_bound >= 0);
+ for(auto& dual_cell : result) {
+ R good_enough_ub = get_good_enough_upper_bound(lower_bound);
+ R max_value_on_cell = get_upper_bound(dual_cell, good_enough_ub);
+ dual_cell.set_max_possible_value(max_value_on_cell);
+ check_upper_bound(dual_cell);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ typename DistanceCalculator<R, T>::CellValueVector
+ DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_refined_grid(int init_depth, bool calculate_on_intermediate, bool calculate_on_last)
+ {
+ const R y_max = std::max(module_a_.max_y(), module_b_.max_y());
+ const R x_max = std::max(module_a_.max_x(), module_b_.max_x());
+ const R lambda_min = 0;
+ const R lambda_max = 1;
+ const R mu_min = 0;
+ DualBox<R> x_flat(DualPoint<R>(AxisType::x_type, AngleType::flat, lambda_min, mu_min),
+ DualPoint<R>(AxisType::x_type, AngleType::flat, lambda_max, x_max));
+ DualBox<R> x_steep(DualPoint<R>(AxisType::x_type, AngleType::steep, lambda_min, mu_min),
+ DualPoint<R>(AxisType::x_type, AngleType::steep, lambda_max, x_max));
+ DualBox<R> y_flat(DualPoint<R>(AxisType::y_type, AngleType::flat, lambda_min, mu_min),
+ DualPoint<R>(AxisType::y_type, AngleType::flat, lambda_max, y_max));
+ DualBox<R> y_steep(DualPoint<R>(AxisType::y_type, AngleType::steep, lambda_min, mu_min),
+ DualPoint<R>(AxisType::y_type, AngleType::steep, lambda_max, y_max));
+ CellWithValue<R> x_flat_cell(x_flat, 0);
+ CellWithValue<R> x_steep_cell(x_steep, 0);
+ CellWithValue<R> y_flat_cell(y_flat, 0);
+ CellWithValue<R> y_steep_cell(y_steep, 0);
+ if (init_depth == 0) {
+ DualPoint<R> diagonal_x_flat(AxisType::x_type, AngleType::flat, 1, 0);
+ R diagonal_value = distance_on_line(diagonal_x_flat);
+ n_hera_calls_per_level_[0]++;
+ x_flat_cell.set_value_at(ValuePoint::lower_right, diagonal_value);
+ y_flat_cell.set_value_at(ValuePoint::lower_right, diagonal_value);
+ x_steep_cell.set_value_at(ValuePoint::lower_right, diagonal_value);
+ y_steep_cell.set_value_at(ValuePoint::lower_right, diagonal_value);
+ }
+#ifdef MD_DEBUG
+ = 1;
+ = 2;
+ = 3;
+ = 4;
+ CellWithValue<R>::max_id = 4;
+ CellValueVector result {x_flat_cell, x_steep_cell, y_flat_cell, y_steep_cell};
+ if (init_depth == 0) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ CellValueVector refined_result;
+ for(int i = 1; i <= init_depth; ++i) {
+ refined_result.clear();
+ for(const auto& dual_cell : result) {
+ for(auto refined_cell : dual_cell.get_refined_cells()) {
+ // we calculate for init_dept - 1, not init_depth,
+ // because we want the cells to have value at a corner
+ if ((i == init_depth - 1 and calculate_on_last) or calculate_on_intermediate)
+ set_cell_central_value(refined_cell);
+ refined_result.push_back(refined_cell);
+ }
+ }
+ result = std::move(refined_result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ DistanceCalculator<R, T>::DistanceCalculator(const T& a,
+ const T& b,
+ CalculationParams<R>& params)
+ :
+ module_a_(a),
+ module_b_(b),
+ params_(params)
+ {
+ // make all coordinates non-negative
+ auto min_coord = std::min(module_a_.minimal_coordinate(),
+ module_b_.minimal_coordinate());
+ if (min_coord < 0) {
+ module_a_.translate(-min_coord);
+ module_b_.translate(-min_coord);
+ }
+ assert(std::min({module_a_.min_x(), module_b_.min_x(), module_a_.min_y(),
+ module_b_.min_y()}) >= 0);
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_max_x(int module) const
+ {
+ return (module == 0) ? module_a_.max_x() : module_b_.max_x();
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_max_y(int module) const
+ {
+ return (module == 0) ? module_a_.max_y() : module_b_.max_y();
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R
+ DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_local_refined_bound(const DualBox<R>& dual_box) const
+ {
+ return get_local_refined_bound(0, dual_box) + get_local_refined_bound(1, dual_box);
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R
+ DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_local_refined_bound(int module, const DualBox<R>& dual_box) const
+ {
+ R d_lambda = dual_box.lambda_max() - dual_box.lambda_min();
+ R d_mu = dual_box.mu_max() - dual_box.mu_min();
+ R result;
+ if (dual_box.axis_type() == AxisType::x_type) {
+ if (dual_box.is_flat()) {
+ result = dual_box.lambda_max() * d_mu + (get_max_x(module) - dual_box.mu_min()) * d_lambda;
+ } else {
+ result = d_mu + get_max_y(module) * d_lambda;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // y-type
+ if (dual_box.is_flat()) {
+ result = d_mu + get_max_x(module) * d_lambda;
+ } else {
+ // steep
+ result = dual_box.lambda_max() * d_mu + (get_max_y(module) - dual_box.mu_min()) * d_lambda;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_local_dual_bound(int module, const DualBox<R>& dual_box) const
+ {
+ R dlambda = dual_box.lambda_max() - dual_box.lambda_min();
+ R dmu = dual_box.mu_max() - dual_box.mu_min();
+ if (dual_box.is_flat()) {
+ return get_max_x(module) * dlambda + dmu;
+ } else {
+ return get_max_y(module) * dlambda + dmu;
+ }
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_local_dual_bound(const DualBox<R>& dual_box) const
+ {
+ return get_local_dual_bound(0, dual_box) + get_local_dual_bound(1, dual_box);
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_upper_bound(const CellWithValue<R>& dual_cell, R good_enough_ub) const
+ {
+ assert(good_enough_ub >= 0);
+ switch(params_.bound_strategy) {
+ case BoundStrategy::bruteforce:
+ return std::numeric_limits<R>::max();
+ case BoundStrategy::local_dual_bound:
+ return dual_cell.min_value() + get_local_dual_bound(dual_cell.dual_box());
+ case BoundStrategy::local_dual_bound_refined:
+ return dual_cell.min_value() + get_local_refined_bound(dual_cell.dual_box());
+ case BoundStrategy::local_combined: {
+ R cheap_upper_bound = dual_cell.min_value() + get_local_refined_bound(dual_cell.dual_box());
+ if (cheap_upper_bound < good_enough_ub) {
+ return cheap_upper_bound;
+ } else {
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ }
+ }
+ case BoundStrategy::local_dual_bound_for_each_point: {
+ R result = std::numeric_limits<R>::max();
+ for(ValuePoint vp : k_corner_vps) {
+ if (not dual_cell.has_value_at(vp)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ R base_value = dual_cell.value_at(vp);
+ R bound_dgm_a = get_single_dgm_bound(dual_cell, vp, 0, good_enough_ub);
+ if (params_.stop_asap and bound_dgm_a + base_value >= good_enough_ub) {
+ // we want to return a valid upper bound, not just something that will prevent discarding the cell
+ // and we don't want to compute pushes for points in second bifiltration.
+ // so just return a constant time bound
+ return dual_cell.min_value() + get_local_refined_bound(dual_cell.dual_box());
+ }
+ R bound_dgm_b = get_single_dgm_bound(dual_cell, vp, 1,
+ std::max(R(0), good_enough_ub - bound_dgm_a));
+ result = std::min(result, base_value + bound_dgm_a + bound_dgm_b);
+ if (params_.stop_asap and result < good_enough_ub) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ // to suppress compiler warning
+ return std::numeric_limits<R>::max();
+ }
+ // find maximal displacement of weighted points of m for all lines in dual_box
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R
+ DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_single_dgm_bound(const CellWithValue<R>& dual_cell,
+ ValuePoint vp,
+ int module,
+ R good_enough_value) const
+ {
+ R result = 0;
+ Point<R> max_point;
+ const T& m = (module == 0) ? module_a_ : module_b_;
+ for(const auto& position : m.positions()) {
+ R x = get_max_displacement_single_point(dual_cell, vp, position);
+ if (x > result) {
+ result = x;
+ max_point = position;
+ }
+ if (params_.stop_asap and result > good_enough_value) {
+ // we want to return a valid upper bound,
+ // now we just see it is worse than we need, but it may be even more
+ // just return a valid upper bound
+ result = get_local_refined_bound(dual_cell.dual_box());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::distance()
+ {
+ return get_distance_pq();
+ }
+ // calculate weighted bottleneneck distance between slices on line
+ // increments hera calls counter
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::distance_on_line(DualPoint<R> line)
+ {
+ ++n_hera_calls_;
+ R result = distance_on_line_const(line);
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::distance_on_line_const(DualPoint<R> line) const
+ {
+ // TODO: think about this - how to call Hera
+ auto dgm_a = module_a_.weighted_slice_diagram(line);
+ auto dgm_b = module_b_.weighted_slice_diagram(line);
+ R result;
+ if (params_.hera_epsilon > static_cast<R>(0)) {
+ result = hera::bottleneckDistApprox(dgm_a, dgm_b, params_.hera_epsilon) / ( params_.hera_epsilon + 1);
+ } else {
+ result = hera::bottleneckDistExact(dgm_a, dgm_b);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_good_enough_upper_bound(R lower_bound) const
+ {
+ R result;
+ // in upper_bound strategy we only prune cells if they cannot improve the lower bound,
+ // otherwise the experiment is supposed to run indefinitely
+ if (params_.traverse_strategy == TraverseStrategy::upper_bound) {
+ result = lower_bound;
+ } else {
+ result = (1.0 + * lower_bound;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // helper function
+ // calculate weighted bt distance on cell center,
+ // assign distance value to cell, keep it in heat_map, and return
+ template<class R, class T>
+ void DistanceCalculator<R, T>::set_cell_central_value(CellWithValue<R>& dual_cell)
+ {
+ DualPoint<R> central_line {};
+ R new_value = distance_on_line(central_line);
+ n_hera_calls_per_level_[dual_cell.level() + 1]++;
+ dual_cell.set_value_at(ValuePoint::center, new_value);
+ params_.actual_max_depth = std::max(params_.actual_max_depth, dual_cell.level() + 1);
+ if (params_.bound_strategy == BoundStrategy::bruteforce) {
+ if (dual_cell.level() > params_.initialization_depth + 1
+ and params_.heat_maps[dual_cell.level()].count( > 0) {
+ auto existing = params_.heat_maps[dual_cell.level()].find(;
+ }
+ assert(dual_cell.level() <= params_.initialization_depth + 1
+ or params_.heat_maps[dual_cell.level()].count( == 0);
+ params_.heat_maps[dual_cell.level()][] = new_value;
+ }
+ }
+ // quick-and-dirty hack to efficiently traverse priority queue with dual cells
+ // returns maximal possible value on all cells in queue
+ // assumes that the underlying container is vector!
+ // cell_ptr: pointer to the first element in queue
+ // n_cells: queue size
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_max_possible_value(const CellWithValue<R>* cell_ptr, int n_cells)
+ {
+ R result = (n_cells > 0) ? cell_ptr->stored_upper_bound() : 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < n_cells; ++i, ++cell_ptr) {
+ result = std::max(result, cell_ptr->stored_upper_bound());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // helper function:
+ // return current error from lower and upper bounds
+ // and save it in params_ (hence not const)
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::current_error(R lower_bound, R upper_bound)
+ {
+ R current_error = (lower_bound > 0.0) ? (upper_bound - lower_bound) / lower_bound
+ : std::numeric_limits<R>::max();
+ params_.actual_error = current_error;
+ return current_error;
+ }
+ // return matching distance
+ // use priority queue to store dual cells
+ // comparison function depends on the strategies in params_
+ // ressets hera calls counter
+ template<class R, class T>
+ R DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_distance_pq()
+ {
+ std::map<int, long> n_cells_considered;
+ std::map<int, long> n_cells_pushed_into_queue;
+ long int n_too_deep_cells = 0;
+ std::map<int, long> n_cells_discarded;
+ std::map<int, long> n_cells_pruned;
+ std::chrono::high_resolution_clock timer;
+ auto start_time =;
+ n_hera_calls_ = 0;
+ n_hera_calls_per_level_.clear();
+ // if cell is too deep and is not pushed into queue,
+ // we still need to take its max value into account;
+ // the max over such cells is stored in max_result_on_too_fine_cells
+ R upper_bound_on_deep_cells = -1;
+ // user-defined less lambda function
+ // to regulate priority queue depending on strategy
+ auto dual_cell_less = [this](const CellWithValue<R>& a, const CellWithValue<R>& b) {
+ int a_level = a.level();
+ int b_level = b.level();
+ R a_value = a.max_corner_value();
+ R b_value = b.max_corner_value();
+ R a_ub = a.stored_upper_bound();
+ R b_ub = b.stored_upper_bound();
+ if (this->params_.traverse_strategy == TraverseStrategy::upper_bound and
+ (not a.has_max_possible_value() or not b.has_max_possible_value())) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("no upper bound on cell");
+ }
+ DualPoint<R> a_lower_left = a.dual_box().lower_left();
+ DualPoint<R> b_lower_left = b.dual_box().lower_left();
+ switch(this->params_.traverse_strategy) {
+ // in both breadth_first searches we want coarser cells
+ // to be processed first. Cells with smaller level must be larger,
+ // hence the minus in front of level
+ case TraverseStrategy::breadth_first:
+ return std::make_tuple(-a_level, a_lower_left)
+ < std::make_tuple(-b_level, b_lower_left);
+ case TraverseStrategy::breadth_first_value:
+ return std::make_tuple(-a_level, a_value, a_lower_left)
+ < std::make_tuple(-b_level, b_value, b_lower_left);
+ case TraverseStrategy::depth_first:
+ return std::make_tuple(a_value, a_level, a_lower_left)
+ < std::make_tuple(b_value, b_level, b_lower_left);
+ case TraverseStrategy::upper_bound:
+ return std::make_tuple(a_ub, a_level, a_lower_left)
+ < std::make_tuple(b_ub, b_level, b_lower_left);
+ default:
+ throw std::runtime_error("Forgotten case");
+ }
+ };
+ std::priority_queue<CellWithValue<R>, CellValueVector, decltype(dual_cell_less)> dual_cells_queue(
+ dual_cell_less);
+ // weighted bt distance on the center of current cell
+ R lower_bound = std::numeric_limits<R>::min();
+ // init pq and lower bound
+ for(auto& init_cell : get_initial_dual_grid(lower_bound)) {
+ dual_cells_queue.push(init_cell);
+ }
+ R upper_bound = get_max_possible_value(&, dual_cells_queue.size());
+ std::vector<UbExperimentRecord> ub_experiment_results;
+ while(not dual_cells_queue.empty()) {
+ CellWithValue<R> dual_cell =;
+ dual_cells_queue.pop();
+ assert(dual_cell.has_corner_value()
+ and dual_cell.has_max_possible_value()
+ and dual_cell.max_corner_value() <= upper_bound);
+ n_cells_considered[dual_cell.level()]++;
+ bool discard_cell = false;
+ if (not params_.stop_asap) {
+ // if stop_asap is on, it is safer to never discard a cell
+ if (params_.bound_strategy == BoundStrategy::bruteforce) {
+ discard_cell = false;
+ } else if (params_.traverse_strategy == TraverseStrategy::upper_bound) {
+ discard_cell = (dual_cell.stored_upper_bound() <= lower_bound);
+ } else {
+ discard_cell = (dual_cell.stored_upper_bound() <= (1.0 + * lower_bound);
+ }
+ }
+ if (discard_cell) {
+ n_cells_discarded[dual_cell.level()]++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // until now, dual_cell knows its value in one of its corners
+ // new_value will be the weighted distance at its center
+ set_cell_central_value(dual_cell);
+ R new_value = dual_cell.value_at(ValuePoint::center);
+ lower_bound = std::max(new_value, lower_bound);
+ assert(upper_bound >= lower_bound);
+ if (current_error(lower_bound, upper_bound) < {
+ break;
+ }
+ // refine cell and push 4 smaller cells into queue
+ for(auto refined_cell : dual_cell.get_refined_cells()) {
+ if (refined_cell.num_values() == 0)
+ throw std::runtime_error("no value on cell");
+ // if delta is smaller than good_enough_value, it allows to prune cell
+ R good_enough_ub = get_good_enough_upper_bound(lower_bound);
+ // upper bound of the parent holds for refined_cell
+ // and can sometimes be smaller!
+ R upper_bound_on_refined_cell = std::min(dual_cell.stored_upper_bound(),
+ get_upper_bound(refined_cell, good_enough_ub));
+ refined_cell.set_max_possible_value(upper_bound_on_refined_cell);
+ check_upper_bound(refined_cell);
+ bool prune_cell = false;
+ if (refined_cell.level() <= params_.max_depth) {
+ // cell might be added to queue; if it is not added, its maximal value can be safely ignored
+ if (params_.traverse_strategy == TraverseStrategy::upper_bound) {
+ prune_cell = (refined_cell.stored_upper_bound() <= lower_bound);
+ } else if (params_.bound_strategy != BoundStrategy::bruteforce) {
+ prune_cell = (refined_cell.stored_upper_bound() <= (1.0 + * lower_bound);
+ }
+ if (prune_cell)
+ n_cells_pruned[refined_cell.level()]++;
+// prune_cell = (max_result_on_refined_cell <= lower_bound);
+ } else {
+ // cell is too deep, it won't be added to queue
+ // we must memorize maximal value on this cell, because we won't see it anymore
+ prune_cell = true;
+ if (refined_cell.stored_upper_bound() > (1 + * lower_bound) {
+ n_too_deep_cells++;
+ }
+ upper_bound_on_deep_cells = std::max(upper_bound_on_deep_cells, refined_cell.stored_upper_bound());
+ }
+ if (not prune_cell) {
+ n_cells_pushed_into_queue[refined_cell.level()]++;
+ dual_cells_queue.push(refined_cell);
+ }
+ } // end loop over refined cells
+ if (dual_cells_queue.empty())
+ upper_bound = std::max(upper_bound, upper_bound_on_deep_cells);
+ else
+ upper_bound = std::max(upper_bound_on_deep_cells,
+ get_max_possible_value(&, dual_cells_queue.size()));
+ if (params_.traverse_strategy == TraverseStrategy::upper_bound) {
+ upper_bound =;
+ if (get_hera_calls_number() < 20 || get_hera_calls_number() % 20 == 0) {
+ auto elapsed = - start_time;
+ UbExperimentRecord ub_exp_record;
+ ub_exp_record.error = current_error(lower_bound, upper_bound);
+ ub_exp_record.lower_bound = lower_bound;
+ ub_exp_record.upper_bound = upper_bound;
+ ub_exp_record.cell =;
+ ub_exp_record.n_hera_calls = n_hera_calls_;
+ ub_exp_record.time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(elapsed).count();
+#ifdef MD_DO_CHECKS
+ if (ub_experiment_results.size() > 0) {
+ auto prev = ub_experiment_results.back();
+ if (upper_bound > prev.upper_bound) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("die");
+ }
+ if (lower_bound < prev.lower_bound) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("die");
+ }
+ }
+ ub_experiment_results.emplace_back(ub_exp_record);
+ std::cerr << "[UB_EXPERIMENT]\t" << ub_exp_record << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ assert(upper_bound >= lower_bound);
+ if (current_error(lower_bound, upper_bound) < {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ params_.actual_error = current_error(lower_bound, upper_bound);
+ if (n_too_deep_cells > 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Warning: error not guaranteed, there were too deep cells.";
+ std::cerr << " Increase max_depth or delta, actual error = " << params_.actual_error << std::endl;
+ }
+ // otherwise actual_error in params can be larger than delta,
+ // but this is OK
+ if (params_.print_stats) {
+ std::cout << "EXIT STATS, cells considered:\n";
+ print_map(n_cells_considered);
+ std::cout << "EXIT STATS, cells discarded:\n";
+ print_map(n_cells_discarded);
+ std::cout << "EXIT STATS, cells pruned:\n";
+ print_map(n_cells_pruned);
+ std::cout << "EXIT STATS, cells pushed:\n";
+ print_map(n_cells_pushed_into_queue);
+ std::cout << "EXIT STATS, hera calls:\n";
+ print_map(n_hera_calls_per_level_);
+ std::cout << "EXIT STATS, too deep cells with high value: " << n_too_deep_cells << "\n";
+ }
+ return lower_bound;
+ }
+ template<class R, class T>
+ int DistanceCalculator<R, T>::get_hera_calls_number() const
+ {
+ return n_hera_calls_;
+ }
+ template<class R>
+ R matching_distance(const Bifiltration<R>& bif_a, const Bifiltration<R>& bif_b,
+ CalculationParams<R>& params)
+ {
+ R result;
+ // compute distance only in one dimension
+ if (params.dim != CalculationParams<R>::ALL_DIMENSIONS) {
+ BifiltrationProxy<R> bifp_a(bif_a, params.dim);
+ BifiltrationProxy<R> bifp_b(bif_b, params.dim);
+ DistanceCalculator<R, BifiltrationProxy<R>> runner(bifp_a, bifp_b, params);
+ result = runner.distance();
+ params.n_hera_calls = runner.get_hera_calls_number();
+ } else {
+ // compute distance in all dimensions, return maximal
+ result = -1;
+ for(int dim = 0; dim < std::max(bif_a.maximal_dim(), bif_b.maximal_dim()); ++dim) {
+ BifiltrationProxy<R> bifp_a(bif_a, params.dim);
+ BifiltrationProxy<R> bifp_b(bif_a, params.dim);
+ DistanceCalculator<R, BifiltrationProxy<R>> runner(bifp_a, bifp_b, params);
+ result = std::max(result, runner.distance());
+ params.n_hera_calls += runner.get_hera_calls_number();
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class R>
+ R matching_distance(const ModulePresentation<R>& mod_a, const ModulePresentation<R>& mod_b,
+ CalculationParams<R>& params)
+ {
+ DistanceCalculator<R, ModulePresentation<R>> runner(mod_a, mod_b, params);
+ R result = runner.distance();
+ params.n_hera_calls = runner.get_hera_calls_number();
+ return result;
+ }
+} // namespace md